人教PEP五年級上冊英語課件 Unit 6 Part B 第二課時_第1頁
人教PEP五年級上冊英語課件 Unit 6 Part B 第二課時_第2頁
人教PEP五年級上冊英語課件 Unit 6 Part B 第二課時_第3頁
人教PEP五年級上冊英語課件 Unit 6 Part B 第二課時_第4頁
人教PEP五年級上冊英語課件 Unit 6 Part B 第二課時_第5頁
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1、人人 教教 PEP 版版 英英 語語 五五 年年 級級 上上 冊冊Unit 6 In a nature parkLets learn & Write and sayPart BLets chant: The grass is green.Warm upmountainforestmountainlakehillriverhillforestlakemountainriverPlay a game “Quick respond”.Lead inIs there a _ in the park?Yes, there is.hilllakeforestAsk and answer.house

2、s復(fù)數(shù)PresentationThere are many houses.New wordsYes, there are.Are there any mountains near the village?Whats in the forest?There are many trees in the forest.復(fù)數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)London BridgeYes, there is one.Are there any bridges in the village?Listen and follow the tape.Yes, there is one.Are there any lakes on the

3、 mountain?Lets learnLanguage pointsThere be(is, are) 句型e.g. There is a bridge over the river. There is some water in the water bottle. There are many tall buildings and a river in my city. 表示“某處有(存在)某人或某物?!?Be動詞的形式要與其后面的主語在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致,即“就近原則”。PracticeWhats missing?Are there any _ on the mountain?Yes,

4、there is one.lakesAsk and answer.For example.a village in the nature parkmany houses in the villageThere are many trees near the villageThere is a bridge beside the villageWrite and sayWrite four sentences about the picture.1. There is _. 2. There are _.3. _. 4. _. There is a village in the nature p

5、ark.( ) 1. A. bridge B. house C. duck( ) 2. A. mountain B. building C. hill( ) 3. A. play B. forest C. tree( ) 4. A. village B. city C. river( ) 5. A. river B. lake C. mountainCExercises一、選出不同類的單詞。BACCA. There are some flowers on the table.B. Are there any houses in the picture? Yes, there are.C. Th

6、ere are some dogs in the room.D. There is a bridge over the river.E. Is there a man here? No, there is a woman.二、給圖片搭配正確的句子。( )( )( )( )( )DBCAE( )1. There _ a desk and many chairs in the room. A. am B. is C. are ( )2. _ there any buildings in the city? A. are B. Are C. Is( )3. Are there _ ducks in

7、the river? A. some B. the C. any( )4. Is there a woman _ a man? A. or B. and C. to ( )5. There _ any bananas on the table. A. is B. are C. arent 三、選擇填空。BBCACSummary七彩課堂 伴你成長1. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列單詞:village, tree, house, building, bridge。2. 學(xué)習(xí)了用下列問答句型確認(rèn)某地是否有某些事物: Are there any ? Yes, there are./No, there arent .七彩

8、課堂 伴你成長熟記本節(jié)課所學(xué)的單詞、句型。onetwoHomework完成同步練習(xí)。謝謝大家學(xué)生課堂行為規(guī)范的內(nèi)容是:按時上課,不得無故缺課、遲到、早退。遵守課堂禮儀,與老師問候。上課時衣著要整潔,不得穿無袖背心、吊帶上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等進(jìn)入教室。尊敬老師,服從任課老師管理。不做與課堂教學(xué)無關(guān)的事,保持課堂良好紀(jì)律秩序。聽課時有問題,應(yīng)先舉手,經(jīng)教師同意后,起立提問。上課期間離開教室須經(jīng)老師允許后方可離開。上課必須按座位表就坐。要愛護(hù)公共財(cái)物,不得在課桌、門窗、墻壁上涂寫、刻劃。要注意保持教室環(huán)境衛(wèi)生。離開教室要整理好桌椅,并協(xié)助老師關(guān)好門窗、關(guān)閉電源。 本課件是在本課件是在Micorsoft PowerPoint的平臺上制作的,可以在的平臺上制作的,可以在Windows環(huán)境下獨(dú)立運(yùn)環(huán)境下獨(dú)立運(yùn)行,集文字、符號、圖形、圖像、動畫、聲音于一體,交互性強(qiáng),信息量大,能多路行,集文字、符號、圖形、圖像、動畫、聲音于一體,交互性強(qiáng),信息量大,能多路刺激學(xué)生的視覺、聽


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