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1、手把手指導你填寫common app,讓你的成功第一步不再復雜!app-ark 顧問:terrissa dai如果說想耍飛翔,得先耍有翅膀。那么如果你想進入你心儀的大學,徹底弄明白 commonapp是如何注冊、使用的,就可以說是大多數(shù)中請學生的走向成功道路的第一 步。commonapp 的全稱是 common applicationo一、什么是 common application?the common application is cm undergraduate college admission application that applicants may use to apply

2、to any of 415 member colleges and universities in the united states.(這是 來口 wikipedia的一段介紹)具體網(wǎng)址:hhp:/en.wikipedia.os/wiki/cormnon applicsion 人家可 以閱讀 卜,里面還 有同意使用commonapp系統(tǒng)作為接受申請材料渠道的大學完整名單(包括剛加入的 columbia),十分值得參閱,以確定你要屮請的學校是否在其中。如果不在,一定要盡 快上學校網(wǎng)站查清楚中請方式!二、注冊1 > 點擊主頁網(wǎng)址:hhps:/www.conunonadd.org/coimn

3、cma!)/defaul.asr)x2、如果你是新用戶,點擊go here見下圖:apply!loginnever registered? go here3、進入注冊頁: 選擇 i am addlyin父 as a first year student.然后填寫一系列個人基本信息。tips:最好屮請一個專門用來屮請的郵箱,與平時個人比較雜的郵箱分開,你以后會發(fā) 現(xiàn)大學發(fā)來的郵件跟其他亂七八糟的郵件混在一-起真的會很混亂。把這個專門用來屮請 的郵箱地址填寫在這頁。4、注冊成功后就可以用user name和password回到主頁登陸了。所以一定要記住你的 user name和password??!

4、實在記不住,找個安全的地方寫卜來!tips:密碼一定是又有字母又有數(shù)字的!三、登陸&運用1、彳俞入 user name 和 password.2、在quickadd college中打入你要巾請的學校的名字,然后add:3、在你選定一個學校后,會多出以下信息框:middlebury college application: downloaded (date: 01/02/2010)deadline: 01/01/2010 suddlement: downloaded (date: x2/13/2009)deadline: 12/15/2009 payments: downloaded

5、(date: 12/23/2009)school form,: please use the school forms link to the left to check status information view lolleoe detail,the legend below descnbes what each colored symbol represents: a red tnangle pointing downwards indicates a component of your application that has either not been started or i

6、s only available offline.a yellow square indicates a component of your application that has been started but is not yet complete.a a green triangle oointnq upwards indicates a component of your application that has been submitted.for each college, you wir also see text next to each component of your

7、 application your status will change from not started to not submitted to submitted. after submission once a school has downloaded or printed your apphction/iupplemen your status will next change to downloaded; th" it an indication that your form is submitted and has started to be processed by

8、the college.more information about status information can be found in the instructions for this page (you can dick on the instructions link above) or by reviewing the faqs in the 'help' area of the online application. lxese | fnrtcw i termi .sc 四、付費instructionsmy collegessearch for collegesc

9、ommon applicationfuture plansapplicant demographics familyacaderniotests activitieswritingsignaturesupplementspaymentsschool formsapplication所對應的是針對所有大學的資料、文章、信息,這樣就 避免了你對不同的學校做相同的工作。你如果愿意的話可以只用一 篇main essay來交給所有的大學。點擊application ju ,你就會按左圖的順序填寫,填寫完一個部分, 請及時save以免發(fā)生斷電信息丟失的悲劇! !其中,supplement所對應的是各個學校

10、耍求你多交的不同東匹f,可 能是多寫幾篇essay,可能是回答一些短問題,比如說上個暑假你做了什 么,有些學校沒有supplement,比如說middlebury所以說s叩plement 是更有針對性的。后面的deadline請務必遵守! !大多數(shù)學校是要交中請費的,費用不等,對于這些大學只有你遞交了中請費后申請 過程才算完成。點擊payments.可以丿ij wsa、mastercard在線支付。五、在線提交推薦信我個人的推薦信都是老師點接郵寄出去,或者是川counselor郵箱發(fā)到人學的,所 以用不用這項內容取決于你!但是如果是郵寄的話一定要跟大學的admission officers確

11、認他們收到了你的recommendationo如果使用common app遞交:點擊school forms,輸入老師姓名、郵箱、職務,系統(tǒng)會發(fā)郵件invite你的老師, 你的老師可以在線遞交或者選擇mail back.頁面請見下圖:六、創(chuàng)造多個version很多同學一定在納悶是否只能用一篇main essay,然后把它交到所有的學校。如果你 十分有白信,白c的那篇文章十分動人,這種辦法當然省時省力又起到效果。但是,如 果你寫出了多篇很好的文章,又想根據(jù)不同學校的性格仃針對性地投遞,那么也不?;? ju common app是可以遞交多個版本的申請的!官網(wǎng)上是這么寫的:before you c

12、reate alternate versions of your application, you should understand the following important information:1. if you have elected to have multiple versions of your common application, please be sure to submit your supplement using the common app version with which you want it affiliated if you have not

13、 yet identified which version of the common app it should be connected to, then you should wait to submit until that timeexample: if you have submitted the application to nyu and dont want to send that application to any other schools, you would make an alternate version of the application. if you t

14、hen want to apply to dartmouth, you should ensure the supplement for dartmouth is submitted on any alternate version, not the original in which you submitted to nyu. per common app rules, we cannot unsubmit a supplement once it is submitted (nor an application).2. if you have already submitted a * s

15、upplement for a particular school, you will not he able to move that already submitted supplement to an alternate version, regardless of whether the application tied to that supplement is submitted.if you have any questions, please ask tech support before submission of yoursupplement.you can create

16、an alternate version of your application by following the steps below. stepl: you must submit the common application to at least one institution. when this is complete, you must logout of your account.step 2: you must then click on the following weblink: hmps:appcommohapporg/ap譏 icati(m/appliccmtlog

17、inaspx?aliowcop、utfm you will be presented with a login screen to the common application. you musl then enter your existing username and password and click login.step 3: you will be presented with a screen titled "application versions5, where you will see information about the application that

18、you,ve already submitted. you may then click on the "replicate5 link to make an alternate version of your submitted application. when this is complete, a second version will be visible on this screen and a special drop down will appear in the upper right corner of the application to allow quick access to all your applicat


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