



1、2020 高職對口單招英語樣卷第一節(jié) 在本節(jié)中, 你將讀到 10 個句子,從題后所給的 A 、 B、 C、 D 四個選項中選出可 以填入空白處的最佳選項,并將答題卡上對應的字母涂黑。Part I In this part, you will read 10 sentences. For each one there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.1. The awa

2、rd for the best office manager to Ms. Jones.A. isB. goC. goesD. are答案 C 分析 考查學生語法及詞匯的運用能力。2. Mr. Ford likes to arrive early or to get his work done.A. is staying lateB. stays lateC. stay lateD. staying late答案 C 分析 考查學生語法及詞匯的運用能力。說明 : 本節(jié)共 10 題,主要考察考生詞匯和語法的掌握情況。第二節(jié) 在本節(jié)中, 你將讀到 15 個短對話或句子,從題后所給的A、 B 、 C

3、、 D 四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并將答題卡上對應的字母涂黑。Part IIIn this part, you will read 15 short dialogues or sentences. For each onethere are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.11. These shoes are really not what I had in

4、mind. I d like to return them.But I don t like them. I don t want another pair.A. I m sorry you don t like them. We ll refund you your money in full.B. I m sorry. Have you followed the Owner s Manual ?C. I m sorry, we can t refund your money, but you can exchange the shoes for another pair.D. Well,

5、I m afraid there is nothing we can do about it actually.答案C分析考查學生根據(jù)情境選用恰當?shù)慕浑H用語的能力。Excerpt from a Training ManualWhen approaching the table, be sure to have your pen ready, book open, and pad ready. Ask the customer if they have any questions. After answering all the questions, ask if you can take th

6、e order.12. This is from a training manual for.A. receptionistsB. secretariesC. cooksD.waiters答案D分析考查學生在職業(yè)場景中對工作職責的理解。說明:本節(jié)共15題,通過完成短對話或識別圖表信息,考察考生語用能力。第三節(jié)在本節(jié)中,你將讀到一段對話,從方框中所給的A、B、C、D、E五個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并將答題卡上對應的字母涂黑。Part III In this part, you will read a dialogue with 5 blanks, and 5 choices mark

7、edA, B, C, D and E given in a box. For each blank, you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.A. show B. Am I correct?C. reservationD. inE. May I helpyou?A: Good afternoon, sir. 26B: Good afternoon, I d like to have a single room here. My name is John

8、 Smith. I made a27 two weeks ago.A: Just a minute, Mr. Smith. I ll check the arrival list. Yes, we do have a reservation for you.Mr. Smith, you d like to have a single room for three nights.28B: Yes.A: Well, would you please fill29 this form?B: All right. Here you are.A: Thank you. Mr. Smith, your r

9、oom number is 1820, and here is your room key.The room rate is US$60 per night.B: That s good.A: Now, the bellman will help you with your baggage and30 you to yourroom.B: Thank you.A: You are welcome. Hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Good-bye.答案26. E 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A分析考查學生對基本語法、詞匯、固定搭配以

10、及職業(yè)場景中交際用語的掌握。說明:本節(jié)5題,通過完成一篇長對話,考察考生交際語用能力。第四節(jié)在本節(jié)中,你將讀到一篇短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并將答題卡上對應的字母涂黑。Part IV In this part, you will read a passage with 10 blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding let

11、ter on your answer sheet.A company s after-sales service is all the help and information that it providesto 31 after they have bought a particular product. It is very important tomaintain good 32 with customers. To provide good after-sales service, I33 the following points:suppose we have to pay mor

12、e attentionFirst of all, customer service is not just the responsibility of the customer service department, but the responsibility of 34 in this organization. Alldepartments involved in, 35, Q/A Department, Production Department,Logistics Department and Engineering Department, shall work36 a system

13、 in the pursuit of a common goal customer satisfaction.37 is very important.Secondly, customer service specialists should have a good 38 ofcompany policies, procedures and structures, and a friendly manner under pressure.Just imagine39we can work effectively without these documents tosupport! How ca

14、n we make40 without the regulations for reference?31. A. customersB. sellersC. guestsD. companies答案A分析考查學生對上下文的理解,售后服務的對象為顧客。32. A. friendshipsB. relationshipsC.servicesD. companies答案B分析考查學生對上下文的理解以及maintain 與名詞的搭配。33. A. toB. forC. withD. by答案A分析考查學生對固定搭配pay attention to的掌握。34. A. everyoneB. manage

15、rsC. departmentsD. the boss答案A分析 考查學生對上下文的理解, but 提示語意上的轉(zhuǎn)折。35. A. as well asB. in spite ofC. for exampleD. such as答案 C分析 考查學生對上下文的理解以及幾個短語的用法。36. A. withB. forC. toD. as答案 D分析 考查學生對上下文的理解以及詞組 work as 的用法。37. A. Friendliness B. SystemC. CooperationD. Service答案 C分析 考查學生對上下文的理解以及對幾個名詞的掌握。D. understand3

16、8. A. knowledge B. thinkingC. control答案 A分析 考查學生對上下文的理解以及固定搭配have a good knowledge of 的用法。39. A. whyB. whatC. how muchD. how答案 D分析 考查學生對上下文的理解以及疑問副詞 how 的用法。40. A. decisionsB. mistakesC. troubleD. room答案 A分析 考查學生對上下文的理解,以及與make 相關的固定搭配的用法。說明:本節(jié)10 題,通過選擇正確的單詞或短語完成語篇,考察考生語言綜合運用能力。第二部分:閱讀理解(共 22小題;第415

17、8題每題2分,第5962題每題1分,滿分40分)第五節(jié)在本節(jié)中,你將讀到幾則閱讀材料。第4151 , 5357題,從題后所給的 A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳答案,并將答題卡上對應的字母涂黑;第52和58題,將文中畫線的句子翻譯成中文,并將答案寫在答題卡上對應處。Part V In this part, you will read a selection of reading materials. For questions4151 and 5357, there are four choices markedA, B, C and D. Youshould decide on the be

18、st choice and mark the corresponding letter onyour answer sheet. For questions 52 and 58, you should translate the sentences underlined in the passages into Chinese and write the answer on your answer sheet.AFfifldweJdfrrtOTTHEBrjfl StLnrnbjmd mCiwnwichPtiJrm-KLibrdni41. This is a map ofA. Russian H

19、illB. San Francisco BayC. New York CityD. London Tower答案B 分析考查學生對地圖基本信息的理解。42. Where is Coit Tower in relation to Russian Hill?A. It is east of Russian Hill.B. It is north of Russian Hill.C. It is northeast of Russian Hill.D. It is southwest of Russian Hill.答案C 分析考查學生借助羅盤辨別方向的能力以及對方位表達的理解。43. Which

20、direction does Van Ness Avenue run?A. South to northeast.B. East to west.C. North to south.D. North to southwest.答案C 分析考查學生借助羅盤辨別方向的能力以及對方位表達的理解。s this place?44. You are at the intersection of Montgomery and Vallejo. Go west on Vallejo for three blocks and turn left. Go one block. It s on the right.

21、 What A. The library.B. The post office.C. The bank.D. The hospital.答案C 分析考查學生對路線說明的理解。45. You are at the intersection of Union and Mason. You need to send a package.Which route should you follow?A. Go east on Union for two blocks and then turn left.B. Go north on Mason for two blocks and then turn

22、right.C. Go south on Mason for three blocks and then turn left.D. Go east on Union for three blocks and then turn left.答案A分析考查學生借助地圖找到目的地并用英文準確描述路線的能力。46. Antonio lives in Chinatown. He wants to have a part-time job in the neighboring areas. Which of the following positions is best for him?A. A part

23、-time housekeeper in the hospital on Jackson Street.B. A part-time mail clerk in the post office on Stockton Street.C. A part-time assistant in the library on Mason Street.D. A part-time housekeeper in the pharmacy on Hyde Street.答案A分析考查學生借助地圖解決實際問題的能力。BBefore turning on your computer, make a list o

24、f the things you must finish by the end of the day, and the things you would like to do by the end of the day. These may include writing letters, making phone calls or scheduling appointments.Divide the tasks into three groups by order of priority(優(yōu)先).The priority list Ashould contain the most impor

25、tant tasks, B should be slightly less important tasks and C should list tasks that it would be good to finish if the time is available.Beginning with the most difficult task in list A, work your way through that part of the list. When that is finished, use the same strategy for list B and C, making

26、sureto take time out for a minimum 30-minute lunch break.Take a one-minute break every hour to refocus. Set an alarm to ring every hour.When it goes off, check your list and determine whether or not the previous hourwas productive . Managing your day on an hourly basis will allow you to remain focus

27、ed.At the end of the day, take five minutes to review what you have done. If you haven t finished a task, try to figure out why so that you can correct it the following day.47. What is the passage mainly about?A. How to finish tasks on a computer.B. How to manage your day.C. How to make different li

28、sts.D. How to review what you have done.答案 B分析 考查學生對文章主旨的把握。48. Which of the following strategies is NOT recommended in the passage?A. Arrange tasks in order of priority.B. Start your day with the most difficult task.C. Always keep a notebook handy.D. Take regular small beaks at work.答案 C分析 考查學生對文章框

29、架結(jié)構的理解。49. What does the word “ productive ” in italics mean in paragraph 4?A. 高效的 B. 重要的 C. 成功的 D. 新穎的答案 A分析 考查學生根據(jù)上下文及構詞法猜測詞義的能力。50. According to the passage, why should we manage our day on an hourly basis?A. Because it will allow us to remain focused.B. Because it will allow us to take a break.C

30、. Because it will allow us to correct the mistakes.D. Because it will allow us to know whether the previous hour is productive or not.答案 A分析 考查學生對文章的理解以及對細節(jié)的把握。51. According to the passage, at the end of the day, if you haven t finished a task,what should you do?A. Go on with the task until it is fi

31、nished.B. Try to figure out why so that you can correct it the following day.C. Forget about it and go home.D. Feel very sorry about it.答案 B分析 考查學生對文章的理解以及對細節(jié)的把握。52. Divide the tasks into three groups by order of priority.答案 根據(jù)優(yōu)先程度不同將任務分為三類。分析 考查學生準確理解英文原文,并用中文正確予以表達的能力。說明:本節(jié)共三個語篇,考察學生的非連續(xù)性文本和普通文本閱讀

32、理解能力和翻譯能力。第六節(jié) 在本節(jié)中, 你將讀到一篇短文。 根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在短文后表格中的空格處填入一個恰當?shù)脑~,并將答案寫在答題卡上對應處。每空一詞。Part VI In this part, you will read a passage and a table with four blanks. Use the information you get from the passage to fill in the blanks and write your answer on the answer sheet. Put only ONE word in each blank.It is a

33、bsolutely terrifying when your car is thrown into the water with you trapped inside. Without a plan to escape, you may die. However, you can save yourself if you act as follows:As soon as you know that you re going off the road and into a body of water, brace yourself. This is done by placing both h

34、ands on the steering wheel in the“ tenand two ” positions. The impact your car makes could set off the airbag system in your vehicle. Once this aspect is out of the way, prepare for the next step immediately.Undo your seat belt. This is the first thing you should do. Unbuckle the children, starting with the oldest first. Forget the cell phone call.


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