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1、必修2 Module 3課下作業(yè)(一、二)課下作業(yè)(一)單元語(yǔ)基扎根練I單詞拼寫1. The plot in this novel is so complex ( 復(fù)雜的)that many people cant understand it well.2. The professors speech in this university was so wonderful that it won the applause of all theaudienee (聽眾)present.3. This famous scientist tours (巡回演出)many top universiti

2、es all over the world every year.4. Thomas Edis on once said, “ Genius (天才)is one perce nt in spirati on and nin ety -nineperce nt perspirati on. ”5. They have formed a music band (樂隊(duì))that is popular among teenagers.6. The album (專輯)that the famous sin ger published several days ago contained many s

3、weetson gs.7. If the past record (記錄)is anything to go by, we will get there ,” he said.8. He had lost (丟失)his identity card and was being questioned by the police.n.語(yǔ)境語(yǔ)法填空1. As a famous ? musicia n (music), Jack s songs have in flue need many people ? to love(love) music. People are impressed ? wit

4、h his catchy music and optimistic attitude towards life.2.By the time the treatme nt en ds, he ? will_have_been (be) in hospital for six mon ths. Itis not until he is in hospital ? that he realizes the importanee of health.3. He likes travelling. He spent four weeks ? touring (tour) around Europe la

5、st year. He madea note ? of everything that had happened during his travel.4. Michael Jacks on was first known ? as a member of the band Jacks on 5.He is ? _a geniusand an ? in flue ntial (in flue nee) sin ger,? composer (compose) and dancer.川.語(yǔ)境改錯(cuò)1.文中共有 5 處錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有一處,請(qǐng)找出并改正。Mr Black, who is 70 yea

6、rs old, split with his wife two years ago. Till now he has went deaffor almost one year. I n order to com muni cate with others well , he ofte n asks others to make the noteof their words. We are impressed on his optimism. He also likes help ing homeless childre n and he hascha nged his house for a

7、shelter.His life is differe nt from what it used to be.答案:第一句:split 后加 up第二句: wentTgone第三句:theTa第四句:onTwith第五句:forTinto2. 文中共有 5 處錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處,請(qǐng)找出并改正。Mr Li is known for a pianist, who was born in Chongqing. Though born into an ordinary family, thepia nist showed a music tale nt from an early age. In

8、flue ncing by his teacher, he bega n to play thepiano at the age of seven. In addition, he had recorded many albums, each of which would make onelos ing in its beauty.答案:第一句:forTas第二句:musicTmusical第三句:In flue ncingTin flue need第四句:去掉 had; losingTlostIV.根據(jù)提示補(bǔ)全句子1.他學(xué)習(xí)相聲數(shù)十年了,他想把中國(guó)相聲與西方的脫口秀融合起來。(mix)He

9、has been learning crosstalk for decades and wants to mix_it up with the Western talk show.2 .由 50 個(gè)學(xué)生組成的這個(gè)班級(jí)表現(xiàn)很好。(compose)The class composed_of_fifty_students is doing well.3.他在朋友羅伯特弗羅斯特的影響下開始寫詩(shī)。(in flue nee)He begi ns writi ng poetry un der the in flue nee of his friend , Robert Frost.4.公交車最終到來時(shí),我已

10、在車站等了十分鐘。(by the time)By_the_time_the_bus_finally_came._l had been at the bus stop for 10 minutes.5.收集完所有必需的材料,他開始寫報(bào)告。(現(xiàn)在分詞的完成式作狀語(yǔ))Having_collected_all_the_necessary_materials,_he began to write his report.V.短文填空(I)根據(jù)提示填空The arts, especially music, should be part of every schools lessons at every gr

11、ade level. Studentswould be much smarter if they had some ? musical (music) experienee. They could improve theirclassroom skills, like ? payi ng_atte ntio no (注意)and followi ng direct ions. People develop all theseskills whe n they learn music. Maki ng music also lets childre n use their ? imaginati

12、on (imagine). Itprovides students with a chanee to ? try out their own ideas (嘗試 他們自己的想法).Music not only makes children better students, but also gives them something positive ? tQ_do(do). I n a music program, childre n can be part of a band in stead of joining a gang. Parents can enjoy ?liste ning

13、(liste n) to their childre n s music in stead of see ing them glued to a computer or TV scree n.In a school band, stude nts get to be part of a team. They can get along well with old friends and makenew friends through music.Music builds self- con fide nee, too. It gives childre n ? WSen se_of_achie

14、veme nt 成就感)andsuccess. Maki ng music is somethi ng for them to ? be proud of (以.為豪),and it lets kidspractice ? performing (perform) in front of an audienee. Music gives children an opportunity forself-expressi on, and that helps ? (to) develop (develop) their self- con fide nee.(n)片段選詞填空at the end

15、of, listen to, have an effect on, depend a lot on, play a great role in , dance to, lookback at, be known asHave you ever won dered why malls, restaura nts, and even theaters have music play ing? Well,just ? look back at how you have felt when you have heard music playing at these places. Playing th

16、eright type of music can help people feel better. Music also ? has an effect on your concen tratio n .Music even helps patie nts feel better and helps them recover faster and better.Depression is a state of mind that most of us experience at some point of time. There are periodsin our life whe n eve

17、ryth ing can seem difficult. Studies have show n that music can be a major moodlifter in such situations. Music also ? plays_a_great_role_in reducing anxiety. An xiety ofte n causeslack of sleep and other related problems.Music ? is_known_as the international Ianguage. We may not know the Ianguage a

18、nother pers onis speak ing but most of us resp ond to music in the same manner. Music is one of the best ways to liftyour moods, but this can ? depend_a_lot_on the type of music you listen to. While happy music canmake you feel better, sad music can further drown your spirits. If the tempo (扌白子)is f

19、ast, you will become excited and ? dance_to the music. ? Listening_to classical music can ofte nmake you feel powerful while soft music can be the perfect way to help you relax?at_the_end_of a long day.課下作業(yè)(二)高考語(yǔ)篇提能練I.完形填空My family rece ntly had the honor ofhost ing a young excha nge stude nt from F

20、inland for ayear.Edv in, aged 17, came to _1_ in our home in Maine on an August day.He had a good _2_ of English, and he could speak like a native, without the slightest trace (痕跡)of a Finnish _3_.Edvin explained that it was _4_ Finnish educational system starts foreig n Ianguage in struct ion to st

21、ude nts at 7. He also had _5_ an En glish- Ian guage high school inHelsinki.Anyonein our neighborhood would _6_ him for a native speaker.r ve been interested in Ianguages and I found myself _7_ about Finnish after Edvin s _8_felt excited to have a Finn to _9 _me to his mother tongue.Finnish is not p

22、art of the three greatEuropea n Ian guage groups .It is just in its own _10_ uni verse .I ts a little like Hungarian andEstonian, but it doesnt _11_ them.Therefore, it has a reputation for being _億 to un dersta nd andlear n.But I have a good teacher.One of Edvin s great 13 was his patience.Another w

23、as hisdeep interest and pride in his culture and a third was his willingness to _14_ At supper, I often7 . A.curiousB. anxiousasked Edvin about Finnish words, few of which _in Finnish,“house is“talo and“butter isbetween Finnish and English._17_15_ anything I had heard before.For example,voi. I” was

24、_16 一 possible to build bridgesI could understand some Finnish withEdvin s greathelp.However, it seems that there is a word, is nottreating a playmate _1_9_?your voice.Some one is about to walk into a wall aconversation? Just sigh and say a bittersweet, 語(yǔ)篇解讀:本文是一篇記敘文。教作者芬蘭語(yǔ)的事情。1. A.dropC. break解析:選

25、B 根據(jù)上文的which contains_18_ meanin gs.YourchildCautio n him with? 20“ Norwith a note of disappointment inNoni ! Youve reached the end ofNoni .文章講述了一名來自芬蘭的交換生Edvin 在作者家寄宿,B. stayD . workMy family rece ntly had the honor ofhost ing a young excha ngestude nt及下文的內(nèi)容可知,來自芬蘭的交換生2. A.senseC. knowledge解析:選 C 根

26、據(jù)下文的knowledge of 意為 精通。3. A.accentC. style解析:選 A 根據(jù)上文的 人的一樣,不帶一點(diǎn)芬蘭口音。4.A.ifC. because解析:選 C 根據(jù)上下文語(yǔ)境可知, 體制從7 歲就開始教授外語(yǔ)。5. A.enjoyedC. valued解析:選 D 根據(jù)上文內(nèi)容以及下文的 也在一所外國(guó)語(yǔ)中學(xué)讀書。6. A.describeC. exchange解析:選 B 根據(jù)上文的Edvin 誤認(rèn)為是說本族語(yǔ)的人。Edvin 要在作者的家里住一年。B . imaginationD . recordand he could speak like a native 可知,

27、他精通英語(yǔ)。 have a goodB. habitD . prideand he could speak like a native 可知,他的英語(yǔ)聽起來跟本地B. howD . whyEdvin 能有現(xiàn)在的英語(yǔ)水平,這是因?yàn)榉姨m的教育B. discoveredD. attendedan English- language high school 可知, EdvinB. mistakeD . fancyand he could speak like a native可知,我們周圍的人都會(huì)把7 . A.curiousB. anxiousCcertainD relaxed解析:選 A 根據(jù)上文的

28、 “have been interested in Ianguages可知,作者對(duì)語(yǔ)言很感興趣, 他對(duì)芬蘭語(yǔ)也感到很好奇。8A.contactB adviceCabsenceD arrivaI解析: 選 D 根據(jù)文章第一句 “My famiIy recentIy had the honor of hosting a young exchangestudent可知,在 Edvin 來到之后,作者對(duì)芬蘭語(yǔ)很好奇,想學(xué)習(xí)芬蘭語(yǔ)。9A.attractB inviteCintroduceD persuade解析:選 C 根據(jù)下文的 to his mother tongue可知,作者也感到非常榮幸,因?yàn)榧?/p>

29、里 有一個(gè)芬蘭人帶領(lǐng)他學(xué)芬蘭語(yǔ)。10A.IanguageBcommunicationCcuItureDvocabuIary解析: 選 A 根據(jù)上文的 “Finnish is not part of the three great European language groups 可知,芬蘭語(yǔ)不屬于歐洲三大語(yǔ)系,它有自己的語(yǔ)言世界。11 A.reIate toB refer toCbeIong toD turn to解析: 選 C 根據(jù)上文的 “It s a IittIe Iike Hungarian and Estonian 可知,芬蘭語(yǔ)有點(diǎn)像匈牙利語(yǔ)和愛沙尼亞語(yǔ),但不屬于它們。12A.app

30、eaIingB difficuItCusefuIDnaturaI解析:選 B 根據(jù)上文語(yǔ)境可知,芬蘭語(yǔ)不屬于歐洲三大語(yǔ)言體系, 有自己的語(yǔ)言風(fēng)格。因此,它以難理解和難學(xué)聞名。13A.contributionsBhobbiesCchaIIengesD quaIities解析: 選 D 根據(jù)下文的 his patienee禾口 Another was his deep interest and pride in hisculture.可知,Edvin 有許多好的品質(zhì),其中一個(gè)就是他很耐心。14A.coIIectB exhibitCshareD speak解析:選 C 根據(jù)下文的 At supper

31、 I often asked Edvin for vocabulary words可知,Edvin 另外一個(gè)品質(zhì)就是樂意分享,他經(jīng)常在吃晚飯時(shí)教作者芬蘭語(yǔ)。15A.resembledBpresentedCfollowedD equaled解析: 選 A 根據(jù)下文的 “For example, in Finnish ,house is talo and butteris voi.”可知,這些芬蘭語(yǔ)單詞和作者聽到的英語(yǔ)單詞沒有一點(diǎn)相似之處。16.A.clearlyB . fiercelyC. directlyD . rarely解析:選 D 根據(jù)上文語(yǔ)境可知,芬蘭語(yǔ)和英語(yǔ)之間很難建立聯(lián)系。17.A

32、.Apparently B . GraduallyC. HopefullyD . Actually解析:選 B 根據(jù)下文語(yǔ)境可知,在 Edvin 的幫助下,逐漸地作者能聽懂芬蘭語(yǔ)了。B . interestingD. specialYour child is not. Noni !” 可知,芬蘭語(yǔ)中的 Noni有很多的意思。C . Call upSomeone is about to walk into a wall ? ” 可知,當(dāng)看到有人快撞墻時(shí),大聲喊Noni”。n.語(yǔ)法填空Do you know about the Elmira Maple Syrup ( 楓糖)Festival? I

33、t isa festival _1_ (ann ual)held in Elmira, On tario, Can ada.It is a _2_ (traditi on) festival, beg inning on April 10,1965, whe n pan cakes and maple syrup_3_ (prese nt) to visitors by the locals .In the begi nning, orga ni zers expected that 2,500 people4 (atte nd) it.But to their surprise, it dr

34、ew _5_ crowd of 10,000 visitors .It continued to grow as anannual tradition in the following years.The year 2000 witnessed its popularity with 66,529 visitors ,_6_ made it the world s largest single day Maple Syrup Festival according to The Guinn ess Book ofWorld Records.V olun teers from the Can adia n Automobile Associati on coun ted people _7_ (enter) Elmira by car that year.Now the festival regularly attracts visitors from around the world, including Australia, Europe,Mexico and the Un ited States.Duri ng the festival, _8_ pan cakes and maple syrup, there are manyothe


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