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1、 Microbiology of Water TreatmentContentsSection A The microbial worldSection B Microbial metabolismSection C Information storage and transferSection D Bacterial structure and functionSection E Bacterial geneticsSection F Bacteria and Archaea in the environment Section G Eukaryotic microbes, an overv

2、iewSection H The fungi and related phylaSection I The Chlorophyta and ProtistaSection J The viruses補充1:環(huán)境因素對微生物生長的影響補充2:微生物在自然環(huán)境中的作用補充3.環(huán)境微生物污染、監(jiān)測及控制補充4:微生物在廢水處理中的應用微生物實驗:6個 A1 The Microbial world Section A The Microbial worldObjectives1.What is a microbe(微生物)?2.Prokaryotes(原核生物) and eukaryotes(真核生物

3、)3.The importance of microbiology(微生物學)Microbe Approximate range of sizes Nature of cellViruses 0.010.25 Acellular(非細胞的)Bacteria 0.1750 Prokaryote(原核細胞)Fungi 2 1m Eukaryote(真核細胞)Protista 21000 Eukaryote1.What is a microbe?1.1 Microbe : Microbe is used to describe an organism that is so small that ,

4、normally , it cannot be seen without the aid of a microscope. 1.2 the category :Viruses(病毒), Bacteria(細菌), Archaea(古細菌) ,fungi(真菌)and protista(原生生物)1.3 Their sizes and cell type Relative sizes of cells and their components1.What is a microbe?1.4 Biological Classification The biological classificatio

5、n system that we still use for plants and animals, is relatively minor modified , for fungi and microorganisms. It is a system that starts with a few categories at the highest level, and further sub-divides them at each lower level. The levels were given names that are already familiar to you Kingdo

6、m (界) Phylum(門) Class (綱) Order (目) Family (科) Genus (屬) Species(種)1.What is a microbe?1.5 Microbial Classification Virus kingdomVirusProkaryote kingdomFungi kingdomProtogene eukaryote kingdomBacteria phylumBlue algae phylumCyanobacteria (藍細菌)(藍細菌)Bacteria(細菌)細菌) Actinomyceto(放線菌)放線菌) Mold(霉菌)霉菌)Yea

7、st(酵母菌)酵母菌)Algae(藻類)藻類)protozoa(原生動物)原生動物)1.What is a microbe?1.5 Microbial nomenclature(命名法)命名法)binomial species nameFor example: Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach Staphylococcus (屬名)葡萄球菌 aureus(種名)金黃色的 Rosenbach(命名人)For example:Escherichia coli Escherich Escherichia(埃希氏桿菌屬) coli(大腸菌,原意是從結腸colon分離出來的

8、) Escherich(最早分離人)2.Prokaryotes and eukaryotesThe first cellBacteria Archaea Eukarya2.Prokaryotes and eukaryotes原核生物原核生物真核生物真核生物遺傳物質(zhì)和復制的組裝:遺傳物質(zhì)和復制的組裝:1.DNA在細胞中游離;2.只有一個染色體;3.DNA與類組蛋白連系;4.含有染色體外的遺傳物質(zhì),稱為質(zhì)粒;5.在mRNA中沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)內(nèi)含子;6.細胞二等分分裂,只有無性繁殖;7.遺傳信息可以通過接合、轉導、轉化發(fā)生。遺傳物質(zhì)和復制的組裝:遺傳物質(zhì)和復制的組裝:1. DNA在膜包圍的核中,只有一個核仁

9、;2.多于一個染色體,每個染色體是雙拷貝3.DNA與組蛋白連系;4.只在酵母中發(fā)現(xiàn)質(zhì)粒;5.所有基因中都發(fā)現(xiàn)內(nèi)含子;6.細胞分裂為有絲分裂;7.遺傳信息交換發(fā)生在有性繁殖過程,減數(shù)分裂導致產(chǎn)生單倍體細胞,它們能融合。原核生物和真核生物遺傳和細胞組裝上的主要區(qū)別(一)原核生物和真核生物遺傳和細胞組裝上的主要區(qū)別(一)2.Prokaryotes and eukaryotes原核生物原核生物真核生物真核生物細胞的組裝:細胞的組裝:1.質(zhì)膜含有hopanoids、脂多糖和磷壁酸;2.能量代謝與細胞質(zhì)膜連系;3.光合作用一細胞質(zhì)中的膜系統(tǒng)和泡囊聯(lián)系; 4.由一根蛋白鞭毛絲構成鞭毛;5. 核糖體70s;6

10、.肽聚糖的細胞壁(只有真細菌有,古細菌中是不同的多聚體。細胞的組裝:細胞的組裝:1. 質(zhì)膜含有固醇;2.多數(shù)情況下在線粒體中發(fā)生;3.藻類和植物細胞中存在葉綠體4.鞭毛有9+2微管排列的復雜結構5.核糖體80s(線粒體和葉綠體中的核糖體是70s)6.多糖的細胞壁,一般是纖維素或者幾丁質(zhì)。原核生物和真核生物遺傳和細胞組裝上的主要區(qū)別(二)原核生物和真核生物遺傳和細胞組裝上的主要區(qū)別(二)2.Prokaryotes and eukaryotesP r o p e r ty P r o k a y o tic E u k a r y o tic S iz e S m a ll L a rg e r

11、N u c le u s N o Y e s D N A O n e - s m a ll, c irc u la r S e v e ra l - la rg e , lin e a r O r g a n e lle s F e w o r n o n e M a n y C e ll w a ll Y e s Y e s p la n ts N o a n im a ls C e llu la r O r g a n iz a tio n M a in ly U n ic e llu la r M u lti-c e llu la r d iffe re n tia tio n The

12、major differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotesThese Microbes?Prokaryotes : Bacteria , Archaea, ActinomycetoEukaryotes : Fungi , Algae , ProtozoaAcellular: VirusesFor example 1: ProkaryotesBacteriaFor example 1: ProkaryotesBacteria and Its FlagellaFor example 1: ProkaryotesE.coliFor example 1:

13、ProkaryotesAgeneral bacteriumFor example 1: ProkaryotesArcheabacteriaFor example 2: Eukaryotes ( Protozoa)ProtozoaFor example 2: Eukaryotes ( Protozoa)ProtozoaFor example 2: Eukaryotes ( Protozoa)Microscopic, single-celled animals, more complex and larger than bacteria 10000-15000 nm eucaryotic (DNA

14、 in nucleus within cell) Most not pathogenicMost are motile.Aquatic with animal-like characteristicsIngest organic matter for nutrients.For example 2: Eukaryotes(Algae)For example 2: Eukaryotes (Fungi)Very diverse group of eukaryotes. Yeasts are unicellular and sphericalFor example 2: EukaryotesEuka

15、ryotic CellFor example 3:Acellular virusesFor example 3:Acellular virusesFor example 3:Acellular virusesConsist of nucleic acid and protein.Intracellular parasites very small (20-100 nm), very simple not composed of cells Need to infect host cells to replicate3.The importance of microbiology 1676年荷蘭

16、人列文虎克用自磨鏡片,制造了一架能放大266倍的原始顯微鏡檢查了污水、齒垢、糞便等,發(fā)現(xiàn)了許多肉眼看不見的微小生物,正確描述了微生物的形態(tài)有球形、桿狀和螺旋形,為微生物的存在提供了科學依據(jù)。(Louis Pasteur,18221895)首先實驗證明有機物發(fā)酵和腐敗是由微生物引起,而酒類變質(zhì)是因污染了雜菌所致,而非自然發(fā)生。自此,微生物學成為一門獨立學科。(Robert Koch,18431910)創(chuàng)用固體培養(yǎng)基,使有可能將細菌從環(huán)境或病人排泄物等標本中分離成為純培養(yǎng),利于對各種細菌的特性分別研究。他還創(chuàng)用了染色方法和實驗動物感染,為發(fā)現(xiàn)多種傳染病的病原菌提供實驗手段??坪辗▌t:1.特殊的病原菌應在同一疾


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