Lecture 10漢譯英謂語的處理_第1頁
Lecture 10漢譯英謂語的處理_第2頁
Lecture 10漢譯英謂語的處理_第3頁
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1、Lecture 10漢譯英中謂語的處理一漢英語言謂語的差異1英語謂語的基本特征1)英語謂語必須以動詞為基礎和核心,除了動詞,任何其它次類都不能取代謂語動詞這個主體成分。2)英語謂語動詞和主語必須一致認,即concord(或agreement,指動詞的形式和主語的人稱和數(shù)必須一致)。構成英語主謂一致這一規(guī)范的原則包括:A語法原則(Grammatical Principle)例:Trousers often bag at the knees.褲子常在膝蓋處松垂得像個袋子。B邏輯原則(Logical Principle)例:Half the boys are here.(可數(shù))Half the ve

2、hicle has been damaged.(不可數(shù))C靠近原則(Principle of Proximity)謂語動詞的人稱和數(shù)可以與最靠近它的詞語取得一致。例:Not only the students but the teacher objects to the plan.例:Either my children or I am going.D慣用法原則(Principle of Idiomaticness)例:There is more than one opinion in this case.例:Five times eight is forty.例:Only one out o

3、f five were present.2漢語謂語的獨立性、自足性較強所謂“獨立性”,指謂語可以不受主語人稱與數(shù)的支配,保持形態(tài)上的“原形”。所謂“自足性”,指漢語的謂語不必非與主語搭配,不論有沒有主語,謂語本身的句法功能自能顯現(xiàn)。就以上兩點而言,漢語謂語遠強于英語。3漢語謂語構成成分復雜多樣漢語謂語不必是動詞性的,很多詞類都可以充當謂語。漢語中可以構成謂語的詞統(tǒng)稱謂詞,分為三大類:動詞性謂詞形容詞性謂詞代詞性謂詞例:誠招天下客。(招:動詞)Honesty wins over wider patronage. (patronage: customers support for a shop,

4、restaurant, etc.)例:這種行為很不道德。(不道德:形容詞)This conduct is immoral.例:你們廠里情況怎么樣?(怎么樣:不定代詞)What do you think of your factory?例:七月二十二日她生日。(她生日:名詞詞組)July 22 is her birthday.例:老秤一斤十六兩。(十六兩:數(shù)量詞組)Sixteen “l(fā)iang” makes one “jin” by the old system of weights.例:那個偵探足智多謀。(足智多謀:聯(lián)合詞組)The detective is very resourceful.

5、例:河畔草青青。(青青:修飾語)The grass is green by the riverside.二漢譯英中謂語轉換的對策1對應漢譯英中謂語對應式翻譯的情況并不少見,在公文、經貿、科技文體中尤其如此。其得以實現(xiàn)的依據(jù)是人類感知的共性,這種共性使思維語言形式獲得了同構。例:中華文明歷來注重以民為本。The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people.例:耶魯大學是中美教育合作的先行者。Yale is a forerunner in Sino-US educational exchanges.2調整例:令行禁止

6、Orders and prohibitions are made to be enforced.(語態(tài)調整)例:包袱放不下,工作就搞不好。The load must be taken off your mind before you can work well.(語態(tài)調整)例:紅臉好唱,白臉不好唱。Positive characters are easy to be performed while the negatives ones difficult.例:紀律松懈The discipline is weak.(詞類調整)例:銀根奇緊Money is getting tighter and

7、tighter. (詞類調整)3補充漢語缺乏形態(tài)標定,句子可以非常簡約(或缺主,或缺謂,或主謂皆缺)。這就迫使我們添詞補義,從漢語原文中引出主謂來。例:“說我?那當然,過去夠意思??梢园讶硕旱萌绨V如醉。如今,變了,不是我,是人。喜怒哀樂天天變。”(“你說的是我嗎?那當然,我過去是夠意思的。我可以把人逗得如癡如醉。如今,情況變了。不是我變,而是人變了:人們的喜怒哀樂天天在變?!保癥ou mean me? Well, yes, I think I could make people dance to my tune. But today its another story. Its not me

8、 but others who have changed. Peoples moods change everyday.”三漢譯英中謂語的處理由于缺乏形態(tài)標記,漢語動詞在句子中占明顯優(yōu)勢。許多漢語句子中包括多個謂語動詞。而英語動詞由于所受約束多,在句子中不占優(yōu)勢。除少數(shù)并列句外,大多數(shù)英語句子只包含一個謂語動詞,其他動態(tài)語義由動詞的分詞、不定式等非謂語形式表達,或由其他詞類替代。1漢語連動謂語句的翻譯連動謂語指在同一主語下,謂語部分由兩個或兩個以上的動詞構成。這兩個或多個謂語可以表現(xiàn)出并列、從屬或鏈接等關系。在翻譯漢語的連動謂語句時,首先要判斷原句謂語動詞結構關系,并選擇響應的英語連接詞、不定

9、式、分詞、介詞短語、副詞等詞匯或語法手段進行英譯。A并列式連動句英譯比較簡單,一般情況下,兩個或多個謂語動詞按時間順序先后出現(xiàn),譯成英語時只需加上并列連接詞and,or,then等;或者采用融合的方法,力求動態(tài)對應。例:看一步,走一步wait and see例:大吃大喝eat and drink to ones hearts content例:刷牙洗臉上床睡覺brush ones teeth, wash oneself and go to bed例:丟人現(xiàn)眼(融合)make a fool of oneself例:動手動腳(融合)get fresh with somebody例:他每天都是會客赴

10、宴。He receives visitors and attends dinner parties as a routine.但對于那些看似并列的謂語形式要多加小心,按時間順序并列出現(xiàn)的漢語謂語動詞在英譯時只需一個謂語動詞,其他動詞以分詞或不定式的形式表達。例:他們設法吸引大家,留住他們,使他們充分發(fā)揮才能。They seek to attract, retain and develop other people to their full abilities.例:我批上襯衫,帶上門,悄悄離開了。Putting on my shirt, I left the room quietly, lea

11、ving the door closed.例:我站在他旁邊,手指放在按鈕上,等候命令。I stood by him, my finger on the button, waiting for the order.例:總裁一讀報告,就鐵青著臉,帶著我急沖沖地朝工廠趕去。On seeing the report, the president became livid with rage and hurried to the workshop accompanied by me.課堂練習:1他特別喜歡吃面條,一天三頓也不厭。He loved noodles and was never tired o

12、f them. B從屬式連動句漢語連動謂語句動詞之間可以存在多種邏輯關系,如條件、目的、方式、對象等。這些關系很難從動詞形式上判斷,其邏輯關系取決于語義判斷。例:你做完作業(yè)就回家吧。(條件關系)You may go home as soon as you finish your homework.例:他每天早上都開窗換氣。(目的關系)He opens the window to let in the fresh air every morning.例:被警察用槍指著,劫匪只有舉手投降了。(方式關系)Being aimed at by the police, the robber had to

13、put up his hands to surrender.例:你找我干什么?(對象關系)What do you ask me for?課堂練習:1我知道多少就告訴你多少。I will tell you as much as I know.2我今天早起趕頭班車。I got up early today to catch the first bus.3她從來不用筷子吃飯。She never uses chopsticks when dining.4她的丈夫是某酒店的點心師,每天清晨4點便起床上班。(pastry cook)Her husband was a pastry cook working

14、 for a hotel. Every morning he had to get up at four oclock to go to work.C鏈接式連動句這是較為復雜的謂語連動形式。它是指同一主語按一定順序或邏輯關系實施多個行為的結構。此類機構結構英譯的關鍵,仍然是確定一個或兩個動詞為謂語動詞,其他部分用分詞、不定式、介詞短語、從句等結構表達。例:她請假坐飛機回家探親去了。She has asked for a leave to go home by air to see her family.例:咱們哪天打電話約個時間見面談談好嗎?Why dont we fix an appoint

15、ment over the phone to meet for a chat some time?例:每星期天一早,從七點開始,人們就起身上館子,邊喝茶,邊吃早飯,邊和朋友聊天。On Sunday people in Guangzhou are up since 7 oclock and are already chatting with friends while sipping tea and having breakfast in resturuants.課堂練習:1我放下筆,三步兩步奔到廚房。(dash)Dropping the pen, I dashed into the kitch

16、en.2她任教的小學離我家很近,每天放學她就直奔我家,幫我家洗衣服,忙農活。(do the laundry)The elementary school she worked for was close to my home. When she finished work every day, she went directly to my home, did the laundry for us and helped with our farm work.2漢語兼語式謂語句的英譯兼語式謂語句,簡稱兼語句,句中有兩個謂語動詞,但不共有一個主語,事實上,前一個謂語動詞的賓語是后一個動詞的主語。例:

17、我們真心祝你們幸福。We cordially wish you happy.例:老師批評他做事馬虎。His teacher criticized him for his carelessness.漢語兼語句與英語的復合賓語結構相似。漢語中常用于兼語句的動詞有:叫,讓,要,請,勸,使,選,派,批評,表揚,喜歡,討厭,寧愿等,可譯成英語中相應的動詞,兼語部分動詞以分詞,不定式,名詞,形容詞,或介詞等形式表達。例:他勸我接受他的請求。He advised me to accept his request.例:弟弟讓我?guī)退鲎鳂I(yè)。My little brother asked me to help h

18、im with his homework.課堂練習:1她的優(yōu)雅舉止令大家驚嘆。Her graceful manners amazed all.2昨晚的大雪使整個城市成了白色的世界。Last nights heavy snow turned the whole city into a white world.3英譯時語氣、時態(tài)、語態(tài)的表現(xiàn)與處理英語是顯性語法體系,漢語為隱性語法體系。英語借助形態(tài)變化和語序體現(xiàn)語法關系,而漢語主要靠語序體現(xiàn)語法關系。在漢譯英時,要將隱含的時態(tài)、語態(tài)、語氣用規(guī)范的英語形態(tài)表達出來。例:我到美國已快三個月了,衣食住行都不習慣。到了地方之后,休息了兩天,可是晚上睡不著覺

19、,白天還不敢睡,怕時差改不過來,真有日夜顛倒之感。It is nearly three months since I arrived in the US. I am not accustomed to life here clothing, food, lodging and transport all included. After I had arrived, I had two days to recover, but I could not sleep well at night, and dared not go to sleep during the day, as I was a

20、fraid that I could not be able to adapt myself to the time difference. The world seemed to have been upside down.After-class Exercise1雖然六十多了,他身板硬實,牙口好,還是愛吃抻面條(hand-pulled noodles)。Though he was well past sixty, he was still in great health, with good teeth, and he still loved hand-pulled noodles.2星期

21、天女兒來了,看見他瞅著碗里的米飯皺起眉頭,也不下筷。On Sunday, when his daughter came to visit him, she found him frowning at the rice in his bowl, refusing to touch it.3她不得不出個高價,向廚師買了一斤抻面條。She had to buy five hundred grams of hand-pulled noodles at a high price from the cook.4我又伏案奮筆疾書了。I was busy writing at the desk again.5我決心已定,要用生命的泉水,培育好散文這朵俊美的花兒。I have mad


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