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1、1 無(wú)錫市 2020 年中考英語(yǔ)押題卷及答案(后附聽(tīng)力材料)考生注意:1本試卷分為第i 卷(選擇題 )、第 ii 卷兩部分。試卷滿分120 分,考試時(shí)間120 分鐘。2. 答卷前,請(qǐng)你務(wù)必將自己的姓名、考生號(hào)、考點(diǎn)校、考場(chǎng)號(hào)、座位號(hào)填寫(xiě)在答題卡 ” 上,并在規(guī)定位置粘貼考試用條形碼。答題時(shí),務(wù)必將答案涂寫(xiě)在“ 答題卡 ” 上,答案答在試卷上無(wú)效。3. 考試結(jié)束后,將本試卷和“ 答題卡 ” 一并交回。第 i 卷一、聽(tīng)力理解: (本大題分為 a、b、c、d 四 部分,共 20小題,每小題 1 分,共 20分)第一節(jié)聽(tīng)對(duì)話選圖(共5 小題,每小題1 分,滿分 5 分)聽(tīng)下面五段對(duì)話,從題中所給的a、

2、b、c 三幅圖片中選出與對(duì)話意思相符的圖片。每段對(duì)話聽(tīng)兩遍。2 第二節(jié)對(duì)話理解(共10 小題,每小題1 分,滿分10 分)聽(tīng)下面七段對(duì)話,從題中所給的a、b、c 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。每段對(duì)話聽(tīng)兩遍。聽(tīng)第一段對(duì)話,完成第6 小題。6. which subject is difficult for the girl? a. chinese. b. math. c. english. 聽(tīng)第二段對(duì)話,完成第7 小題。7. when was fu yuanhui born? a. on january 2nd, 1996. b. on february 7th, 1995. c. on januar

3、y 7th, 1996. 聽(tīng)第三段對(duì)話,完成第8 小題。8. why does the boy study so hard? a. t o get good grades. b. to enter a good university. c. to travel to good places. 聽(tīng)第四段對(duì)話,完成第9 小題。9. what is the girl going to be when she grows up? a.amovie star. b.a swimming star c. a pop singer. 聽(tīng)第五段對(duì)話,完成第10 至第 11 小題。10. where did f

4、rank spend his holiday? a. in the city. b. in the country. c. in the factory. 11. what did they do there? a. they helped with getting in tomatoes. b. they helped with getting in potatoes. c. they helped with planting potatoes. 3 昕第六段對(duì)話,完成第12 至第 13 小題。12. how many times has dick been to the east park

5、? a. once. b. twice. c. three times 13. how does dick like the east park? a. notinteresting. b. too old. c. not very big 聽(tīng)第七段對(duì)話,完成第14 至第 15 小題。14. who is the shortest of the three boys? a. tom. b. bill. c. rick. 15. what does tom like playing better? a. basketball. b. volleyball c. soccer 第三節(jié)聽(tīng)短文,選擇正

6、確信息填表(共5 分,每小題1 分)根據(jù)所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容和表格中的提示詞,從下列各題所給的a、b、c 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇最佳選項(xiàng)。短文聽(tīng)三遍。an experience of watching a movie time last weeked event i went to cinema to watch journey to the west with 16 . result some of the people there made me feel very 17 . causes (1) a few guys were 18 loudly or even shouting. (2)some peop

7、le threw away plastic bags, 19 and other rubbish. advice all of us are supposed to obey the rules 20 . 16. a. my friends b. my parents c. my classmates 17. a. surprised b. excited c. unhappy 18. a. singing b. laughing c. talking 19. a. paper b. bottles c. snacks 20. a. at school b. in public c. at h

8、ome 二、單項(xiàng)填空(本大題共10 小題 ,每小題 1 分,共 10 分)從下列每小題所給的a、b、c、d 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出一個(gè)可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。21. would you like to climb mountains with me this sunday? i d love to.but i_play table tennis against class three.4 a. am going b. am going to c. am d. going to 22. do you like swimming? yes,swimming is a good way_fit. a.

9、keep b. to keep c. keeping d. keeps 23._do you prefer, walking or running? i like running better. a.what b. how c. when d. which 24.the shirt looks very nice. i guess it is_100 yuan. a. at first b. at most c. at least d. at last 25.would you please_so much noise? a. not make b. don t make c. not to

10、make d. making 26.i talked with a foreigner for a long time yesterday. great! it s a good_to practice english.a. habit b.chance c.skill d.exercise 27.i think_a foreign language is not easy. you should_it often. a.to learn;to practice b. learning;practice c. learn;practicing d. learns; to practice 28

11、. many new drivers don t have good_ for driving.they re called road killers( 馬路殺手 )。 you re right.a.tips b. skills c. look d.looks 29.there_a football match next week.shall we go and watch it? a .will have b.has c.have d.will be 30.which team are you going to play_the day after tomorrow? a team from

12、 no.7 junior high school.i hope we will win. a.about b. with c. for d. against 三、完形填空(本大題共10 小題,每小題1 分,共 10 分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的a、 b、 c、d 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。when i was in the third grade, my teacher gave us some seeds. she told us the seeds could turn into some beautiful flowers one day if we _31_ them

13、and look after them _32_. 5 i took the seeds home and put them in a pot. i watered them for a few days and some purple _33_ came out. i reported to my teacher tha t the seeds turned into purple flowers. my classmates turned into red, white and yellow flowers. we all felt excitedly and were _34_ by t

14、he magic of nature. when the bell rang, we drew a conclusion that gardening was wonderful. i felt in love with gardening from that day. one day, an old couple moved in next door. they gave me some _35_ from their garden. i found they grew the best tomatoes i had ever tasted. i wanted to grow some my

15、self. therefore, i asked my mother to buy some tomatoes for me to plant. day by day, i looked after my garden and took out weeds. i always watched my tomatoes and found myself suddenly became interested in _36_. because i always wished rain would water my tomatoes so that they could grow up quickly.

16、 my brother made fun of me and said i was a little farmer. finally, my tomatoes were big, but i found some of my tomatoes were gone one morning. i was sad and _37_. who _38_ my tomatoes? it was some rabbits! i wanted to drive them away but my father stopped me and said they were _39_ and hungry. i s

17、hould _40_ happiness with other! so i did and i became happier. 31. a. cooked b. watered c. boiled d. planted 32. a. quickly b. patiently c. bravely d. excitedly 33. a. seeds b. food c. flowers d. fruit 34. a. attracted b.shocked c. warned d. proved 35. a. flowers b. meat c. tomatoes d. trees 36. a.

18、 vegetable b. crop c. gardening d. weather 37. a. frightened b. angry c. curious d. satisfied 38. a. stole b. kept c. moved d. knocked 39. a. strong b. thirsty c. active d. naughty 40. a. sell b. create c. invent d. share 四、閱讀理解(本大題共15 小題 ,每小題2 分,共30 分)閱讀下面的材料.從每小題所給的a、 b、 c、 d 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。a stephen

19、 hawking was one of the most famous scientists in this century. he was born in 1942. hes a world well-known on space and time. stephen is researching some very big questions, such as: how did the universe begin? how will it end? stephen was a student at oxford university. he studied math and science

20、. then, at the age of twenty, he 6 became sick. he was so young, but the doctors said to his family,he has only two more years to live. as a matter of fact, the doctors were wrong-he didnt die. he cant walk now but he uses a wheelchair (輪椅). he cant feed himself and get in or out of bed himself. but

21、 he refused to give in to the condition. he talks with the help of a computer. after oxford, stephen went to cambridge university. three years later, in 1965, he became a doctor of philosophy ( 哲學(xué) ). because of his serious health problems, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams (圖表 ) or to write.

22、 so he started to think in pictures. with this new way of thinking, he became one of the most famous scientists in the world. in 1891, he met the pope( 教皇 ) in rome. they talked about his ideas. then in 1988, he wrote his first important book, a brief history of time. it sold more than 5.5 million c

23、opies in 33 different languages. he was once invited to china, he impressed us with his self-confidence, humorous and witty (風(fēng)趣的 ) conversation. 41.which of the following is not true? a. stephen is good at thinking. b. stephen cannot walk. c. stephen has had the answers to some very big questions. d

24、. stephen had once studied 42. how old was stephen when he became a doctor of philosophy? a. 21 b. 23 c. 27 d. 25 43.a brief history of time is _. a. a book which is well-known all over the word b. a book about romes history c. stephens talk collection with the pope in rome d. stephens talk collecti

25、on with me in china 44. stephens studies do not relate ( 涉及 ) to _ according to the passage. a. science b. math c. philosophy d. art 45.the right order of stephens main experiences in _. a. he went to cambridge university. b. he became very ill. c. he wrote his first import book. d. he met the pope

26、in rome. a. c-a-b-e-d b. a-b-c-d-e c. c-b-a-e-d d. a-c-b-e-d b 7 new study has been done on the evolutionary( 進(jìn)化的 ) relationship between birds and dinosaurs. that is according to dr. stephen brusatte, from the university of edinburgh. he is doing some research to build the biggest family tree of din

27、osaurs that has ever been created. he says that all kinds of birds, from chickens to hummingbirds( 蜂鳥(niǎo) ), are related to the dinosaurs . “ we have lots of fossils(化石 ) now. and we ve been finding more and more of them over the last 20 years. this is why we are building this big family tree. our team

28、is traveling around the world, looking at a lot of dinosaurs. that tree shows us that there are many features of living birds, things like feathers and wings, that didn t just evolve (進(jìn)化 ) from birds. they evolved from the dinosaur ancestors of birds. the evolution of birds was a long, gradual proce

29、ss, first they had feathers, and then they got wings. then the dinosaurs got smaller. and then, they put them together. they were able to fly. and then, bang! something was unlocked; birds took off. and birds survived the extinction that killed off the dinosaurs, and they are still around today.”“ a

30、lmost every dinosaur died, except for some birds. and why were some birds able to make it through? well, there are a lot of reasons, such as they could fly and were smaller. but, as we also found in this study, birds evolved faster than other dinosaurs. once the feathers and wings came together, bir

31、ds could simply change faster than other types of dinosaurs. maybe that was a key to their succes s. ”46. what is dr. stephen brusatte doing? a. he is building a family tree of birds. b. he is building a family tree of dinosaurs. c. he is doing some research on fish. d. he is doing some research on

32、insects. 47. what is the right order of the evolution of birds? a. dinosaurs were able to fly. b. dinosaurs got smaller. c. dinosaurs grew wings d. dinosaurs grew feathers. a. abcd b. bcadc. cdbad. dcba48. the underlined word “ extinction” in the second paragraph probably means _ .a. leaving b. dyin

33、g out c. giving birth d. growing up 49. which is not one of the reasons that birds could survive, according to dr. stephen brusatte? a. they could fly. b. they were smaller. c. they had few feathers. d. they evolved faster than other dinosaurs. 8 50. what is the passage mainly about? a. the relation

34、ship between birds and dinosaurs. b. how the dinosaurs disappeared. c. the success of dr. stephen brusatte. d. how the dinosaurs appeared. c a good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. you may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard for only a few

35、days before the exam. if you want to be good at english, you have to read stories in english, and to speak english as much as possible. a few days before the exam you should go to bed early. do not go to bed late at night studying. before you start answering in the exam, read carefully over the ques

36、tion papers, and try to understand the meaning of each question. when you have finished your exam, read over your answers. correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you don t miss anything out.51.if people want to do well in an exam, they have to work hard_. a.every day in a year b.for

37、most of the month c.for only a few days d.late at night 52.if people want to learn english well, they_. a.only need to learn grammar b.must often practice english c.have to go to england d.should go to bed early 53.it is important to_a few days before the exam. a.play too much b.have a good sleep c.

38、read the question papers d.have a good drink 54.when people have finished the exam, they should_. a.stand up and leave at once b.answer a few more questions c.make sure that they don t miss anything outd.leave some mistakes on the question papers 55.the best title for the passage is_. a.an important

39、 examb.an easy examc.get ready for examsd.how to pass an exam 9 第卷五、情景交際(每個(gè)小題1 分,共 5 分) 根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容,從方框內(nèi)的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),其中有兩個(gè)為多余選項(xiàng)。a:hi,zhou weilun!it s a nice day,isn t it?b:yes,it is.56a:i m going to stay with my grandparents for a month in the countryside. b:really?57a:because there is too much nois

40、e in the city.58what s more,there are many green plants in the countryside.i like plants. b:i also like plants,but i like animals better. a:why do you think so? b:59they are our friends. a:i think i should also make an animal friend this time. b:60a:thank you. a.when are you going there? b.i like li

41、ving in a quiet place. c.what s the weather like today?d.have a good time in the countryside! e.why do you want to live in the countryside? f.what are you going to do in the summer holiday? g.because animals give us joy and can help us do some useful things. 六、單詞拼寫(xiě)。 (共 10 小題,每題1 分,滿分10 分)根據(jù)句意或首字母或括號(hào)

42、里的漢語(yǔ)提示,把所缺的單詞寫(xiě)在橫線上,并注意變換形式。61. people like a_ the full moon and eating mooncakes on mid-autumn night. 62. be sure to read the i before you operate the machine. 63. study hard, boys and girls. you will be the p of our country in the future. 64.一 come on, sandy. everybody will be lucky or (成功的 )someti

43、me in their life. 一 thanks, ill try again. 10 65. flight 846 (降落 )safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers. 66.researchers say temperatures in north africa will continue (上升 )this summer. 67. on his way back home, frank lost his wallet because of his (粗心 ). 68. doctors say that too much pressure i

44、s not good for a childs (發(fā)展 ). 69. the headmaster r to me after i wrote to him about my problems yesterday. 70. yang jiang (翻譯 )many foreign books into chinese in her life. among them, don quijote( 堂 吉訶德 )is the most famous one. 七、完成句子。本大題共5 小題,每小題2 分,共 10 分)71. 她建議他們親自與自己的兒子談?wù)?。she _ them to talk wi

45、th their son in _ . 72. 當(dāng)你走到那兒,你能感覺(jué)到一股能量從你的雙腳上升到你的身體。as you walk there , you can feel the _ from your _ move up your body . 73. 他怎么沒(méi)把球身射進(jìn)呢?how could he have _ _ that goal ? 74. 那么她就不會(huì)覺(jué)得自己被冷落。then she won t feel _ _ .75. 他十分吝嗇,只想著自己。他對(duì)待其他人也不友善。he is _ and only thinks about himself . he doesnt treat o

46、thers _ . 八、 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問(wèn)題。(每小題2 分,共 10 分)in 1989, a strong earthquake almost flattened america, and over 300,000 people were injured in less than four minutes. though the earthquakes had not ended completely, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, he was surprised to find

47、 that the building was as flat as a pancake. after a moment he came to himself and remembered the promise he had made to his son: “ no matter what happens, i ll always be there for you!” and tears began to fill his eyes. as he looked at the ruins,it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his promi

48、se to his son. he rushed there and started digging in the ruins. as he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, saying: “ it s too late! they re all dead! come on, face the fact. there s nothing you can do!” to each parent he just replied, “ are you going to help me now?” no one helped. and then

49、 he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. 11 courageously he went on along because he needed to know for himself: “ is my boy alive or is he dead? ” he dug for 8 hours 12 hours 24 hours 36hours then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his sons voice. he screamed his son

50、 s name, “ armand! ” he heard back, “ dad! it s me, dad! i told the other kids not to worry. i told them that if you were alive, you would save me and when you saved me, they d be saved. you promised, no matter what happens, i ll always be there for you! you did it, dad!”“ what s going on there?” th

51、e father asked anxiously.“ there are 14 of us left out of 33, dad. we re very frightened, hungry, thirsty and thankful you re here. when the building fell down, it made a triangle(三角形 ),and it saved us.”“ come out, boy!”“ no, dad! let the other kids come out first, because i know you ll get me! no m

52、atter what happens, i know you ll always be there for me!”76. where did the earthquake take place? _ 77. did the other parents help the father? _ 78. how long did the father dig in the ruins? _ 79. why did the father keep digging in the ruins? _ 80. what is the passage mainly about? _ 九、書(shū)面表達(dá)(本大題共15

53、分)請(qǐng)根據(jù)下表提示介紹tom 過(guò)去和現(xiàn)在的情況,并就此事談?wù)勀愕目捶皩?duì)他的建議。過(guò)去喜歡看書(shū) ,功課好 ,花很多時(shí)間學(xué)習(xí)和鍛煉?,F(xiàn)在因沉溺于用手機(jī)發(fā)信息和玩電腦游戲?qū)е聦?duì)學(xué)習(xí)沒(méi)興趣,上課時(shí)不專心聽(tīng)課你的看法玩手機(jī)可以使人放松,但 你的建議至少兩點(diǎn)要求 :1.80-100 詞:短文必須包括表格中的信息,條理清晰 ,觀點(diǎn)明確 ,意思連貫。12 2.文中不能出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名和學(xué)校的名稱及其他相關(guān)信息。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13 參考答案一聽(tīng)力理解(每小題 1 分,共 20 分) 1-5 abbba 6-10 ccbcb 11-15 bbabc 16-20 accab 二、單項(xiàng)填空(本大題共10

54、小題 ,每小題 1 分,共 10 分)21-25 bbdca 26-30 bbbdd 三、完形填空(本大題共10 小題,每小題1 分,共 10 分)31-35 dbcbc 36-40 cbabc 四、閱讀理解(本大題共15 小題 ,每小題2 分,共30 分) 41-45 dbcdd 46-50 bdbca 51-55 abbcd 五、情景交際(每個(gè)小題1 分,共 5 分) 5660 febgd 六、單詞拼寫(xiě)。 (共 10 小題,每題1 分,滿分 10 分)61.admiring 62.instructions 63.pride 64.successful 65.landed 66.rising

55、 67.carelessness 68.development 69.replied 70.translated 七、完成句子。本大題共5 小題,每小題2 分,共 10 分)71. (1). advised (2). person 72.(1). energy (2). feet 73.(1). missed (2). scoring 74.(1). left (2). out 75. (1). mean (2). nicely 八、閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問(wèn)題。(每小題2 分,共 10 分)76. in america. 77. no, they didn t.78. 38 /thirty

56、-eight hours. 79. because he promised his son that he would be with him whatever happened. 80. a promise between a father and a son. 九、書(shū)面表達(dá)(本大題共15 分)例文:tom has changed a lot in the last few years. he used to like reading books and do well in his lessons. he also spent much time studying and doing ex

57、ercises at school. but now he is so crazy about sending messages and playing computer games by using mobile phones that he has no interest in his school work 14 and doesnt listen to teachers as carefully as before in class. perhaps playing with mobile phones can make him relaxed, but if he spends to

58、o much time on it, he will have less time to study. he should pay more attention to his school work. why not take part in some after-school activities when he feels bored? why not spend more free time chatting face-to-face with his friends? 后附聽(tīng)力材料:第一節(jié)聽(tīng)對(duì)話選圖(共5 小題,每小題1 分,滿分 5 分)聽(tīng)下面五段對(duì)話,從題中所給的a. b.c 三幅

59、圖片 中選出與對(duì)話意思相符的圖片。每段對(duì)話聽(tīng)兩遍。number 1 w: tim, what is your favorite animal? m:i like tigers best. number 2 w: hurry up, john. the movie will begin soon. m: dont worry. the movie will begin at twenty to eight. number 3 m: what are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in china? w: they

60、are supposed to shake hands. number 4 m: what did you do last friday evening, kate? w:i did my homework last friday evening. number 5 w: what a sunny day it is! m: so it is.but the radio says it will be windy tomorrow. 第二節(jié)對(duì)話理解(共10 個(gè)題,每小題1 分,滿分10 分)聽(tīng)下面七段對(duì)話,從題中所給的a, b,c 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。每段對(duì)話聽(tīng)兩遍。聽(tīng)第一段對(duì)話,完成第6


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  • 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


