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1、赫瑞瓦特大學研究生申請流程赫瑞瓦特大學的科研受到了工業(yè)界的大力支持。其科研收入占 學??偸杖氲?45%,在全英一百多所商校中名列前茅。其人均科研收 入曾在 1996 年在全英排名第二,超過了牛津、劍橋以及帝國理工學 院?!驹摹?Application form【原文】 You can apply for all postgraduate programmes (except Edinburgh Business School programmes) using our online application form.可以使用網(wǎng)上申請表格申請所有的研究生課程 ( 愛丁堡商學院 課程除外) 。【

2、原文】 You must create an aount to use the online application form. You don't have to plete the application in one session; you can save what you have done so far and return to plete it at a later date.使用網(wǎng)上申請表格必須創(chuàng)建一個賬戶。你不需要一次性完成申請; 你先保存已經(jīng)完成的部分,以后可以返回再完成。【原文】 Edinburgh Business School programmes 愛丁堡

3、商學院課程You can apply for Edinburgh Business School programmes through the Edinburgh Business School website.你可以通過愛丁堡商學院的網(wǎng)站申請愛丁堡商學院課程?!驹摹?Supporting documents【原文】 You will need to supply various documents to support your application. These include:你將需要為你的申請?zhí)峁└鞣N證明文件?!驹摹?a copy of your degree certifica

4、te and relevant transcripts學位證書的復印件以及相關的成績單?!驹摹?proof of your ability in the English language (if English is not your mother tongue or if you have not already studied for a degree that was taught in English). If you need to improve your English language, please take a look at our Academic English p

5、rogrammes here at Heriot-Watt.英語語言能力證明 (如果英語不是你的母語, 或的學位教學不是 英語授課 ) 。如果你需要提高你的英語能力,請查看赫瑞瓦特的學院 英語課程?!驹摹?references from two academic sources (applicants with relevant full time work experience may use their current employer as one of the referees - plete attached form)兩位學術人員的推薦信 ( 有相關全職工作經(jīng)驗的申請者可以讓目前

6、的雇主作為其中的一位推薦人完成附表 )【原文】 a copy of the photo page from your passport - this is only required if you are an international students who requires a visa to enter the UK護照照片頁面的復印件如果你是進入英國需要簽證的國際 留學生。【原文】 a financial guarantee* to prove how your tuition fees and personal maintenance costs will be met - th

7、is is only required if you are one of the following:資金擔保證明你有能力支付學費及個人日常生活費僅 限于以下情況:【原文】 any Institute of Petroleum Engineering student applying to study on campusan international student who is not entering the UK on aTier 4 visaan international student who is being sponsored by your government or a

8、 mercial organisation 申請在校學習的石油工程研究所的學生 學生簽證不能進入英國的國際留學生 由政府或商業(yè)組織贊助的國際留學生【原文】 Postgraduate taught Masters students in theInstitute of Petroleum Engineering also need to plete a supplementary application form.石油工程研究所 的研究生授課型碩士學士也需要完成補充申請表格?!驹摹?*A financial guarantee is either a signed letter from th

9、e person or organisation that willpay your fees or, ifyou are going to pay your own fees, a reference or statement from your banker showing that you have enough money to meet these expenses. You also need to show that you can meet the cost of living in or close to the University (approx ?8,500 - ?9,

10、000 per year for a single student).資金證明需要是個人或組織的簽名信件,如果你是自己支付費 用,必須有銀行職員的推薦信或陳述來證明你有足夠的資金支付這些 費用。你還需要證明您能支付在校或在外的住宿費用 ( 約 85009000 英鎊每年 / 人)【原文】 Attaching your supporting documentsYou can attach all your supporting documents to your online application form using the document upload facility. We will

11、 aept scanned documents at the application stage, but you may be asked to provide original copies of your documents at a later date.你可以使用文件上傳設備在你的網(wǎng)上申請表格內(nèi)附上所有的證明文件。在申請階段學校介紹掃描件, 但是在后面可能會要求你提供 原件?!驹摹?When to apply申請時間【原文】 There is no official deadline for postgraduate applications (except for the Sch

12、ool of the Built Environment's distance learning programmes); we aept them right up until the beginning of term. However, if you are applying for a popular programme, it is in your best interest to submit your application as soon as you can so that you have the best chance of getting a place.研究生

13、申請沒有具體的官方截止日期 ( 建筑環(huán)境學院的遠程學 習課程除外 ); 在學期開始之前都會接受申請。 但是,如果你申請的是 非常受歡迎的課程, 你最好盡早提交申請, 以便有最佳機會獲取名額。【原文】Youshould also bear in mi nd that in order to secure aommodation on campus you must have received and aepted your offer and submitted your aommodation requirements by the deadline (usually mid-August).

14、你還需要注意,為了確保在校內(nèi)有住宿,你必須在收到通知后 在截止日期 (一般是八月中旬 ) 前提交你的住宿要求?!驹摹?How we process your application【原文】 You should receive a letter about 2 weeks after your application is submitted with your application reference number and contact details for the School you are applying to.在申請?zhí)峤淮蠹s兩周后你會收到一封信件,信件附有申請推薦號以及你申

15、請學院的聯(lián)系信息?!驹摹?All applications will be carefully considered by appropriate staff in the relevant School and you should receive an official response within 8 weeks after you submitted your application.相關學院會有適合的工作人員對所有申請進行仔細考慮,在提 交申請后八周內(nèi)一般會收到一份正式回復?!驹摹?The response that you receive from the School wi

16、ll be either:收到的學院回復會包括以下內(nèi)容:【原文】 an unconditional offer無條件錄取通知【原文】 a conditional offer (further supporting documentation will be required, such as a copy of your degree certificate if you had not pleted your degree when you first submitted your application)有條件錄取通知 ( 要求提供其他的證明文件, 比如如果你最初提 交申請時還沒有完成學位

17、, 那么你此時需要提交一份學位證書達到復 印件 ) ?!驹摹縭egretfully, a decision to reject your application 很遺憾你的申請被拒【原文】 Responding to an offer【原文】 If you receive an offer, please respond to it as soon as possible.如果你收到了通知,請盡快回復。【原文】 Unconditional international applicants who wish to study the 3 week Pre-sessional English p

18、rogramme, prior to their degree programme, must indicate this on their Reply to Offer. You will not be able to select this at a later date.在學位課程開始之前,希望學習三周預休英語課程的無條件國 際留學申請生必須在他們的回復中表明。此后不能再有機會選擇?!驹摹?We operate a tuition fee advance instalment payment, which means that you can secure your place at

19、Heriot-Watt University by paying the first instalment of your first year 's tuition fees. This payment will mainly apply to overseas or self-financing postgraduate students.學校的學費可以提前進行分期付款,這說明通過分期付款支付 第一學年的學費你可以保住你在赫瑞瓦特大學的學生身份。 這種支付 方式主要適用于海外或自費研究生?!驹摹?If you wish to study for a postgraduate award and are able to demonstrate


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