《四川省瀘縣九中九年級英語全冊《Unit 11 Section A 1a—2c》導學案(無答案) 人教新目標版》_第1頁
《四川省瀘縣九中九年級英語全冊《Unit 11 Section A 1a—2c》導學案(無答案) 人教新目標版》_第2頁
《四川省瀘縣九中九年級英語全冊《Unit 11 Section A 1a—2c》導學案(無答案) 人教新目標版》_第3頁
《四川省瀘縣九中九年級英語全冊《Unit 11 Section A 1a—2c》導學案(無答案) 人教新目標版》_第4頁
《四川省瀘縣九中九年級英語全冊《Unit 11 Section A 1a—2c》導學案(無答案) 人教新目標版》_第5頁
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1、unit 11 section a section a 1a2c學習目標1.掌握8個單詞( restroom, shampoo, drugstore, cafe, escalator, magic)2.有禮貌的詢問信息;掌握賓語從句的用法( 語序, 時態(tài))重難點1.對地點的委婉提問以及回答could you please tell me how to get to the post office ?could you tell me where the post office is ?could you tell me which is the way to the post office ?

2、could you tell me if there is a post office near here ?2.主從復合句的地點,時間、原因、條件、讓步狀語從句學法指導一、自學1.單詞(拼讀組內(nèi)聽寫過關)(盡量在5分鐘內(nèi)完成) shampoo n 香波 shampoo v 用香波洗頭 escalator n 電動扶梯,手扶梯,滾梯 elevator n 電梯, 升降機(美) lift like magic 非常快速的, 非常有效的2.通讀section a 1a2c, 紅筆畫出短語,地點狀語,熟讀并背誦grammar focus中的三到五個句子,標注自己不能理解的地方以備質(zhì)疑3.完成1a 并

3、熟記短語,學科組長檢查4.組內(nèi)對話練習(1c-2 c)(10分鐘)5.獨立完成導學案并上交二、正課1.課前檢測(單詞或背誦檢查)(3)2.解讀本節(jié)課學習目標(10)3.聽力與對話展示(1c, 2c)(12)4.導學案討論釋疑(10)5.學以致用(7)6.整理與背誦(3)自學檢測一、 翻譯寫列短語1.打電話 2.節(jié)約錢 3.在書店和雜貨鋪之間 4.向右轉(zhuǎn) 5.go past the bank 6.next to 7.exchange money 8.writing paper 9.得到一些關于我們學校的信息 10.把英語書帶給tom 二、單項選擇11.there some water and o

4、ranges on the floora be b is c are d was考點:there be 結(jié)構(gòu)中be動詞與最近的主語保持一致12.go the park and it is on your lefta pass b passed c past d pasted考點13.i want to know when ?a the girl was born b the girl is born c was the girl born d is the gril born考點14.lily is standing mary jack, she is the tallest her cous

5、insa among ,and , between b between, and , betweenc among, and ,among d between, and, among考點:15.the street runs baihu park a over b through c across d past 考點三完成下列句子16.乘電梯去12樓 17.你知道他是否有一些重要的信息要告訴我嗎? 18.昨天,老師說地球是圍繞著太陽轉(zhuǎn)的 四、合作探究 pass, past, passed, cross, across, through( 從詞義,詞性,相關短語入手展開討論,并用例句加以解釋說明

6、)五、整理背誦 我學會了:我的疑問:unit 11 section a3a4 學習目標1.掌握3個單詞 1個短語(fresh, block, oak, hang out)2.能正確運用賓語從句以及不定式重難點1.主從復合句的運用2.短語(hang out, too much, much too)動詞的運用( decide, prefer, spend)等的運用3.動詞不定式學法指導一、自學1.單詞fresh adj 清新的、沒有經(jīng)歷的 be fresh out of 剛賣完;剛供應完freshman 一年級新生 freshwater 淡水block n 街區(qū);大塊(石頭,木頭);a block

7、 of ice 一大塊冰v 阻擋 block something out隔斷,擋?。澄铮戎腹饩€或聲音)(喻)從頭腦(或記憶)中抹去(不快之事),忘卻2.通讀section a 3a 勾畫出短語和詞匯、標注不明白之處以備質(zhì)疑;大聲朗讀并完成文后表格hang out 閑逛 hang around 悠閑地消磨時間;閑蕩hang together 團結(jié)一致;緊密團結(jié) hang in the air懸而未決prefer to do sth prefer sth/doing to sth/doingdecide to do sth decide on sthspend (time, money) in

8、 doing/on sth3.瀏覽3b, 組內(nèi)完成討論4.獨立完成導學案并上交二、正課1.課前單詞檢測(5)2.自由辯論(3b 每組同層同學一名談論下列問題,其余同學認真聽并做好記錄,找錯,置疑)(10)3.導學案討論釋疑與課文背誦(3a)(15)4.學以致用(10、activity 4)5.背誦(5)自學檢測:一、在課文中找出下列短語并翻譯1.how about 2.kind of small 3.hang out 4.a lot of 5.free concerts 6.go past the bank 7.too much money 8.go to the mall 二、句子分析與運用

9、p88. theres always something happening結(jié)構(gòu):看,有些藍色的鳥兒在空中飛翔 p88 its also just fun to watch people結(jié)構(gòu): 圖書館是一個看書的好地方 p88 i also like to look at books in the bookstore思考:also, too, either, as well用法區(qū)別 look at books可以用read books替換嗎?p88i prefer being outside熊貓喜歡蜂蜜勝過竹子prefer to : like better than : p88 when i

10、go into stores i always spend too much money大多數(shù)7年級5班的學生在周末花了大量的時間去幫助無家可歸的人簡單句: 復合句: there is snow on the ground and it still snows heavily (too much, much too) 合作探究1.there be(常見考點,以例句形式加以解釋說明總結(jié))2.i think it is useful to learn english well 否定句:反意疑問句:she thinks it is useful to learn english well否定句:反意

11、疑問句:小結(jié):unit 11 section b學習目標1.掌握6個單詞,1個短語(uncrowded,slide,clown, staff,organized,market,dress up)2.能根據(jù)具體語言環(huán)境,靈活運用語言進行有禮貌的詢問和獲取信息重難點:賓語從句 短語學法指導一、自學 1.單詞(拼讀聽寫過關)(盡量在6分鐘內(nèi)完成) slide n 滑道 v滑動; 滑行l(wèi)et something slide 放任某事,任其自然dress down 責備;指責 dress up 盛裝:穿正式的或精選的服裝 dress up as sb/dress sb up in sth 打扮成 dre

12、ss oneselfdressed to kill 打扮迷人的 dress something up修飾;添枝加葉地描述market  市集, 市場 be in the market for . 想買2.通讀section b 了解大意, 盡力完成1a (交學科組長檢查) 大聲朗讀3a至少三遍, 標注短語和自己看不明白的地方3.獨立完成導學案上交二、正課1.單詞檢測(5)2.聽力與課文背誦(3a)(12)3.導學案討論釋疑與展示(18)4.學以致用(section b activity 3b, 6 )5.背誦(4)自學檢測1.could you tell me / there is

13、a good museum in sunville?在橫線上填上適當?shù)膯卧~,并作用法比較2.在課文中找出該句,并分析句子they can find it at the farmers market where the food is both delicious and cheapfind sth + adj 發(fā)現(xiàn) 怎么樣, find sb doing 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正在做某事結(jié)構(gòu):find + it + adj + to do sth知識延伸: 請分別用下列短語造句bothand eitheror neithernor 3.the fine arts museum&#

14、160;is both beautiful and interesting.(同義句)  the fine arts museum is _   _ beautiful _  _ interesting. 選擇最佳答案,找出考點( )4.maybe lily and her parents are _ at the malla

15、 both        b all         c every          d none( )5.many visitors enjoy _ a few days walking   the junglea to

16、60;spend  across         b spending   throughc spending; though          d to spend cross( )6.he _ himself as father christmas.a puts on  &#

17、160;  b wears      c has           d dresses ( )7.i dont know _ mr wang lived two years ago.a where     b when    &

18、#160;  c why         d which( )8.the weather here is very nice. its _ too cold _ too hot.a both; and      b either or    c ne

19、ither nor   d between; and( )9.either you or i  _ wrong.   a are    b be    c were    d am相關短語put on - take off 強調(diào)穿戴的動作 in , wear 強調(diào)狀態(tài)eitheror , 或者 或者 neithernor 既不 也不, 謂語動詞都是就進原則kind o

20、f, a little 有點, all/different kinds of 各種各樣enjoy doing sth, have fun doing sth, have a good/great time 過得愉快合作探究teenagers will want to visit the worlds largest water slides and eat at uncle bobs關于名詞所有格知識整理:unit 11 self check-reading 學習目標1.掌握7個單詞1個短語(lend,park, direct, orde,wonder,lead,trouble,hand in

21、)2.復習鞏固本單元所學從句,短語重難點:短語 in order to, lend to, have trouble doing學法指導一、自學1.單詞(拼讀聽寫)lend sth to sb borrow sth from sblend an ear 傾聽,洗耳恭聽 lend ones name to 以某人的名義支持order ! 安靜 in order for/that 為了 on order 已訂購但還未到貨in order to do sth 為了 目的lead in the front 身先士卒,帶頭干have trouble/difficult doing sth 2.完成,交學

22、科組長檢查3.通讀reading 部分,勾畫出含新單詞的句子以及短語和自己不明白的地方;大聲朗讀課文完成文后3a, 3b, 交學科組長檢查完成情況;再組內(nèi)核對答案4.獨立完成導學案并上交二、正課1.單詞短語檢測(5)2.minitalk ( reading -1b) 集體交流(5)3.導學案討論釋疑(15)4.課文理解與背誦(10)(以小組分段的形式背誦)5.學以致用(7)6.整理(3)自學檢測一、翻譯下列短語1.正好挨著 2.既安全又方便 3.填空 4.ask for 5.sound rude 6.much more polite 7.depend on 8.as important as

23、9.pay for 10.the same as 11.extra words 12.lead in 二、在課文中找出該句并分析we change the way we speak when talking with different people三、單項選擇11.it sounds to use “ could you?” than “ can you ?” a politely b polite c more politely d more polite12.knowing how to ask for information important for us a politely is

24、 b is politely c polite is d is polite13.i wonder how it a they did b did they c did they do d they did do14.gina is saving money buy her grandma a christmas present a so that b so c in order to d in order that 15.the litter girl picked up a pair of shoes and to a policeman a hander it in b hand in

25、it c hand it on d hand on it 四、舉一反三p92 so knowing how to ask foe information politely is important16.知道如何保持健康對每個人都是很重要的 p93 i wonder if you can help me or17.不知道您能否幫我照看以下我的小狗當我出去的時候?(look after ) p93however, in order not to offend people,.18.為了不冒犯別人,學會當一個好的聽眾是很有必要的 五、同意句轉(zhuǎn)換19.could you please lend me

26、a bike ? 20.may i a bike you ?21.learning from others is very important very important from others學以致用tony獨自一人去成都,下飛機以后發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的包都遺留在飛機上了,錢和護照都在包里面,他能怎么做呢?請寫一段對話 小結(jié)整理unit 12 section a 1a2c 學習目標1.掌握4個單詞,3個短語( shake, kiss, bow; custom, shake hands, know about, be supposed to do)2.用be supposed to do sth 表勸

27、告、建議等重 難 點:be supposed to do 的用法重點句型:you are supposed to kiss you are not supposed to shake hands學法指導一、自學1.單詞(拼讀-聽寫)shake v 搖動、震動 n 搖動;奶昔shake down 從敲詐金錢 shake off 從敲詐金錢shake the dust from ones feet 憤怒地離開;輕蔑地離開quake vi 顫抖,哆嗦(+at/with/for)地震; n顫抖,哆嗦know about 了解有關的情況2.通讀section a 1agrammar focus勾畫短語,

28、(包括聽力材料)熟悉be supposed to do組內(nèi)完成對話練習1c, 2c,背誦grammar focus中句子3.獨立完成導學案并上交二、正課1.單詞檢測(3)2.課題解讀,學習目標解讀(7)3.聽力(5)4.導學案討論釋疑(15)5.對話展示(10)( activity 1c, 2c)6.整理背誦(5)自學檢測一、在課文中找出并翻譯下列短語1、第一次某人 2、到達 3、應該做某事 4、吃錯食物 5、用錯誤的方式問候某人 6、犯錯 7、被邀請 8、握手 二、過關斬將( ) 9.- will you come to the dinner party? - i will not come

29、 until jenny _. a will be invited b can be invited c invited d is invited ( ) 10.john _ beijing the day before yesterday. a arrived at b arrived c reached to d arrived in ( ) 11.i find _ difficult to remember everything, though im still young. a that b this c it d what ( )12.he _ at the last party.

30、he felt sorry for it.a makes some mistakes b make a mistake c made few mistakes d made many mistakes( )13.-is it easy for people from different countries to greet each other? - i dont think so. because different countries have different _.a clothes b food c way d customs( )14.dont be late next time.

31、 you _ earlier. a are supposed to come b are supposed come c are supposed to coming d suppose coming( )15.wang lan bowed the audience when she finished her game a in b at c for d to ( )16. the custom sending birthday cards started in the 19th century a about b of c on d with三、牛刀小試17.昨天他應該完成所有的作業(yè) 18.

32、bill gates應該是相當富裕的( quite rich) 19.你們不應該遲到 20.我碰巧知道有關她的情況,可我不認識她 ( know about, know) 合作探究 1 be supposed to do , ought to do , should 請嘗試用例句解釋說明單詞辨析:mistake, wrong, fault, erro, weakness, shortcoming小結(jié) 我學會了:我的疑問:unit 12 section a 3a4 學習目標1.掌握4個單詞,2個短語,1個句型(relaxed, land, towards, greet; drop by, afte

33、r all,)(can you tell me the things im supposed to do?)2.復習鞏固be supposed to do 的用法重 難 點1.動名詞,動詞短語的運用2.具體語言環(huán)境中be supposed to do 的運用學法指導一、自學1.單詞(拼讀組內(nèi)聽寫過關)relaxed relaxing (-ed, -ing) land n/v field平原,田野 一塊土地,田地;牧場 floor /groundin the land of the living 在人世, 還活著(來自圣經(jīng)) good land! /my land ! 美口天哪!好家伙!真糟糕!

34、 land( fall) on ones feet 走運,成功 back lands 窮鄉(xiāng)僻壤, 未開發(fā)的土地 bad-lands 荒原2.通讀activity 3a 了解大意,勾畫短語,標注自己不明白的地方3.組內(nèi)對話練習activity 3b 獨立完成activity4中表格,組長檢查完成情況4.獨立完成導學案并上交二、正課1.單詞檢測(3)2.課文理解與背誦(10)3.對話活動展示3b,4(12)4.導學案討論釋疑(16)5.整理背誦(4)自學檢測一、在課文中找出下列短語1.順便拜訪 2.問候老師 3.及時 4.按時 5.有時 6.一起去某地 7.對時間相當寬松 8.遲到10分鐘 9.制

35、定計劃 10.四處走走 11.畢竟 12.盡可能 二、用所給詞的適當形式填空13. ( walk ) a few minutes every day is good for our health14. dont visit your friends without ( call ) first in western countries15. they had pretty rules at that timeand all the people were ( relax ) 16. little jimmy always plans ( do ) something interesting17

36、. everyone should work as ( hard ) as he can18.i just want to know if there is someone invites you ( play ) basketball19.switzerland is the land of ( watch )20.all of us are ( suppose) to hand in the test paper on time三、單項選擇21.try your best, linda, its only difficult for you , you can do it well a a

37、 bit of b a bit c a lot of d a lot22.is there in todays newspaper?asomething important banything important cimportant something dimportant anything23.the twins sat in the sun, a story book togethera to read b reading c to watch d watching 24.liu jia usually goes to school without breakfast, he is re

38、ally palea to eat b eats c eating d eats25.dont be angry with him, , he is only fiveain all bafter all cof all dat all四、同義句改寫26.fish can live with water ( without ) 27. my sister helped me as much as she could my sister helped me as much as 28.id like to visit my uncles bookstore on my way to school

39、 i to my uncles bookstore on my way to school合作探究:1 、i suppose everyone will volunteer 否 定 句:反意疑問句:關于否定前移:在think / believe / suppose / guess / imagine / expect等動詞后跟賓語從句否定式時,應轉(zhuǎn)移到主句上去,完成反意疑問句時,應與從句主、謂保持一致。(注: 否定前移的條件是,主句主語是第一人稱)2、a little, a bit, a bit of little, alittle, few, a few小結(jié)unit 12 section b

40、學習目標1.掌握8個單詞,6個短語( wipe, napkin, stick, rude, point,full, gradually, particual)( be/get used to doing sth, make sb feel at home, make a noise, at the table, pick up )2.綜合運用短語be (not) supposed to do sth重 難 點:短語的運用be full of, be filled with, go out of ones way to do sth, make sb feel at homeused to do

41、 , be/get used to doing, point at/to 學法指導一、自學1.單詞wipe v wipe off , 檫去 wipe out消滅:徹底摧毀或被徹底破壞stick n/v stick together團結(jié)一致,互相忠誠stick someone/something up 持槍搶劫point n/v make one's point (清楚地,有說服力地)闡明觀點 off the point不沾邊,不相關point the finger . 公開指責,公開責備 ake someone's point 接受某人的觀點或立場2.通讀section b,了

42、解大意,勾畫短語,大聲朗讀3a 并完成文后題目,學科組長檢查3.組內(nèi)完成對話練習section b activity 2c and 44.獨立完成導學案并上交二、正課1.單詞檢測與學習目標解讀(5)2.聽力與課文背誦(20)3.導學案討論釋疑(15)4.背誦整理(5)自學檢測:一、在課文中找出下列短語并翻譯1. pick up 2 .wipe your mouth with your napkin 3. stick .into 4. point at/ to 5. thanks for 6 .have a great time 7. a bit nervous 8 .makes lots of mistakes 9. notany more 10. be really different from 11. cut it up into pieces 12 .first of all 13. make noise 14 .at the table 15. at table 16. table manners 二、用所給動詞的適當形式填空17. lucy is quite from lily, they have many ( different)18.t


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
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