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1、 北師大版必修北師大版必修3 3Lesson 1 The Spirit of ExplorersUnit 7 The SeaJames Cook was a British captain. He made maps of Australia and New Zealand. James Cook Columbus was a Spanish sailor. He made four voyages. He is famous all over the world now. People consider him to have discovered America first. Do you

2、 think so?Columbus1. Which of the following people do you think arrived in America first? a. Christopher Columbus b. Ancient Greeks c. Chinese sailors d. Vikingsd. VikingsThese paintings show Viking raiders in about the year 1100.This is the Vinland map. It might be the oldest map of North America.

3、Some people believe the Vikings drew it. They think Christopher Columbus may have used it to find the New world.1. Eric the Red wanted to find a place which could be colonized so he decided to set sail further.2. Biarni set sail from Iceland in order to join Leifs father .True or False FF3. Biarni d

4、iscovered Greenland first.4. The Vikings were stronger and stronger in Northern Europe from the 8th to 10th century. 5. According to official records Europeans reached America long before Columbus ever set sail.FTTScandinaviaIcelandNewfoundlandGreenland2. Find Chinese names for these places on P110.

5、 ScandinavianIcelandNorwayGreenlandNewfoundland 斯堪的納維亞人斯堪的納維亞人冰島冰島挪威挪威格陵蘭格陵蘭紐芬蘭紐芬蘭Read the passage. Then complete the table below about the Vikings major discoveries.When?Who?What?How?the middle of the ninth century discovered Greenlandblown there by a stormEric the RedWhen?Who?What?How?unknown land

6、blown off coursenot longer after Eric the Red had landed in GreenlandBiarniWhen?Who?What?How?the year 1002Leif and BiarniVinland (now known as Newfoundland)planned the trip Why did Eric the Red leave Iceland? He was forced to leave Iceland because he got into trouble for a murder he had committed.2.

7、 Who was Biarni looking for when he was blown to an unknown land? He was looking for his father who was with Erics party.3. How do we know about the Vikings? We know about them through stories which were written down centuries later in Norway and Iceland.1. finally2. succeed3. never heard of4. start

8、 a sea journeyeventuallyachieve unknownset sail Find the words in the text that match most closely with the meaning of the words below5. looking for6. sea journey7. now8. based onin search ofvoyage present-dayaccording to1. long before “在很久之前在很久之前” They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sa

9、il. 他們在哥倫布他們在哥倫布啟航很久之前就已經(jīng)來過這兒。啟航很久之前就已經(jīng)來過這兒。 before long “不久不久” I shall see you again before long, my boy. 孩子孩子, 很快我就會(huì)再來看你。很快我就會(huì)再來看你。 It be+一段時(shí)間一段時(shí)間+before “過了多久過了多久” It was a long time before I got to sleep again. 過了很久過了很久, 我才又睡著了。我才又睡著了。2. get into trouble “遇到麻煩遇到麻煩” She is always getting into tro

10、uble. 她總是有麻她總是有麻煩。煩。be in trouble “有麻煩有麻煩, 有困難有困難,出事出事”He is in trouble again. This time he has broken a window. 他又有麻煩了。這次他打碎了窗戶上的玻璃。他又有麻煩了。這次他打碎了窗戶上的玻璃。have trouble (in) doing something “做某事有困做某事有困難難” Did you have any trouble ( in) finding the house? 你找到這所房子有困難嗎?你找到這所房子有困難嗎?3. search somebody “搜身搜身

11、” The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun. 警察搜了這個(gè)犯警察搜了這個(gè)犯人的身人的身, 看他是否帶槍了。看他是否帶槍了。 search someplace “搜某地搜某地”They searched every room in the house but found nothing. 他們搜了這所房子的每一個(gè)房間他們搜了這所房子的每一個(gè)房間, 但什么也但什么也沒找到。沒找到。search for “到處尋找到處尋找”I must search for that lost money until I find it. 我必

12、須找到我丟失的錢。我必須找到我丟失的錢。in search of (引起狀語引起狀語) “尋找尋找”The boys went in search of something to eat. 男孩子們出去找些吃的東西。男孩子們出去找些吃的東西。4. follow “ 跟隨跟隨” He followed her up the stairs.他跟著她他跟著她上了樓。上了樓。 “沿著走沿著走” Follow this road to the corner. 沿著這條沿著這條路走到拐角處。路走到拐角處?!白裱裱? 依照行事依照行事”He must follow the directions that

13、his teacher gave. 他必須聽從老師的指導(dǎo)。他必須聽從老師的指導(dǎo)。 “聽懂聽懂”You are reading too fast for me to follow. 你讀得太快你讀得太快,我聽不懂。我聽不懂。5. Eric set sail once again, this time with 25 ships, of which only 14 made it to Greenland. 埃里克又一次啟航埃里克又一次啟航,這次一共有這次一共有25條船條船,只有其中只有其中14艘到達(dá)了格陵蘭島。艘到達(dá)了格陵蘭島。 of which only 14 = only 14 of whi

14、ch6. Leif followed Biarnis directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of present-day Canada. 賴伊夫按照比阿尼提供的線索航行到了現(xiàn)在被賴伊夫按照比阿尼提供的線索航行到了現(xiàn)在被認(rèn)為是加拿大海岸的地方。認(rèn)為是加拿大海岸的地方。 what做主語做主語, 此處不能用此處不能用where。1. After five hours drive, they reached _ they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of. A. tha

15、t B. where C. which D. whatD. whatExercise2. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _ the sailing time was 226 days. A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for whichA. of which3. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _ are sold abroad. A. of

16、which B. which of C. of then D. of that A. of which4. I have many friends, _ some are businessman. A. of them B. from which C. who of D. of whom D. of whom1. I have five balloons. Three of them are yellow. I have five balloons, of which three are yellow. Join the pairs of sentences using relative pr

17、onouns.2. David is my friend. I often play tennis with him. David is my friend, with whom I often play tennis.3. He has twenty books. Only two of them are interesting. He has twenty books, of which only two are interesting.4. Mr Johnson apologised for the mistake. We complained to him. Mr Johnson, t

18、o whom we complained, apologised for the mistake.5. The Antarctic is covered with snow and ice all year round. We know little about it. The Antarctic, about which we know little, is covered with snow and ice all the year round.6. The shop is not far from my house. We bought the air-conditioner from it. The shop where we bought the air-conditioner, is not far from my house.7. Youd better tell her the name of the book. She can find information about the project there. Youd better tell her the name of the book, in which she can find information about the project.


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