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1、第 1 頁Training and Developing EmployeesGarGaryDyDesessler.sler.HumanresHumanreso ourceurcemanagementmanagement(Ninth(NinthE Edition)dition)M.M.TsinghuaTsinghuaU Uniniv verers sityityPress.2019,Press.2019, 187-189187-189Training refers to the methods used to give new orpresentemployees the skills they

2、 need toperform their jobs.TrainingmightmeanshowinganewWebdesignertheintricacies of your site, a newsalesperson how to sale yourfirms product, or a new supervisor how to interviewandevaluate employees. Training is a hallmark of goodmanagement, and a tack manageroverlook at their peril.Having high-po

3、tential employees doesnt guarantee theyllsucceed. Instead. theyhave to know what you want themto doand howyou want then to do it. Iftheydont, theyll dothejobs their way, not yours. Or they will improvise, or, worse,do nothing productive at all. Good training is vital.W Wh hy y t th he e trainingtrai

4、ning businessbusiness isis boomboominging“Training”ismore inclusive than it used to be.Training used to focus mostly on teachingtechnical skills.such as training assemblers to solder wires or teachers towrite lesson plans. Today, such technical training is nolongerenough.Employerstodayhavetoadapt第 2

5、 頁totechnologicalchange,improveproductandservicequality, and boost productivity to staycompetitive. Doingsooften requires remedial education. For example, qualityimprovementprogramsrequireemployeeswhocanproducecharts and graphs and analyze data. Similarly, todaysemployees need skills (and thus train

6、ing) in team building,decisionmaking,andcommunication,aswellastechnologicalandcomputerskills(suchasdesktoppublishing and computer-aided design and manufacturing).And as competition demands better service, employeesincreasingly require customer service training.As one trainer puts it: “we dont just c

7、oncentratoron the traditional training objectivesanymore. . . We sitdown with management and help them identify strategic goalsand objectives and the skills and knowledge needed toachieve them. Then we work together to identify whetherourstaff has the skills and knowledge, and when theydont,thats wh

8、en we discuss trainingneeds.”Trends like these help explain why training is booming.In one survey, about 84% ofemployees reportedly receivedsometypeofformaltrainingwhilewiththeircurrentemployers. On average, employees annually received about第 3 頁45hours of training, about one-third of which was form

9、al,and two-thirds informal. Larger U.S.firms spent about $54billion training employees in 2000. Much of that paid thesalaries of in-house training specialists, but more than$19 billion wentto outside vendors for materials, andservices.TheThe Five-StepFive-Step TrainingTraining andand DevelopmentDeve

10、lopment PrProcessocessTraining programs consist of five steps. The first, orneed analysis step, identities thespecificjobperformanceskillsneed,analyzestheskillsandneedsoftheprospective trainees, and developsspecific, measurableknowledge and performance objectives. In the second step,instructionaldes

11、ign, you decide on, compile, and producethetrainingprogramcontent,includingworkbooks,exercises, and activities; here youll probably usetechniques like those discussed in thischapter, such ason-the-job training and computer-assisted learning. Theremay be a third, validation step, in which the bugs ar

12、eworked out of the training programby presenting it to ashallrepresentativeaudience.Thefourthstepistoimplementtheprogram,byactuallytrainingthetargetedemployee group. Fifth is an evaluation and第 4 頁follow-up step, in which managementassessesthe programssuccesses or failures.Most employers probably do

13、 not(and need not) createtheir own training materials, since many materials areavailable on-and offline. For example, the professionaldevelopment site thinq. com offersa wide range of Web-basedcoursesemployeescantakeonline.Andmanyfirms,including American Media, Inc, of West DesMoines, lowa,providetu

14、rnkeytrainingpackages.Theseincludeatraining leaders guide, self-study book, and video forimprovingskillsinareassuchascustomerservice,documenting discipline, and appraising performance.TrainingTraining andand LearningLearningTrainingisessentiallyalearningprocess,andstudies show there arc several thin

15、gs you can do to improvelearning.MakeLearningMeaningfulItisusuallyeasierfortrainees to understand and remember material that ismeaningful.Therefore:1、Al the start of training, provide a birds-eye view ofthe material to be presented.Knowing the overallpicture facilitates learning.第 5 頁2、Use a variety

16、 of familiar examples.3、 Organize the information so you can present it logically,and in meaningful units.4、Use terms and concepts that are already familiar totrainees.5、Use as many visual aids as possible.M Makeake S Skillskills TransferTransfer EasEasy y Make it easy to transfer newskills and beha

17、viors from the trainingSite to the job site:1 、 Maximizetilesimilaritybetweenthetrainingsituationthe work situation.2、Provide adequate practice.3、Labelor identify each feature of the machine and/or stepin the process.4、Direct the trainees attention to important aspect of theJob. For example, if your

18、e training customer servicerepresentativeshowtohandleincomingcalls.firstexplain the different types of calls they will encounterand how to recognize such calls.5、 Provide “heads-up”, preparatory information. Forexample,traineeslearningtobecomefirst-linesupervisors often face stressful conditions,hig

19、h workload, and difficult subordinatesback on the job.第 6 頁Studies suggest you can reduce the negative impact of suchevents by letting trainees knew they might happen.MotivateMotivate thethe LearnerLearner Here are some ways to motivate thetrainee:1、People learn best by doing. Try to provide as much

20、realistic as possible.2 、 Trainees learn best when the trainers immediatelyreinforce correct responses, perhaps with a quick“welldone”.3、Trainees learn best at their own pace. If possible, letthem pace themselves.4、Create aperceived training need in the traineesminds.In one study, pilots who had exp

21、erienced pre-trainingaccident-related eventssubsequentlylearnedmore from anaccident-reductiontrainingprogramthandidthoseexperiencing fewer such events. Youcould illustrate theneed for the training by showing videos of simulatedaccidents. Similarly, “beforethe training, managers needto site down and

22、talk with the trainee about why they areenrolled in the c1ass, what they are expected to learn andhow they can use it on the job”.5、The schedule is important too: The learning curve goes第 7 頁down late in the day, so that “full daytraining is not aseffective as half the day or there-fourths of the da

23、y”.LegalLegal AspectAspect ofof T Tr rainingainingVarious laws apply to training programdesign andimplementation. For example, employers mayunknowinglyviolate EEO laws by training relatively few women orminorities. Or perhaps thereading level of the trainingmanuals is too high for some minoritytrain

24、ees, who arethusdoing poorly, quite aside from their aptitude for the jobstheyre being trained for. You may eventuallyhave to showthat your training admission process is valid-that itpredicts performance in thetraining programoron the job.In one recent ADA case, the former employee said thatinadditi

25、onto terminating him, GeneralMotors had denied himtraining because of him HTV/AIDSdisability. The personreceived $7000 in back pay and $28000in compensatorydamages.Negligent training is another legal hazard. Negligenttraining occurs when an employerfailsto train adequately.and the employee subsequen

26、tly harms a third party. This isparticularly aproblem when the business (such as armedsecurity guard) is armed at serving the public. Precautions第 8 頁totake include these:1 、 Confirmclaimsofskillandexperienceforallapplicants.2、Extensively train employees who work with dangerousequipment, materials o

27、r processes.3、Ensure that the training includes procedures to protectthird parties health and safety (including those of otheremployees).4.Evaluatethetrainingactivitytodetermineitseffectiveness in reducing negligence risks.Speaking of the country, the education and training mayimprovenationalsoveral

28、lquality,thusmakesthecontribution for the economical grow. Organizes speakingof the enterprise, training mayseek out talent onpotential,displaysthetalentedPersontoaffect,buildstheenterprise the core competitive ability, serves for theorganizationgoalrealization;Speakingofthestaffindividual,training

29、may make the staff to renewthe idea,grasp the new technology, to adapt organizations higherrequest, deal will the challenge work. The function ofenterprisetrainsdisplaysin:Enhancestheworkachievements; Enhances the feeling satisfies and the第 9 頁securitylevel; establishesthe outstanding enterprisecult

30、ureandtheimage.Thetraininggoalliesin:Strengthensstaffsoccupationalethics;RaisesthespecializedLevel;sharpenstheworkingability.Thetrainingtotalprincipleincludes:Trainingmustadaptenterprises realistic demand; Training must supporttheenterprise the goal; Training should be one kind ofmanagement; thetrai

31、ning management musthave the unity andthe scientific nature; Training carry on forobtaining theidealbehaviorconsequence;Trainingshouldsevertarstaffs self-development and the occupation development.The training principle of equality includes: Will processthe enterprise in the near future the goal and

32、 the long termstrategic relations; Must achieve studies for the Purposeof application; MustPay attention to the Principle whichtheadultstudies;TrainingisCEOsimportantresponsibility; Must Pay attention to the individualdifferences; Payattention to the training effete the feedback and the training res

33、ult strengthening; Must paygreatattention to drivePrinciple.員工培訓及開發(fā)員工培訓及開發(fā)培訓是指為使新老員工獲得完成工作所需的技能而采用的第 10 頁方法。 培訓可能是讓新的網(wǎng)站設計員了解他們所在職位工作的發(fā)雜性,告訴新的銷售員怎樣銷售他們公司的產(chǎn)品,也有可能是以為新的主管怎樣招聘和評估他的員工。 培訓是良好管理的特點之一,如果經(jīng)理忽視了培訓,后果堪憂,擁有潛力很大的員工并不能保證他們一定會成功。事實上,他們必須知道你想讓他們做什么以及怎樣去做。如果他們不知道這些,他們就會按照他們自己的方式而不是你的方式工作。他們可能會毫無準備的做事

34、,也有可能更糟, 做事根本沒有任何的效率。 所以, 好的培訓至關重要。為什么培訓會蓬勃發(fā)展為什么培訓會蓬勃發(fā)展培訓的內(nèi)容比以前更具有廣泛性。 以往培訓較多關注的是傳授技能, 比如教安裝工人如何焊接電路或是教老師如何去寫課程計劃。今天,這些技術性的培訓已經(jīng)不再足夠。今天的雇主必須要適應技術變革,提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和服務質(zhì)量,提高生產(chǎn)力,保持競爭力。這樣往往需要教育補救。舉個例子來說,質(zhì)量改進計劃要求雇員能夠設計出圖表并進行數(shù)據(jù)分析。同樣,今天的員工需要通過培訓來獲得以下一些方面的技能:團隊建設、決策和溝通能力、以及技術和計算機技能(如桌面出版系統(tǒng)和電腦輔助設計及制造) 。同時隨著競爭要求更好的服務,員

35、工也越來越多的要求進行客戶服務培訓。曾經(jīng)有一個培訓師說過: “我們并不再僅僅只是關注傳統(tǒng)的培訓目標了. . 我們應當及管理層一起坐下來,幫助他們找到戰(zhàn)略性目標,以及實現(xiàn)這些目標所需要的技能和知識,然后及他第 11 頁們一起工作,看看我們的員工是否具備這些知識和技能,如果他們呢不具備,那我們就該討論培訓需求了。 ”正是這些趨勢幫助解釋了為什么培訓會蓬勃發(fā)展。 在一項調(diào)查中,當員工一直及他們的現(xiàn)任雇主一起時,據(jù)統(tǒng)計大約有 84%員工接受了某種類型的正規(guī)培訓。平均而言,員工一般每年能夠受到大約 45 小時的培訓,其中大約有三分之一是正式的,三分之二是非正式的。在 2000 年,美國較大的企業(yè)大約花費

36、了 540億美元用于員工培訓。 其中大部分的支出是作為薪酬支付給公司的內(nèi)部培訓專家, 但是也有超過 190 億美元的支出是支付給外部供應商以及材料費、課程費和服務費等。五階段培訓及開發(fā)流程:五階段培訓及開發(fā)流程:培訓計劃包括五個步驟。首先,是培訓需求分析,識別特定工作需要的技能,評估將要受訓員工的技能,根據(jù)他們的不足之處制定具體的、可測量的知識和績效目標。第二,制定設計、編寫和制定培訓內(nèi)容,包括工作手冊、練習和活動:這里可以充分使用本章所討論的一些技術, 如在職培訓、 電腦輔助培訓。 第三,確認階段,通過把培訓計劃介紹給一小批代表聽眾,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)計劃中的一些問題。第四,實施計劃,對目標員工群體進

37、行培訓。第五,評估階段,評估計劃的成功及失敗之處。大多數(shù)員工可能不會(也不需要)創(chuàng)建自己的培訓材料,因為很多材料都可以在線或者離線查找到。例如,專業(yè)培訓網(wǎng)站thinq. com 提供大量的網(wǎng)絡課程,員工可以在線參加。很多公第 12 頁司,包括 American Media,Inc,West Des Moines 都提供整套的培訓包。這些培訓包包括一套培訓管理手冊、自學書籍,以及提升某些技能的錄像帶,如顧客服務、公文寫作以及績效評估。培訓和學習培訓和學習培訓實質(zhì)上是一個學習的過程,研究顯示,可以通過以下幾個方面來改善學習。使學習更有意義使學習更有意義 學員更容易理解和記住那些有意義的材料。因此:

38、1、在培訓開始時,為受訓者提供一個培訓內(nèi)容的概覽。了解整體框架對學習會有幫助。2、使用多個人們熟悉的案例。3、組織信息,一邊有邏輯、有意義地表述出來。4、使用受訓者已經(jīng)熟悉的概念和術語。5、盡可能的使用視覺教具。使技能更容易轉(zhuǎn)移使技能更容易轉(zhuǎn)移 使新的技能和行為可以很容易地從培訓地點轉(zhuǎn)換到工作地點:1、使培訓環(huán)境及工作環(huán)境盡可能相似。2、提供充分的練習機會。3、對機器的每個特征或者流程中的每個步驟都予以標記或識別。4、將受訓者的注意力引致工作的重要方面。例如,如果培訓客戶服務代表如何接電話,首先就要解釋他們可能面對的第 13 頁電話的不同類型以及怎樣識別這些不同類型的電話。5、提供那些需要事前了解的信息。例如,受訓者學習成為一線經(jīng)理通常要面對壓力環(huán)境、高工作負荷和難纏的下屬。研究表明,如果讓受訓者提前知道可能會有這些情況的發(fā)生,就可以減少這些事件的負


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