



1、摘要:英國和丹麥的科學(xué)家日前發(fā)現(xiàn),胡蘿卜中含有的某種成分可以減少患癌癥的危險。A team of researchers, from the Un iversity of Newcastle upon Tyne in En gla nd andDenmark, found the natural pesticide falcarinol reduced the risk of cancer.英國和丹麥的科學(xué)家日前發(fā)現(xiàn),胡蘿卜中含有的某種成分可以減少患癌癥的危險。這一研究成果有望在抗癌藥物的研制工作中發(fā)揮作用。據(jù)美國“每日科學(xué)”網(wǎng)站 2月18日報道,英國和丹麥科學(xué)家組成的研究小組日前發(fā)現(xiàn) 胡蘿卜

2、中含有的天然殺蟲劑鐮葉芹醇(falcari nol)可以將小鼠患癌癥的危險減少三分之一研究人員用24只小鼠進(jìn)行了試驗。在實驗室條件下,他們用氧化偶氮甲烷誘發(fā)小鼠的 結(jié)腸腫瘤新生,并將小鼠分成3組,每組喂以不同的食物。18周后研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),食物中加有胡蘿卜(普通的桔黃色胡蘿卜)和食物中被加入了鐮葉芹醇的小鼠,其腫瘤發(fā)生率減少了三分之一。對此,研究小組成員之一,英國紐卡爾斯大學(xué)的高級講師柯爾斯頓勃蘭特博士表示:“我們已經(jīng)知道胡蘿卜對我們的身體有好處,能夠減少癌癥的發(fā)病率,但我們不知道是什么成分在從中起作用?,F(xiàn)在,我們工作是要弄清究竟食用多少鐮葉芹醇才能夠起到抗癌的作 用。另外,我們還想知道是不是某

3、些胡蘿卜的抗癌效果要更好一些,因為現(xiàn)在的胡蘿卜種類 很多,它們在顏色、形狀和大小上都有所不同?!辈m特同時表示,他們還將擴(kuò)展研究領(lǐng)域, 對其它蔬菜也進(jìn)行相關(guān)的研究。勃蘭特博士建議人們在吃其它蔬菜水果的同時,每天食用一小根胡蘿卜。雖然高量劑的鐮葉芹醇對人體有害,但是只有一次性食用 400公斤的胡蘿卜才會有致命危險,所以人們對 此不必過分擔(dān)心。在研究過程中,科學(xué)家使用的是生胡蘿卜,所以他們目前還不清楚吃煮熟的胡蘿卜或是 喝胡蘿卜汁是不是也具有同樣的效果。但無論怎樣,這項研究結(jié)果都具有重大的實際意義, 它能給消費者和蔬菜種植者帶來合理的相關(guān)建議,同時還能給抗癌藥物的研發(fā)工作帶來很大啟發(fā)。報道說,這項

4、研究成果被發(fā)表在2月份的農(nóng)業(yè)和食品化學(xué)雜志上。(王高山)A team of researchers, from the Un iversity of Newcastle upon Tyne in En gla nd andDenmark, found the natural pesticide falcarinol reduced the risk of cancer develop ing in rats by one third.Although experts have recomme nded that people eat carrots for their an ti-ca nce

5、r properties, it has not bee n known exactly what comp onent ofthe vegetable has thiseffect.The study results, published today in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, are sig ni fica ntas they could con tributeto healthy eat ing advice for con sumers andrecomme ndati ons for growers and m

6、ay even tually aid the developme nt of an ti-ca ncer drugs.Falcari nolprotects carrots from fun gal diseases, such as liquorice rot that causesblack spots on the roots duri ng storage. The scie ntists in vestigated the compo und after a previous published study suggested it could preve nt the develo

7、pme nt ofcancer.The research team carried out tests on 24 rats with pre-ca ncerous tumours in laboratory con diti ons. They divided them into three groups and fed them differe nt diets.The team found that, after 18 weeks, rats who ate carrots (the popular orange variety) along with their ordinary fe

8、ed and the group which con sumed falcari nol with their|feed - in a qua ntity equal to that contained in the carrots - were one third less likely to develop full-scale tumours than the rats in the control group.Dr Kirste n Bran dt, a senior lecturer with Newcastle Un iversitys School ofAgriculture,

9、Food and Rural Developme nt, carried out the research with theUni versity of Souther n Denmark and the Danish In stitute of Agricultural Scien ces.|She said: We already know that carrots are good for us and can reduce the risk of cancer but un til now we have not known which eleme nt of the vegetabl

10、e has these|special properties.Our research allows us to make a more qualitative assessment of the vegetables we are eating,rather than quantitative.Wenow need to take it a step further by findingout how much falcarinolis needed to prevent the development of cancer and if certain-1types of carrot ar

11、e better tha n others, as there are many varieties in existe nee, of differe nt shapes, colours and sizes.We could also expa nd our research to in clude other vegetables. For con sumers, itmay soon no Ion ger be a case of advis ing them to eat five portions of fruit andvegetables per day but to eat particulartypes of these in certa in qua ntities.Themethodsresearch could also lead to more tailored advice for growers regarding the they should use whe n grow ing vegetables.Falcari nol is toxic in large amounts but to obta in a lethal dose you would have to eat 400 kilograms of car


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