1、Unit 6 How Does a Secretary File Effectively?本單元教學要求:1 掌握公文立卷的方法2 學寫祝賀信3 了解外交的相關知識Section 1 Doing Filing一、 背景知識公文立卷就是按照公文的特征和聯(lián)系將若干具有共同點和聯(lián)系密切的公文組合成有機聯(lián)系的集合體的活動。公文共有特點,如作者、內(nèi)容、地區(qū)等,是立卷工作的依據(jù)。立卷工作主要包括兩項工作:分類和組卷。分類是將機關產(chǎn)生的公文按照一定的特點分成若干部分,組卷則是把每一小類的局部的公文,按照共同特點組成保管單位。但二者又有相似之處:分類的方法主要是分析,分中有合,其分類結果是將具有不同特點的公文
2、分別集合為不同類別;組卷的方法主要是綜合,合中有分;其結果是將具有共同特征的單份公文集合為一個集合體(案卷)。二、 課前提問1. What is filing?2. Usually, who is responsible for the filing system in a company?3. Do you know some filing instructions?4. Whats the significance of an effective filing system?5. Whats the essential rule for effective filing?三、 語言學習1.
3、 so we did 對了,我們寫到前三條了。so用于強調(diào),置于句首,構成“so+主語+be動詞、助動詞”的排列,表示同意對方的話;比如:He is the best student in this class. 他是班上最好的學生。Yes, so he is.他的確是。so置于句首,構成倒裝句式“so+be動詞、助動詞+主語”表示“亦如此,也一樣”。比如:Hes a teacher and so is his wife. 他是位教師,他妻子也是。2. in chronological order按時間順序。 inorder = in order of 按順序:in alphabetical
4、order按字母順序排列;arranged in order of size, merit, importance, etc 按大小、功績、重要性等排列的3. under the name of 用作名字。He writes under the name of Nimrod.它用尼姆羅德這個名字寫作。Instead of using his true name, he sent the article to the paper under the name of Saki.他不用真名,而用"沙奇"這個名字向報紙投稿。4. catch up 1) 趕上。They starte
5、d a few minutes ago, and we must hurry to catch up. 他們幾分鐘前已出發(fā),我們必須趕緊追上。2) 很快拾起。The thief caught up the money and ran away. 小偷一把抓起錢,逃之夭夭。3) 纏住。It seemed that she was always caught up in the household. 看來她總是家務纏身5. so that 為了如此.以至于;以便。She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 oclock. 他拼命干以
6、便能到六點時把一切都準備好。sothat為的是;以便。He has so organized his life that his wife suspects nothing.他把生活安排得井井有條,為的是不讓妻子有任何懷疑。6. on your own 你自己(完成)。on ones own 獨自。I can't carry it on my own; it's too heavy.我無法獨自攜帶它,太重了。相關的詞組of ones own 自己的。She has a mind of her own. 她頗有主見。7. at the end of the day 把一切都考慮進
7、去:At the end of the day the new manager is no better than the previous one. 從各個方面來看,這位新經(jīng)理并不比前任強。四、 參考答案III. Further Exercises 1Restudy the dialogue and briefly answer the questions about it.1) What are the two speakers doing? They are discussing how to file effectively.2) How many points have they f
8、inished? They ve finished the first three points.3) Whats the fourth instruction? It is “Be consistent. Always file letters from the same customer in the same file.”4) Whats the fifth instruction? It is “File under the name of the firm or job, not under the name of the person you are writing to.”5)
9、Did Mr. Ling Yun tell Zhang Yi when to transfer old material? No, he didnt. He asked her to do it on her own.6) What should Zhang Yi remember to do at the end of the day? She should remember not to forget to include a note on locking the file cabinets at the end of the day.2. Translate the following
10、 dialogue into Chinese and look at the disc for a suggested version of each.A: What are these folders for?A: 這些文件夾是做什么用的?B: Clients accounts. Their names are written on this projecting edge or tab. They are indexed properly and kept in the filing cabinets in a vertical position.B: 客戶的賬目。他們的名字寫在文件夾的凸
11、出邊沿或者標簽上,把它們編上索引,垂直地放在文件柜里。A: What do the different color cards indicate?A: 這些不同顏色的卡片表示什么?B: The different colors indicate which commodities are sold.B: 顏色表示所出售的商品是什么。A: Are these filed alphabetically?A: 這些是按照字母順序整理的嗎?B: Exactly. Youll find that all the cards for a given client are grouped together.
12、 In addition to helping the sales clerk with his statements, youll also take charge of the invoice files, which follow the same system as the individual cards.B: 是的。你會發(fā)現(xiàn),一位既定客戶的所有卡片都歸在一起。除了幫助銷售人員作結算單外,你還需要負責發(fā)票文件。發(fā)票和個人卡片使用同樣的系統(tǒng)。A: That greatly simplifies the procedure. How do you number the invoices?
13、A: 這樣手續(xù)就簡化多了。您怎樣給發(fā)票編號呢?B: Well, the number of invoicesper year for any one commodity is generally less than three thousand, so we number by lots of three thousand.B: 哦,發(fā)票的編號通常一種商品每年的數(shù)量小于三千,所以我們用許多三千來編號。A: I dont exactly understand.A: 我不是很明白。B: For example, we number commodity A, from one to three th
14、ousand, commodity B, from three thousand to six thousand, and so on.B: 例如,對于商品A,我們從一編號到三千,對于商品B,從三千編號到六千,等等。A: It sounds very practical.A: 聽起來很實用。B: Yes, and it gives us an extra reference check for any given invoice.B: 是的,這可以使我們對已有的發(fā)票再進行一次參考核對。3. Complete the following dialogue and look at the disc
15、 for a suggested version of each and listen to its recording.A: Ive got the list here, Mr. Ling Yun.B: What list?A: The list of points about filing (有關立卷的要點列表)you said we would discuss it this morning.B: Oh, yes. I remember. I was so cross yesterday when I discovered that Emma was keeping two separa
16、te files for the same customer (給同一個客戶立了兩個檔案).A: Yes, you said we would have to issue a list of filing instructions(發(fā)布一份立卷須知) to all the staff on filing routine. B: Right. Well, what have you written down?A: Well, I thought we might head the page NOTICE and center the title FILING INSTRUCTIONS(把標題“立
17、卷須知”放在中間).B: Yes, thats all right, and then it can be dated at the end and signed by the managing director(由總經(jīng)理來簽字)。A: Yes.五、 課文譯文 (原來就有譯文。)A: 張一,咱們把立卷須知弄完吧。B: 好的,這是一份咱們昨天寫的東西。A: 讓我看看,咱們寫到哪里了?B: 咱們已經(jīng)寫完前三條了。A: 對了,咱們寫完前三條了。讓我來重溫一下(念)1 文件要按時間順序入卷。2 除去曲別針和大頭針。必須放在一起的文件要用訂書機訂好。3 卷內(nèi)文件要整齊。B: 很好,那么,下面一條是什么?
18、A: 第四條我寫的是“要前后一致”。B: 對,這很重要?!耙粦粢痪怼笔橇⒕淼囊?guī)矩。A: 還有一條好規(guī)矩是-“按工作崗位立卷,而不是按從事該工作的人的姓名立卷?!盉: 是的,很好。人會改換工作,但公司的工作崗位一般是不會變的。A: 就是這個意思。給總會計師的信箋必須放在為總會計師立的C卷里,而不能放入為波卡先生立的P卷里,在波卡先生之前擔任總會計師的是愛威特先生B: 是啊,誰會想到在E卷里找總會計師的文件呢?A: 正是這樣。這樣第四和第五條須知就都有了,是吧?B: 是的。第四條是:“要前后一致,同一個客戶的來信要放在同一個卷內(nèi)?!盇: 好。下面你可以寫上第五條,“按公司的名稱或者工作崗位的名稱入
19、卷,而不是按照收信人姓名入卷?!盉: (以書寫的速度慢慢地說)“收信人姓名入卷?!盇: 好的。還有什么要寫的嗎?B: 有,我還有幾點,是關于使用相互參照便條和借出卡的問題,以及為了避免卷中文件放得太滿,何時將舊資料轉移的問題。A: 這些我看你就自己寫吧。B: 很好,凌云先生。A:還有,別忘了加上一條,下班前必須鎖好檔案柜B: 是,我不會忘記的。六、 課文錄音全文(Section1)A: Now Zhang Yi, lets finish drafting the list of filing instructions.B: Yes, heres a copy of what we wrote
20、yesterday.A: Let me see, how far did we get?B: Weve finished the first three points.A: Yes, so we had. Just let me refresh my memory (reads) 1. Keep the documents in each file in chronological order.2. Remove clips and pins. Papers that have to be attached together should be stapled.3. Place papers
21、squarely in the files.B: Thats fine. Now whats the next point?A: For number four Ive written “Be consistent.”B: Yes, thats essential. “One customerone file” is the rule.A: And another good rule is to file by job title and not by the name of the person doing the job.B: Yes, of course. People change t
22、heir jobs but the title usually stays the same.A: Exactly. So that gives us instructions four and five, doesnt it?B: Yes. Number four is “Be consistent. Always file letters from the same customer in the same file.”A: Good. And now you can add number five, which is “File under the name of the firm or
23、 job, not under the name of the person you are writing to.”B: (slowly as she catches up writing) youre writing to.A: Right. Anything else?B: Yes, Ive a few points about the use of cross-reference slips and OUT cards and when to transfer old material so that the files dont become too crowded.A: Well,
24、 I think you can finish those on your own.B: Very well. Mr. Ling Yun.A: And dont forget to include a note on locking the file cabinets at the end of the day.B: No, I wont forget.Section 2 Filing Effectively一、背景知識公文的分類應該符合分類的邏輯原則,力求簡明、嚴密。每一種分類層次只能使用一種分類標準,也就是,將一大組公文劃分成若干小組時,只能使用一個相同的標準,不允許同時使用幾種標準。通常
25、,機關公文分類可以劃分為四個層次:分年度、分組織機構、分問題、分保管期限。公文組卷,即對分類后的各屬類按照其共同特征和主要聯(lián)系,將其組合成一個個案卷的活動。組卷的依據(jù)是從公文結構中概括出來的作者、問題、時間、名稱、通訊者、地區(qū)等諸要素,它們體現(xiàn)了公文在這些方面特有的聯(lián)系及形成規(guī)律。二、課前提問1. What should be included in a file?2. If you are a secretary, what will you do to each file while you are filing?3. What are basic requirements for a f
26、iling system?4. How will a good filing system affect the whole organization?5. Do you know some universally used commandments for filing management?三、語言學習1. neithernor既不.也不.。Neither she nor I knew. 她和我都不知道。2. up to date 最新的(作表語)。All the data are up to date. 所有的數(shù)據(jù)都是最新的。up-to-date(作表語或定語):1) 最新的;包含最新信
27、息的:an up-to-date report有關最新情況的報告2) 時新的;新式的;現(xiàn)代的an up-to-date factory一座現(xiàn)代化的工廠Tony is more up-to-date than I.托尼比我更新潮。3. heap up 積成堆,堆起來。Garbage heaped up behind the house. 屋后垃圾積成了堆。heap up stones to form a dam把石頭堆成一道堤壩heap up riches積聚財富4. every now and then 時常;有時。She comes to visit us every now and the
28、n.她時常來看望我們。5. depend upon = depend on 1) 視某事物而定;取決于某事物:A lot will depend on how she responds to the challenge.在很大程度上將取決于她對這一難題的反應。How much is produced depends on how hard we work.產(chǎn)量的大小就在我們努力的程度。2) 依靠;信賴。Shes a woman who can be depended on.她是個可以信賴的人。3) 確信;堅信;信賴:You can never depend on his arriving on
29、 time.絕不可指望他能準時到。6. carry out實現(xiàn)。She had finally carried out her promise to quit smoking. 她最終實現(xiàn)了戒煙的諾言。7. bear/keep sb./sth. in mind 記住某人某事物。We have no vacancies now, but well certainly bear your application in mind.我們目前沒有空缺,但是我們一定記住你申請的事。bear in mind that記住。Bear in mind that you'll have to practi
30、ce economy.記住要厲行節(jié)約。8. either or不是.就是.;要么.要么.。She is either drunk or mad.她不是醉了就是瘋了。四、參考答案III. Further Exercises 1. Restudy the passage and briefly answer the questions.1) What is the essence of filing? It is to bring together in a single folder or file all papers relating to a particular person or su
31、bject and that letters received are filed with those sent in reply.2) What should a file include, besides correspondence? Besides correspondence, it must include telegrams, notes of important interviews, decisions at meetings, telephone messages, and any other matters needed3) How is filing related
32、to business? Filing is an essential part of any business and it affects the whole organization. An inefficient system is frustrating to everyone concerned.4) Give three merits, at least, to show a good filing system will have. A good filing system will, at least, have the following three merits:(1)
33、It will be housed in suitable equipment. This need not be costly nor complicated.(2) It will always be up to date. Each days correspondence will be filed first thing next day and not left to heap up.(3) It will be clearly titled; if handwritten, in block letters; if typed, in jet-black capitals.5) H
34、ow can you keep filing up to date? You can do it by filing first thing each day.6) What filing commandments should secretaries bear in mind? They should bear in mind the following ten commandments: (1) Name each file clearly, either in block capitals or in jet-black typed capitals.(2) Provide a divi
35、ding guide card for every twenty to thirty folders.(3) Keeping filing up to date by filing first thing each day.(4) First sort filing materials into order.(5) Remove all paper clips and, instead, use staples for papers that must be kept together; otherwise, single papers may become loose and wrongly
36、 filed. Then file in date order, always placing most recent papers on top, or in front.(6) Avoid removing individual papers from files, and prepare markers for all absent files.(7) Transfer correspondence from “miscellaneous” to individual folders as soon as there is enough of it.(8) Remove “dead” m
37、aterial to “transfer” files.(9) Keep your card index handy and up to date. (10) Remember that prompt and careful filing contributes heavily to the efficiency of your office.2. Translate the following into Chinese.十條檔案管理規(guī)則:1)卷名清晰,用印刷體大寫字母或者黑體大寫字母書寫。2) 每二十至三十個文件夾分別建立目錄導卡。3) 每天的首要工作是文件歸檔,以保證最新的文件入檔。4)
38、檔案資料必須分類按順序排列。5) 去掉所有文件上的曲別針,必須放在一起的文件要用訂書機訂好。否則散頁文件會誤入卷宗。按時間順序分類入卷,把最新文件放在最上面或者最前面。6) 不要把單份文件從卷宗中取走,對所有被抽出的檔案都要一一標明。7) 函件一滿,則及時從綜合文件夾轉移至專用文件夾。8) 將“死檔”放入轉移卷宗。9) 卡片索引須使用方便且隨時更新(卡片索引最有用)。10) 及時仔細的立卷歸檔將大大提高辦公效率。3. New words for dictation constant /5kRnstEnt/ adj.不變的, 持續(xù)的previous /5pri:vjEs/ adj.在前的, 早先
39、的accessible /Ek5sesEbl/ adj.易接近的, 可到達的transaction /trAn5zAkFEn/ n.交易essential /i5senFEl/ adj.本質的, 實質的, 基本的reliability /ri5laiE5biliti/ n.可靠性The Purpose of FilingIn any business, the constant need to refer to previous correspondence is met by a filing system, that is a method of storing papers to pro
40、vide a readily accessible record of past transactions. The essential qualities of such a system are reliability and accessibility; the only reason for having it at all is to be able to find papers quickly when they are needed. A person writing a letter will often need to refer to previous letters to
41、 refresh his memory, or, if he is acting for someone else, to gather the threads of what has gone before.4. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and look at the disc for a suggested version of each. 1) Four basic methods of classifying correspondence for filing are popularly in use. They a
42、re alphabetical, numerical and alpha-numerical, geographical, and the subject.有四種常用的基本的分類整理信件的辦法:按字母順序,按數(shù)字順序以及字母數(shù)字結合順序,按地理順序,按主題分類。2) Documents may be filed either horizontally, i.e. flat and on top of one another, or vertically, i.e. upright and either behind one another or side by side.可以水平地放置文檔,也
43、就是說平著放,一個文檔在另一個的上面,或者垂直地放置文檔,也就是說,豎直的,一個文檔在另一個后面或者并排。5. Fill in the blanks with proper articles if necessary and look at the disc for a suggested version of each and listen to its recording.The advancement of technology, especially the use of the Internet, has speeded up the whole business world. Th
44、us a secretary in this information era should be able to use emailing system, various software about e-filing, and the database. E-filing will not only save space, but will increase productivity by actually bringing records, charts, folders, files, or other media to the user. Compared with tradition
45、al ways of filing management, e-filing is more efficient and effective.五、課文譯文文件管理的本質是將與某一個人或主題相關的所有文件都歸入一個文件夾或文檔;把收到的信件要與回復的信件歸在一起。一個文檔不能只限于信件。電報,重要會面的記錄,會議決議,電話留言,以及任何其他可以使文檔更加完整的信息記錄都應該包括在內(nèi)。一個好的文件系統(tǒng)應該具有以下這些優(yōu)點:1) 文件應該放置在合適的設備里面。設備不必昂貴也不必復雜。2) 文件整理應該及時。第二天的第一件事情就是整理前一天的信件,不能放置過久而堆積。3) 文件的題目應該清楚明了。如果
46、是手寫的,應該使用印刷體;如果是打印出來的,應該使用黑體字。4) 文件應該易于處理。最新的文件應該放置在最上面。如果是按照豎直方式排列的,應該放在最前面。因為最新的文件是最可能需要使用的文件。應該定期地將過時的文件轉移成長期儲藏文件,這樣文件系統(tǒng)就不會散亂著不需要的資料。5) 文件系統(tǒng)要靈活。文件系統(tǒng)應該可以擴充,并能夠適應變化的情況。文件管理是任何一個公司的基本部分也是很重要的部分,它影響著整個公司。一個效率低下的系統(tǒng)對任何相關的人來說都是令人沮喪的。一個效率很高的系統(tǒng)不僅取決于執(zhí)行工作時所付出的努力,還取決于規(guī)劃系統(tǒng)時所付出的艱苦。在文件管理的過程中,秘書應該將下列廣泛應用的文件管理的十條
47、規(guī)則牢記于心:1) 卷名清晰,用印刷體大寫字母或者黑體大寫字母書寫。2) 每二十至三十個文件夾分別建立目錄導卡。3) 每天的首要工作是文件歸檔,以保證最新的文件入檔。4) 檔案資料必須分類按順序排列。5) 去掉所有文件上的曲別針,必須放在一起的文件要用訂書機訂好。否則散頁文件會誤入卷宗。按時間順序分類入卷,把最新文件放在最上面或者最前面。6) 不要把單份文件從卷宗中取走,對所有被抽出的檔案都要一一標明。7) 函件一滿,則及時從綜合文件夾轉移至專用文件夾。8) 將“死檔”放入轉移卷宗。9) 卡片索引須使用方便且隨時更新(卡片索引最有用)。10) 及時仔細的立卷歸檔將大大提高辦公效率。六、課文錄音
48、全文(Section2)The essence of filing is to bring together in a single folder or file all papers relates to a particular person or subject; letters received are filed with those sent in reply. A file cannot be restricted to correspondence alone, but must include telegrams, notes of important interviews,
49、 decisions at meetings, telephone messages, and any other matters needed to make it complete as a record of information. A good filing system will have the following merits:1) It will be housed in suitable equipment. This does not need to be neither costly nor complicated.2) It will always be up to
50、date. Each days correspondence will be filed first thing next day and not left to heap up.3) It will be clearly titled; if handwritten, in block letters; if typed, in jet-black capitals.4) It will always be easy to handle. The latest papers will be placed on top or, in vertical filing in front, sinc
51、e they are the ones most likely to be retrieved. Non-current matter will be every now and then removed and transferred to long-term storage files, so that the system is not cluttered with unwanted materials.5) It will be flexible. It will be capable of expansion or adaptation to suit changing circum
52、stances.Filing is an essential part of any business and it affects the whole organization. An inefficient system is frustrating to everyone concerned. An efficient system depends as much upon the care with which the work is carried out as upon the care with which the system has been planned. In the
53、process of filing management, secretaries should bear the following ten universally used filing commandments in mind:1) Name each file clearly, either in block capitals or in jet-black typed capitals.2) Provide a dividing guide card for every twenty to thirty folders.3) Keeping filing up to date by
54、filing first thing each day.4) First sort filing materials into order.5) Remove all paper clips and, instead, use staples for papers that must be kept together; otherwise, single papers may become loose and wrongly filed. Then file in date order, always placing most recent papers on top, or in front
55、.6) Avoid removing individual papers from files, and prepare markers for all absent files.7) Transfer correspondence from “miscellaneous” to individual folders as soon as there is enough of it.8) Remove “dead” material to “transfer” files.9) Keep your card index handy and up to date. 10) Remember th
56、at prompt and careful filing contributes heavily to the efficiency of your office.Section 3 Writing a Letter of Congratulation一、 背景知識在國際商務中,常有值得慶賀的事情發(fā)生,秘書要適時寫信、發(fā)賀電、打電話向有關單位、部門的有關領導祝賀,增進合作伙伴間的聯(lián)系,加深感情,塑造更加良好的形象。常見的有以下四種可祝賀的事情:一是工作方面的祝賀(如工作取得突出成績,圓滿地完成了某項重大任務,如重要工程的開工竣工、科研項目的完成以及商場的開業(yè)等);二是會議方面的祝賀(如重要會議
57、的召開或勝利閉幕等);三是節(jié)日的祝賀;四是祝壽、賀喜(如祝賀結婚)。寫賀信,最主要的是正文部分,內(nèi)容須集中,扣緊所祝賀的事情,從意義、影響、作用、功績等不同角度,給予實事求是、誠摯、熱情的評價和稱贊。二、 課前提問1. Whats the purpose of a letter of congratulation?2. Why is a letter of congratulation important in business?3. If you are secretary, do you know how to produce a letter of congratulation? What should be included in it?4. Usually, what should be included in the first part of a congratulatory letter?5. When should a secretary sent a letter of congratulation to the receiver?三、 語言學習1. as soon as po
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