



1、九年級(jí)英語(yǔ) Unit3CreativityLesson7AFamousInventor 教案新版北師大版 UativLA famous invv 本課是本單元的第一課,主要內(nèi)容是意大利畫家及 發(fā)明家的發(fā)明和在未來(lái)實(shí)現(xiàn)的科技設(shè)想,要學(xué)習(xí)的語(yǔ)法 是表示原因的連詞 because、since和as,以及表示添加 信息的 as well as 。通過(guò)本課的學(xué)習(xí),學(xué)生將了解到達(dá) 芬奇在科技上的成就,學(xué)會(huì)用連詞表示不同種類的原因。 【知識(shí)目標(biāo)】 通過(guò)閱讀,體會(huì)因果連詞用法。 【能力目標(biāo)】 通過(guò)精讀獲取文章中主人公的實(shí)際。 【情感目標(biāo)】 根據(jù)獲取的信息,學(xué)習(xí)體會(huì)達(dá)芬奇勇于創(chuàng)新,趕超 時(shí)代、成為先鋒的精神。

2、【教學(xué)重點(diǎn)】 通過(guò)閱讀,獲取達(dá)芬奇作為工程師和發(fā)明家 的成就等信息及他的成績(jī)不為人所知的秘密。 2. 通過(guò)閱讀,體會(huì)因果連詞用法。 【教學(xué)難點(diǎn)】 根據(jù)提示,口頭介紹發(fā)明家達(dá)芬奇。前準(zhǔn)備:調(diào)試 光盤與課件、給學(xué)生分組、為學(xué)生布置預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè)等; 2. 教具學(xué)具: 光盤、 大卡片等。 Warm-uLet students maamous figures wbs. 2. Look at Mona Lisa and ask studation about the painting2. ReadingRead the Para. 1 to get da Vinci s baation Para.1 tell

3、 us via table. 2. Read Para.2 and answer the qulidPara. 2 and circlgs that da Vinci planned or inventedGet studavwures.5.Let students read the excerpt loudlLet students add the invation tablRead Para.3 and tick da Vinci s ideas which were realizedRead Para.4 and answer the quabout da Vinci s coddial

4、ation about da Vinci and his achievLet students read the passage loudly wdingDiscuLet students talk abouarawith bringing up words. 2. Ask studgivaamous inventor da VDiscuss what creative things we can do in our daily life or at schoolLanguagbe considered +n./adj. 被認(rèn)為 g. The paper dxplain wgn owuld b

5、e considered bad. 注意:不要用 be considered as 2N-COUNT 先驅(qū);先鋒;創(chuàng)始人;倡導(dǎo)者 e.gleadingBurnalahead of 在之前 e.g. The election was held sixaheaddulwork out 解決; 作出; 鍛煉; 了解某人的本質(zhì) g. Tarties willxwork out remaining dde N-COUNT. 行為準(zhǔn)則; 代 碼,密碼; 法典; 信號(hào) e.g. They used elaboradbackwards adv 向后; 往 后; 倒;逆 g. He works backward

6、s, building a houdownwardlidaaalappearingxt. 2. Readaining causal conjuloudlGrammaLet students take a look aludingudicating causational rela2. Teach the damong because, as, andTeaaning of as well aummaawuare supposed to uReadandgught meaningwordxLet studd ouaningunderlined words in ExFillwith appropriate conjuxaking Ask studdo the pair work: Do you think Leonardo da Vinci was a great inventor? Why? Whodo you think was the greatest inventor? Why? Example: I think Leonardo da Vinci was a great in


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