



1、學習-好資料語法填空專項訓練(動詞)一解法探究語法填空中,提示詞為動詞時,從幾方面考慮?Group One解題并思考,本組題的考點是什么?1. After a four-day jour ney, the young man(prese nt) the water to theold man. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled warmly and tha nked (201 廣東)2. Every few years, the coal workers(have) their lungs X-rayed to en sure their health

2、. (2010上海)3. people stepped on your feet or(push) you with their elbows, hurrying ahead to get to abargai n. (2009 廣東)小結:本組題考查動詞時態(tài)。如果一個句子沒有謂語動詞,或者雖然已有謂語動詞,但所填 的動詞與之是并列關系,就確定填動詞謂語,謂語動詞首先要考慮時態(tài)。Group Two :解題并思考,本組題的考點是什么?3. Her mother was excited.“ Your father has at last decided to stop smoking, (info

3、rm) ” Jane(09廣東)4. Lin da, make sure the tables(set) before the guests arrive. (2010 全國 II)小結:本組題考被動語態(tài)。確定填謂語動詞之后,不僅要考慮時態(tài),也要考慮語態(tài)。Group Th ree :解題并思考,本組題的考點是什么?5. After the student left, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spit it out,(say) it was awful. (2010 廣東)6. With Father ' s

4、 Day around the corn er, I have take n some money out of the bank(buy ) prese nts for my dad. (2010全 國 1)7. Alexander tries to get his work(recognize) in the medical circles. (2010 遼寧)小結:本組題考查非謂語動詞。如果一個句子已有謂語動詞,且不是并列謂語,就要考慮非謂語(-ing形式、過去分詞或不定式),然后分析該非謂語動詞在句子中作什么成 分,再根據非謂語動詞各自的特點和用法,同時看謂語動詞有沒有特別的要求,再結

5、合與邏輯主語是主動關系或被動關系,確定該填哪種形式。Group Four :解題并思考,本組題的考點是什么?8. John is very(rely) - if he promises to do something, he' ll do it.9. The patie nt is seriously ill and is being kept un der continuou(observe).小結:本組題考詞語派生。分析句子結構,當所給動詞不充當謂語或非謂語,必須弄清要填 的詞在句子中充當哪種句子成分,做該成分需要哪種詞類的詞,把括號中的詞轉換成相應的詞類。比較(一)1. The

6、film which is popular among young people(produce) last year.2. The film(produce) last year was popular.3. We all like the film which(produce) last year.(二)1.1 know Mr. Brow n. We(in troduce) to each other at an intern ati onal conferen ce.2.1 know the man(in troduce) to me by my frie nd at an intern

7、 atio nal conferen ce.(三)1. The new theatre which is said to be bigger than the old one (build) here next year.2. The new theatre (build) here next year is said to be much bigger than the old one.二 . 單句填空 用括號中動詞的適當形式填空。1. The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home, _(re

8、ply) in a way that shocked his father.2. When (compare) with the size of the whole earth , the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.3. They use computers to keep the traffic (run) smoothly.4. Up to now, the program (save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.5. The Group of Eight, o

9、r G8, (form) by eight of the world' s wealthiest nations in 1998.6. With the world changing fast, we have something new _ (deal) with all by ourselves every day.7. Mr. Smith, (tire) of the (bore) speech, started to read a novel.8. Barbara is easy to recognize as she' s the only one of the_w_

10、o_m_e(nwweahro) an eveningdress.9. Liuxiang was the first Asian (win) the men ' s 110m hurdles at the Olympics in Athens.10. When the first English settlers arrived in the New World, the Indians wearing jewellery made of animal bones _ (greet) them warmly.11. When first (introduce) to the market

11、, these products enjoyed great success.12. (give) the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow intointernational stars.13. We were astonished (find) the temple still in its original condition.14. A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, (kill) a

12、ll four people onboard.15. The play (produce) next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.16. He had a wonderful childhood, (travel) with his mother to all corners of the world.17. Do you believe that there is a (connect) between smoking and heart disease?18. Last night was the most (enjoy)

13、time I' ve had in a month of Sundays.19. Helen had to shout (make) herself heard above the sound of the music20. She stared at the painting, wondering where she (see) it.21. I don ' t believe you22. With the government settlements. ( 09 上海)ve already finished rbeoaodiknIg_th_e_ (lend) to you

14、 this morning.s aid_, _th_o_s_e_ (affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new23. The children all turned (look) at the famous actress as she enteretdhe classroom.24. (approach) the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. (20上10海 )25. (see) from the top of the tower, the

15、south foot of the mountain is a seoaf trees(. 2010 陜西)26. Listen! Do you hear someone (call ) for help? (2010 湖南)27. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, _if (carry) out regularly, canimprove our health.28. I had great difficulty(find) the suitable food on the menu in that restauran

16、t.(2010上海)29. That is the only way we can imagine (reduce) the overuse of water in students ' bathrooms.學習-好資料30. The flowers(smell) sweet in the bota nic garde n attract the visitors to the beauty of n ature31. (wait) in the queue for half an hourTom suddenly realized that he had left his walle

17、t at home.32. A cook will(fire) if he is found(smoke) in the kitche n.33. Friendship is like money: easier make than(keep).34. U nless(in vite) to speak, you should rema in sile nt at the conferen ce.35. After my guests left I spe nt as much time as I could(clea n) the rooms三語篇模擬Shu Pulong has helpe

18、d at least 1000 peopled(bite) by snakes. “It was 2 (see) peoplewith sn ake bites that led me to this career, he said .In 1963, after his army service, Shu entered a medical school and later _ become) a doctor of Chinese medicine. As part of his studies, he had to work in the mountains. There he ofte

19、n heard of people who had their arms and legs 4( cut ) off after a sn ake bite in order to save their lives.“ I was greatly5(annoy) by the story of an old farmer I met. It was a very hot after noon.The old man _6_(pull) grass in his field when he felt a pain in his left hand. He at once realized he

20、_7_(bite) by a poisonous snake. In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm 8(stop )the pois on spread ing to his heart.9(rush) home, he shoutedBri ng me a knife !' Minutes later the man lost his arm forever”“ The sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to_10(help)

21、people bitte nby snakes” Shu said.BAn Arab was walk ing through the desert, thirsty for wate,1he saw someth ing far off in thedista nee.2(hope) to find water, he walked towards the image, on ly to find a little Jewishman3(sit) at a card table with a bunch of n eckties laid out on.itThe Arab asked, “ Please, I_4(die)


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