



1、Period 4:Grammar學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)1.扎實(shí)掌握詞匯與語(yǔ)法的用法,提升綜合語(yǔ)言運(yùn)用能力。自主學(xué)習(xí),合作探究;學(xué)會(huì)分析與總結(jié)的方法并學(xué)以致用。學(xué)習(xí)難點(diǎn):動(dòng)詞不定式的用法學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn):如何掌握動(dòng)詞不定式的用法課前預(yù)習(xí)預(yù)習(xí)自測(cè):用括號(hào)中動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空學(xué)情診斷(1)_ Do tell me the way you thi nk ofthe problem assoon as possible.(solve)(2) As an employee, I couldn help but_still for hours as the boss told me to.(stand)(3) If there

2、a lot of work_, I nhappy to just keep on until it finished.(do)(4) 1 want to find some in terest ing books_ .(read)(5)_1 have no choice butthe fact.(accept)課內(nèi)探究一、動(dòng)詞不定式定義:在語(yǔ)法中,它是動(dòng)詞的一種不帶詞形變化從而不指示人稱、數(shù)量、時(shí)態(tài)的形式。由to+動(dòng)詞原形構(gòu)成,否定式not to do.1 .動(dòng)詞不定式的時(shí)態(tài)和語(yǔ)態(tài)形式時(shí)態(tài)主動(dòng)被動(dòng)般式to doto be done進(jìn)行式to be doing元成式to have doneto

3、have bee n done(1) 一般式:表示不定式的動(dòng)作與謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作同時(shí)發(fā)生或動(dòng)作發(fā)生于謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作之后。He seems to un dersta nd what I said.他似乎明白我說(shuō)的話。(2) 進(jìn)行式:表示不定式的動(dòng)作與謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作同時(shí)發(fā)生且動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行。The two cheats pretended to be working hard.那兩個(gè)騙子假裝在努力工作。(3) 完成式:表示不定式動(dòng)作發(fā)生于謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)作之前。She seems to have seen this film.她似乎已看過(guò)這部影片。(4) 被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài):表示不定式與邏輯主語(yǔ)之間的動(dòng)賓關(guān)系。The meeting to

4、 be held tomorrow is about how to stop the pollution.明天要舉行的會(huì)議是關(guān)于如何停止污染的。2.動(dòng)詞不定式的句法功能不定式的句法功能是作主語(yǔ)、表語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)、主語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)、定語(yǔ)、狀語(yǔ)等。To get there by bike will take us half an hour.我們騎自行車去那里要花半個(gè)小時(shí)。(主語(yǔ))When our visit to the farm was over, we expected to start back on foot.當(dāng)參觀農(nóng)場(chǎng)結(jié)束時(shí),我們期望步行返回。(賓語(yǔ))He asked me to do

5、the work with him.他要求我同他一起做這項(xiàng)工作。(賓補(bǔ))I was asked to help him with his less ons.我被請(qǐng)求幫他學(xué)功課。(主語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ))Some scientists went to Germany to attend a medical conference. 一些科學(xué)家去德國(guó)參加醫(yī)學(xué)大會(huì)。(目的狀語(yǔ) )To tell the truth, I dont agree with you. 說(shuō)實(shí)話,我不同意你。 ( 獨(dú)立成分 ) 考題印證 1 George returned after the war, only _ that his wif

6、e had left him.A to be toldB tellingC being toldD told3不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)(1)for 名詞 (或代詞賓格 )動(dòng)詞不定式其中 for 本身無(wú)意義, for 后面的名詞或代詞是不定式的邏輯主語(yǔ),這種不定式在句中可作主 語(yǔ)、表語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)、定語(yǔ)或狀語(yǔ)。It is very important for us to get everything ready for the harvest. 為收獲季節(jié)準(zhǔn)備好一切對(duì)我們來(lái)說(shuō)很重要。(2) 帶有邏輯主語(yǔ)的結(jié)構(gòu)of/for sb. to do sth.當(dāng)作表語(yǔ)的形容詞表示不定式的邏輯主語(yǔ)的性質(zhì)或特征時(shí), 用介詞

7、 of 引出不定式的邏輯主語(yǔ), 這些形容詞一般有 good ,nice,kind ,wise,silly ,stupid,foolish ,right ,wrong, careless, impolite 等。句中的形容詞用來(lái)說(shuō)明動(dòng)詞的特征時(shí)要用介詞 for 。這類形容詞有 hard, easy, heavy, necessary, possible,important, difficult 等。The first thing for students to do is to study. 學(xué)生首先要做的事情就是學(xué)習(xí)。It is foolish of you to say such words

8、. 說(shuō)這種話你太蠢了。Its easy for you to learn English well. 對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō),學(xué)好英語(yǔ)很容易。 4疑問(wèn)詞動(dòng)詞不定式 疑問(wèn)代詞和疑問(wèn)副詞后可加動(dòng)詞不定式構(gòu)成不定式短語(yǔ),在句中可作主語(yǔ)、表語(yǔ)或賓語(yǔ)。The problem is how to get there on time. 問(wèn)題是怎么按時(shí)到達(dá)那兒。I dont know what to do next. 我不知道下一步該做什么。 考題印證 2Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach _ to read fast.A whatB wh

9、oC howD why二、 but 不定式but 后跟不定式時(shí)有以下兩種情況:1在 cant but, cant help but, cant choose but( 不得不,只能 )結(jié)構(gòu)后,不定式不帶to。There being no buses, I cant but walk home. 由于沒(méi)有公共汽車,我只能步行回家。We cant choose but accept the offer.我們只能接受提議。Its raining hard. I cannot help but stay at home. 天在下大雨,我只好待在家里。2.動(dòng)詞不定式在介詞 but, except, be

10、sides 等表示 除了 ”之意的詞后面時(shí), 如果這些介詞之 前有行為動(dòng)詞 do 的各種形式(do, does, did),那么介詞后的不定式要用不帶 to 的不定式,否則 要用帶 to 的不定式。Tom did nothing except wait before his parents came home. 父母回家之前,湯姆只有等待。I have no choice but to accept the fact. 除了接受這一事實(shí),我別無(wú)選擇。There was nothing to do but send for a doctor. 除了派人去請(qǐng)醫(yī)生,沒(méi)有什么可以做的。考題印證 3If

11、 he takes on this work, he will have no choice but _ an even greaterchallenge.A . meets B. meeting C. meetD. to meet當(dāng)堂檢測(cè):I用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1 The bank is reported in the local newspaper _(rob) in broad daylight yesterday.2 Id love _ (drink) some wine at the party, but I had a stomachache that day.3 Lilys

12、mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never _(find) again.4 Ill do whatever I can _ (improve) my English.5For nearly three hours we waited for the decision, only to _ (tell) to come again thenext day.6 How about the two of us _ (take) a walk down the garden?7The computer center, _ (open) las

13、t year, is very popular among the studentsin this school.8 Charles Babbage is generally considered _ (invent) the first computer.9 The students expected there _ (be) more reviewing classes before the finalexams.10Since he doesnwtant to accept your advice, it is no use _ (talk) to himagain.n單項(xiàng)填空1 Man

14、y buildings in the city need repairing, but the one _ first is the library.A repairedBbeing repairedCrepairingD to be repaired2._ , you need to give all you have and try your best.A Being a winnerBTo be a winnerC Be a winnerDHaving been a winner3.We are invited to a party _ in our club next Friday.A

15、 . to be held B . held C. being held D. holding4.With the world changing fast, we have something new _with all by ourselves every day.A . deal B. dealt C. to deal D. dealing5.Edison was the first scientist _ a modern research and development centre.A . builtB . having built C. to buildD. to be build

16、ing6.If you dont know _ a word, look it up in a good dictionary.A . to useB . how to use C. how usingD. how should use7.He hurried to the booking office only _that all the tickets had been sold out.A . to tell B . to be toldC. tellingD. told8.I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work

17、extra hours to finish a report.A . to goB. to have gone C. goingD . having gone9.Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-termteachers, almost three times the number hired last year, _ reduce unemployment pressures.A . helpB . to have helpedC. to helpD. h

18、aving helped10. With Fathers Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank _presents for my dad.A . buyB. to buy C. buyingD . to have bought11. _ in a heavy rain, Miss White had a bad cold and couldnbtut _ for a leave.A. To catch; ask B. Caught; ask C. Caught; asking D. To have caug

19、ht; ask12. _ a long bridge requires a large amount of money.A. To build B. To be built C. To have built D. To have been built13. When caught_ , he begged for my pardon and tried_ punishment.A . stealing; escapingB. stealing;to escapeAIn a nutshell B After allC On the other handD By the wayCto be ste

20、aling;escaping Dto be stealing; to escape14 All the students injured in that accident are still in hospital , _for further observation.A keptB keepingC having keptD to be kept15.Ten million people have been forced_ their homes because of the flood.A leavingBto leaveCto be leftD being left16.Hearing

21、his words , I couldnt decide_ or remain.A whether to go abroadBif I go abroadCif to go abroadD to go abroad課后訓(xùn)練1_about Lucy ,the teacher called her parents to find out why she was so often absent from class.A ConcerningB Considering CConcernedD Considered2 I was just talking to Joan when Bob _ .A cut inBcut downC cut out Dcut up3 Dont worry , mother; we still have _ time to go to the railway station.Aa great dealB masses of Ca great number ofDa great many4 Would you plea


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