Unit2How often do you exercise教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)及案例分析_第1頁
Unit2How often do you exercise教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)及案例分析_第2頁
Unit2How often do you exercise教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)及案例分析_第3頁




1、unit2 how often do you exercise?教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)南網(wǎng)頭中學(xué) 石云霞一、teaching aims:knowledge aims:1.use the words always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never and the phrases watch tv, go shopping, read books, exercise properly. 2.learn to use the sentences “what do you usually do on weekends?”,“what does she do

2、 on weekends?”ability aims:1.learn to talk about how often we do things 2.describe and write about free time activity3.train students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.emotion aims:1.cultivate students competence of expressing and communication 2.help the students get known with each o

3、ther3.make the students have heatlthy lifestyle, do more exercise.二、analysis of the teaching materials : teaching focus:the structures and usage of how often difficult teaching points:the usage of the adverbs, such as, sometimes, usually, always, never, and the usage of the words: most, some, all, e

4、tc.三、procedure:step warm-up activities1. do it (同學(xué)按老師的指令做動作)t:read books/ do homework/ draw pictures/ look at the blackboard t: run / stop / stand up / sit down.2. do as i do.(同學(xué)跟老師邊說邊做動作) i read books on weekends.i run on weekends.i do my homework on weekends. step revision and presentation1. show

5、the students pictures about “watch tv、read books、exercise、skateboard、 play basketball、wash clothes、go shopping、go to movies”. ask them to read these phrases.2. ask the students:“what do you usually do on weekends ? ” and let the students answer: “i usually on weekends.” ( write the sentenc on the bl

6、ackboard at the same time)3. “run train” ask several rows of students to pactice the dialogue using the sentence “what do you usually do on weekends ? ” ,“i usually on weekends.”step 1a:1. look at the picture. ask a few students to say what they see in the thought bubbles. then name each activity. a

7、sk students to repeat each one. “whats the boy/girl doing ? “he/she is reading .”2. then ask the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board.3. check the answers on the boardstep presentation and drill:1. show the pictures of different activities.t: “now lets see my activities on w

8、eekends. i always read books at 6:00 in the morning. then i usually run at 6:30. i often clean my house in the afternoon. sometimes i watch tv, but i never watch tv too much. i hardly ever go to the movies.”2. show the percentages of the following adverbs and ask the students read twice.always(100%)

9、 usually(80%) often (30-50%) sometimes(20%) hardly ever(5%) never(0%)3. show the pictures one by one, each picture shows one of the verbs. then teacher ask: “what do you do on weekends?”, students answer: “iusually/always/often run.step1b:1.playthe recording the first time. students onlylisten.2.pla

10、ythe recording a second time.t: listen to the conversation and write the letter of one activity (a through e )after the word in the list.3.check the answers.step 1c:1. talk about the people in the picture above. what do they do on weekends?2. pairwork. ask students practice with partner, and make th

11、eir own conversations about the people in the picture.3. show pictures of activities. teacher ask:“ what does she/he do on weekends?” students answer: “she/he often/usually.name activityhow often4. do a survey “what does she /he do on weekends ?”step homework:1. make a conversation “what do you usua

12、lly do after school ?” ingroups.2. collect some information about your favorite teacher with your partners, such as his or her personality, hobby, eating habitand so on. then introduce this teacher to us.unit2 how often do you exercise? 案例分析喬家屯學(xué)區(qū)南網(wǎng)頭中學(xué)石云霞關(guān)注情感訓(xùn)練在中學(xué)英語文本教學(xué)中的滲透,在中學(xué)英語新課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)提出的三維目標(biāo)中,情感態(tài)度價(jià)值觀

13、是其中不行或缺的目標(biāo)之一。中學(xué)英語文本閱讀是中同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)英語的重要材料之一,因此掛念同學(xué)從文本中初步體會英語語言的魅力,關(guān)注文本情感的體驗(yàn),培育中同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)英語的樂觀情感,也是一個(gè)不行忽視的話題。 以往課程只強(qiáng)調(diào)課程學(xué)問靜態(tài)的一面,忽視同學(xué)的情感和體驗(yàn)。但是新課程理念下,不僅是文本課程,更是體驗(yàn)課程,在教學(xué)中如何供應(yīng)同學(xué)情感體驗(yàn)?zāi)?下面我就這個(gè)案例談?wù)勄楦杏?xùn)練在中學(xué)英語文本教學(xué)中的滲透。努力挖掘同學(xué)的情感因素,樂觀創(chuàng)設(shè)情境,促進(jìn)同學(xué)的情感體驗(yàn)和情感表達(dá)。本課的主題是談?wù)撟约旱臉I(yè)余活動,情感訓(xùn)練是讓同學(xué)能生疏彼此,培育良好的生活方式并且多做運(yùn)動。我在本課中樂觀挖掘同學(xué)的情感因素,樂觀創(chuàng)設(shè)情境, 促進(jìn)

14、同學(xué)的情感體驗(yàn)和情感表達(dá)。首先是一個(gè)熱身活動。1. do it (同學(xué)按老師的指令做動作)t:read books/ do homework/ draw pictures/ look at the blackboard t: run / stop / stand up / sit down.2. do as i do.(同學(xué)跟老師邊說邊做動作) i read books on weekends.i run on weekends.把同學(xué)調(diào)動了起來,然后我給同學(xué)看圖片,問他們問題“what do you usually do on weekends ? ”聯(lián)系實(shí)際,回答很踴躍。在同學(xué)進(jìn)行完對話練習(xí)后,我又設(shè)置了一個(gè)任務(wù),活動調(diào)查。給同學(xué)創(chuàng)設(shè)真實(shí)情景,并進(jìn)行表演。在這節(jié)課文本情景創(chuàng)設(shè)中,我留意同學(xué)的情感體驗(yàn)和表達(dá),盡量給他們一個(gè)多元的體驗(yàn)過程。通過這個(gè)案例,我也感悟到,豐富的語篇情感體驗(yàn),


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