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1、保護(hù)環(huán)境英語(yǔ)演講稿good morning!ladies and gentlemen,today, i am going to make a speech here. my topic is how to proctect environment. our environment is very important for our lives. good environment makes us fit and happy. in the past, there were many trees around us,the air was fresh and the river was clea

2、n. but now, things change bad. people cut down trees without limitation. air pollution and water polloution are very serious . the environment around us becomes very terrible.therefore, we have to stop it and begin to protect our environment.first, we should plant more trees to keep water, which can

3、 also make our city beautiful. second, we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.in this way, we not only save energy, but also reduce the air pollution. third, we should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air. fourth, protecting environment should

4、start with me. it's every one 's duty to protect the environment. whenever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. never spit in public. dont draw on public walls. all inall, a good environment is very important for us. we should summon more people to pro

5、tect the environment.提倡環(huán)保的演講稿3至5分鐘的!朋友們: 讀過(guò)美國(guó)著名作家歐·亨利小說(shuō)最后一片葉子的人,想必還記得這句話:“當(dāng)最后一片葉子落下時(shí),生命就都結(jié)束了,我也得離開(kāi)這個(gè)世界而去了。酷愛(ài)生活的女畫(huà)家約翰西,患了肺炎瀕臨大限時(shí),“害怕在她輕輕抓著這個(gè)世界的手越來(lái)越乏力的時(shí)候,她會(huì)真的像一片輕輕的、纖弱的葉子那樣,隨深秋的寒鳳飄逝而去”。初讀這篇小說(shuō)時(shí),少年不識(shí)愁滋味,對(duì)主人公那仿佛病態(tài)的癡語(yǔ)我并不以為然,而正是在人類對(duì)綠色頂禮膜拜,綠色食品,綠色能源、綠色電腦、綠色冰箱,綠色建筑被人們廣為崇尚的今天,重讀小說(shuō)最后一片葉子,才感悟到,這分明是一個(gè)寓言故事,約

6、翰西的心語(yǔ),分明是谷世之言,大籟希聲。 就在歐·亨利自己的國(guó)家美利堅(jiān)合眾國(guó)的土地上,不是就有過(guò)深刻的歷史教訓(xùn)嗎?著名總統(tǒng)羅斯福對(duì)梅花鹿可謂情有獨(dú)鐘,從這點(diǎn)小小的總統(tǒng)私人利益出發(fā),他便下令對(duì)北利亞桑納州一片茂密的大森林進(jìn)行大規(guī)模掃蕩,大批鹿的天敵-獅子、狼等食肉動(dòng)物被捕殺殆盡。四千多只鹿于是生物爆炸一般,呈幾何級(jí)數(shù)迅猛增長(zhǎng),十幾萬(wàn)只伸特長(zhǎng)脖子的可愛(ài)精靈們,吃光了樹(shù)上的葉子,仿佛只在轉(zhuǎn)眼問(wèn),著名的大森林就從地球上消失了,最后剩下的,只有凡頭病鹿。 魯迅先生說(shuō)過(guò),悲劇是把美好的東西毀滅給人看。 在我省南部,有一個(gè)美麗的地方,她向來(lái)就被人們稱為鑲嵌在我們這個(gè)植物王國(guó)皇冠上的一顆綠寶石。她的美

7、麗,當(dāng)然是綠色賦予的。可是,就在這綠寶石之上,有8家紅磚廠的大煙囪,不分晝夜地噴吐著氟化物和二氧化硫嚴(yán)重超標(biāo)的濃煙,致使1262畝的天然橡膠林受害,三萬(wàn)零五百株橡膠樹(shù)為之枯死,膠民們雖然怨氣沸騰,卻眼睜睜地奈何不了它,無(wú)獨(dú)有偶,在同一緯度的廣西某地,也上演過(guò)驚人相似的一幕,如果說(shuō)那一幕還有點(diǎn)不同的話,就是紅磚廠的廢氣除了使大面積膠林枯死外,還造成50多畝芒果只開(kāi)花不結(jié)果,出現(xiàn)果荒。我們知道,天然橡膠是目前地球上極為少有的自然資源,僅生長(zhǎng)在赤過(guò)附近,我們也知道,芒果是公認(rèn)的“水果之王”,那么何以會(huì)出現(xiàn)上面那樣的情況呢?-因?yàn)榧t泥巴變成磚塊,只需要幾天的時(shí)間,遠(yuǎn)比橡膠芒果來(lái)錢要快! 綠色是和平和生


9、無(wú)用處的忠告:可別把咱的林子都燒光了呀。 我的一個(gè)同事的辦公桌上,擺著個(gè)木制的水杯,是什么木呢?紅豆衫。昆明植物研究所的專家們,從世界珍稀植物紅豆杉樹(shù)皮里,提出了燉度達(dá)99.9% 以上的抗癌新藥紫杉醇,可沒(méi)料到的是隨后發(fā)生的事,竟會(huì)令這些專家們痛心疾首,老淚縱橫,滇東北相當(dāng)數(shù)量的紅豆杉被人剝光了樹(shù)皮,砍光了枝葉,連樹(shù)根也被拔走。因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)商業(yè)秘密被公開(kāi),1克紫杉醇在國(guó)際上可賣到1萬(wàn)美元,那些人還相信一個(gè)神話,紅豆杉做成的水杯、容忍,甚至根雕可以防癌。 在99昆明世博會(huì)期間,談?wù)撨@樣沉重的話題,或許不大會(huì)時(shí)宜。知我者謂我心憂,不知我者謂我何求?我們知道,當(dāng)今世界性的十大環(huán)境問(wèn)題,即氣候變暖、臭氧層

10、破壞、生物多樣性減少、酸雨蔓延、森林銳減、土地荒漠化,大氣污染等,這其中就有9項(xiàng)是因綠色植被遇破壞直接導(dǎo)致的。樓房越益越高,生活越來(lái)越好,綠色卻越來(lái)越少,越來(lái)越遠(yuǎn),有感于此,我曾寫(xiě)下過(guò)這樣的詩(shī)句:煙囪長(zhǎng)成了森林鋼筋和混凝土切斷了視線我的瞳孔里就再?zèng)]有了綠色那天空的湛藍(lán)呢那海水的碧綠呢那河流的清亮呢那空氣的爽朗呢。 人類只有一個(gè)地球,我們對(duì)這個(gè)星球上的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)有著永遠(yuǎn)擺脫不究的依賴性,需要地球源源不斷地提供植物和動(dòng)物的食物,需要有足夠厚度的大氣層,來(lái)保護(hù)人類不受過(guò)高成過(guò)低氣溫,以及過(guò)量紫外線的傷害,需要地球提供足夠量的水和氧氣來(lái)維持生命的存在,而沒(méi)有了綠色,這一切豈不成了無(wú)本之源,好比毛長(zhǎng)在皮子

11、上,沒(méi)有了皮,毛又咋生根? 綠色銳減,吞噬綠色的,正是人類自己,是人類發(fā)展模式中那種對(duì)自然資源的掠奪性、破壞性開(kāi)采。人類對(duì)綠色的無(wú)盡索取仍在威脅著生態(tài)平衡,破壞著生態(tài)的結(jié)構(gòu)。據(jù)(一個(gè)保守的數(shù)字)統(tǒng)計(jì),全世界每年有2000萬(wàn)公頃森林橫遭盲目砍伐,這是5700個(gè)昆明市的面積啊。這已經(jīng)造成了全球性的“溫室效應(yīng)”,與之相連,全世界每年有近5萬(wàn)個(gè)物種瀕臨滅絕,有近2700萬(wàn)公頃的農(nóng)田蒙受沙漠化之災(zāi),就連海底也日趨沙漠化,就不必再說(shuō)那令我們痛心的去年在華夏大地發(fā)生長(zhǎng)江、松嫩大災(zāi)了吧,也不必說(shuō)我省的泥石流,山體滑坡了吧。如此盲目的行動(dòng)如果得不到有效的制止和改變,勢(shì)必爆發(fā)可怕的生態(tài)危機(jī),而一旦它的爆發(fā)起出了人

12、類控制的極限,其后果不堪想象。那時(shí),我們都會(huì)明白,最后一片落葉將帶走人類的命運(yùn),也決不是危言聳聽(tīng)。 我們欣喜地看到,可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略已經(jīng)納入了我目的政府行為,我國(guó)已頒布了10多部環(huán)境保護(hù)法, 200多項(xiàng)環(huán)境標(biāo)準(zhǔn),綠化財(cái)政,正威為人們的自覺(jué)意識(shí),“天人合一”更是我們千年的愿望,我想我們應(yīng)該叫響這樣一個(gè)口號(hào):綠色就是生產(chǎn)力!我省的金沙江等流域,炊坑代木兮,豆之河之干兮現(xiàn)象也已悄然消失。你可能問(wèn)我,這一切還保不住你那最后一片葉子嗎,那么,我要說(shuō)的是,你還是去問(wèn)問(wèn)我們的國(guó)歌里,為什么至今還要唱“中華民族到了位危險(xiǎn)的時(shí)候”這一句吧。誠(chéng)然,正像我們的抗洪收災(zāi)能取得決定性勝利所昭示的那樣,我們堅(jiān)信,人類的本事

13、能夠挽狂瀾于既倒,扶大廈之將傾,但是,常言說(shuō)的好,人無(wú)遠(yuǎn)慮,必有近憂,居安思危,要防患于朱然。我們?cè)趺茨軌虻鹊筋^上見(jiàn)不到日月星辰,滿目酸雨紛紛,腳下洪浪滔天,汪洋恣肆,人間無(wú)處不飛沙,等到“千山鳥(niǎo)飛絕,萬(wàn)徑人蹤滅”時(shí),才悔不當(dāng)初呢? 聰明的作家歐·亨利是以其“歐·亨利式的結(jié)尾”著稱于世的,那最后一片不凋的葉子,帶來(lái)的是一個(gè)危亡病人的新生。我想,我們也會(huì)創(chuàng)造出另一個(gè)歐·享利式的結(jié)尾,迎來(lái)人類新生的。坐以待斃,從來(lái)就不是人類的選擇,人類既已覺(jué)臣,就會(huì)在危機(jī)面前積極行動(dòng)起來(lái),把握歷史機(jī)遇,化壓力為動(dòng)力,保衛(wèi)綠色,保護(hù)我們共有的家圈。 面對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí),我們迎接挑戰(zhàn),展望未來(lái),我

14、們充滿信心。關(guān)于環(huán)保的英文演講稿the first world expo was held in london on 1 may 1851. at that time, britain was the greatest power in the world. to display the power and pride of the country, the british government built a 1,700 feet long and 100 feet high "crystal pa lace" in hyde park with 4,500 tons o

15、f steel and 300,000 blocks of glass (later de stroyed in the second world war). queen victoria invited ten countries to exhibit products inside this "palace". a total of 6.3 million people attended the expo throughout the 160 days of its duration. there are two types of world expo, the &qu

16、ot;comprehensive world expo" and the "special world expo". over the past 50 world expos, most have been comprehensive. the products exhibited at comprehensive world expos covered items of every nature. on the free sites provided by the host country, the exhibitors built expo halls at

17、their own expense to display their achievements in science, technology, culture, economy and society. comprehensive world expos are held once every five years. the products exhibited at special world expos are specialised. many of modern society' s concepts have been inspired by world expos, suc

18、h as department stores as well as new tourism ideas such as pleasure grounds, holiday villages and entertainment clubs. the world expo differs from trade promotion and investment displays and provides an opportunity for the host to display social, economic and cultural achievements and development p

19、rospects.since the first world expo was held in britain, the international metropolises all crave the honour of hosting the world expo. paris, france, has hosted the world expo six times in 1855, 1867, 1878, 1889, 1900 and 1937. the famous eiffel tower was constructed for the 1889 paris world expo a

20、nd it remains a symbol of france and paris. the world expo has a long history but it has never been held in asia. so the 2010 world expo is an honor for all of the asians. our government has promised that it will be the best one. and shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickl

21、y. as a student in shanghai, i should learn english well so that i can be a volunteer in the expo to help foreigners know more about shanghai.保護(hù)環(huán)境英語(yǔ)演講稿as we all know, the challenge and opportunity always, confused with hope, in the 21st century, is also twin human facing challenges period. special p

22、erformance in this aspect of the relation between man and nature. human deforestation, blind development farming, damaging the vegetation, causes soil erosion, desertification, any natural resources, make the underground mining mineral deposits in the increasingly exhausted, wastewater and waste, ex

23、haust gas emission, make continuous natural environment seriously deteriorating.human nature is excessive to take, suffer the nature ruthless retaliation: hurricane, rainstorm, storms, floods and drought, insect, heat, forest fires, earthquake, etc., the world because of drought disaster equipoised

24、reasons caused the transference refugees until 2025 reach 100m. painful ecological lesson, has attracted the attention of the world and all mankind, ioc commission inspection bid cities, improving the eco-environment is one important content. china has issued a lot of environmental protection polici

25、es and regulations. our country also attaches great importance to the protection of environment education, the "building a green campus activities", in the country for grandeur.students, our school is always in advocating "green wanli", which is one of important content protectio

26、n beautify our campus. we often see many students on campus each picking up litter, with our own hands to protect a beautiful campus. however, we also often see some we don't want to see their scenario: the playground, stairs, corridor have the paper scraps, the profession. again see the lawn, s

27、ome classmates in trample, the school's green belts, sometimes found to have deep foot-prints, some places even gone became trail.my fellow students, we is the 21st century master, awareness of environmental protection is modern signs. we must have the era of responsibility. responding to global

28、, focus on the side, based on the campus. many curved waist, don't pick uppeel confetti throws anywhere disorderly vomit, more step, don't cross green belts, grassland. "kindness small and not for, is a sin to steal a pin," starts from me, since the childhood, starts from the side

29、with, starting from now. to protect the earth mother, purify the campus.c29c91afe4ced1b6c8795ad9c91afe4ced1b6c8795ad91afe4ced1b6c8795ad9c91fe4ced1b6c8795ad29c91afedd1b6c87d1b6c8795ad9c91afe4ced1b6c8795ad91afe4ced1b6c8795ad9c91fe4ced1b6c8795ad29c91af95ad9c91afe4ced1b6c8795ad91afe4ced1b6c8795ad9d1b6c8











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