



1、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B 23a-Self check一、 教學(xué)目標(biāo):1. 語言知識目標(biāo):1) 復(fù)習(xí)如何制作火雞宴,以及其他學(xué)生們熟悉的傳統(tǒng)食物的制作過程。2) 能夠綜合運(yùn)用所學(xué)的知識以及根據(jù)所給的提示詞來完成閱讀填空的任務(wù)。3) 能夠綜合運(yùn)用所學(xué)的知識來學(xué)習(xí)寫作自己所熟悉的食物的制作過程以及所需的原料。4)通過完成Self check的中練習(xí)題來全面復(fù)習(xí) how much和how many的用法。2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標(biāo):1. 通過制作食物的介紹, 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的實(shí)際生活能力, 了解生活知識, 增長生活閱歷 , 培

2、養(yǎng)實(shí)踐操作能力和動手能力。2. 通過食物制作過程的介紹, 讓學(xué)生認(rèn)識到勞動成果的來之不易, 使之懂得不能浪費(fèi)食物 , 珍惜他人的勞動成果。二、 教學(xué)重難點(diǎn)1. 教學(xué)重點(diǎn):1) 能夠綜合運(yùn)用所學(xué)的知識以及根據(jù)所給的提示詞來完成閱讀填空的任務(wù)。2) 能夠綜合運(yùn)用所學(xué)的知識來學(xué)習(xí)寫作自己較為熟悉的食物的制作過程。2. 教學(xué)難點(diǎn):能夠綜合運(yùn)用所學(xué)的知識來學(xué)習(xí)寫作自己較為熟悉的食物的制作過程。三、教學(xué)過程I . Warming- up and revision1. Fill in the blanks of the main idea of the passage in 2b: (On the big

3、screen)Thanksgiving is a sholiday in the U.S.A. It always on the fThursdayin November. There are many rfor this special day. For some people, it is a timeto give thanks for food in the a. At this time people also remember the firsttfrom Eabout 500 years ago. These days most Americans still have abig

4、 meal at home to cit. The main dish of this meal is almost alwayst.How to make a turkey dinner?First, mtogether some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. F_the turkeywith this bread mix.Next, put the turkey in a hot oven and cit for a few hours. Then, place the turkeyon a large plate and cit with

5、gravy.F, serve it to your friends with some other food.2. Check the answers with the Ss.3. Ask your partner his/her most special day in China. n. Lead-in1. Ask Ss about what special food in the town (city) they live?e.g. Mapo toufu, Gongbaojiding, dumplings,T: Well, my favourite food is Yunnan Rice

6、Noodles.Do you know how to make it?Now, let s read the passage in 3a and find how to make it.2. Show some pictures ofYunnan Rice Noodleson the big screen.Let Ss discuss the ingredients in this special food. Reading1. Tell Ss to work on 3a. First, read the words in the box. Try to make sure the meani

7、ng of each words.2. 寫作指導(dǎo):首先,閱讀方框中的詞匯,掌握其意思,然后閱讀短文,整體把握短文大意。其次,分析有空格的每個句子,根據(jù)上下文意及句子結(jié)構(gòu)確定空格處應(yīng)填哪一個詞。最后,將單詞填在空格上,并完整的讀一遍短文,看是否通順。3. Ss try to read the article and try to fill in the blanks.4. Check the answers with the Ss. have; 由括號中的句子 “ Of course, you can also have other things 當(dāng)然你可 也可以準(zhǔn)備其他的東西”,可知空格處應(yīng)為

8、have一詞。First;通過讀下文及關(guān)鍵詞then,可知下面是在敘述制作云南米線的過程。這是第一步。wash;句意“將生菜洗凈并切碎?!?Next; 讀短文可知,在第一步完成后,這是接一下的一個步驟,故空格處用next。 cut; 句意“將雞肉切成碎片。 ”put;由后面的介詞in,可知這是put小詞組。句意“將雞蛋、肉及生菜等逐個放入熱湯中”。Finally;讀短文可知這是制作的最后一個步驟,故應(yīng)填 finally 一詞。句意“最后,將米線放入湯中”enjoy;句意“現(xiàn)在是該享受米線的時候了。 ”。IV. WritingWork on 3b:1. Read the headings bel

9、ow. Think about your own favorite food in your hometown.2. Then make a list of the ingredients of the food.(If you don t have any ideas, you may look at the food in P62. )3. Ss try to think about the ingredients of the food and try to write them down.4. Check the answers with your partners.Work on 3

10、c:1. Tell Ss to use the notes in 3b and write a recipe for your favorite food.(Write about the ingredients you need and how to make it).2. 寫作指導(dǎo):本文為寫自己所喜歡的食物的食譜。因此,時態(tài)應(yīng)用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài);應(yīng)先根據(jù)3b 中的所列的原料清單,說明做此食物所需的原料。然后, 描述一下制作此食物的過程。同學(xué)應(yīng)注意使用first, next, then, finally等表示做事情的次序的副詞來使你的描述更加清晰與明確。3. 學(xué)生們根據(jù)寫作提示,及指導(dǎo)的內(nèi)容來試

11、著寫自己的食譜。4. Let some Ss read their passage to the class. Give any help if necessary.V. Group work1. Make up a crazy recipe with your partner.(You may first make a list of the ingredients and the produce.)2. Tell another pair of students how to make this crazy food. The other pair will have to draw it

12、.3. Give Ss some examples:First, put some yogurt on a piece of bread. Then, cut up one apple, and an onion andput them on the yogurt 4. Ss try to write about their own crazy recipe in pairs. Then tell another group.5. See which recipe is the craziest and which group draws the best.VI. Self checkWork

13、 on Self check 11. Tell Ss the sentences below is about how to make tomato and egg soup.They are not in the right order. Please read the sentences and put them in the right order first. Then complete the instructions with the words in the box.2. Ss work by themselves the try to number the instructio

14、ns first.3. Then put the wordsfirst, next, then, finally in the blanks.4. Check the answers and explain some main points.理解句意:將所有的東西攪合在一起然后可以吃了。煮五分鐘后放入兩個雞蛋。將三個西紅柿切碎,并將其放入鍋內(nèi)。加入一些水、糖和鹽。5. 學(xué)生們試著復(fù)述制作西紅柿雞蛋湯的過程。Work on Self check 21. Tell Ss to write questions and answers using the words in brackets below

15、.2. Give Ss some directions:根據(jù)要求可知第一句為疑問句,特殊疑問句的結(jié)構(gòu)為“特殊疑問詞 + 一般疑問句?”故應(yīng)先看其有沒特殊疑問詞。如沒有特殊疑問詞,則為一般疑問句,則應(yīng)根據(jù)句子的謂語動詞來確定將be動詞還是助動詞放在句首。3. Let some Ss try to make their own sentences and check the answers.VII. Homework想一想,你在家里最喜歡吃的一道菜。了解一下它的做法,用英語將做這個菜所需的材料以及簡單的過程用英語描述出來。板書設(shè)計(jì):Section B 2 3a-Self check3a: have, First, wash, Next, cut, put, Finally, en


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