



1、一、單項(xiàng)選擇1. -Did you PIayPianO in the PaSt Yes, I did.A. anB. / C. the2. The GIObe Theatre isthe RiVer ThameSA. OnB. inC. OVer3. He decided toan EngIiSh teacher When he finished SChOOLA. beingB. beC. take4. Were you When you first Went to the moviesA. When B. HOW Old C. HOW IOng5. Theythe Great Wall ye

2、sterday, and this is their firsttheGreat Wall.A. visited; ViSit B visit: ViSit C. visited; ViSit toIeft SChOOl and began WOrk at theOf 13.A. timeB. yearC. end D. age7. My father WaS born18 June.A. inB. OnC. at D. to8. In the PaSt PeOPIeCeIl PhOnesCOmPUterSA. did use; andB. didn,t use; andC. didn,t u

3、se; OrD. didnIt USeeI; Or9. YeSterday I didnltany SeaIS butSOme dolphinsA. see: SaWB. see; See C. saw; SaW D. saw; See10. I WantCOOl ClOtheS in summer.A. to WearB. to PUt OnC. Wearing D. PUtting OnWent to Park anda PiCniC With his friends.A.hasB. havedC. have D. had12. is the eighth month Of the yea

4、r.A. AUgUStB. SePtemberC. OCtOber D. JUly13. My father marriedmy mother in 1980.A. WithB. toC. /D. and14. I hope you are better now.A. Yes, I am. Thank you.B. That's all right.C. No, l"m not goodD. Sure, you are welcome.15. HeVery busy yesterday, SO he didn'tto the bookstore.A. is; go B

5、. was; going C. was: go D. was; WentC. WriterS my father in 1978.C.不填 he WaS a Iittle boy.D. WritingSD. for16. LU XUn and LaO She are two famous in ChinaA. WriterB. Writing17. My mother married A. WithB. tobegan to Iearn English C. WhOD WhenA. thatB. WhereWere you at7:00 IaSt nightA. WriteIaSt time

6、I _A. go二.完形填空to my mum at homeB. WaS Writing to the Cinema WaS two years ago.B. WiIl goC. goesC. WrOteD. WrittenD Went1 Of the SmaIl tow ns29DiCkenS died OVer a hunClred VearS ago. 10PeOPIe are StiIl reading hisbooks With great interest1. A. any2. A. CityB. OneB. townC. SOmeC. CaPitalD. aD. COUntry

7、3. A. SChOOlB. CIaSSC. CityD. family4. A. goodB. hardC. easyD wonderful5. A. SChOOlB. a SChOOlC. the SChOOlD. SChOOIS6. A. already 已經(jīng)B. yetC. StiIlD. never7. A. agoB. beforeC. IaterD. since8. A. SeeB. buyC. SeIlD. read9. A. moneyB. homeC. ClaSSD. Iife10. A. BUtB. SOC. WhyD. WhiIeWrOte IOtS Of novels

8、 and StOrieS all hisDiCkens, One Of the greatest English WriterSZ WaS born inin EngIancL When DiCkens WaS nine years old, the family moved to LOndon, theOf EngIand There Were SeVeral younger Children in the 3 .Their Iife WaS 4_.So DiCkenS COUId not go to SChOOL He didn't go to 5 Until his father

9、 Came OUt Of PriSOn (監(jiān)獄)At that time he WaS 6 twelve years OlCL BUt he did not finish SChOOL TWO VearS 7 J he began to WOrk He Often Went to the Iibrary to 8 books He read a lot. Then DiCkens三、閱讀A traveller hurried down to the hall (大廳)Of the hotel. He had OnIy 15 minUteS to get to the StatiOn befor

10、e the train Started SUddenly, he remembered that he had Ieft SOmething in his room UPStairS (樓上)"Look here, boy/ he Said to the you ng waiter; "run UP to my room and See if I have Ieft a bag On the table there Be quick, PleaSe7,The boy ran UPStairS FiVe minutes PaSSed The traveller WaS WaI

11、king UP and down in the hall, IOOking at his WatCh again and again. At last, the boy Came back"Yes, sirz"he told the travellerzYou have Ieft that bag there lt"s right On the table in your room."1. The traveller IiVed in aA. StatiOnC. hotelB. hallD room downstairs2. When the trave

12、ller remembered that he had Ieft SOmething in the room, he A. asked the Waiter to run UPStairS for itB. ran downstairs for it himselfC. ran UP to his room himselfD Went to IOOk for it With theyoung Waiter3. After the Waiter left, the travellerA. WaS Walking UP and down in the hall B. Iiked his WatCh

13、 Very much4. The traveller IOOked at his WatCh again and again becauseA. his WatCh CIidrt WOrkB. he Iiked his WatCh Very muchC. he didn't know When the train WOUlCl Start D he WaS afraid he WOUld miss the train5. At IaSt the Waiter Came back, heA. brought back the bagB. didn't find the bag a

14、t allC. had found the bag but he didn't bring it backD. gave the bag to the travellerMr BrOWn SaW a SWeater in a ShOP Window It WaS Very cheap, SO he bought it. When he got home, he PUt it On It WaS all right and he WaS PIeaSed With it.In the after no on, he Went to WOrk in his garde n. It soon

15、began to rain and Mr BrOWn had to run into the house He ran quickly, but he StiIl got wet. Then his SWeater Started to Shrink(q攵縮)! It got SmaIler and smaller. Mr BrOWn tried to take it off, but he COUldrt.In the end, With the help Of his wife, he got OUt Of the sweater. MrS BrOWn IaUgheeI, "Yo

16、u see, you bought a CheaP thing, but."6. Mr BrOWn SaW a nice in a ShOP WindOW And he bought it.A. jacketB COatC. SWeaterD. Shirt7. When he Z he PUt it on.A. got to the OffiCe B. got home C. Went to WOrk D. Went to the ShOP8. It SOOn began to While he WaS WOrking in the garden.A. rainB. SnOWC. C

17、IOUdD. Shine9. Mr BrOWn got Wet and he tried to the sweater.A. take awayB. take OffC. PUt UPD PUt On100. FrOm the story, We know Mr BrOWn boughtA. a good SWeaterB. an expensive SWeaterC. a COmfOrtable SWeaterD. a CheaP but not good SWeater四.補(bǔ)全對話,從方框中選出適當(dāng)?shù)木渥?。A:1B: He is MiChael Brown.A:2B: Don't

18、you know He is a famous singer.A. What does he doB. Where WaS he bornC. Yes, he is.D When WaS he bornE. What is he IikeF. WhO is that manG. No, he isn't.A: Ohz really 3B: He WaS born in 1978.<A: SO voting! 4B: He WaS born in SOUthAfriCa.A: IS he StiIl in SOUth AfriCa五、英漢互譯1在歲時(shí) 3.發(fā)現(xiàn)5全世界7. fini

19、sh SChOOl 9. be born 六、完成句子B:5He Went to NeW YOrk to Slng In 2006.2 與不同4.結(jié)婚6. became famous 8. in the 1990s10. be WOrth doing1. 上周末,你什么時(shí)候離開那的When did youIaSt Weekend2. 在1990年,他成為了一個(gè)成功的演員。Hea SUCCeSSfUlin 1990.3他是世界上著名的作家之一。He isthe most famous WriterS in the WOrld4. 那個(gè)著名的歌手35歲去世了。The famous Singer died35.5. 他1582年結(jié)婚,有三個(gè)孩子He1582 and had three Children七、DO you know the WOrd "brunch


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