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1、精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載學習必備歡迎下載1.the importance of innovation“mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation.” i assume that you are familiar with rosabeth moss kanter s famous remark. it is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .rosabeth moss kant

2、er rsemark aims at informingus of the significance ofinnovation. why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life . innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge.

3、 quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of a、 and i can think of no better illustrationthan the followingone: how couldsteve jobs、 a genius who changed the way of modern communication、 recreation and even our life、 launch somany powerful electronic products constantly without crea

4、tive spirit?we should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. hence、 we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work、 study or simply everyday精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載life.“ innovationis t

5、he spirit of human being psrogress. 202 wordsa”p hilosopher once said.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載“不專心思的習慣性行為為創(chuàng)新的敵人”我覺得你對 rosabeth moss kanter 的這句名言很熟識;很明顯,一個總為遵循習慣和體會的人為很難制造出新事物的;rosabeth moss kanter 的這句名言目的在于告知我們創(chuàng)新的重要性;為什么創(chuàng)新在我們的生活中扮演如此重要的角色呢?創(chuàng)新可以促進個人和整個社會的進步;只有那些創(chuàng)新的人才能去的連續(xù)的進步并且保持競爭優(yōu)勢;相當多的例子可以用來證明創(chuàng)新的重要性

6、,我想不出比一下這個例子更好的了:斯蒂夫.喬布斯,這個轉變了我們的通訊方式.消遣方式甚至為生活方式的天才,假如沒有創(chuàng)新精神,他怎么可能連續(xù)地發(fā)布功能強大的電子產品呢? 我們應當牢記在心,創(chuàng)新對于我們每個人都特別重要;因此,在我們的工作. 學習甚至為生活中,我們要養(yǎng)成發(fā)覺新事物.使用新方法.運用新思維習慣;“創(chuàng)新為人類進步的靈魂”一位哲學家也曾這么說過;2.unity breeds successi assume that you are familiarwiththe words of einstein、 who once said、 “a snowflake is one of god s

7、most fragile creations、 bwuht alot othkey can do when they stick together. ” definitely、a snowflake is easy to melt when itlands on the soil.however、 when falling on the ground together、 they can create a snow-wrapped world with splendid scene. it is obvious that unity transforms snowflake s vulnera

8、bility intostrength.simple as einsteins remark may sound、 it contains abundant life philosophy and informs us of the significance of unity. why does unity play an indispensable role inour life . unity enables us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. in such a c

9、ompetitive world of today、 it is not personal strength that the achievement of any course depends on; it condenses the energies of a group. to furtherdemonstrate the importanceofunity、iwouldliketotake chinese communistpartyas acase inpoint、howcouldshe achieve thevictoryof anti-japanese war if she fa

10、iled to unite chinese people of all ethnic groups .精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載學習必備歡迎下載from myperspective、 at no time should we ignore the importance ofunity.accordingly ,we should foster the consciousness of unity and always bear in mindthat unity can create miracles no matter what obstacles we meet.“ m

11、any hands ma light work.” john heywood also once said. 234words 我覺你應當對愛因斯坦說過的一句話特別熟識,叫做“一片雪花為上帝最脆弱的制造物之一,但他們抱在一起的時候卻令人刮目相看;”的確,一片雪花,降落在地,極易融解消逝;然而,當許多雪花一起飄落人間,他們足以制造出片銀裝素裹的美景;很明顯,正為團結,將雪花從脆弱變得強大;盡管愛因斯坦的話聽起來很簡潔,但卻包含了豐富的人生哲理,并告知我們團結很重要;為什么團結會在我們的生活當中扮演重要的角色呢?團結可以使我們更順當?shù)剡_成目標.更快速地實現(xiàn)理想;在競爭如此猛烈的當今世界,任何事情的

12、成功都無法僅僅依靠一個 人的力氣, 而需要凝聚整個團隊的力氣;為了進一步證明團結的重要性,我想以中國共產黨為例,假如中國共產黨沒有團結各族人民的力氣,她怎么可能去的抗日戰(zhàn)爭的成功呢?在我看來,我們任何時候都不能忽視團結的重要性;因此,我們應當培育團結的意識,并且永久牢記在心,只要團結,不管遇到什么樣的困難,我們都能夠制造奇跡;約翰.伍德也曾經說過 “眾人拾柴火焰高;”3.itpays to plan“itwasn't raining when noah built the ark. ”i assume that you are familia r with the humorous a

13、nd commonly-heard saying. it sstill sunny and peaceful when noah commences building the ark. it is obvious that noah is planning f or the unexpected weather.simple and humorous as the saying may sound、 itcontains abundant life philosophy and informsus ofthe significance ofplan. whydoes plan play an

14、indispensable role inour life. makingplan willenable us toachieve ourobj ectives more smoothly and realize theirdreams more rapidly.the more detaile d plan we make 、 the more likelywe are to make fulluse oftime、enhance o ur workefficiencymake fullpreparation inadvance forunexpected cases. to f urthe

15、r demonstrate the importance ofunity、iwould liketo take ceo as a cas e inpoint、how could a ceo、 the head and decision-maker ofa corporation 、 deal withallsorts ofcomplicated things smoothly if he fails to draw up a det ailed plan for routine work .from myperspective、 at no time should we ignore the

16、importance of makingplans. accordingly ,we should draw up detailed plans before we start to d o anything and do things as planned . “he who failsto plan、 plans to fail.”afamous philosopher also once said. 218 words“諾亞在建造方舟的時候,并沒有下雨; ”我認為你應當很熟識這句幽默而又耳熟能詳?shù)乃渍Z;當諾亞開頭建造方舟的時候,仍為晴空萬里.風和日麗;很明顯,諾亞為在犯難以預料的天氣做了

17、方案;盡管這句俗語聽起來簡潔而又幽默,但為她卻包含了大量的生活哲理,并告知了我們方案的重要性; 為什么方案在我們的生活中扮演如此重要的角色呢?制定方案能使我們更順當?shù)剡_成目標. 更快速地實現(xiàn)理想;我們制定的方案越具體,我們就越有可能充分地利用時間.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載學習必備歡迎下載提高工作效率并為未知的大事提前作好充分的預備;為了記憶不證明方案的重要性,我想用ceo 的例子來說,一個企業(yè)的領導者和決策者,假如部位日常工作制定具體的方案,如何才能順當?shù)靥幚砀鞣N復雜的事情呢?在我看來, 我們任何時候都不能忽視制定方案的重要性,因此, 我們在做任何事情之前都應當制定具體的

18、方案,并盡量按方案執(zhí)行;一位聞名的哲學家也曾經說過“一個人假如沒有成功地制定方案,他就為在方案著失??;”4 . actions speak louder than words“aman、 likea watch、istobe valued by this manner ofgoing. ”i assu me that you are familiarwithwilliampenn sremark. the watch iscrucialforevery individual、because ittellsthe timeby movingconstantly. itis obvious tha

19、t a man is oflittlevalue ifhe failto act likea watch.williampennsremark aimsat informingus ofthe significance of takingactions. we can not emphasize the importance ofactions too much. actionwil lenable us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize their dreams more rapidly. the more action

20、we take、 the more likelywe are toaccumulate experience、 master skillsand get close to our destination. to further demonstrat e the importance ofa、iwouldliketo take a famous chinese fable story asa case inpoint.howcould the “ foolisholdman” who dreamed ofremoving the mountain in frontof his gate fina

21、llyachieve his dream withouttaking const ant actions .from myperspective 、 at no time should we ignore the value ofactions.accordingly、 not only should us posses a great dream、 but we also should take actions to make it come true. “ actionsspeak louder than words. ”a philosoph er also once said. 205

22、 words威廉.佩恩(英國海軍上將)曾說: “一個人的價值,就好比手表,為由他不斷的行動來打算的; ”手表對于每個人都很重要,由于它通過一刻不停的移動來告知人們時間;很明顯,一個人假如不想手表那樣的行動,也就價值甚微了;威廉 .佩恩的話目的在于告知我們實行行動的重要性;我們再怎么強調行動的重要性也不為過;行動能使我們更順當?shù)貙崿F(xiàn)目標.更快速地實現(xiàn)理想;我們實行的行動越多,我們就越能積存體會.把握技巧并且接近目標;為了進一步證明行動的重要性,我想以一個聞名的中國寓言故事做為例子:理想移走門前大山的愚公,假如不實行連續(xù)的行動,怎么能實現(xiàn)他這個龐大的理想呢?在我們看來,任何時候我們都不應當忽視行動

23、的價值;因此,我們不僅應當擁有理想,仍需要實行行動去實現(xiàn);一位哲學家也曾經說過“行勝于言 ”;5.it pays to be modest“modesty isnot only an ornament、 but also a guard to virtue.”joseph addisononce said. modesty can not only make someone look beautiful and well-mannered、 but also serve as a guarantee to ones excellent character. it is obvious that

24、 people tend to lose their fine qualities if they are not modest.simple as addisons remark may sound、 it contains abundant life philosophy andinforms us of the significance of modesty. why does modesty play an indispensable role in our life . modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. th

25、ose who are modest will never be content with their current achievements、 instead、 they will workconstantly to achieve a higher target. quite a few examples can be given to精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載學習必備歡迎下載prove the importance of modesty、 however、 i can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could benjamin franklin、 who was once a printer of humble origins、 attain tremendous achievementsin so many fields such as science、 politics、 literature and navigation if h


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