中考 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞_第1頁(yè)
中考 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞_第2頁(yè)
中考 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞_第3頁(yè)
中考 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞_第4頁(yè)




1、1.定義:情態(tài)動(dòng)詞表示說(shuō)話者的情感、態(tài)度和語(yǔ)氣。2. 特點(diǎn)l 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞不能單獨(dú)做謂語(yǔ),其后必須加其他動(dòng)詞的原形一起構(gòu)成謂語(yǔ)l 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞沒(méi)有人稱和數(shù)的變化l 在意義上,情態(tài)動(dòng)詞具有“多義性” 例:can既可表示能力,又可以表示可能、允許等意義。3.情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的基本句型肯定句: 主語(yǔ)+情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+動(dòng)詞原形+其他否定句: 主語(yǔ)+情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+not+動(dòng)詞原形+其他疑問(wèn)句: 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+主語(yǔ)+動(dòng)詞原形+其他?(2015年南雅月考)middle school students to use mobile phone at school.a. should be not allowed b. should not

2、be allowed c. should not allowed 4.考點(diǎn)歸納-常見(jiàn)情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的用法can的用法(重點(diǎn)考查)表示能力,與be able to同義。但can用于現(xiàn)在時(shí)和過(guò)去時(shí),而be able to可用于各種時(shí)態(tài)。如: he can speak three languages.=he is able to speak three languages. 他會(huì)說(shuō)三種語(yǔ)言。在疑問(wèn)句表請(qǐng)求,意為“可以”。注意:在回答表示允許、請(qǐng)求的could you (please) do.?句型中,若表示同意時(shí),用can回答而不用could。如:could you give us a hand? 你能幫

3、我們一下嗎?yes, i can. 是的,我能。表示推測(cè),用在疑問(wèn)句或否定句中,can意為“可能”,cant則意為“不可能”。如:can the news be true? 這則消息有可能是真的嗎?bob cant be sleeping. the light in his room is still on. 鮑勃不可能在睡覺(jué)。他房間的燈還亮著?!炯皶r(shí)鞏固】 (2017 長(zhǎng)沙麓山國(guó)際實(shí)驗(yàn)學(xué)校第一次月考, 28)-could i park here?          -i am afr

4、aid you_. look at the sign “no parking”.  a. couldnt        b. cant            c. neednt (2016 長(zhǎng)沙長(zhǎng)郡教育集團(tuán)聯(lián)考, 23)-_ does this t-shirt belong to?      

5、60;   -im not sure, but it_ be lilys.  a. whose; might not        b. who; cannot       c. who; must notmust的用法(重點(diǎn)考查)表示義務(wù)、命令或要求,意為“必須”(主觀意志)。如: we must do everything step by step. 我們必須腳踏實(shí)地做好每件事?!咀?/p>

6、意】must.?句式的否定回答為:no, needn't / dont have to。如:must i finish the work today? 今天我必須完成這項(xiàng)工作嗎?no, you neednt. 不,不必了。表示肯定猜測(cè),意為“一定”。如: mary must have some problems. she keeps crying. 瑪麗肯定遇到麻煩了,她老是哭?!咀⒁狻吭诳隙ň渲衜ust表示對(duì)某事有把握的推測(cè);在否定句中的推測(cè)用cant?!炯皶r(shí)鞏固】. (2014銅仁)must i water the flowers now, mum? no, you_. you _

7、do it later. a. mustnt; must b. mustnt; may c. neednt; may may的用法表示允許、請(qǐng)求,常與第一人稱連用。如: may i come in? 我可以進(jìn)來(lái)嗎?表示推測(cè),可與maybe互換。如: she may know the news.=maybe she knows the news. 或許她知道這則消息。表示祝愿,意為“?!?。如: may you be happy! 祝你開(kāi)心!注意:may開(kāi)頭的疑問(wèn)句 表示許可 否定no, . . . mustnt/cant.及時(shí)鞏固1. (2017 南雅中學(xué)第一次模擬, 27)while

8、 goji berries_ get much love from young people in china, they seem to be warmly welcomed overseas.  a. must not        b. may not       c. should not a. may; can b. must; need c. could; must 2. (2016揚(yáng)州)excuse me, ma

9、y i keep the book a little longer? sorry. you _ return it today. a. must b. mustnt c. can d. cant3. (2014北京)must i hand in my homework now, mr. smith? no, you _. a. cant b. shouldnt c. wouldntd. neednt4. (2014寧波)_you leave now? you only arrived here an hour ago. sorry, but so much homework is waitin

10、g for me. a. may b. must c. can shall與should的用法表示征求建議或請(qǐng)求,常用在shall we /shall i.?句型中,意為“好嗎?”。如: shall we put off the sports meeting until next month? 我們將運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)推遲到下個(gè)月好嗎?should用于各種人稱,強(qiáng)調(diào)義務(wù)或責(zé)任。如: i think children should really learn to respect their elders. 我認(rèn)為孩子們應(yīng)該好好學(xué)習(xí)尊敬長(zhǎng)輩。will與would的用法will或would用于第二人稱疑問(wèn)句中,

11、表示征求意見(jiàn)或建議。(would比will更委婉) 如: will/would you please take out the trash? 請(qǐng)你把垃圾倒掉好嗎?will用于各種人稱表示意愿。如:turn off the lights when you leave the classroom. 離開(kāi)教室的時(shí)候要關(guān)燈。yes, i will. 好的,我會(huì)的。had better意為“最好”,沒(méi)有人稱和數(shù)的變化,后接動(dòng)詞原形。否定為had better not do sth及時(shí)鞏固 1.(2015南雅入學(xué)考試)youd better     in class

12、 a. not talk b. dont talk c. not to talk 2. you had better _ your hair cut. a. had b. have c. to get 【課后練習(xí)】28. (2017·德州)in some countries, people_ download(下載)music from the internet without paying, because it's against the law.a. wouldn'tb. needn't c. mustn'td. couldn't29.

13、(2017·溫州) we've ordered too much food. i _eat any more.never mind. let' take it home.a. can'tb. mustn't c. needn't d. shouldn't 30. (2017·河北)i have travelled a lot. i_ speak four languages.a. canb. may c. mustd. need31. (2017·北京)_i hand in the report today? no,

14、 you needn't.a. canb. must c. shalld. could32. (2017·鄂州)the tall man with glasses over there looks like our math teacher.it_ be him. he has gone abroad.a. may notb. mustn'tc. can'td. needn't 33. (2017·安徽)mum, i've signed for the box. what's in it?i'm not sure. i

15、t_ be a present from your uncle.a. needb. must c. mayd. will34. (2017·青島)we should keep quiet in the cinema. we_ speak loudly.a. canb. must c. needn'td. mustn't35. (2017·大連)have you decided where to spend your holiday?not yet. we _ go to beijing.a. mayb. must c. shouldd. need36. (2

16、017·武漢)have you got the results of the exam? no. all we_ do now is to wait.a. mustb. can c. mayd. could 37. (2017·天津)when you are travelling, bring a map because it_ help you.a. can'tb. mustn't c. used tod. may38. (2017·廣東)to keep children safe, we_ put the things like knives and medicine away in our house.a. mayb. shouldc. cand. might39. (2017·荊州)sixty dollars for such a t­shirt! you_ be joking!i'm serious. it's made of silk from hangzhou.來(lái)源:zxxk.coma. mustb. needc. willd. can 40


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