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1、詢問信詢問信(Letter of Inquiry) 寫信人對某方面的信息感興趣,寫信人對某方面的信息感興趣,希望了解詳細信息的信件。包括三部希望了解詳細信息的信件。包括三部分內(nèi)容:分內(nèi)容:1. 說明詢問信息的原因說明詢問信息的原因2. 征詢具體信息征詢具體信息3. 期待回復并表示感謝期待回復并表示感謝常用語塊常用語塊1. 尋求幫助尋求幫助 _2. 向某人提供某物向某人提供某物 _3. 首先首先 _4. 更多的信息更多的信息 _further informationask for helpprovide sb. with sth.to start with/ first of all 5 對對感

2、興趣感興趣 _6.希望希望 _7.缺乏缺乏/缺少缺少 _be short of / be lacking in /demand ofbe interested in / have interest inin the hope of/that1. 寫信目的及自我介紹寫信目的及自我介紹1. 1. 我寫信是想知道您能否給我提供有我寫信是想知道您能否給我提供有關關的信息的信息 I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding2.2.我寫信是為了咨詢我寫信是為了咨詢/ 希望得到關于

3、希望得到關于 的信息的信息 I am writing to inquire about I am writing in the hope that I may obtain the information about1.如果能給我提供如果能給我提供方面的信息我將不勝感激。方面的信息我將不勝感激。2. 。1. I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding/concerning2. 2.提出要求提出要求1. 1. 您能告訴我您能告訴我嗎?嗎?2. 2. 我想知道更多關于我想知道更多關于的細節(jié)的細節(jié)3.3.此外

4、,有沒有我要特別注意的事情?此外,有沒有我要特別注意的事情?Would you be so kind as to tell me?I would like to get more details of Besides, is there anything that I should pay special attention to?3 結(jié)束語1. Thank you for your assistance.2. I am looking forward to your immediate response.3. I am expecting your early reply.4. I woul

5、d be grateful if you could give me a prompt reply.Dear _, I am _ (自我介紹自我介紹). I am pleased to write to you for some information about_. (要詢問的內(nèi)容要詢問的內(nèi)容) First of all, .?(問題問題1) Secondly, ? (問題問題2 ) I would also like to inquire _ (重重要問題單獨成段要問題單獨成段). Could you be so kind as to send me some materials abou

6、t _? Thank you for you kindness. I am looking forward to your reply. 短文改錯短文改錯Dear Sir/Madam, I am a student in China or I plan to go to Britain to attend summer school during the vacation. I had seen your advertisement, and I would like to know anything more about your six-week English course. First

7、 where will the course start and how many class hour are there per week? Beside, I wish there would not be too many students in a class. What I would also like to know how much I have to pay to the course and whether accommodation is including. Wouldthere be host family or university dormitory? I am

8、 looking forward to your early reply.Dear Sir/Madam, I am a student in China or I plan to go to Britain to attend summer school during the vacation. I had seen your advertisement, and I would like to know anything more about your six-week English course.and a have something First where will the cour

9、se start and how many class hour are there per week? Beside, I wish there would not be too many students in a class. What I would also like to know how much I have to pay to the course and whether accommodation is including. when hours Besides for included Dear Sir or Madam, 范范 文文 As an exchange stu

10、dent, I will go to your school to study for a month. I am writing to inquire about the accommodation (that) your school provides. I prefer a single room with abathroom on campus. A room on the ground floor would be better. And I dont mind sharing it with other local students as it will provide me with a good chance to make new friends and learn about the local culture. What kind of accommodation could you offer me


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