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1、什么是My Very First Mother Goose?My Very First Mother Goose是關(guān)于一只鵝的故事嗎?哈哈,不是。這是一本在英國廣為流傳的童謠集,里面有幽默故事、游戲、兒歌、謎語、催眠曲、字母歌、數(shù)數(shù)歌、繞口令等,就像小時(shí)候玩游戲念的“小白兔,白又白,兩只耳朵豎起來”,朗朗上口,包含了英文發(fā)音的四十四種音素,是讓孩子聽覺敏銳的絕佳材料。以下是我們收錄的53首童謠的中英文翻譯,也是在我們讀書俱樂部第一階段給孩子們學(xué)習(xí)的內(nèi)容之一。1. Jerry HallJerry hall,He is so small,A rat could eat himHat and all

2、,杰瑞何,個(gè)真小,老鼠都能吞下他,從帽子到腳。2. Mable MableMabel, Mabel,Strong and able,Take your elbows off the table美寶,美寶,強(qiáng)壯又能干,不要把手肘在桌子上。3. Jack and Jill went up the hillJack and Jill went up the hill,To fetch a pail of water;Jack fell down and broke his crown,And Jill came tumbling after.杰克和吉兒上山打一桶水;杰克摔了一跤,跌破他的牙床,吉兒跟

3、著骨碌骨碌滾下來。4. Shoo fly, don't bother meShoo fly, dont bother me,Shoo fly, dont bother me,Shoo fly, dont bother me,I belong to somebody.咻,蒼蠅,別煩我,咻,蒼蠅,別煩我,咻,蒼蠅,別煩我,我可沒時(shí)間理你。5. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wallHumpty Dumpty sat on a wall,Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the kings horses and all the kings

4、menCouldnt put Humpty together again.蛋頭先生墻上坐,蛋頭先生跌下墻。所有國王的馬兒和士兵,都沒辦法把他拼回去。6. I'm Dusty BillIm Dusty BillFrom Vinegat Hill,Never had a bathAnd I never will.我是灰頭比爾來自醋溜山丘,從來不洗澡,將來也不洗。7. Down at the station, early in the morningDown at the station, early in the morning,See the little puffer-billies

5、all in a row;See the engine-driver pull his little lever-Puff puff, peep peep, off we go!大清早,到車站,瞧!小火車們排排站;看那司機(jī),拉開他的小把手,咻咻嘟嘟出發(fā)嘍!8. Cackle, cakle, Mother GooseCackle, cackle, Mother Goose,Have you any feathers loose?Truly have I, pretty fellow,Quite enough to fill a pillow.咯咯,咯咯,鵝媽媽,你可有要掉下羽毛?的確有,我可愛的

6、朋友,夠拿來做個(gè)枕頭哦!9. Rain on the green grassRain on the green grass,And rain on the tree;Rain on the house top,But not on me.雨下在青草地,雨下在樹上;雨下在屋頂上,但不在我身上。10. Warm hands, warmWarm hands, warm,The men are gone to plough,If you want to warm your hands,Warm your hands now.暖暖手,暖暖手,男人出外去耕田,如果你要暖暖手,現(xiàn)在就來暖暖手!11. I&#

7、39;m a little teapot Im a little teapot, short and stout,Heres my handle,Heres my spout.When the tea is ready, hear my shout,Pick me up andPour me out!我是一個(gè)小茶壺又矮又胖這是我的手把,這是我的壺嘴。當(dāng)茶泡好聽我叫。把我拿起然后倒!12. Ride a cockhorseRide a cock houseTo Banbury Cross,To see what Tommy can buy;A penny white loaf,A penny w

8、hite cake,And a two-penny apple pie.騎上一匹公雞馬,到班百利十字路口,看看湯米可以買什么;一分錢的白面包,一分錢的白蛋糕,還有一個(gè)兩分錢的蘋果派。13. To market, to marketTo market, to market, to buy a fat pig,Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.To market, to market, to buy a fat hog,Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.去市場,去市場,去買一頭胖胖豬,再回家,再回家,跳著吉格舞。去市場,去

9、市場,去買一頭胖胖豬,再回家,再回家,跳著吉格舞。14. Jelly on a plateJelly on a plate,Jelly on a plate,Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble,Jelly on a plate.Sausage in a pan,Sausage in a pan,Frizzle, frazzle, frizzle, frazzle,Sausage in a pan.Baby on the floor,Baby on the floor,Pick him up, pick him up,Baby on the floor.果凍在碟上,果凍

10、在碟上,搖啊,晃啊,搖啊,晃啊,果凍在碟上。香腸在鍋里,香腸在鍋里,滋滋,嘶嘶,滋滋,嘶嘶,香腸在鍋里。寶寶在地上,寶寶在地上,抱起來,抱起來,寶寶在地上。15. Wash the dishesWash the dishes,Wipe the dishes,Ring the bell for tea;Three good wishes,Three good kisses,I will give to thee.洗洗碗盤,擦擦碗盤,搖鈴來杯茶;三個(gè)愿望,三個(gè)甜吻,我要送給你。16. Chrictopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus was a very great

11、 man,He sailed to America in an old tin can.The can was greasy,Andi t wasnt very easy,And the waves grew higher,And higher and higher.克里斯多夫哥倫布是個(gè)偉大的人,他乘著舊鐵罐,航行到美國。鐵罐油膩膩,航行不容易,而那海浪越漲越高,越漲越高,越漲越高。17. Buckle me shoeOne two buckle my shoe;Three four knock at the door;Five six pick up sticks;Seven eight l

12、ay them straight;Nine ten a big fat hen.一、二,扣好鞋;三、四,敲敲門,五、六,撿棍子;七、八,擺擺平;九、十,一只胖母雞。18. Donkey, donkey, old and grayDonkey, donkey, old and grey,Open your mouth and gently bray.Lift your ears and blow your hornTo wake the world this sleepy morning.驢兒,驢兒,老又灰張開你的嘴,輕聲叫。豎起你的耳,吹號角,叫醒沉睡的早晨吧。19. Wee Willie W

13、inkieWee willie winkie runs through the town,Upstairs and downstairs in his night-gown,Rapping at the window,crying through the lock,Are the children all in bed,for now its eight oclock?小威力溫奇,在城里跑來跑去,穿著睡袍上樓來、下樓去,用力敲窗戶;對著鎖孔叫,小朋友都上床了嗎?現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)八點(diǎn)啦。20. As I was going to St. IvesAs I was going to St Ives,I m

14、et a man with seven wives.Each wife had seven sacks.Each sack had seven cats.Each cat had seven kits.Kits, cats, sacks, and wives:How many were there going to St Ives?在去圣艾維斯的路上,我遇見一個(gè)男人,他有七個(gè)太太。每個(gè)太太有七個(gè)布袋。每個(gè)布袋有七只大貓,每只大貓有七只小貓。小貓,大貓,布袋,太太:到底有多少人和貓要去圣艾維斯呢?21. Hey diddle, diddleHey diddle, diddle,The cat a

15、nd the fiddle,The cow jumped over the moon;The little dog laughed to see such fun,And the dish ran away with the spoon.嘿!嘀嗒,嘀嗒,貓咪和小提琴,母牛跳過月亮;看到這么有趣的事,小狗笑了盤子也跟著湯匙跑了!22. Dickory, dickory, dockDickory, dickory, dock,The mouse ran up the clock;The clock struck one,The mouse ran down,Dickory, dickory, do

16、ck.嘀嗒、嘀嗒、滴,老鼠溜上鐘。鐘兒敲一下,老鼠又溜下,嘀嗒、嘀嗒、滴。23. Dickory, dickory, Dickory, dickory, dare,The pig flew up in the air.The man in brown,Soon brought him down,Dickory, dickory, dare.噠扣、噠扣、噠,豬兒飛到天上啦!穿棕衣服的人,很快把他拉下來噠扣、噠扣、噠。24. The cat's got the measlesThe cat's got the measles,The measles, the measles,The

17、 cat's got the measles,What ever shall we do?We'll send for the doctor,The doctor, the doctor,We'll send for the doctor, And he'll know what to do.貓咪得了痲疹,痲疹、痲疹,貓咪得了痲疹,我們該怎么辦?我們請醫(yī)生來吧,醫(yī)生,醫(yī)生,我們請醫(yī)生來吧,他會知道怎么做。25. pat-a-cake, pat-a-cakePat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man!Bake me a cake

18、 as fast as you can;Pat it and prick it, and mark it with "T",Put it in the oven for Tommy and me.做蛋糕,做蛋糕,面包大師傅,快快烤個(gè)蛋糕給我吃;拍一下,戳一下,上面畫個(gè)”T”放在烤箱里,給我和湯米26. Diddle, diddle, dumpling my son JohnDiddle, diddle, dumpling,my son John,Went to bad with his trousers on;One shoe off,and one shoe on,Did

19、dle, diddle, dumpling,my son John.叮當(dāng),叮當(dāng),小不點(diǎn),我的兒子約翰。穿著褲子上床去,一只鞋脫掉,一只鞋穿著,叮當(dāng),叮當(dāng),小不點(diǎn),我的兒子約翰。27. I had a little dolly dressed in greenI had a little dolly dressed in green,I didnt like the color soI sent it to the queen;The queen didnt like it soI sent it to the king,The king said,Close your eyes and cou

20、nt sixteen.我有一個(gè)小娃娃穿著一身綠,我不喜歡這顏色,所以我把他送給了皇后;皇后也不喜歡,所以我把他送給了國王,國王說,閉上你的眼,數(shù)到16吧。28. I had a sausageI had a sausage,A bonny bonny sausage,I put it in the oven for my tea.I went down the cellar,To get the salt and pepper,And the sausageran afterme.我有一根香腸,瘦巴巴的香腸,我把它放進(jìn)爐里烤來當(dāng)茶點(diǎn)。我下樓到地窖,拿點(diǎn)鹽和胡椒,然后那香腸跟著我后面跑。29.

21、Early in the morning at eight o'clockEarly in the morning at eight oclockYou can hear the postmans knock;Up jumps Ella to answer the door,One letter, two letters, three letters, four!一大早,八點(diǎn)種,聽到郵差在敲門;艾拉跳起來應(yīng)門,一封信、兩封、三封、四封信!30. Pease porridge hotPease porridge hot,Pease porridge cold,Pease porridge

22、 in the pot,Nine days old.豌豆糊,熱騰騰,碗豆糊,冷颼颼鍋?zhàn)永锏耐攵购帕司盘炖玻?1. Baa, baa, black sheepBaa, baa, black sheep,Have you any wool?Yes, sir, yes, sir,Three bags full.One for the master,And one for the dame.And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.咩,咩,小黑羊,你有羊毛嗎?有的,有的,滿滿三袋呢!一袋送主人,一袋送夫人,一袋送住在巷尾的小男孩。32. M

23、ademoiselle she went to the wellMademoiselle she went to the well,She didnt forget her soap and towel;She washed her hands, she wiped them dry,She said her prayers,And jumped up high.一個(gè)小淑女,走到井邊去,她沒忘記香皂和毛巾;她洗洗小手,她擦干小手,她做完禱告,然后跳起來。33. Sally go round the sunSally go round the sun,Sally go round the moo

24、n,Sally go round the chimney pots on a Sunday afternoon.莎莉繞著太陽走,莎莉繞著月亮走,莎莉繞著煙囪走,在星期天的午后。34. I see the moonI see the moon,And the moon sees me;God bless the moon,And god bless me.我看見月亮,月亮也看見我;上帝保佑月亮,上帝也保佑我。35. Great A, little aGreat A, little a, bouncing B!The cat's in the cupboard,And he cann

25、9;t see me.大A,小a,跳跳B貓?jiān)诠褡永?,它看不到我?6. From Wibbleton to WobbletonFrom Wibbleton to Wobbleton is fifteen miles,From Wobbleton to Wibbleton is fifteen miles,From Wibbleton to Wobbleton, from Wobbleton to Wibbleton,From Wibbleton to Wobbleton is fifteen miles.從威柏頓到瓦柏頓有15英里路,從瓦柏頓到威柏頓有15英里路,從威柏頓到瓦柏頓,從瓦柏頓到威

26、柏頓,從威柏頓到瓦柏頓有15英里路。37. I asked my mother for fifty centsI asked my mother for fifty cents,To see the elephant jump the fence,He jumped so high,He reached the sky,And didnt come back till the Fourth of July.我跟媽媽要了五毛錢,去看大象跳欄桿,它跳的好高,跳到天上去,直到七月四日才回來。38. Here we go round the mulberry busHere we go round t

27、he mulberry bush,The mulberry bush,The mulberry bush,Here we go round the mulberry bush,Ona cold and frosty morning.我們繞著桑樹叢,桑樹叢,桑樹叢,我們繞著桑樹叢,在一個(gè)又冷又凍的早晨。39. One, two, three, fourOne, two, three, four,Marysat the cottage door,Five, six, seven, eight,Eating cherries off a plate.1,2,3,4,瑪麗坐在屋門旁,5,6,7,8,吃

28、著盤子上的櫻桃40. One for sorrow two for joyOne for sorrowTwo for joyThree for a girlFour for a boyFive for silverSix for goldSeven for a secretNever to be told1是憂愁,2是快樂,3是女孩,4是男孩,5是白銀,6是黃金,7是一個(gè)從未說出口的秘密。41. Whose Pigs are theseWhose little pigs are these,these,these?Whose little pigs are these?They are Rog

29、er the Cooks,I know by their looks-I found them among my peas.這些、這些、這些是誰的小豬?這些是誰的小豬呢?他們是廚師羅伯的我看他們的樣子就知道了我在豌豆堆中發(fā)現(xiàn)他們的42. Chook, chooGood morning, Mrs Hen.How many chickens have you got?Madam, Ive got ten:Four of them are yellow,And four of them are brown,And two of them are speckled red,The nicest in

30、the town.Chook, chook.早啊,母雞太太。您有幾只小雞???夫人,我有十只呢!四只黃的,四只棕的,還有兩只紅斑點(diǎn)的,都是城里最好的哦!啾咯,啾咯.43. Star light, star brightStar light,star bright,First star I see tonight,I wish I may, I wish I might,Have the wish I wish tonight.星星光,星星亮,今晚看到了第一顆星星,我希望我可以,我希望我能夠,實(shí)現(xiàn)今晚許下的愿望。44. Cross-patch, draw the latchCross patch,

31、 draw the latch,Sitby the fire and spin;Take a cup, and drink it up,Then call your neighbors in.縫縫補(bǔ)丁、插上門栓火爐旁,紡織忙;拿起杯子全喝光,呼朋喚友來做伴。45. I had a little henI had a little hen,The prettiest even seen;She washed up the dishes,And kept the house clean.She went to the millTo fatch me some flour,And always go

32、t homeIn less than an hour.我有一只小母雞,從未見過別的雞比她美麗;它洗碗,把家打掃干凈,她去磨坊,幫我拿些粉,而且總在一小時(shí)內(nèi),趕回家。46. As I was walking through the cityAs I was walking through the city,Half past eight oclock at night,There I met a Spanish lady,Washing out her clothes at night.First she rubbed them,then she scrubbed them,Then she h

33、ung them out to dry,Then she laid her hands upon themSaid: I wish my clothes were dry.當(dāng)我在城里走呀走,正是晚上八點(diǎn)半,那里我遇到了一位西班牙女子,在晚上洗著她的衣服。她先揉一揉,再搓一搓,接著把衣服晾起來,然后把手放在衣服上,說:真希望我的衣服已經(jīng)干了。47. Simple Simon met a piemanSimple Simon met a pieman,Going to the fair;Says simple Simon to the pieman,Let me taste your ware.S

34、ays the pieman to simple Simon,Show the first your penny;Says simple Simon to the pieman,Indeed, I have not any.單純的賽門遇到一個(gè)賣派的人,正要往市場去;單純的賽門跟賣派的人說,讓我嘗嘗你要賣的東西吧!賣派的人跟單純的賽門說;讓我先看看你有沒有錢吧;單純的賽門對賣派的人說,是哦,我是一分錢也沒有呢。48. Will you come to my partyWill you come to my party,Will you come?Bring your own bread and butter and a bun;Mrs Murphy will be there,Tossing p


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