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1、大學英語六級常用詞組abide by 遵守(法律等);信守 above-mentioned 上述的 access to 接近;通向的入口 account for 占;打死,打落(敵機) abstain from 戒除,棄權,避開 put on an act 裝模作樣be addicted to 沉溺于;使吸毒成癮 adjacent to 與毗連的 admit to 讓享有make advances 取得進步;接近;預付 agree about 對有相同的看法 agree on 就達成協(xié)議決定 agree with 與相一致;適合 leave in the air 擱置,使懸而未決 be ali

2、ve to 對敏感,覺察,關心 for all that 盡管,雖然 on the analogy of 根據(jù)類推 make an appeal to sb. 向某人提出呼吁;上訴apply one's mind to 專心于apply to 向申請或要求approach to 接近;約等于on the average 平均起來,一般說來 back down 放棄,讓步,退卻 back out of 收回(諾言等) on the basis of 在的基礎上 bear down 壓倒,擊敗,克服 bear down on 沖向;對施加壓力 bear off 贏得;使離開;駛離 bear

3、 up 支持,擁護;打起精神 be beneficial to 有利于,有益于 be better off 境況富裕;更富有 be to blame for 對應負責任 be blind to 不了解,對是盲目的 turn a blind eye to 對裝作不見 blow over 被淡忘blow up 發(fā)脾氣;放大(照片等) make hold to 冒昧地擅自(做) bomb out 把(地方等)炸毀 be bound for 準備到去;開往 by leaps and bounds 飛速地,突飛猛進know no bounds 無限,極為 with in the bounds of 在范

4、圍內break in on 打擾;打斷break out into 長出(嫩芽等);迸發(fā)出break up 分裂,分解;解散hold one's breath (由于激動等原因)屏息 lose one's breath 喘不過氣來,呼吸困難 bring forth 使產(chǎn)生;生(孩子)bring forward 使涌現(xiàn)出o contact 使和接觸bring off 救出;成功地做某事bring on 引導,導致;使發(fā)展bring over 把帶來;使某人轉變bring under 鎮(zhèn)壓;壓制;使就范brush off 刷去;撣去;拂去brush up 擦亮;重

5、新學習;復習burn down 把夷為平地burn oneself out (因過勞而)筋疲力盡 burst into 闖入;突然發(fā)作 burst up 爆炸;失??;突然發(fā)怒burst upon 突然來到buy out 出錢使(某人)放棄地位buy up 全買;盡可能買進 call at 作短暫訪問;停(泊)call down 祈求到;招來the roll call 點名call.to account 責問,要求說明理由calm down 平靜下來;鎮(zhèn)定下can do with 滿足于;希望得到cap in hand 恭敬地,謙恭地be careful of 當心對仔細be careful w

6、ith 照顧;對過細地carry away 運走,使失去自制力carry forward 推進,發(fā)揚carry into effect 實行,實現(xiàn),實施catch at 想抓住;立即接受catch up 趕上;打斷的話be cautious of 留心,謹防stand a good chance 很有可能,大有希望in charge 主管;在掌管之下 in full charge 負全責;勇猛向前 be charitable to 對慈善 check over 檢查;調查 check with 與相符合put a check on 制止,禁止 cheer on 向歡呼;鼓勵;聲援chew ov

7、er 深思,細想;仔細商量 be civil to 對有禮貌,對謙恭 be clear about 對明白,對明確 clear off (云霧等)消散 keep clear of 不接觸;避開around the clock 晝夜不斷地,全天地close down 停止播送;控制 close in 包圍;(晝,夜)逐漸變短 close one's ears to 掩耳不聽 close over 淹沒;封蓋;遮蔽 close up (傷口)愈合;停業(yè) close with 靠近,逼近;接受 combine with 使結合;使聯(lián)合起來 come after 跟在后面;跟蹤 come al

8、ive 活躍起來;覺悟起來 come between 在中間;離間 come down on 申斥;懲罰;襲擊 come in for 接受(份兒、遺產(chǎn)等) come out with 發(fā)表,提出;公布 come over 過來;從遠方來come to one's mind 忽然想起 come under 編入,歸入(某一項目)when it comes to 一談到;就而論 be comparable to 比得上be comparable with 與可比較的 compare with 與相比較complain of 抱怨;訴苦;抗議 be composed of. 由組成 con

9、nect with 連接;相通,銜接 be considerate of 體諒,替著想 considering that 鑒于,就而論 correspond to 相當于;和相符合 count in 把計算在內 in course of 正在中in due course 及時地,在適當?shù)臅r候 cover over 遮沒 take cover 隱蔽cure sb. of 治愈某人的疾病 cut out for 適合于,準備;面對 cut short 使突然停止;打斷 cut up (牲口等)宰后得肉in debt to sb. 欠債,欠情die away 變弱;漸漸消失;平息 die game

10、至死不屈die out 消失,滅絕,不復存在 die to the world 隱居,不問人間事 be on a diet 節(jié)食in the direction of 向方向,在方向 disagree with 與意見不一致be disagreeable to 不合意;對發(fā)脾氣disguise.as 把假扮成;使假裝 in the disguise of 假扮成;托辭 be disgusted with 討厭,厭惡 dispose of 除掉;干掉;賣掉 beyond dispute 沒有爭論余地的 do over 重做;重新裝飾房子 do well (病人等)康復情況良好 in doing

11、so 這樣做時,在這情況下 double up 彎曲(手腳等) drive home 打(釘子等)敲進去 be eager for sth. 渴求某事物 eat up 使沉迷于;使糾纏于 to the effect that 大意是說 engage in 從事于,參加enter for 報名參加(比賽) be envious of 羨慕(或忌妒) feel envy at 對感到妒忌(或羨慕)be essential to 對不可缺少 in the event that 如果,萬一的excuse sb. for sth. 原諒某人做了某事 excuse oneself from 借口推托;婉言

12、拒絕fall back 后退,退卻 fall off 下降,跌落,減少 fall to doing 著手(做);開始 be familiar with 對熟悉 be familiar to 為所熟悉 far and wide 四面八方 be favourable to 贊成 for fear that 以免;生怕,唯恐 be fed up with 對感到厭煩,膩了 feed in 輸入,進(料) feel about 摸索,暗中摸索 feel one's way 摸索著走(干),試探 figure for 謀取,企圖獲取 on file 存檔fix in with 適合,符合;適應f

13、ix up 治愈(病人);安頓 fool around 閑蕩,浪費時間 fool with 玩弄;亂擺弄forgive sb. for sth. 原諒某人(做了)某事 freeze over (使)全面結冰make friends again 言歸于好,重修舊好 be generous in 樂于 be generous with 用很大方 get after 督促,訓誡;責備 get ahead 進步;勝過,超過 get along with 走開 get ahead of 超過,勝過get around to 找時間做,開始考慮 get away with 僥幸做成;僥幸得手 get in

14、 with 參加,加入;與交往 get to 到達;接觸;開始 get up to 趕上;勝過;讀到 give an opinion on 對發(fā)表意見 give oneself away 泄露,露馬腳 give oneself up 自首,投降,投案 give out 發(fā)表;精疲力竭 give over (使)停止;放棄;交托glance at 瀏覽,(粗略地)看一下 glance over 瀏覽,粗略地閱讀 go against 違反;反對;不利于 go bad 變壞;變酸;腐敗 go down 為所接受,得到贊同 go on for 接近(時刻、年齡等) go under 沉沒;失敗,破產(chǎn)

15、 good for 有支付能力的 be good to 對好;對很慈善 grow on (習慣)加深對的影響 grow out of 產(chǎn)生自停止 hang back 猶豫,躊躇,畏縮不前 gang together 結合在一起;符合 be hard up for 缺錢,手頭緊 money hardly ever 很少,幾乎從不 have done with 做完;和己無關 have only to 只要就能 have out 將除去 have up 把某人請來作客 head first 頭向前地;冒冒失失地 head off 繞到前面去;攔住be off one's head 神經(jīng)錯亂

16、,神志不清hear sb. out 聽某人把話講完 take heart of grace 鼓起勇氣,打起精神 help forward 促進,鼓勵 hold forth 給予,提供 hold off 不接近;拖延;遲疑hold over 將延遲;期滿后繼任 hold with 同意,贊成;原諒 hunt for 搜尋;尋找;追獵 on one's honour 以名譽擔保 pay honour to 向致敬 impact on 對沖擊,碰撞;影響 at the instance of 應之請,經(jīng)的提議 interfere with 妨礙;打擾 issue from 由引起;產(chǎn)生于 i

17、n the issue 結果,結局 take issue with 與爭論 be jealous of 嫉妒 jump sb. out 叱責某人 just yet 恰好現(xiàn)在not just.but 不僅而且on an even keel 平穩(wěn)的(地),穩(wěn)定的 be keen on 喜愛,愛好;渴望keep an eye on 注意,監(jiān)視keep at 堅持(做);使不停地做 keep in touch with 和保持聯(lián)系 keep pace with 與齊步前進 keep to 堅持;固守(習慣等) knock up against 碰撞;同沖突 know sb. by name 只知道某人

18、的名字 lay in 貯存,貯藏 lay over 使延期 lay to 把(功、過)歸于 lead off 開始,開頭,率先 lead up to 逐漸導致 in the least 一點,絲毫 let sb. into 讓知道 let loose 放松,放開;放出 let oneself go 盡情;忘乎所以 let pass 放過,不追究 let slide 對漫不經(jīng)心with might and main 使勁地,全力地make a go of 使成功,相處得好 make do with 湊合用,吃來湊合 make out a case 提出一個論點(理由)make one's

19、 mark 使自己出名 in the mass 總體上,一般地be married to sb. 和結婚 marvel at 驚奇(異) by the moment 到那時候 have one's moment 走紅;得意 never for a moment 決不,從來沒有 of the moment 此刻,現(xiàn)在 not necessarily 未必,不一定 if necessary 如果必要的話 of necessity 必然地,不可避免地 have need to do sth. 必須做某事 needless to say 不用說 strain every nerve 竭盡全力

20、be noted as 以而聞名 object to 反對;抗議,抱反感 be occupied in 忙于,正從事 or else 否則,要不然take order to do 采取適當手段去做under the order of 受指揮 other from 不同于 quite other 完全不同的come into one's own 進入繁盛期 pass off (感覺等)終止;中止 pass up 放過,放棄,拒絕 persist in 堅持;固執(zhí) play out 使筋疲力盡;用完 play up to 支持;向討好,迎合 fair play 公平的競賽;公平對待 pro

21、mise oneself 指望,指望獲得 do oneself proud 養(yǎng)尊處優(yōu) pull out of the 使轉敗為勝fire put sb. on to 引某人對注意起來 make no question of 對不加懷疑;承認past question 毫無疑問to the question 針對所討論的問題 jump the queue 不按次序排隊;加塞 on the quiet 秘密地,私下地 refrain from 忍?。灰种?,制止 be responsible to sb. 向負責 run for 競選,追查,探究 run out at 達到(某數(shù)字) run ove

22、r with 充滿;洋溢著 scarcely.but 不的幾乎沒有scarcely.when 剛就 on schedule 按預定時間start from scratch 從頭做起,從零開始 see after 照尖,照顧see through 干完,干到底 seek after 尋找;探索;追求 serve right 活該;給應得的待遇 set aside 提出;把置于一旁 set out 制定,打算in shape 處于良好(或固有)狀態(tài) share in 分享,分擔 for short 簡稱,縮寫 run short 快用完;將耗盡 put out of sight 把藏起來 sit

23、for 參加sit in 列席,旁聽;不干預 slow up 變得不那么忙,慢下來 on the sly 偷偷地;秘密地smile on 對贊許come up smiling 重振精神 smooth over 掩飾;調停,平息 snap at 厲聲說;急促地說so that 結果是,以致 at stake 在危險中;危如累卵 stand up to 經(jīng)得起(磨難等) out of step 和步調不一致 step in 介入;干預;參加 stick out for 堅持索取 in stock 在貯存中;現(xiàn)有,備有 such being the case 事實既然如此 such.that. 那樣

24、的以致 be superior to 比更優(yōu)越 with system 有秩序地,有規(guī)則地 take aback 使吃驚,使嚇一跳 take up 接納,吸收talk into 說服;勸說某人做某事 talk out 坦率地談 talk over 說得同意自己 talk to 責備within touch of 在能到達的地方 keep track 通曉事態(tài),注意動向 lose track 失去聯(lián)系have trouble with 同鬧糾紛 hold true 適用,有效 on trust 不加深究地tune up (尤指樂隊)調弦;調音 serve one's turn 合用,管用

25、 to a turn 正好,恰好up and down 上上下下;前前后后 well up in 精通,熟悉,長于 be up to 該由負責;勝任 upwards of 以上;多于 wait up for 為而等候著睡不著 go to war 開始作戰(zhàn) lay waste 損毀蹂躪wake up to 認識到的重要性 in some ways 在某種程度上 make way 開路讓路 weep for 為而哭泣 make sb. welcome 表示歡迎 welcome to 歡迎到thanks to 由于,多虧,幸虧 at the thought of 一想起(就) tick off 列出,記號勾出 touch up 修改,改進 touch off 開(


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