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1、Unit 4 Vocabulary Vocabularies Earthquake, steam, quake, dirt, right away, ruin , well , in ruins, pipe, suffering , burst , extreme, million, injure, event, destroy, as if, brick, at an end, dam, nation, track, canal, useless, shock, reporter, rescue, bar , trap, damage, electricity, frighten, disa

2、ster, frightened , dig out, frightening, bury, congratulation, mine, judge, miner, sincerely, shelter, express, a (great ) number of, outline, title, headline, survivor Guess and use some words in unit 4 to describe the following pictures. disaster earthquake dig out in ruins survivor We organized s

3、ome people to dig out those who were trapped. Shelters who/ whom we rescued Jun was a man _ from the ruins. _ Well smelly ? A _ gas came out of the cracks. pipes cracked The water _ water pipe burst out crying burst out+doing burst into laughter burst into+名詞名詞 4. damage destroy ruin ? damage 指部分指部分

4、“損壞損壞”、“損害損害”、“破壞破壞”或指使用價值有所降低。它可或指使用價值有所降低。它可以用作動詞以用作動詞, 也可以用作名詞也可以用作名詞, 用作名詞用作名詞時常與時常與to something連用。連用。 The accident did a lot of damage to his car. destroy 只能用作動詞只能用作動詞, 指徹底破壞指徹底破壞, 以致不可能修復以致不可能修復, 常作常作“破壞破壞”、“毀滅毀滅”解解, 也可以指希望、計劃、事業(yè)、名譽等也可以指希望、計劃、事業(yè)、名譽等打破。打破。 The earthquake destroyed almost the wh

5、ole town. ruin則表示破壞嚴重則表示破壞嚴重,以致不能修復以致不能修復,但這種破但這種破壞不像壞不像destroy那樣毀滅某物那樣毀滅某物,而是強調(diào)而是強調(diào)在一定過在一定過程中程中致使該物的使用價值發(fā)生了問題??捎米髦率乖撐锏氖褂脙r值發(fā)生了問題??捎米鲃釉~和名詞。動詞和名詞。ruin也可表示對美好的或希望中也可表示對美好的或希望中的事物的破壞。的事物的破壞。 Too much sugar can ruin your teeth. The fire ruined the house. The house has fallen into ruins . The company is f

6、acing ruin . She ruined his prospects. 她毀了他的前途。她毀了他的前途。Smoking ruined his health. 吸煙毀了他的健康。吸煙毀了他的健康。 1.An earthquake left the whole town _. in ruins 2.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was _. destroyed ruined 3.He _ his girl friends career. B 4.The rain lasted 3days,completely_my journey. A.r

7、uined B.ruining 5. injure: to hurt oneself/ sb. / sth. physically injure 三者都可表示受三者都可表示受hurt 傷,傷害。傷,傷害。 wound injure 一般是指一般是指在事故中受傷,在事故中受傷,往往意為往往意為“外外傷傷”。 hurt 可指對身體上的可指對身體上的傷害,也指對心靈造傷害,也指對心靈造成的傷害。成的傷害。 wound 一般指外傷,一般指外傷,如刀傷、槍傷等,尤如刀傷、槍傷等,尤其指在戰(zhàn)爭中,打斗其指在戰(zhàn)爭中,打斗中受傷。中受傷。 have hurt 1.Their criticisms(批評批評)

8、_ him deeply.injured 2.He was slightly _ in the car accident. wounded 3.He got _ in the fighting. hurt 4.What you said _ my feelings. Words Revision ell rose and fell over 1. The water in the w_and over. rack s in them 2. The well wall had deep c_melly gas came out. and a s_urst 3. Water pipes crack

9、ed and b_. 4.Roads,railways, bridges and buildings estroy ed were d_. 5. The whole country were s_hock ed when the earthquake happened and many eporter s r_ were sent there to cover it. njure d or t_rap ped 6. Many people got i_ by falling things, even b_uried in ruins. lectricity and gas were cut o

10、ff, causing 7. E_much inconvenience to the people in that area. escue 8.The army was o_ to r_ the rganize d people. 9. People e_ xpress ed their concern by donating money and necessity to people in need. heleter s 10. The government put up many s_ for the victims. 重要短語: 1.突然笑/哭起來 burst into laughter

11、/tears 2.成為廢墟 lie/be in ruins 3.從中救出 rescue sb/sth from 4.埋頭于,專心于 be buried (in)/bury oneself (in) 5.躲避 take shelter from 6.結(jié)束 at an end dig out 7.挖出,翻找出 9.仿佛,好像 as if/though 10.對滿不在乎 think little/nothing of 11.根據(jù)判斷 judgeby/from 12.發(fā)出、分發(fā),用完 give out 13.以而自豪 be proud of/take pride in 14.作為而聞名 be know

12、n/famous as 15.紀念/向表敬意 in honour of 16.對(做)某事感到震驚 be shocked at/by (doing) sth 17.樂意做某事 be willing to do sth 18.求助于 turn to sb (for help) 19. 許多;大量的 a number of 二、用適當?shù)慕樵~、連詞、冠詞或引導詞填空二、用適當?shù)慕樵~、連詞、冠詞或引導詞填空 1. It seemed as if the world was an end! at 2. Thousands of families were killed many and without

13、children were left parents in the earthquake. who 3. number of people were killed or The seriously injured reached more than 400,000. 4. Another big quake was almost as which strong the first one shook Tangshan. as whose 5. Workers built shelters for surviors homes had been destroyed. 三、完成句子三、完成句子 1

14、. 在那個事故之后他的生活似乎全都毀了。在那個事故之后他的生活似乎全都毀了。 be in ruins After the accident his life seemed to . 2. 許多人已書面表達了他們的支持。許多人已書面表達了他們的支持。 people have written to express their A number of support. 3. 他在一起道路交通事故中嚴重受傷。他在一起道路交通事故中嚴重受傷。 He seriously in a road accident. was injured 4. 一組援救人員正在盡力接近被困的礦工。一組援救人員正在盡力接近被困的

15、礦工。 rescue trapped A team is trying to reach the miners. 5. 你在哪里挖出那些金子?你在哪里挖出那些金子? Where did you those gold? dig out 6. 我不知道你為什么突然哭起來。我不知道你為什么突然哭起來。 burst into tears I didn t know why you . burst out crying 7. 那件襯衫被掩藏在一堆書下。那件襯衫被掩藏在一堆書下。 That shirt under a pile of books. was buried 8. 我們對這個消息感到很震驚。我們

16、對這個消息感到很震驚。 were shocked at/by We _the news. 9. 她給我們講了一個可怕的故事。她給我們講了一個可怕的故事。 She us a story. told frightening 10. 他談起羅馬來像他去過那兒似的。他談起羅馬來像他去過那兒似的。 had been She talked about Rome she there. as if Homework 1.大雨把我們的假期徹底搞砸了。 ruined our holiday The heavy rain_. 2.消防隊員從失火的房子里救出了一個嬰兒。 rescued a baby from the The firemen_ burning house. ( rescue) _ 3.他埋頭于書中。(bury) buried himself in his books He _. 4. 許多人被大火包圍了。( trap ) were trapped in the fire Many people_. 5.看起來好像什么都沒發(fā)生。( as ) It _ nothing has happened. seems as if 6.從相貌來判斷,


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