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1、摘要: 以下是外研版六年級英語下冊知識點復(fù)習(xí),包括詢問某人的最愛時的用語、形容詞及反義詞匯總、 動詞第三人稱單數(shù)的變化規(guī)則等。1 .詢問某人的最愛What' syourherhisthiersam(人名)favouritsongtoycolour?Myfavouritesongtoycolouristhe ABC song .a car/kite/ship/doll/computer game red/blue/yellow/green/blace/orange/purple/pink/white.( is my favourite .)2 .形容詞及反義詞tall-short big

2、-small fat-thin old-youngIt ' s + 形容詞.It ' s tall .It ' s a/an + 形容詞 + 名詞.It ' s a fat dog . It ' s an old bird .They are + 形容詞.They are cats .They are + 形容詞 + 名詞.They are small cats .3 .動詞第三人稱單數(shù)的變化規(guī)則(1) 一般情況下在動詞詞尾加一Splays , sleeps , gets , walks , sings , eats(2)以輔音字母+不發(fā)音的e結(jié)尾的動詞

3、加S .likes gives(3)以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的動詞,變y為I + es .studystudies flyflies(4)以s, x, sh, ch結(jié)尾的動詞且發(fā)/ s / z / / t / / d3 / 這些音時加 eswatchwatches(5)以輔音字母+ o結(jié)尾的詞加es .go goes do-does(6)不規(guī)則的動詞havehas4.表達喜好IWeThey復(fù)數(shù)(don' t) likebasketball/football/table tennismorning exercisesswimming/skipping/riding bikesHeSheSam

4、(人名)單數(shù)(doesn' t) likescoffee/tea/cats/lionsgreen dogs/blue cats/yellow monkeys/fat elephant5.詢問喜好Doyouthey復(fù)數(shù)likemeat/noodles/fish/milk/ricebananas/pears/oranges/apples?DoessheheAmy (人名)單數(shù)Yes , 主語 + do . / No, 主語 + don ' t .Yes , 主語 + does . / No, 主語 + doesn ' t .外研版六年級英語下冊知識點復(fù)習(xí)(三)瀏覽量:116

5、2摘要: 以下是外研版六年級英語下冊知識點復(fù)習(xí),包括 in、on等方位介詞的用法,交通的表達方式,四 季天氣的表達,have的用法等。1、談?wù)撍募荆?) It ' s spring .It ' s warm in spring .Seasons(季節(jié))Weather(天氣)Do(做什么)Colour(顏色)springwarm rainingfly kites , ride a bikegreensummerhot sunnygo swimming , sleepredautumncool windyplay football/basetballyellow , orangew

6、intercold snowingwatch TVplay table tanniswhite , blueWhat do you do in spring ? We fly kites in spring .Itgreen .(2)It's warm today , but it ' s raining .Its spring .Its hot and suuny today .Its summer .2、表達“有”IWeThey復(fù)數(shù)havehaven' tgotanew book/dress/coat/sweaterbike/car/ship/kite/comput

7、er gameblue T-shirtHeSheSam單數(shù)hashasn' tanold pen/pencile/bagHave you/they got ? Yes , I/we/they have. No , I/we/they haven t.Has he/she/sam got ? Yes , he/she/Sam has. No , he/she/Sam hasn ' t.摘要: 以下是外研版六年級英語下冊知識點復(fù)習(xí),包括 in、on等方位介詞的用法,交通的表達方式,四 季天氣的表達,have的用法等。3、表達“交通”How do/does sb go to scho

8、ol/work ?IWeThey復(fù)數(shù)go to schoolbybike traincarbuswalk to schoolplane shiptixeHeSheSam單數(shù)goes to workbywalks to schoolonfoot4、方位介詞的用法(1) Where is/are sth ?(在那兒? )Itisin ( 在里向)on (在上面)under (在一卜面)he box/chair/hatyour desk/bedroomTheyare(2) where do/does sb do ?springIWeTheyflies kitesinthe parkthe laket

9、he carInsummer ,復(fù)數(shù)swimsthe snowautumnwinterHegoes fishingonthe trainShewalksthe busSam單數(shù)sitsthe bikeunderthe three摘要:以下是外研版六年級英語下冊冊知識點復(fù)習(xí),包括時間的表達方法、三餐時間的表達方法、表達做某事的時間、詢問周末的活動的語句等。1、時間的表達What' s the time ?It ' s at + 數(shù)字 + o' clock .( 整點 )It ' s at half past + 數(shù)字.(半點)2、表達吃三餐的時間IWeThey復(fù)數(shù)

10、havebreakfastlunchdinnersupperat數(shù)字 + o' clock .half past +數(shù)字SheHeSam (人名)單數(shù)has3、表達做某事的時間IWeThey復(fù)數(shù)havego(es) to schoolgo(es) to badgo(es) homeget(s) upwatch(es) TV listen(s) to music數(shù)字 + o' clock .SheHeSam (人名)單數(shù)hasathalf past +數(shù)字4、詢問周末的活動What do/does youtheyheshesam do at the weekendI we The

11、y 復(fù)數(shù)Hehave (has)English/Chinese/Maths/Science/Music/Art/PEin the morning / afternoon/evening/nightplay(s)basketball/football/table tennisgo(es)Swimmingwatch(es)TVSheSam單數(shù)sleep(s)5、What do you do at Spring Festival ?(在春節(jié)你做些什么?)At Spring Festival,wehavea big family dinner .peannts and sweets .say“Happy New Year/Spr


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