已閱讀5頁,還剩9頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、超市英語情景對話2 購物英語:購物 顧客:We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer? 我們想要購買一些啤酒,哪里有啤酒?顧客:Excuse me. Do you sell vegetables here? 請問你們賣蔬菜嗎?店員:Yes, we do. They're right in front of you. 有的,就在你前面。顧客:We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in? 我們想買一些醬油,醬油在哪一個走道?店員:That woul

2、d be in aisle 7(或者直接說That would be there.然后用手指出位置), with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup.  在第七走道,和調(diào)味品一起,就在蕃茄醬的旁邊。店員:Good evening, can I help you? 晚上好,您需要點兒什么?顧客:Yes, I'd like to buy some skin care lotion. 嗯,我想給我媽買點兒護(hù)膚品。 How much is it? 多少錢?店員:Final price660 yuan. 一共66元。 Ther

3、e is a promotion going on for 10% off. 這個商品現(xiàn)在打9折。單詞: aisle英音:ail美音:al n.1.過道 2.通道,走廊condiment英音:'kndimnt美音:'kndmnt n.(辛辣)調(diào)味品;佐料ketchup英音:'ketp美音:'ktp n. 調(diào)味番茄醬(=catchup)lotion英音:'lun美音:'lon 名詞 n. UC 1. (化妝等用的)化妝水,涂劑promotion英音:pr'mun美音:pr'mon 1 (商品等的)促銷,推銷.2.提升,晉級

4、購物英語:收銀收銀員:Do you want plastic bags? Its about 1 yuan. 您需要塑膠袋么?大約需要1元錢。 顧客:Yes we do. 是的,我們需要。收銀員:It should be about ninety yuan all together. 這些共需要90元 cash or card? 現(xiàn)金還是刷卡? Please swipe the card. 請刷卡。 Just enter the password. 請輸入密碼。 sign here please. 請在這里簽字。單詞:swipe英音:swaip美音:swap 及物動詞 vt. 1. 揮擊;猛擊

5、2. 碰擦,擦過 名詞 n. 強(qiáng)打;用力揮擊plastic英音:'plæstik美音:'plæstk 形容詞 a. 塑膠的;塑膠制的購物英語:退貨店員:May I help you? 我能為你效勞嗎?顧客:Yes, I would like to return these slacks. 是的,我想退回這些長褲。店員:Alright. Do you have your receipt? 好的,你有收據(jù)嗎?顧客:Yes. Here it is. I bought them last week. 有的,在這兒。上星期才買的。店員:And why are you

6、returning them? 為什么要退呢?顧客:I bought them to go with a blouse of mine. But they don't really match. 我本想買來配一件襯衫的,但是它們配起來不好看。店員:I'm sorry, but we usually don't do it. It is our policy. 對不起,我們通常不接受的,這是規(guī)定。顧客:Can you make an exception this time? 這次可以例外嗎?店員:Well. Let me talk to the manager for a

7、 moment. 那么,讓我和經(jīng)理說說看。 Please show me your receipt again. 再讓我看一看你的收據(jù)好嗎? We appreciate your business, Ma'am. 謝謝惠顧,太太。 單詞:slacks英音:slæks美音:slæks 名詞 n.寬松的長褲;便褲Kreceipt英音:ri'si:t美音:r'sit 名詞 n. 1. 收到,接到2. 收據(jù),收條 3. 收到的物(或款項);收入blouse英音:blauz美音:blauz 名詞 n. C (婦女、兒童等的)短上衣,短衫,襯衫poli

8、cy英音:'plisi美音:'pls 名詞 n. CU政策,方針 2. 策略,手段3. 保險單;保險exception英音:ik'sepn美音:k'spn 名詞 n.1.例外;例外的人(或事物) 2.除外;除去appreciate英音:'pri:ieit美音:'pri,et 及物動詞 vt. 1. 欣賞,賞識 2. 感謝,感激購物英語:其他顧客:Excuse me. where can I find the information desk? 打擾一下,那可以找到咨詢臺?店員:Just around the corner. 就在那個拐角處。(最好

9、直接指出方向?。╊櫩停篧here is the mens/ladyroom?( Toilet/restroom都是洗手間的意思)店員:Go down here, then turn right/left at the first turning. Then you will see the mens room/ladys room. 一直往前走,在拐角處右左轉(zhuǎn),你會看到男洗手間女洗手間。(或者直接指明方向)單詞:information英音:,inf'mein美音:,nf'men 名詞 n. 1. 報告;消息;報導(dǎo);情報資料;信 restroom 更衣室,休息室,洗手間買衣服的對

10、話:愛德華Excuse me, I wonder if I can return this item? 您好,請問我能把這個退了嗎? 銷售員Is there something wrong with it? 有什么問題嗎? 愛德華No, that one's not my style and I want to find one that looks better on me. 沒有,只是覺得這件不適合我,想換件更適合自己的。 銷售員Okay, just come here and look at this turtleneck sweater. It's a new styl

11、e that I think will suit your taste. 好吧,過來看看這件圓領(lǐng)毛衣。這是最新款,一定適合你。 愛德華Well, it doesn't look too bad. Can I try it on? 嗯,看起來不錯。我能試穿一下嗎? 銷售員No problem. The fitting room is just at the back on your right. 沒問題。試衣間就在后面靠右的位置。 單詞:wonder英音:'wnd美音:'wnd 不及物動詞 vi. 1.想知道 及物動詞 vt. 1. 想知道item英音:'aitm

12、美音:'atm 名詞 n. 東西,項目,條款、項目,物料項目,turtleneck英音:'t:tlnek美音:'tt!,nk 名詞 n. 高翻領(lǐng),圓翻領(lǐng)sweater英音:'swet美音:'swt 名詞 n. 1. 毛線衣;(厚)運(yùn)動衫taste英音:teist美音:test名詞 n.1.趣味,情趣;審美 2.味道,感受,體驗3. 愛好,興趣 fitting英音:'fiti美音:'ft 名詞 n. 1試穿,試衣 售后服務(wù):店員Can I help you? 您好。 湯姆Yes. I want to buy a skirt for my w

13、ife. 你好,我想給我太太買條裙子。 店員How about this one? 這條怎么樣? 湯姆It looks nice. I'll take it. Could I have it gift-wrapped? 看起來不錯。就這條吧。能包起來嗎? 店員Sure. Just a moment, please. 當(dāng)然,稍等。 湯姆Thank you. By the way, what if my wife doesn't like it? 謝謝。對了,要是我太太不喜歡怎么辦? 店員Well, you can bring it back for a refund within

14、 a month. 嗯,一個月內(nèi)您可以拿回來退。 單詞:gift-wrapped英音:'gift,ræpt美音:'gft,ræpt 形容詞 a. 1. 用花紙(或緞帶)包裝的refund英音:ri'fnd美音:r'fnd 名詞 n. 1. 退還;償還2. 退款;償還金額 within英音:wi'ðin美音:w'ðn 介詞 prep. 1. 在.范圍內(nèi);不超過2.在.里面,在.內(nèi)部打折:陳紅Good morning. I'm thinking about buying some new furnitu

15、re. Could you help me? 你好,我想買些新家具,你有什么推薦的嗎? 售貨員Certainly. We have several three-piece suites on sale. You can have a look. 我們這兒有幾套三件套的家具在打折。你可以看看。 陳紅I think I like the black leather suite. It's on sale, isn't it? 我喜歡那套黑色的皮家具,現(xiàn)在打折嗎? 售貨員Yes. The price has been reduced by 50%. It's a real b

16、argain. 是的,現(xiàn)在半價,很劃算的。 陳紅I'll take the black one. 那我就要這套黑色的了。 單詞:furniture英音:'f:nit美音:'fnt 名詞 n. 1. 家具2. (工廠等的)設(shè)備leather英音:'leð美音:'lð 名詞 n. 1. 皮革2. 皮革制品 形容詞 a. 1. 皮的;皮革制的bargain英音:'b:gin美音:'brgn 名詞 n. C1. 買賣,交易2特價商品,便宜貨 日用品:售貨員Good evening. What can I do for you?

17、 晚上好,您買點兒什么? 艾麗絲Yeah, I can't find the toothbrushes. 你好,牙刷在哪兒? 售貨員They are on your left. What kind of toothbrush would you like? 在您左邊的貨架上。您想要什么樣的牙刷? 艾麗絲Can you suggest any? 您能不能給點兒建議? 售貨員Sure. What about this brand? It is supposed to be very good. They come in hard, soft and medium. 好的,這種牌子怎么樣?挺

18、不錯的,分硬毛、軟毛和中毛三種。 艾麗絲Are there any discounts? 有折扣嗎? 售貨員If you buy six, you get one free. 如果你買六個,免費(fèi)給一個你。單詞:toothbrush英音:'tu:br美音:'tu,br 名詞 n. 1. 牙刷suggest英音:s'dest美音:s'dst 及物動詞 vt. 1.建議,提議suppose英音:s'puz美音:s'poz 及物動詞 vt. 1. 猜想,以為2. 期望;認(rèn)為必須medium英音:'mi:dim美音:'midm 名詞 n.

19、中間;中庸;適中 形容詞 a. 中間的, ,適中的discount英音:'diskaunt美音:'dskaunt 名詞 n. 1. 折扣;打折扣特價:售貨員Good evening, can I help you? 晚上好,您需要點兒什么? 蘇珊Yes, I'd like to buy some skin care lotion for my mom. 嗯,我想給我媽買點兒護(hù)膚品。 售貨員We just launched a new collection designed specifically for fine lines and wrinkles, would y

20、ou like to take a look? 我們新推出了一款專門針對熟齡肌膚的產(chǎn)品。您要看看嗎? 蘇珊How much is it? 多少錢? 售貨員Final price660 yuan. 一共660元。 蘇珊It's kind of expensive. Isn't there a sale or something? 有點兒貴,能打折嗎? 售貨員Actually, yes, there is a promotion going on for 10% off. 能,現(xiàn)在搞促銷,打9折。 單詞:skin care 皮膚護(hù)理,護(hù)膚 line皺紋 lotion英音:'

21、lun美音:'lon 名詞 n. 1. (化妝等用的)化妝水,涂劑launch英音:l:nt美音:lnt 及物動詞 vt出版;將.投放市場; 不及物動詞 vi.投入;猛力展開collection英音:k'lekn美音:k'lkn 名詞 n收集,采集;收取聚集;積聚;大量,大堆designed英音:di'zaind美音:d'zand 形容詞 a. 1. 設(shè)計好的;故意的specifically英音:spi'sifikli美音:sp'sfk! 副詞ad. 1.,特別地;明確地; 2. 按特性;按類別wrinkle英音:'rikl美音:

22、'rk! 名詞 n. C1. 皺;皺紋2. 困難;難題actually英音:'æktjuli美音:'æktul 副詞 ad. 1. 實際上,真的 2.竟然禮物:張華Hello, I'd like to buy a scarf. 你好,我想買條絲巾。 售貨員As a gift? 您買來送人吧? 張華Yes, can you help me choose one? 嗯,你能幫我挑一下嗎? 售貨員Whom is this scarf for? 您是買給誰的? 張華My girlfriend. 我女朋友。 售貨員What about this red

23、 one? It sells well, many girls like it. 您看這條紅色的絲巾怎么樣?這條賣得最好,很多女孩子都喜歡。 張華It's beautiful. I'll take it. Please help me wrap it up單詞:scarf英音:sk:f美音:skrf 名詞 n.圍巾;披巾;頭巾 領(lǐng)巾;領(lǐng)帶wrap英音:ræp美音:ræp及物動詞 vt. 1.包,裹 覆蓋;遮蔽名詞 n. 1. 包裹物,覆蓋物結(jié)賬:收銀員Miss, your total is 594 yuan. 小姐,一共594元。 蘇珊Do you acce

24、pt credit card? 能用信用卡嗎? 收銀員Yes. 能。 蘇珊Here it is. 給。 收銀員Please enter your pin number. 請輸入密碼。 蘇珊OK. 好的。 收銀員OK. Here is your card and receipt. 好的。拿好您的卡和收據(jù)。 蘇珊Thank you. 謝謝。 收銀員Thank you, we look forward to seeing you again. 謝謝惠顧,歡迎下次光臨。 單詞:pin number :縮寫詞personal identification number個人識別號(一種機(jī)器編碼圖書標(biāo)號)f

25、orward英音:'f:wd美音:'frwd 副詞 ad. 1. 向前2.向?qū)?今后討價還價:愛德華Hello, I'd like to check out that coat. 您好,麻煩看看那件上衣。 小販Here you go. 給您。 愛德華Not bad. How much is it? 不錯。多少錢? 小販800 hundred yuan. No bargaining. 一口價,八百。 愛德華Come on. I know you often charge foreigners much more than Chinese. A friend of min

26、e bought this coat for 100 yuan. 得了。我知道你們一見外國人就要高價。我一個朋友也買了這件衣服,才花了一百。 小販He must have showed you another coat. 他的肯定不是這件。 愛德華If so, I will go and find the one he was telling me about. 那我還是去找他的那件吧。 小販All right, I can give you a discount. I'll give it to you for 100. 好吧,給你打個折,就一百賣給你吧。 愛德華That's

27、 quite the discount. 這折扣可真夠狠的。 單詞:bargain英音:'b:gin美音:'brgn及物動詞 vt. 討價還價后賣掉 不及物動詞 vi. 討價還價charge英音:t:d美音:trd 及物動詞 vt. 1. 索價;對.索費(fèi); 不及物動詞 vi. 索價;收費(fèi)another英音:'nð美音:'nð 形容詞 a. 1. 又一,再一2.另外的 代詞 pron. 又一個, quite英音:kwait美音:kwat 副詞 ad. 1. 完全,徹底 2. 相當(dāng), 完全, 十分詢問:服務(wù)臺人員May I help you? 您

28、需要點兒什么? 莉莉Yeah, I'd like to buy a radio. Where could I find them? 嗯,我要買一個收音機(jī),去哪兒買? 服務(wù)臺人員You can find them in the household appliances section on the 3rd floor. 在3樓的家電區(qū)。 莉莉Thank you. 謝謝。 服務(wù)臺人員You're welcome. 單詞:household英音:'haushuld美音:'haus,hold 形容詞 a. 1. 家的,家庭的;家用的appliance英音:'pl

29、ains美音:'plans 名詞 n. 1. 器具,用具;裝置,設(shè)備2. 適用section英音:'sekn美音:'skn 名詞 n. 1地區(qū),區(qū)域,地段 2 (事物的)部分購買電保護(hù)器:愛德華Excuse me,Can you tell me where I can buy a surge protector? 你好,請問哪兒賣電涌防護(hù)的? 導(dǎo)購This way, please. Is the one you are using broken? 這邊,您現(xiàn)在用的壞了? 愛德華No,I have just come back from the US where the

30、standard is 110 watts while China is 220 watts. 不是,我剛從美國回來。那里的電插銷都是110瓦的,中國這邊都是220瓦的。 導(dǎo)購Oh,I see. You want to buy this as a converter, right? 哦,我知道了,您想買這個當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)換器? 愛德華Yes,otherwise I can't use any of the appliances I bought in the US. 對,不然美國買的那些電器就都不能用了。 導(dǎo)購Okay, here we are. This one will suit you I

31、 think. 好的,就是這兒。這個應(yīng)該就是您想要的。 愛德華Good, it is exactly what I need. Thanks. 對,就是這個。謝謝。 單詞:surge英音:s:d美音:sd 名詞 n. 1. 大浪,波濤2 【電】浪涌 3. (感情的)高漲,澎湃protector英音:pr'tekt美音:pr'tkt 名詞 n. 1. 保護(hù)者;防御者 2.保護(hù)裝置,保護(hù)器broken英音:'brukn美音:'brokn 形容詞 a. 1. 破碎的;損壞的 2被破壞的;遭違背的standard英音:'stændd美音:'st

32、ændd 名詞 n. 1. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn),水平;規(guī)格;規(guī)范watt英音:wt美音:wt 名詞 n. 1. 【電】瓦(特)converter英音:kn'v:t美音:kn'vt 名詞 n.【電】變流器,(電視、收音機(jī)的)變頻器otherwise英音:'ðwaiz美音:'ð,waz 副詞 ad 1.否則,不然 2. 在其他方面, 用別的方法exactly英音:ig'zæktli美音:g'zæktl 副詞 ad. 1. 確切地,精確地;完全地 2恰好地,正好地購物車:簡Can you please tell me

33、 where I can find a shopping cart? 請問哪兒有手推車??? 店員There should be many at the entrance. 入口處就有不少。 簡I've checked, but there aren't any. 我看了,沒有。 店員Please wait for a moment. I'll find a cart for you. 您稍等一下。我去給您找一輛。 簡Thank you. 謝謝。 單詞:cart英音:k:t美音:krt 名詞 n. 1. (馬、牛等拉的)二輪(或四輪)運(yùn)貨車2. 小車,手推車entranc

34、e英音:'entrns美音:'ntrns 名詞 n. 1. 入口,門口2. 進(jìn)入的權(quán)利;入學(xué)退款:艾麗絲Excuse me, I want a refund for this towel. 不好意思,我要退這條毛巾。 收銀員What's the matter with it? 有什么問題嗎? 艾麗絲There's a hole in it. I just bought it like two seconds ago. 毛巾上有一個洞。我才剛買了一會兒。 收銀員OK, sorry about that. Could I see your receipt, plea

35、se? 好的,很抱歉。能看一下您的收據(jù)嗎? 艾麗絲Yeah, here you go. 好,給。 收銀員Would you like to exchange this for another one? 您想換一條嗎? 艾麗絲No, I just want my money back. 不想,我要退款。 單詞:refund英音:ri'fnd美音:r'fnd 及物動詞 vt. &不及物動詞 vi. 退還,歸還;償還towel英音:'taul美音:'taul 名詞 n. 毛巾,手巾;紙巾 At the Pastry Shop 在點心店Dialogue AA:W

36、hat can I do for you,madam?B:I'd like to buy two boxes of Chinese moon cakes.A:All right. We have the Guangdong style and the Suzhou style. Which do you want?B:The Suzhou style.A:OK. Anything else?B:Let me see. Ah,yes!I want some bananas.A:Sorry,bananas are out of season now. But we have some go

37、od oranges. They are just in from the country.B:Good. I'll take these ten oranges. How much would that come to?A:Just a moment,please. Forty yuan for the moon cakes and seven yuan for the oranges. That'll be fortyseven yuan in all.B:Here you are,sir.A:Thank you. Here's your change.B:Than

38、k you. Good-bye.Dialogue B(A:shop Assistant B:Mr Smith C:Mrs Smith)A:Can I help you?C:I'd like to buy some Chinese cakes.A:We have cream birthday cakes,ten yuan each. Do you like it?C:Fine. Give me a cream birthday cake and two boxes of famous Chinese cakes,and help me to pick a variety of them,

39、please.A:All right. For Chinese style cakes,we have the Cantonese style and the Suzhou style. The skin of the Cantonese style cakes is sweet,soft,puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing. The famous Cantonese cakes are moon cakes from Guangdong, Shapima.The skin of the Suzhou style cakes is pu

40、ffy and filled with fragrant nuts.There are not only sweet cakes but also meat moon cakes.C:Well,will you wrap them up separately?A:Certainly. Any thing else?C:Nothing more. How much altogether?A:Nineteen yuan and forty-five fen.C:Here are two ten-yuan notes. Keep the change.A:For me?Oh,no. We don&#

41、39;t accept tips. But thank you all the same.C:O. K. . Good-bye.A:Good- bye. Please step in again.Words and ExpressionsCantonese    a. n. 廣東的,廣東人,廣東話puffy     n. 松脆的palatable    a. 可口的,味美的stuffing    n. 填塞;填餡fragrant   

42、a. 芬芳的Key Sentences(重點句子)What can I do for you,Madam!夫人,您要買什么?I'd like to buy two boxes of Chinese moon cakes.我想買兩盒中國月餅。We have the Guangdong style and the Suzhou style.我們有廣式的和蘇式的。Which do you want?您要哪種?Sorry,bananas are out of season now.對不起,現(xiàn)在是香蕉淡季。I'll take these ten oranges.我就買這10個桔子。For

43、ty yuan for the moon cakes and seven yuan for the oranges.月餅40元桔子是7元。That'll be forty seven yuan in all.一共是47元。I'd like to buy some Chinese cakes.我要買些中國糕點。We have cream birthday cakes,ten yuan each. Do youlike it?我們有奶油生日蛋糕,每只10元,您喜歡嗎?Give me a cream birthday cake and two boxes of famous Chin

44、ese cakes.請給我一只奶油生日蛋糕,同時還買兩盒中國名點。The skin of the Cantonese style cake is sweet,soft puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing.廣式糕點的特點是外面的皮甜,軟而松,味美,餡兒多。The skin of Suzhou style cakes is puffy and filled with fragrant nuts.蘇式糕點外面的皮子松、餡兒味芳香。Will you wrap them up separately.請你給我分開包裝。Anything else?還

45、要什么?Nothing more.夠了。Please step in again.請下次再來。1. Bargaining 討價還價Mary: Hello, I'd like to check out that coat. 您好,麻煩看看那件上衣。 Assistant: Here you are. 給您。Mary: Not bad. How much is it? 不錯。多少錢? Assistant: 800 Yuan. No bargaining. 一口價,八百。Mary: Come on. I know you often charge foreigners much more th

46、an Chinese. A friend of mine bought this coat for 100 Yuan. 得了。我知道你們一見外國人就要高價。我一個朋友也買了這件衣服,才花了一百。 Assistant: He must have showed you another coat. 他的肯定不是這件。Mary: If so, I will go and find the one he was telling me about. 那我還是去找他的那件吧。 Assistant: All right, I can give you a discount. I'll give it

47、to you for 100. 好吧,給你打個折,就一百賣給你吧。Mary: That's quite the discount. 這折扣可真夠狠的。New Words單詞:1) bargain英音:'b:gin美音:'brgn及物動詞 vt. 討價還價后賣掉 不及物動詞 vi. 討價還價2) charge英音:t:d美音:trd 及物動詞 vt. 1. 索價;對.索費(fèi); 不及物動詞 vi. 索價;收費(fèi)3) another英音:'nð美音:'nð 形容詞 a. 1. 又一,再一2.另外的 代詞 pron. 又一個, 4) quite英

48、音:kwait美音:kwat 副詞 ad. 1. 完全,徹底 2. 相當(dāng), 完全, 十分2. Return退貨Assistant: May I help you? 我能為你效勞嗎?Customer:Yes, I would like to return these slacks. 是的,我想退回這些長褲。Assistant: Alright. Do you have your receipt? 好的,你有收據(jù)嗎?Customer:Yes. Here it is. I bought them last week. 有的,在這兒。上星期才買的。Assistant: And why are you

49、returning them? 為什么要退呢?Customer:I bought them to go with a blouse of mine. But they don't really match. 我本想買來配一件襯衫的,但是它們配起來不好看。Assistant: I'm sorry, but we usually don't do it. It is our policy. 對不起,我們通常不接受的,這是規(guī)定。Customer:Can you make an exception this time? 這次可以例外嗎?Assistant: Well. Let

50、me talk to the manager for a moment. 那么,讓我和經(jīng)理說說看。 Please show me your receipt again. 再讓我看一看你的收據(jù)好嗎? We appreciate your business, Ma'am. 謝謝惠顧,太太。 New Words單詞:1) slacks英音:slæks美音:slæks 名詞 n.寬松的長褲;便褲K2) receipt英音:ri'si:t美音:r'sit 名詞 n. 1. 收到,接到2. 收據(jù),收條 3. 收到的物(或款項);收入3) blouse英

51、音:blauz美音:blauz 名詞 n. C (婦女、兒童等的)短上衣,短衫,襯衫4) policy英音:'plisi美音:'pls 名詞 n. CU政策,方針 2. 策略,手段3. 保險單;保險5) exception英音:ik'sepn美音:k'spn 名詞 n.1.例外;例外的人(或事物) 2.除外;除去6) appreciate英音:'pri:ieit美音:'pri,et 及物動詞 vt. 1. 欣賞,賞識 2. 感謝,感激1.文胸變身購物袋Japanese women who dont indulge in the national

52、passion of buying designer bags and who care about the environment may soon have an alternative - their bra.      不愛買時裝包及環(huán)保意識較強(qiáng)的日本女性很快就會有一種新的選擇-可變身為購物袋的文胸。      A lingerie maker, in a bid to discourage Japanese from using plastic bags, on Wednesday u

53、nveiled a bra whose cup padding unfolds to become a handheld shopping bag.      日本一家內(nèi)衣制造商為了使人們少用塑料袋,于本周三推出了一款新型文胸,這種文胸的胸墊展開后,可以變成一個手提購物袋。      Lingerie maker Triumph has regularly designed bras aimed at drawing attention to social issues and to raise

54、 its own profile. Last winter it unveiled a bra that can be heated in a microwave so as to help save on indoor heating costs.      內(nèi)衣制造商黛安芬公司為了提高自身的知名度和公眾形象,常會設(shè)計出一些具有“社會效應(yīng)”的內(nèi)衣。去年冬天,黛安芬公司為了響應(yīng)日本政府的節(jié)能計劃,就推出了一款可以用微波爐加熱的文胸,從而減少室內(nèi)供暖的成本。      The "Bra

55、Rangers" - named after the television characters that morph into superheroes - come with matching underwear whose pocket has the inscribed message, "No more plastic bags!"      新推出的這款名叫Bra Rangers的內(nèi)衣得名于電視劇中的變形超人,與其配套的內(nèi)褲口袋里還繡有"別用塑料袋!"的字樣。      The bra-turned-bag is made of poly


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