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1、PRIVATE CURRENCY EXCHANGE AGREEMENT個人貨幣對換協(xié)議 This PRIVATE CURRENCY EXCHANGE AGREEMENT and the ONE (3) attached APPENDIXES are hereby entered into this Date: 此個人貨幣對換協(xié)議立于2014年11月 號并附有一份附件。 BY AND BETWEEN 下述協(xié)議人簽署 Funds Owner USD 姓名 : MR. Passport Number 護照號: Issuing Country 國籍: (Hereinafter referred to

2、as “USD PROVIDER”) (以下稱美元供貨人) AND 和 Funds Owner HKD 姓 名: Passport Number 通行證號 : Issuing Country 國 籍: (Hereinafter referred to as “HKD AND RMB PROVIDER”) (以下稱港幣或者人民幣供貨人) The USD PROVIDER and HKD AND RMB PROVIDER agree to this PRIVATE CURRENCY EXCHANGE AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the “AGREEM

3、ENT”) and its contents as detailed below: 以下是由美元供貨人與港幣供貨人共同協(xié)商同意按下述條件簽定此個人貨幣對換協(xié)議 (以下稱 “協(xié)議”): WHEREAS, the USD PROVIDER presents legal tender UNITED STATES DOLLARS (USD) available and warrants that they are good, clean, clear of non-criminal origin, free from any liens and taxes, freely transferable t

4、o be exchanged for Hong Kong or China Currency AND (HKD-RMB). 美元供貨人就此有法律責任地保證,這些美元是清潔、干凈、合法來源、沒有任何留置權(quán)和稅務(wù)、并能自由轉(zhuǎn)讓的,作兌換港幣或人民幣。 WHEREAS, BOTH PARTIES hereby declare that the herein referred to currencies are good, clean, cleared, legitimate, legally earned and of non-criminal origin. These funds are fre

5、ely tradable inside and outside of the Country of Origin; can be utilized for unrestricted use; and are free from any and all taxes, levies, duties, charges, liens or other encumbrances of any nature. 雙方特此聲明,交易的貨幣是好的、干凈、清潔、合法的、依法賺得和無犯罪來源。這些資金都可以在發(fā)行國內(nèi)部和外部自由流通的;無限制使用;而無任何欠付稅收,征收,稅,費,留置權(quán)或其他任何性質(zhì)的債權(quán)。 NOW

6、 AND THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants, warranties, terms and conditions herein contained and for other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledge, the USD PROVIDER and HKD PROVIDER agree as follows : 現(xiàn)在,因此,在審議的前提和

7、相互契約,擔保,條件和條款和其他有價值的考慮,美元供貨人和港幣供貨人等雙方充分接受、特此承認、同意如下: ARTICLE 1.0 CONTRACT QUANTITY: 第一章 : 合同數(shù)額 1.1 UNITED STATES DOLLARS 10 BILLION (USD10,000,000,000) with rolls and extensions as agreed by the USD PROVIDER and the HKD-AND RMB PROVIDER. 美元供貨人和港幣或者人民幣供貨人同意辦理壹佰億美元,在雙方同意下可延續(xù)和增加數(shù)額。 1.2 Extensions to be

8、 agreed upon writing at least FIVE (5) Banking Days prior to the commencement of the proposed extensions of Transaction. 辦理延續(xù)雙方需要在五個工作天前簽署相關(guān)文件才能開始執(zhí)行。 ARTICLE 2.0 TERMS OF EXCHANGE: 第二章: 兌換條件 2.1 UNITED STATES DOLLARS provided and delivered by USD PROVIDER shall be as follows: 美元供貨人按下述程序提供和送遞相關(guān)美元: 2.

9、1.1The notes shall be in denomination USD100 美元必須是壹佰元現(xiàn)鈔。 2.1.2The RECEIVING BANKS have the final rights in the determination of the “US NOTES” acceptance and Rejection. 接款銀行有最終決定權(quán)決定是否接受這美元現(xiàn)鈔。 2.2 The First Tranche Delivery of the exchange shall be an amount of UNITED STATES DOLLARS 500 Million,ONLY

10、(USD500,000,000). And operate at HKDP's designated bank. After the daily operation, the uncounted USD will be registered by both Provider's Bank officers and stored in the Receiving bank's security warehouse until they are fully counted and deposited into HKD Provider's bank account.

11、 HKD/RMB Provider is responsible for the storage cost inside the Receiving Bank.第一次送遞作兌換的美元數(shù)額為伍億美元,安排在指定銀行內(nèi)操作。每天操作完畢,雙方銀行官員登記還沒兌換的美元數(shù)量,然后存放在銀行保險柜里,直到全部美元兌換完畢。在操作銀行里面的費用由港幣或人民幣方負責。2.3 The Subsequent Tranches shall be not less than 500 Million in designated bank, if need more shall be mutually agreed

12、upon by BOTH PARTIES. 后繼每天送遞至指定銀行數(shù)額不低于5億,如需增加,由雙方另行協(xié)商決定。2.4 Tranches are to be transacted according to the PROCEDURES as prescribed in ARTICLE 4 of this AGREEMENT. 兌換程序按本協(xié)議第四章描述執(zhí)行。 2.5 The Place of Exchange shall be at various designated BANKS as determined by HKD AND RMB PROVIDER. And HKD-RMB PROVI

13、DER shall provide BANKS locality to USD PROVIDER at least 3 Banking Days in advance before the transaction take place. 由港幣或者人民幣供貨人確定交易的銀行地點,如果改變,需要在三個銀行工作日前,向美元供貨人提供接款銀行地址。 ARTICLE 3.0 EXCHANGE RATE AND BONUS: 第三章:匯率和利益 3.1 The EXCHANGE RATE is agreed as the Official Inter-Bank Cash Buying Rate for

14、HKD /USD as of the Day of Exchange. 兌換匯率按當天銀行標準美元現(xiàn)鈔買入價兌換。 3.2 For each and every tranche of US NOTES (100% of the TRANCHE AMOUNT excluding Rejected US NOTES as per ARTICLE 2.1.2) delivered to the BANKS (determined by the HKD AND RMB PROVIDER), HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall conduct per IMFPA. 每次兌換后,港幣或者

15、人民幣供貨人需按每批美元的全數(shù)金額 (不包括按第二章 2.1.2 接款銀行拒收金額) 按分流表支付給相關(guān)人員: 3.2.1Calculated base on 90% of the TRANCHE AMOUNT (in USD) and EXCHANGE RATE as per ARTICLE 3.2, HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall transfer the equated sum of HKD or RMB FUNDS to USD PROVIDERS designated Hong Kong HKD OR RMB Bank Accounts as per USD P

16、ROVIDERS BANKING COORDINATES to be Annexed to this Agreement. 港幣或者人民幣供貨人按美元兌換總額的百分之玖拾(90%)(按第 3.2 章)的美元等值港幣或者人民幣匯到美元供貨人的香港指定銀行的港幣或者人民幣賬戶。 3.2.2 HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall retain the 8% of the TRANCHE AMOUNT (in USD) as its BONUS. 港幣或者人民幣供貨人保留百分之捌(8% )作為港幣或者人民幣供貨人的應(yīng)得利潤。 3.2.3 HKD AND RMB PROVIDER sha

17、ll transfer 2% of the TRANCHE AMOUNT (conversion in HKD) to INTERMEDIARIES PAYMASTER as per IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT to be Annexed to this Agreement. 港幣或者人民幣供貨人另匯出百分之貳(2%) 給全部中介人。以保證協(xié)議的各方中介利益。ARTICLE 4.0 CLOSING PROCEDURES: 第四章: 操作程序 4.1 HKD AND RMB PROVIDER and USD PROVIDER shall

18、 sign this agreement , and exchange Four (4) originals, two (2) sets to USD PROVIDER and two (2) sets to HKD AND RMB PROVIDER ; 港幣或者人民幣供貨人與美元供貨人將簽署這協(xié)議并交換四份協(xié)議原件,兩(2)套給美元供貨人,兩(2)套給港幣供貨人。4.2 HKD AND RMB PROVIDER provide a minimum of USD500 Million Proof of Fund(POF) to USD PROVIDER for his verification

19、 per the following procedure. 港幣或者人民幣供貨人提供最少5億美元的資金證明給美元供貨人按照以下流程查詢。4.2.1 After both sides formally sign off 4 copies of Agreement at TTM in Hong Kong(preferable at Receiving Bank), HKD/RMB Provider and his bank officer will bring USD Provider's designated representative into the Receiving(Payin

20、g) Bank.雙方正式簽訂4份合同后,港幣/人民幣供貨人邀請美元方代表去操作(付款)銀行。4.2.2 Inside the Receiving Bank, HKD/RMB Provider will show the latest tear sheet endorsed by the Bank Officer to USD Provider's representative for verification.在操作銀行里,港幣/人民幣方顯示銀行官員確認的最新銀行賬戶水單給美元方代表去驗證。4.2.3 HKD/RMB Provider and USD Provider's Re

21、presentative will leave the bank after the satisfactory verification of POF. The requirement for POF acceptance by USD Provider will be illustrated in Appendix A.資金證明驗證無誤后,雙方離開操作銀行。附件(A)是美元方對資金證明的要求。4.3 After satisfactory verification of POF, USD PROVIDER shall provide (1)Fund Ownership Declaration;

22、(2) History of Fund; (3) Letter of Authorization to Verify (4) offer sheet (5)Custom Declaration and relevant Import Document to HKD AND RMB PROVIDERs designated Bank for verification. 資金證明查閱無誤后,美元提供方應(yīng)提供(1)資金擁有人聲明(2) 資金來源証明(3)授權(quán)查詢函(4)報價表(5)入境的全部報關(guān)文件等相關(guān)資料給港幣方的指定銀行進行確認.4.4 Thereafter within Two (2) Ba

23、nking days USD PROVIDER shall deliver Cash Note to HKD AND RMB PROVIDER designated bank. HKD PROVIDER shall assure Cash USD and arrange to complete the verification and acceptance Cash USD at the secured HKD AND RMB PROVIDER s Bank. 此后在兩(2)個銀行工作日內(nèi), 美元供貨人送貨到港幣或者人民幣供貨人指定銀行,完成核查和接受美元的現(xiàn)金。NOTE: USD PROVI

24、DER shall hold full title of the Cash USD while at the aforementioned premises until the applicable payment is received from the HKD AND RMB PROVIDER.注意:美元供貨人在上述適用的處所須持有美元的現(xiàn)金的全部所有權(quán)直到收到港幣或者人民幣供貨人相應(yīng)的付款。4.5 HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall pay USD PROVIDER upon Acceptance of USD PROVIDERs Cash USD on a daily

25、 basis, before the end of each Banking Day with Exchange rate at afternoon (15:30 ). 港幣或者人民幣供貨人在每天接受美元供貨人之美元的現(xiàn)金后并在每個銀行日結(jié)束時以下午(15:30)的匯率應(yīng)支付給美元供貨人。NOTE: The completion of the Verification of the Cash USD, constitutes Acceptance on the part of HKD AND RMB PROVIDER.注意:港幣供貨人只接收那部分核查完成的美元現(xiàn)鈔。4.6 The tranch

26、e is considered closed only when Article-4.4, has been completed. Procedures from Article-4.3, to Article-4.4, shall be repeated until the contractual amount as stated in Article-1.1, is completed. Rolls and extensions are at the discretion of USD PROVIDER .每批次當?shù)?.4條已經(jīng)完成將被認為是結(jié)束。從第4.3條至第4.4條的程序應(yīng)反 覆進行

27、直至在第1.1條的合同金額已完成后,延續(xù)由美元供貨人全權(quán)決定。4.7 The HKD AND RMB PROVIDER agrees that will not contact with USD PROVIDER Bank officer except the HKD PROVIDER Bank officer if the third person from HKD AND RMB PROVIDER side contacts with USD PROVIDERs Bank officer this contract may be terminated. 港幣或者人民幣供貨人同意除了港幣或者

28、人民幣供貨人的銀行官員之外,不允許第三方接觸美元供貨人銀行官員,若有港幣或者人民幣供貨人之外第三人嘗試接觸美元供貨人銀行官員,本合同可被終止。 ARTICLE 5.0 CHECKING AND COUNTING 第五章:檢算和校核 HKD AND RMB PROVIDERs Bank Officer shall undertakes to count check all notes. Bad Notes and unaccepted ones shall be return to the USD PROVIDERs. The closing time for the counting stop

29、ped at 3:30 pm, the verified good notes shall be taken into account of the HKD AND RMB PROVIDER for the exchange on the last Inter-Bank Exchange rates .By 4:30 pm the HKD AND RMB PROVIDERs Bank shall transfer 90% of USD valued HKD to the USD PROVIDERs Bank Account and also 2% to the HKD Beneficiary/

30、ies Bank Account under the FPA without any Protest or delayed. 港幣或者人民幣供貨人的接款銀行官員承諾檢算和校核所有的美元現(xiàn)鈔。壞鈔和不接受的鈔票退回給美元供貨人。檢算工作到下午 3 : 30 停止,經(jīng)檢好的現(xiàn)鈔存入港幣或者人民幣供貨人的賬戶。在下午 4:30 港幣或者人民幣供貨人必需支付已存美元總數(shù)額的90%,按當天公布最后的銀行外匯匯率計,以港幣或者人民幣匯進到美元供貨人的賬戶里,同時將2%傭金按傭金協(xié)議匯入港幣或者人民幣方受益人賬戶。5.1 Both USD PROVIDER and HKD AND RMB PROVIDER

31、shall duly execute this AGREEMENT as legal binding agreement between BOTH PARTIES for commencement of this Currency Exchange Transaction. BOTH PARTIES SIGNATORIES shall execute this AGREEMENT in Person at a mutually agreed Table-Top Meetings Date and Time. At the Table-Top Meeting, both SIGNATORIES

32、shall complete their respective full BANKING COORDINATES to receive the Notes and to pay for the exchange and to verify the Funds of the HKD AND RMB PROVIDER and exchange SIGNATORIES Passport Copy or Identity Copy to authenticate their respective signatory power to this AGREEMENT. 美元供貨人和港幣或者人民幣供貨人應(yīng)執(zhí)

33、行本協(xié)議具有法律約束力的協(xié)議,雙方開始這個外匯交易。雙方當事人應(yīng)當執(zhí)行本協(xié)議的人在一個相互同意的桌面會議的日期和時間。在桌面會議,兩人應(yīng)當各自完成完整的銀行接收和支付的交流和核實港幣供貨人的資金和交換簽署人的護照復(fù)印件或身份證復(fù)印件來驗證其各自的對本協(xié)議。 5.2 Immediately upon execution of this AGREEMENT, USD PROVIDER shall make necessary arrangement for the delivery of the US NOTES; and HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall make neces

34、sary arrangement for the transacting BANK. 本協(xié)議簽署后立即執(zhí)行,美元供貨人應(yīng)作出必要安排美元送遞交付;而港幣或者人民幣供貨人應(yīng)作出必要安排接款銀行。 5.3 HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall provide the transacting BANKS Locality, meetings Date and Time, and TRANCHE AMOUNT to the USD PROVIDER at least 3 Banking Days before the transaction take place and BOTH PA

35、RTIES agreed that the TRANCHE AMOUNT is subject to the transacting BANK. 港幣或者人民幣供貨商應(yīng)在交易執(zhí)行至少三個工作天前,提供交易銀行的地點,會議的日期和時間,和每次交易金額給美元供貨人。雙方約定交易的金額以交易銀行的決定為準。 5.4 On the transacting BANKS Locality at the specified Date and Time as perARTICLE 5.3, USD PROVIDER shall deliver the pre-determined TRANCHEAMOUNT

36、of US NOTES to the BANK. 在接款銀行按 5.3 節(jié)描述的所在地、指定的日期和時間,美元供貨商可提供預(yù)送確定的部分小量美元現(xiàn)鈔金額到銀行。 5.5 The Bank Officer(s) of the BANK shall officially take over the US NOTES and proceed to the Notes Counting and Verifying Area together with BOTH PARTIES. No PARTY shall leave the BANKS Notes Counting and Verifying Ar

37、ea until the completion of the transaction and during the course of Counting and Verifying the US NOTES, all rejected US NOTES would be returned to USD PROVIDER 接款銀行職員正式接管美元供貨人的美元,在雙方在場情況下進行檢算和校核。在檢算和校核進行中任何一方不得離開銀行,直到交易完成后。在校核過程中,所有銀行拒收美元將退還給美元供貨商。 5.6Upon completion of the counting and verifying o

38、f the US NOTES, the Bank Officer(s) would produce an official Check List and Bank Deposit Slip to becompleted and signed by the HKD AND RMB PROVIDER. Actual amount of USD FUNDS (TRANCHE AMOUNT less rejected US NOTES Amount) shall be credited to the HKD AND RMB PROVIDERS designated Bank Account; simu

39、ltaneously, HKD PROVIDER shall instruct his Bank Officer(s) to make payment to USD PROVIDER (in HKD) and all PAYMASTERS (in HKD) according to ARTICLE 3.2. 當檢算和校核美元現(xiàn)鈔完成后,接款銀行官員需提供一份正式校核表和將檢算及核對的美元經(jīng)港幣或者人民幣供貨人簽署銀行存款單填妥,存入港幣或者人民幣供貨人賬戶。同時,港幣或者人民幣供貨人即時指示他的銀行官員,根據(jù)本協(xié)議第 3.2 條,作出付款動作給美元供貨人(用港幣或者人民幣)和所有各方當事人(用

40、港幣或者人民幣)。 5.7 Subsequent Tranches shall repeat the same PROCEDURES from ARTICLE 4.3 to ARTICLE 4.5. 隨后的交易重復(fù)上述從 4.3 條到 4.5 條的程序。 5.8 TRANSACTION CODE shall be identified for each and every tranches and shall not be changed during the performance of this AGREEMENT, including all rolls and extensions t

41、hereto. 交易代碼將確定落實到完成履行本協(xié)議每個和每批交易,包括所有的延續(xù)和擴展。 5.9 No Amendments to this AGREEMENT shall be effective unless agreed to in writing by BOTH PARTIES. 除非得雙方書面同意,本協(xié)定的修改應(yīng)無效。 ARTICLE 6.0 CONFIDENTIALITY CLAUSE: 第六章: 保密條款 All PARTIES, including the USD PROVIDER/USD PROVIDERS MANDATE and HKD AND RMB PROVIDER/

42、HKD AND RMB PROVIDERS MANDATE and any or all REPRESENTATIVES, CONSULTANTS, ADMINISTRATORS, FACILITATORS and INTERMEDIARIES involved in this transaction, agree to act in complete confidentiality and shall not disclose this AGREEMENT to any other PARTY except on a Need to Know basis and shall observe

43、strictly the rules of the INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (ICC), PARIS FRANCE, Latest Edition, relating to NON-CIRCUMVENTION AND NON-DISCLOSURE, for a period of FIVE (5) years. 所有各方,包括供應(yīng)商/美元供應(yīng)商的授權(quán)和/港幣供應(yīng)商的授權(quán),任何或所有代表,顧問,管理者,調(diào)解者和中介機構(gòu)參與這一交易,同意在完全保密,不得泄露本協(xié)議的任何其他方需要知道的基礎(chǔ)上,應(yīng)當遵守嚴格的規(guī)則,國際商會(國際商會),法國巴黎,最新版本,

44、涉及非欺詐,期限為五(5)年。 ARTICLE 7.0 PENALTY CLAUSE: 第七章: 懲罰條例 In the event of any one of the Party Failed to perform under this agreement under the stiplulated Terms and Conditions set, the Defaulted Party/ies has to pay to the Aggrieved Party a penalty of (1%) One percent for the First Tranche USD 100 Mill

45、ion Only within 72 hrs as from the defaulted time and date under this agreement. 在事件的任何一方未能履行本協(xié)議下規(guī)定的條款和條件下,違約方/處與支付受害人罰款(1%)百分之一的第一批美元的 72 小時內(nèi)從拖欠時間和日期,根據(jù)本協(xié)議。 With full responsibility below executes this PRIVATE CURRENCY EXCHANGE AGREEMENT, on this Date: 負責執(zhí)行這項私人貨幣互換協(xié)議,日期: For and on behalf of USD PR

46、OVIDERs For and on behalf of HKD PROVIDER: Mandate/Principal Mandate. Mandate/Principal Mandate I hereby swear under the International Laws of Perjury and Fraud that the information provided by me herein is accurate and true and that I have read and understood the full AGREEMENT. Signed and sealed o

47、n the date indicated below by the signature. 我在此發(fā)誓,按國際法律偽證罪和詐騙罪,我所提供的資料是準確和真實的,我已經(jīng)閱讀并了解完整的協(xié)議。簽字蓋章之日起,簽名。 For and behalf of:For and behalf of:USD PROVIDERHKD AND RMB PROVIDER .Name:Name:Passport No.:Passport No.: Country of Issue:Country of Issue: Expire Date: Expire Date: USD PROVIDER ASSPORT AND RMB PROVIDER PASSPORT APPENDIX A. ACCEPTANCE OF PROOF OF FUND CRITERIA 1. Inside the HKD/RMB Provider's Receiving Bank, HKD/RMB


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