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1、度假的英文單詞度假旅游是是現(xiàn)在很受歡迎的一種休閑方式,那么,你知道度假 的英語怎么說嗎?今天在這里為大家介紹關(guān)于度假的英語知識(shí),歡迎 大家閱讀!go on holidayvacationhave a holidaymake holidaytake a holiday度假的英文例句上星期我正在度假,沒收到你們的傳真。I was on vacation last week and didn't receive your fax.這些經(jīng)濟(jì)上的挫折使我不能去度假了。These financial reverses will prevent my taking a holiday.這本旅

2、游小冊子誘使我去加勒比地區(qū)度假。The travel brochure lured me into taking a Caribbean vacation.你去哪里度假了 ?Where did you go for your vacation?我們很快就要去度假了,多半是下個(gè)月。We're going on holiday soon, probably next month.我們?nèi)ザ燃贂r(shí)把狗送到養(yǎng)狗場寄養(yǎng)。We put the dog into kennels when we go on holiday.伴隨著合家歡度假趨勢的另一趨勢是慶祝型度假。Dovetailing wit

3、h the family vacation trend is celebration vacation.對于附近城市的居民來說,這個(gè)海邊度假酒店是很好的度假地。The seaside resort is a popular getaway for people from nearby cities.在山中度假對你最合適。A holiday in the mountains will be the very thing for you.度假之后人們常感到又有了精神。People feel rejuvenated after a holiday.這次度假的花銷超出了我的預(yù)想。The costs o

4、f the vacation surpassed my expectation.我們已經(jīng)挑中了 一個(gè)理想的地方去度假。We have fastened on a perfect place for our holiday.在我度假期間,她將代我執(zhí)行總經(jīng)理職務(wù)。She deputizes for me as general manager while I am on holiday.俱樂部包租了兩輛公共汽車送我們?nèi)グ屠瓒燃?。thetoThe club chartered two buses to take us on holidayParis.今年該去哪里度假?諸如此類。Where should

5、 be go on vacation this year?度假的英語句子帶翻譯“等我去度假的時(shí)候,我就享受我的 ‘自我時(shí)間’你還知道其他的任何借口么?“ I'll have my “me ” time when I go on vacation. ” Do you know of any other excuses?人們紛紛去度假,忘記了所有的紛擾。People go away on holiday and forget all about it.在巴哈馬最后一次度假的時(shí)候,當(dāng)我沿著海灘散步的時(shí)候,溫柔 的海水拂過我的腳時(shí),我感覺到我與宇

6、宙融為了一體。盡管只是如海 灘上的一粒沙子那樣渺小的一部分。On my last holiday in the Bahamas, as I walked along the beach feeling the gentlewaves wash over my feet, I felt part of the universe, even if only a minuscule one,like a grain of sand on the beach.不要將這次體驗(yàn)當(dāng)作一次度假或什么的,因?yàn)檫@樣會(huì)讓你對搬到 這里來以后的每日生活產(chǎn)生錯(cuò)覺。Do not treat this as a vacat

7、ion, or else you will get the wrong idea of what daily lifewould be like if you moved.處于不穩(wěn)定的婚姻中的人,如果有一方是這些國家的公民,那么 在同意讓孩子到這些國家度假前,要記住這一情況。Anyone in a wobbly marriage with a citizen of these countries might bear that inmind before agreeing to let the children go on holiday there.他得到了很多人夢想都得不到的東西-他和她一

8、起出去玩兒, 甚至一起在那個(gè)夏末去加勒比海度假!He achieved what the others could only dream of ; he went out with her and they even went on holiday together later that summer to the Caribbean.這個(gè)夏天我們甚至?xí)幸淮渭彝ザ燃?,這是四年來的唯一一次。We are even going on a family holiday this summer, the first in four years.我想請問你是否愿意和我們一起去度假?I wonder i

9、f you would care to go on holiday with us.我正和我的朋友在一起度假,他們大多數(shù)在切洛梅設(shè)計(jì)局工作。I was on vacation with my friends, most of whom worked at the Chelomei design bureau.有一次在瑞典度假,我發(fā)現(xiàn)我的車上有這樣一個(gè)字條:"先生,歡迎您光臨我們的城市。During a holiday in Sweden , I found this note on my car 'sir , we welcome youto our city

10、.在你度假走之前,應(yīng)該和教授聯(lián)系一下。You should contact with the professor before you leave for your vacation.明天我們將出發(fā)去馬來西亞。在度假八天之后,我們又成了旅行 者。Tomorrow we head into Malaysia and after eight days on holiday we becometravellers again.聽起來像是個(gè)度假勝地,而不是普通的房子。It sounds like a holiday resort, but not a normal house.在夏威夷度假的時(shí)候,他注意到旅館外每天下午出現(xiàn)的彩虹。He was vacationing in Hawaii when he noticed the rainbow outside his hotel everyafternoon.另一人說,在一個(gè)度假勝地,人們正在慶祝的時(shí)候,如果你連餐 廳賬單都支付不起,而你周圍的每個(gè)人都知道這一點(diǎn),誰還想


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