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1、最新資料推薦第一冊(cè)U7Paraphrase:1. She thinks that her sister has a firm control of her life and that she can always have anything she wants, and life is extremely generous to her.2. Because I am very fat, I feel hot even in freezing weather.3. The popular TV talk show star, Johnny Carson, who is famous for h

2、is witty and glib tongue, has to try hard if he wants to catch up with me.4. When I talked to him, I m always ready to leave as quicklbylea,sapnodsstui rn my headaway from them in order to avoid them as much as possible because of nervousness.5. She would always look at somebody directly and steadil

3、y, not feeling embarrassed or ashamed.6. She imposed on us lots of falsity and so-called knowledge that was totally useless and irrelevant to us.7. She is not bright just as she is neither good-looking nor rich.8. Meanwhile Dee's boyfriend is trying to shake hands with Maggie in a fancy and elab

4、orate way.9. In fact, I could have traced it back before the Civil War through the family branches.10. He just stood here with a grin on his face and looked at me as if inspecting something old and out-of-date.11. Now and then he and Dee communicated through eye contact in a secretive way.12. I don&

5、#39;t need the quilts to remind me of Grandma Dee. She lives in my memory all time.Translation1 . 一場大火把貧民區(qū)三百多座房子夷為平地。A big fire burned more than 300 homes in the slum to the ground.2 .只要你為人正直,不怕失去什么,那你對(duì)任何人都不會(huì)畏懼。As long as you are upright and not afraid of losing anything, you can look anyone in the

6、eye.3 .這件襯衣與裙子的顏色和式樣都不相配。This blouse doesn t match the color or the style of the skirt.4 . 咱們一邊喝咖啡一邊談這件事吧。Let s talk about the matter over a cup of coffee.5 .他無法想象為什么人們反對(duì)他的看法。He couldn t imagine why people wereagainst his views.6 . 這位官員在下汽車時(shí)碰到兩個(gè)恐怖分子。Stepping out of the car, the official was confront

7、ed by two terrorists.7 .只要堅(jiān)持這些原則,我們就會(huì)成功。As long as we stick to these principles, we will surely succeed.8 .這個(gè)消息使她大為震驚,但她很快就鎮(zhèn)定下來。She was extremely shocked at the news, but she soon recomposed herself.9 .這個(gè)典故的來源很難查找到。It s difficult to trace the source of the reference.1. 我就在這院子里等候她的到來。我和麥姬昨天下午已將院子打掃得干

8、干凈凈,地面上還留著清晰的掃帚掃出的波浪形痕跡。 (我將在這個(gè)被我和麥姬打掃的干干凈留著波浪紋的院子里等著她的到來)2. 當(dāng)院子的泥土地面被打掃得像屋里的地板一樣干凈,四周邊緣的細(xì)沙面上布滿不規(guī)則的細(xì)紋時(shí), 任何人都可以進(jìn)來坐一下, 一邊抬頭仰望院中的榆樹, 一邊等著享受從來吹不進(jìn)屋內(nèi)的微風(fēng)。3. 自從那次大火燒跨房屋之事發(fā)生后,她一直是這個(gè)樣子,下巴貼近胸口,眼盯著地面,走路拖著腳。4. 有時(shí)候我似乎還能聽見燃燒的火焰發(fā)出的呼呼的響聲, 可以感覺到麥姬用手緊緊抓住我,看到她的頭發(fā)冒煙,她的衣服燒成黑灰一片片脫落的情景。5. 房子沒有真正的窗戶,只是側(cè)面墻上挖了幾個(gè)洞,有點(diǎn)像船上的舷窗,但又不

9、是圓的,也不是方形的。窗格子向外開,用生牛皮懸吊起來。6. 她每拍一張照片總要認(rèn)認(rèn)真真地選好鏡頭把屋子拍進(jìn)去。(她沒有哪一張照是沒有確定房子是不是在鏡頭里的。一_一我老覺得這句那么拗口)7. 不用將眼睛湊近去細(xì)看也可以看出攪乳棒把柄上由于長年累月握著攪動(dòng)而留下的凹陷的 握痕。8. 還有一小塊褪了色的蘭布片,大小只相當(dāng)于一個(gè)小火柴盒,那是從依茲拉曾祖父在南北 戰(zhàn)爭時(shí)穿的軍服上拆下來的。U12Paraphrase1 .but as I looked out over the bow,I could see there was no chance for catching any fish.2 .a

10、bout the ice core samp le marked by annual layers,which can show the different degrees of pollution from year to year.3 .The development of industry meant the use of large amounts of coal and later petroleum as fuels to generate power.When coal and oil are burned they emit carbon dioxide into the ai

11、r which keeps more heat near the earth.When the level of carbon dioxide emissions in the air becomes high,heat will find it difficult to get through it to go into higher altitudes.Thus the temperature of the earth gets warmer.4 .Thinking about how a series of events might happen as a consequence of

12、the thinning of the polar cap is not just a kind of practice in speculation:It has practical significance.5 .Bit by bit trees in the rainforest are burnt and forest land is turned into pasture where cattle can be raised quickly and slaughtered so that the beef can be used in fast-food like hamburger

13、s.6 .Therefore,the destruction of the rainforest and the habitat of the birds means thousands of birds will become extinct before we can have a chance to watch them and hear them sing.7 .And why do other symbols,though sometimes no less surprising,only cause a kind of loss and inactivity and we conc

14、entrate our attention not on the ways to deal with them but,instead,on some other distractions which are easy and less painful to handle.8 .The global climate balance determines the pattern of winds, rainfall, surface temperature, ocean currents and sea level. Once this state of balance is upset,win

15、ds,rainfall and ocean currents will become abnormal;surface temperature and sea level will rise.s natural systems are9 .Up till now,we seem to be unaware of the fact that the earth vulnerable and can easily be damaged.10 .They are signs and indications showing that there exists a much greater and mo

16、re serious problem than we have ever encountered.Translation1. 敵人向四面八方竄逃。The enemy troops ran away in all directions2. 在城市里騎自行車的倡議得到了熱烈的響應(yīng)。The appeal for biking in cities got a warm response.3. 這本書體現(xiàn)了他十年的研究成果。This academic book reflects his research results in the past ten years.4. 在你采取行動(dòng)之前必須好好考慮后果。

17、You must carefully consider the consequences before acting.5. 我們要消滅戰(zhàn)爭,必須先消滅引起戰(zhàn)爭的原因。If we want to wipe out wars, we must first eliminate the causes of wars.6. 他沒有足夠的理由拒絕我們的建議。He didn t have a reason good enough to decline our offer.7. 這個(gè)程序很簡單,也易于操作。This program is very simple and easy to operate.8. 他

18、的答案過于簡單化,不能有效地解決這個(gè)復(fù)雜的問題。He gave a simplistic answer which was unable to solve this complicated problem effectively.(這一課我非常建議自己看著翻吧。課文意譯得太多。我甚至覺得應(yīng)該不會(huì)考。)1. 極目四顧,原先那種湛藍(lán)色海濤輕拍船舷的景象已不復(fù)存在,取而代之的是茫茫的一片干燥灼熱的沙漠。2. 潛艇破冰上來,載上新的乘客后又潛了下去。我也就開始同那些正設(shè)法以高的精確度測(cè)量極地冰帽厚度的科學(xué)家們進(jìn)行交談。許多人認(rèn)北極冰層由于地球氣候的轉(zhuǎn)暖而正在變薄。3. 現(xiàn)在我想實(shí)地考一下北極極點(diǎn)。我們

19、登上潛艇約八個(gè)小時(shí)后,潛艇沖破冰層浮上面。于是,我便置身于一片神奇瑰麗的冰雪世界中。 雪原上寒風(fēng)勁掃,銀光閃耀, 其邊緣則是一道由連綿起伏的小冰丘或由冰席相撞、 相互擠壓而形成小型山脈的冰層 “壓脊” 勾勒出的地平線。4. 湊巧的是,破壞生態(tài)環(huán)境的一些最典型的、最令人擔(dān)憂的事例剛好都發(fā)生在南北極正中間的地方巴西境內(nèi)的赤道帶上那兒滾滾濃煙時(shí)常彌漫著遼闊但現(xiàn)又面臨著破壞的亞馬孫熱帶雨林的上空。5. 這種“夜光云團(tuán)”偶爾出現(xiàn)于夜幕開始籠罩大地的時(shí)候,它呈半透明的白色,在高空中閃爍發(fā)光,看起來頗不像自然之物。6. 我們的這種行為更進(jìn)一步地增加了地球變暖的危險(xiǎn),因?yàn)榧淄槭且环N形成速度極快韻溫室效應(yīng)氣體,

20、 它在大氣中的總含量僅次于二氧化碳和水蒸氣, 使高空大氣層的化學(xué)成分都發(fā)生了變化。7. “局部性沖突”,“地區(qū)性戰(zhàn)斗”,及“戰(zhàn)略性對(duì)抗”。8. 自第二次世界大戰(zhàn)以來,大氣層中二氧化碳和其他一些吸熱物質(zhì)分子的含量已增加了近百分之二十五, 這便對(duì)地球自身具有的調(diào)節(jié)太陽熱量在大氣層中存留量的能力構(gòu)成了世界性的威脅。9. 盡管任何一項(xiàng)新發(fā)現(xiàn)對(duì)人類與地球之間的關(guān)系所造成的影響都無法同核武器對(duì)人類與戰(zhàn)爭的關(guān)系所造成的影響相比, 但這些科學(xué)發(fā)現(xiàn)結(jié)合在一起, 卻是千真萬確地使人類所積累的開發(fā)利用地球資源以求生存的能力發(fā)生了根本性的變化在這樣的條件下, 如果人類不加節(jié)制地隨意開發(fā)利用地球資源, 其后果就會(huì)同隨意

21、發(fā)動(dòng)核戰(zhàn)爭一樣不堪設(shè)想。 ( 這要是會(huì)考。我就不要分了。)10. 地球氣候的轉(zhuǎn)暖、 臭氧層的破壞、物種的消亡、森林的毀壞這些現(xiàn)象有一個(gè)共同的原因:人類文明與地球生態(tài)平衡的關(guān)系的變化。U13Paraphrase10.1 was once so completely absorbed in the important affairs of the world that I devoted all my attention,time and energy to them and only occasionally did I allow myself a little rest by reading

22、 poetry or listening music.2.Or maybe my suppressed inclination has been brought out under Laura?s unintentional influence.3.I was as puritanical as a Pharisee and I viewed with contempt all those who lived a less practical life than my own and regarded them as creatures on the moon.4.I firmly belie

23、ved in uncompromising materialism which in my opinion represented the la w of human progress. When people claimed that they protested against damaging natura l beauty out of unselfish motives, I suspected them and viewed them with contempt. I n ot only disbelieved people when they said things out of

24、 unselfish motives, I also held the m in contempt.5.Just imagine how I have changed now. Here I stand,sentimental and sensitive,like an o ld unmarried woman painting a water-color picture of the sunset.6.I want to enjoy beauty to my heart?s content before i die.7.At this moment I am not the middle-a

25、ged journalist that people believe me to be,spend ing a holiday on an ocean-going liner. I have now become a liberated person,bathed in magic waters,and I feel I am like Endymion,a young and strong youth who has a god for his father and gifted with the power to see the world inspired by the gods at

26、Olympus.8.I feel that I am weightless and totally absorbed by the night and feel at peace with the night.9.I imagine devoted religions people must feel as clean and pure as I do now when they leave the solemn confessional after gaining pardon for their sins.10.In the same way I let myself freely ima

27、gine what the innermost part ofLaura?s character presents. She looks so severe outwardly,but inwardly she is full of tenderness-tend erness like delicate flowers waiting for the daring to discover them.11 .We human beings ought to learn from the wise bird,knowing how far we can allow ou rselves to g

28、o;knowing how much freedom of conduct we can allow ourselves to have.12 .Here i?m born anew,completely different from the past,changed excessively or to an u nusual extent. 13.The Pacific Ocean alone is much larger than all the continents combine d.14 .A storm that lasted two days has made me extrem

29、ely excited and happy,but above all ,I love these idle days in which I throw off all the qualities,perspectives,values and everyt hing else that made me as what I was:I?m born anew.Translation1) 他對(duì)水彩畫很有鑒賞力。He has a good eye for water-colors.2)女兒大膽地表示不同意父母對(duì)她婚事的安排。The daughter ventured to object to he

30、r parents' arrangement of her marriage.3)迫于貧窮,他開始偷竊。Pressed by poverty, he took to stealing.4)在旅途中,我我看小說,以消磨時(shí)間。My long journey was beguiled with novels.5)我想你一定讀過馬克吐溫的書。I suppose you have read Mark Twain.6)他的全部注意力都集中在這個(gè)問題上,而不顧其他的問題。He concentratedall his attention on this problem to the exclusion

31、 of all others.7) 問題堆積如山,我們必須盡快地解決。Our problems are piling up. We must solve them as quickly as we can.8) 哨兵每四個(gè)小時(shí)換一次崗。The sentries are relieved every four hours.10) 他的話里帶有一點(diǎn)諷刺的味道。There was a touch of irony in his remark.11)我的童年的回憶漸漸遠(yuǎn)去并變得模糊了。My memories of childhood are gradually receding.1. 我可以觀察她而不

32、讓她發(fā)覺,這使我覺得開心,因?yàn)槲铱梢韵窨措娪耙粯拥匦蕾p她優(yōu)雅的動(dòng)作, 不論是舉杯送到唇邊, 還是扭頭與鄰座交談, 抑或是用她那纖細(xì)的手指從煙盒中夾取香煙的動(dòng)作。2. 當(dāng)我不揣冒昧地將這話對(duì)她講時(shí),她對(duì)我這種笨拙的恭維報(bào)以開心的大笑,還說我最好不再寫什么政壇人物的述評(píng)文章而改行專寫時(shí)裝評(píng)論算了。3. 這無疑是自己受某種本能的驅(qū)使,要貪婪地用一些過去無暇享受的賞心樂事來填補(bǔ)自己生命中的最后幾周,釋放那些在過去雖受到壓抑但一直潛伏在自己心中的欲望。4. 我不知道也不想知道自己身處何方。茫茫大海無路標(biāo)。5. 倘是在白天,我們憑欄遠(yuǎn)眺大海,只見海面上時(shí)而翻卷起白色的浪花,時(shí)而平靜得宛若一幅微微飄動(dòng)起伏著

33、的藍(lán)色緞面, 完全見不到翻起的浪花, 只有我們的輪船駛過之處才泛起一道道如大理石般的波紋。6. 我最喜愛的是岸邊的那些懸崖峭壁及其背后的那高聳云端、神秘莫測(cè)的峰巒疊嶂,那山 峰只有最英勇無畏的人才能夠攀登上去。7. 我也這樣地讓自己的想象力盡情地探索勞拉性格深處的秘密。 她的性情表面上嚴(yán)肅冷峻, 但她內(nèi)心里卻蘊(yùn)育著豐富溫柔的情感,宛如嬌嫩的花朵,等待著勇士去發(fā)現(xiàn)。8. 他的女人馬上出門迎接他。他們都很年輕,皮膚是金褐色的。她從他手中接過捕撈的魚,他們那間茅草編成的棚屋里充滿著健康和愛。9. 勞拉和我還有一種白娛的方法,就是等著觀看太陽從地平線上消失的那一瞬間產(chǎn)生的一道綠色的閃光。10. 船上的

34、圖書室里放著一架巨大的地球儀, 照我看來, 它的作用就是展示海洋與動(dòng)蕩不安的世界上的陸地之間的比例,僅一個(gè)太平洋就比所有的大陸加在一起還要大11. 兩天的暴風(fēng)雨使我欣喜萬分, 但我首先喜歡的還是這漫長的無所事事的日子, 在這些日 子里,我拋棄了舊我,脫胎換骨,獲得了新生。U14Paraphrase:1. "I think the Red Army men will be surrounded and captured in very large numbers."2. Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he woul

35、d win the support of capitalist and Right Wing in Britain and the U.S.3. Winant said the United States would adopt the same attitude.4. I would say a word in favor of anyone who is attacked by Hitler, no matter how bad, how wicked or evil he had been in the past.5. The Nazi state has no lofty and ri

36、ghteous principle or goal, and cares only its ambition to conquer the western hemisphere and to enslave the other peoples.6. "I see German bombers and fighters flying in the sky attacking the Russian army. They were once beaten by the British Royal Air Force, and now are happy because they thin

37、k their new enemy in Russian is much easier and safer to conquer.7. "We shall be more determined and shall make better and fuller use of our resources."8. Let us strengthen out unity and our efforts in the fight against Nazi Germany when we have not yet been overwhelmed and when we are sti

38、ll powerful.Translation1 . 這對(duì)農(nóng)村和城市都一樣適用。This is true of the rural area as well as of the urban area.2 .他指望他們給予支持。He was counting on their support.3 .我不記得他是怎么說的,但我肯定他講話的大意是那樣的。I don t remember his exact words, but I m sure he did say something to that effect.4 . 客人們對(duì)受到的熱情接待感到過意不去。The guests were over

39、whelmed by the warm reception.5 .他們用出奇不意的進(jìn)攻打垮了敵人。They overwhelmed the enemy by a surprise attack.6 . 他們的困難就是我們的困難,正如我們把他們的勝利看作是我們自己的勝利一樣。Their difficulty is ours just as we view their victory as our own.7 .很明顯,德國法西斯企圖使那個(gè)地區(qū)的人民屈服于他們的統(tǒng)治。It is clear that German fascists were trying to subjugate the peop

40、le in that region.1. 我現(xiàn)在的目標(biāo)只有一個(gè),即消滅希特勒。這使我的生活單純多了。假使希特勒入侵地獄,我至少會(huì)在下議院替魔鬼說幾句好話的。2. 除了貪欲和種族統(tǒng)治外,它沒有任何指導(dǎo)思想和行動(dòng)準(zhǔn)則。3. 我看見成千上萬的俄國村莊, 那兒的人們雖然要靠在土地上辛勤耕作才能勉強(qiáng)維持生計(jì),卻依然能夠享受到天倫之樂,那兒的姑娘在歡笑,兒童在嬉戲。4. 如果希特勒認(rèn)為他對(duì)蘇維埃俄國的進(jìn)攻會(huì)使那些決心埋葬他的偉大的民主國家稍稍轉(zhuǎn)移目標(biāo)或松懈斗志的話,那他就大錯(cuò)特錯(cuò)了。5. 他期望能以空前的規(guī)模再度重演他長期以來賴以發(fā)跡的將敵手各個(gè)擊破的故伎,然后便可以騰出場地來演出最后的一幕將整個(gè)西半球置

41、于他的控制和統(tǒng)治之下。6. 俄國現(xiàn)在所面臨的危險(xiǎn)就是我們自己的危險(xiǎn),同樣也是美國的危險(xiǎn);俄國人民保家衛(wèi)國 的事業(yè)就是全世界一切自由的人民和自由的民族的事業(yè)。第二冊(cè)Lesson 21. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot.The burying-ground is just a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds of earth, looking like a deserted construction lan

42、d.2. All colonial empires are in reality founded upon that fact.All colonial empires are built by exploiting the local people.3. They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years, and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard.They are born. Then they work hard wit

43、hout enough food for a few years. Finally they die and are buried in the hills graves without any mark to identify them.4. A carpenter sits cross legged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair-legs at lighting speed. A carpenter sits crossing his legs at an old-fashioned lathe, making round chair-legs

44、 very fast.5. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews. Immediately, Jews rushed out of their dark hole-like rooms nearby in a frenzy madness.6. every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury.Every one of these Jews considers the cigaret

45、te as a somewhat piece of luxury which they can not possibly afford.7. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous.However, a white-skinned European is easy to notice in a fair way.8. In a tropical landscape one s eye takes in everything except the human being. Against the background of a tropi

46、cal landscape, people could notice everything but they cannot see local people.9. No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed AreasNo one would propose the cheap trips to the slums10. . .for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless, back-breaking struggle to wring

47、a little food out of an eroded soil.The real life of nine-tenths of the people is that there is no end to their extremely hard work in order to get a little food from an eroded soil .11. She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of burden.She took it for granted that as an o

48、ld woman she should work like an animal.12. People with brown skins are next door to invisible.People who have brown skins are almost invisible .13. Their splendid bodies were hidden in reach-me-down khaki uniforms. The soldiers wore second hand khaki uniforms which covered their beautiful well buil

49、t bodies .14. How long before they turn their guns in the other direction?How long will it take for them to attack us?15. Every white man there had this thought stowed somewhere or other in his mind.It is certain that every white man realized this.E-C1 .When you walk through a town like this - two h

50、undred thousand inhabitants of whom at least twenty thousand own literally nothing except the rags they stand up in - when you see how the people live, and still more how easily they die, it is always difficult to believe that you are walking among human beings. 當(dāng)你穿行于這樣的城鎮(zhèn)中一 20萬居民中至少有2萬人除了一身勉強(qiáng)蔽體的破衣爛

51、衫外,一無所有一一當(dāng)你看到這些人是如何生活,又如何輕易死亡時(shí),你總是很難相信自己是行走在人類之中。2 .When you go through the Jewish quarters you gather some idea of what the medieval ghettoes were probably like.當(dāng)你穿過猶太人聚居區(qū)時(shí),你就會(huì)了解中世紀(jì)的貧民區(qū)大 概是個(gè)什么樣子。3 .Many of the streets are a good deal less than six feet wide, the houses are completely windowless, an

52、d sore-eyed children cluster everywhere i unbelievable numbers, likeclouds of flies.很多街道遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不足 6英尺寬,房屋根本沒有窗戶,眼睛腫痛的孩子成群結(jié)隊(duì) : 隨處可見,像成群的蒼蠅,數(shù)也數(shù)不清。4 .Even a blind man somewhere at the back of one of the booths heard a rumour of cigarettes and came crawling out, groping in the air with his hand.甚至在后面的窩棚里的一個(gè)盲

53、人聽到要煙的吵嚷聲也爬了出來,伸手在空中亂摸。5 .Ah, that ?s only for show! They ?e all money lenders really. 噢!那只不過是裝樣子罷了。 實(shí)際上他們都是些放貸獲利的人。6.In just the same way, a couple of hundred years ago, poor old women used to be burned for witchcraft when they could not even work enough magic to get themselves a square meal.頗為相似的是

54、,幾百年前,有些可憐的老婦人常常被當(dāng)成巫婆活活燒死,但事實(shí)上 她們連為自己變出一頓像樣的飯菜的巫術(shù)都沒有。7.It takes in the dried-up soil, the prickly pear, the palm tree and the distant mountain, but it always misses the peasant hoeing at his patch. 那干巴巴的土地,仙人掌,棕桐樹和 遠(yuǎn)方的山嶺被盡收眼底,但在地里耕作的農(nóng)民卻往往沒人看見。8 .Most of Morocco is so desolate that no wild animal big

55、ger than a hare can live on it.摩洛哥大部分土地都很荒涼,以至于那里生存的最大的野生動(dòng)物就是野兔。9 .Except for a day or two after the rare rainstorms there is never enough water.除了 難得的暴雨之后的一兩天之外,這里總是缺水。10.It seems to be generally the case in primitive communities that the women, when they get beyond a certain age, shrink to the siz

56、e of children.在原始社會(huì)里, 婦女超過了定的年紀(jì)身材便會(huì)萎縮得如孩子般大小,這似乎是一個(gè)普遍現(xiàn)象。Unit41 .A nice enough young fellow, you understand ,but nothing upstairs.He is a nice enough young fellow,you know , but he is empty-headed.2 .Fads, I submit, are the very negation of reason.A passing fashion or craze ,in my opinion, shows a co

57、mplete lack of reason.1 .I should have known they % come back when the Charleston came back.I should have known that raccoon coats would come back to fashion when the Charleston dance, which was popular in the 1920s,came back.4 . “All the Big Men on Campus are wearing them. Where have you been? &quo

58、t;All the important and fashionable men on campus are wearing them. How come you don t know?5 .My brain , that precision instrument, slipped into high gear.My brain, which is precision instrument, began to work at high speed.6 .With one omission, Polly fitted these specifications perfectly.Except for one thing(intelligence)Polly had all the other requirements.7.She was n


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