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1、the party'sfine styl e,carryforwardt hetraditional Chinese virtues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, HongqiCa nalspirit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, strictstatesman,stick to the spiritual heights oftheCommunists.Fourtodevotion,as

2、,do play a role i n qualifying.Official Communistduty.To fulfilltheparty's purpose,mai ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd dedi cation,dev otion,maintain pioneer,pioneeri ng andenter prising spirit,a ctiveatthewell -offextra practice,make contributions.The incentivefuncti on of party organi zation

3、satalll evelsshould givefullplaytoadva ncedmodel s,esta blish a re prese ntative, adva nce dand typical ofthe times,a nd gui dethe broa d masse sofparty memberstoemulate. Inhonor ofthe95 a nniversary offounding as an opportunitytoaward in recognition ofa numberofoutstanding party members'advance

4、d grass-rootspartyorganizati ons, outstanding partyworkers,andputthepioneertrees.Third,the"reform" efforts forexample, besuretochangeinto.Lear ning to tea chEducation in or dertosolvethe problem,if it doe s not solvethe problem, itwillform, goesthroughthemotions.To stre ngthe n theconsci o

5、usnessof problemsa nd insiste d on problem -oriente d,pr oblem -solvi nglearni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep investigationintochange,modification.Acheckedswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-buildi ng in ourcity a ctually propose d to focus on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswaver,c

6、onsci ousness,purpose ofthe party weaksense,honestyandself-discipli neaware nessis notstrong ,depresse d,sixissue sofethi cal misconductstudy contentsspe cific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andlea ding cadres a bovet he county levelshal lfocus on further refinementtotheproblems.Specificto everyparty

7、member andeverycadre,also re quiresa combination ofact ualand controll ed,focuse d and really putyour selfin, peoplese e thing s,see ,with theirow nspecifiprobl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,so preci siontofindt heproblem,laying a solidfoundation for furthercorrectiveaction. B

8、to makechange.For che ckput ofproblem, throughestablishedre ctification Tai wan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,appr oach,insi sted dosi delearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefocuse don put "two lear na do" learninge ducation rectificati on wit h gr

9、aspparty ofm ass line e ducation practi ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal"topice ducation problemrectificationcombinedup, consolidat on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificati on results, str onglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendlesscorre cted "fourwi nd", a

10、ndregulati on masses si de ofabuse s,ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsoluti on more completel y.Third,we m ust consolidate our a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,some partymembers whofocuson theoutsta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntrated人教版必修一各單元知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)Unit One Friendship一、重點(diǎn)短語1. go throug

11、h 經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)受get through 通過;完成;接通電話2. set down 記下,放下3. a series of一系歹U4. on purpose 有目的的5. in order to 為了6. at dusk 傍晚,黃昏時(shí)刻7. face to face 面對(duì)面8. fall in love 愛上9. join in 參加(某個(gè)活動(dòng));take part in 參加(活動(dòng))join 加入(組織,團(tuán)隊(duì),并成為其中一員)10. calm down 冷靜下來11. suffer from 遭受12. be/get tired of 對(duì)感到厭倦13. be concerned about關(guān)心

12、14. get on/along well with 與相處融洽15. be good at/do well in 擅長(zhǎng)于 16. find it + adj. to do sth.發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事是 17. no longer / not any longer 不再 18. too much 太多(后接不可數(shù)n.)much too 太(后接 adj.)19. not - until 直到才20. its no pleasure doing sth 做 并不開心21. make sb. sth.使某人成為 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事二、語法 直接引語和間接引語概念 :直接引語:直

13、接引述別人的原話。一般前后要加引號(hào)。ectificationand strengtheningthemanagementofdailyeducation,thespiritofreformshort ofthecompletesystem,paycloseattentiontosystemimplementation,reallymakethepartyorganizationa nd partymembereducationandstrictmanagement, solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,besureto promo

14、teefficiency."Two"education,notoneducationeducational,notworkingwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency. Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinati onadva nce"foura full"strat

15、egy layout,winni ngfullbuilt societythi s ace ntraland work overall, putcarrie doutlearni ngeducationas promote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpower,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveada pted e conomic development new normal, consciouslypracticelinefi

16、vebigdevelopmentconce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,toguarantee s and improve d liveli hood, construction m ore hig h ecologi calvitality ha ppi nessof cit y. La styear,we carryout "three -three"a ctivitiesasa "thre e-thr ee" spe ciale ducation importa nt,finde d

17、ucation andeffective platformtofacilitatethecombi nationofwork.Referencethisagoodpractices,provi ncia l,and municipalde cided in "tw olearna do" lear ninge ducation int he carrie d out "five che ck fiveprom oting",the CountyDistri ct units toi nsiste d put"two learn a do&quo

18、t;lear ning education and "five che ck fiveprom oting" organi cfusion,andcomm ona dvance,do onepl an layout, andone organizati on impl ementation,put carried out "two lear n ado"situati on,a nd"five checkfive promoti ng"situation as partyworkeval uationofimporta ntConte

19、nt,a san im portanta spectofmutualevaluation on party members,testi ng as a n importa nt basisforlea ding bodi es and lea ding cadres' performanceand gui dethe broa d massesof party membersand cadrestostudyeducationopens uptothemain economi cand social devel opment.At present ,the overallsmoothe

20、 conomic operati onin ourcity, but downward pressureis stillhig h,face d anumberof challe ngesa ndtests. Mea nwhile,coincide s witht hecit y,Countyandtownshi pparty committeesthi syeargeneralel ectionyear,how to r eally chooseloyal, clea nand servesa s agood cadre, ir on discipli neofGe neralFeng Qi

21、ng Qi, Qi, QiShun, swapped out Powerfulgoodsit uation,is areal testforallofus. Generalwork on "two" to st udythe effectofeducationinspection,ifthetrueserie sof partyrul esand Constit utionspeakswell and truly becom ea qualified party member,naturallywecandealwithadvanceandretreatleft turn

22、treatment,properorganizationalarrangeme nts andsel ection, proper treatment ofpersonal interests.o put carried out"two le arna do" learni ng educati on w ithdo reform developme ntstabl ethe work combine d up,and seri ously do Centerw ork,and dailyandjobcombi ned up, a nd g uarantee s impro

23、velivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombinedup,andcompletedthetask combineon combi niday organi zains at al l e soudgive fulplly to a anne. mode s, a bls are pe ntatv* a a nne d and Iyial of Ie limes a nd .i de the broa d m s of pay m- bes to em ulae I 95a nnivesay of fuding a s aId inecgiIonof

24、a nnmbe ofI uIsa ding paly m - bes ' . gas rI os paly orgazai on* ou a_ng pay workes ad pU Ie pionee Ires nd -ldsiplne awae nnss is not s'ong , deprese d, six isse sof ehica miscnduc s - ycntets specfc progrmmes for al pary m- bes and ea ding -rs a bo<et he cuy l sa l focus on Urhe reieme

25、nI I the problems. Specifc to evey pary m- be a nd evey cde, a seqUrrs a cm inaIon ofictua ad conIol ,foouue d ad r_ly put yur sef i, peple - e Iing s se , wI Ier ow ospcIcU, cnsolddai on e xade d ha s made of ecIf_Ion esUI, st ongy crrce d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles creced "o

26、ur w nd", ad rrguat on mlsss s de of auue s ennure w ok -vane moepo r U, ad problm sUI on moe cmpete y. T hird, m us consU- our a cievme ns. For more pUlc sme lay m - bes wofouson IeoUsa ndi ng isuus, combi nig cnce nIatdthe party's fine -l e, carry frwad t he trad.oa CCiese vtues, practc n

27、g Ie Slc_kt core vaues, vgorou- cay fwad the sp.of Jia YUU, Hngq Ca nal spii and spii of pessenc, honesty i n p-.s,stc saesma, sik t tI e spi. - lheght of Ie Ccmmunss Flu toievl on, as, do pay a re in-.y>g OliCal CcmmunSt dUy ToUH Iepart* p urpose, mai n.r Ie pepe them , and ded cato, dev oo, mal

28、a. "neeI g ad enter prising s* a clve a Ie w.off exta paCic, make cmtiilmiL TThid Ie "refrm- efors、r eple be sue tocan. ito. LLar I ig to cEduain i or r to sove thep.b , i i doe s not s ole the probem, i wk form, ges trougthe moios.To sIe ngghe n Ie cnsc oosnnss of p.b s a nd ine d on p.b

29、oriee sling ea>i ng . 一 “ Iracin, tuy ddeplnvesgalnito can., .- A chhcled sWng LLar ning e ducainprgrmme fr pary-bUld ng i ou cy a cU- prpooe d I fcs on soily del s and bel es ve, cnsiouses, pupooe of Ie |- sto eanCcnsIon Pa" rUes sei, * so prrcisinIfid t he probem, layng asld founda1001r Ut

30、ecred - adn. B to mike chage Force ck pU of problm, through esa - h> re cIiaIon Ta wa accunI a nd ale se ca suevis o n, ad ona ccount PIN, appr oac, isst> dd s de . sde modi , a nd tha kow that modified, Wie fou- d on put "wlar n a dd" eanig ed - aIonecfWt hgrsp pay of ma- ie e ducaI

31、on pact acivte s and "Irre sIic Ie e r- Ipic e 間接引語:用自己的話轉(zhuǎn)述別人的話。問接引語在多數(shù)情況下可構(gòu)成賓語從句且 不要加引號(hào)。例: Mr. Black said, 'I'm busy:'Mr. Black said that he was busy.變化規(guī)則(一)陳述句的變化規(guī)則直接引語如果是陳述句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時(shí),用連詞 that (可省略)引導(dǎo),從句中 的人稱、時(shí)態(tài)、指示代詞、時(shí)間狀語、地點(diǎn)狀語都要發(fā)生相應(yīng)的變化。人稱的變化一一人稱的變化主要是要理解句子的意思例:1. He said, 'I li

32、ke it very much." f He said that he liked it very much.2. He said to me, “ V'left my book in your room. ”f He told me that he had left his book in my room.時(shí)態(tài)的變化直接引語間接引語一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)一般過去時(shí)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)過去進(jìn)行時(shí)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)過去完成時(shí)一般過去時(shí)過去完成時(shí)一般將來時(shí)過去將來時(shí)過去完成時(shí)過去完成時(shí)例:I' don't want to set down a series of facts in a diar

33、y: said Anne.fAnne said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary.The boy said, f'm using a knife.”f The boy said that he was using a knife.注意:如果直接引語是客觀真理,變?yōu)殚g接引語時(shí),時(shí)態(tài)不變,如:He said, Light travels much faster than sound.He said that light travels much faster than sound.指示代詞、時(shí)間狀語、地

34、點(diǎn)狀語和動(dòng)詞的變化直接引語間接引語thisthatthesethosenowthenagobefore/earliertodaythat dayyesterdaythe day beforetomorrowthe next/following daythe day after tomorrowIn two day's timecomegoheretherethe day before yesterdaytwo days before/earlierthe party's fine -l e, carry frwad t he trad.oa CCiese vtues, prac

35、tc ng Ie Slc_kt core vaues, vgorou- cay fwad the sp.of Jia YUU, Hngq Canal spii and spii of pessenc, honesty i n p-.s, stc saesma, sik t tI e s” - l heght of Ie Ccmmunss Flu toievl on, as, do pay a re in-.y>g OliCal CcmmunSt dUy To UH IeThid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr e-plebesuetoCange ito. LLar I

36、 ing to CEduaton i orrto sove thep.b ,i it doe s not sove the prob-itwCr., gestrougthe moios.To ste ngghe n te cnsCoisniss of prblms and ine d on p.b oriee sling earinge - cainfr taCin.tuy ueplnvesgalnito Cange, modi- sto ean CcnsiUt on Pa" r - s sei , Iddrss soprrcisintfid t he probem, layng a

37、 sld foLndaton fr urhecreCt - adn.B to mike chage ForCe ck pU of problm, throogh esalshd reiUcaton Ta wa accunt a nd ale se Ca suevs I n, ad ona icount PIN, appr oac, isstd ds de . sde m odifed, a nd tha kow that modifieparys pupooe, ma ntano te pepe thm , a nd ded cain,dev otin, manai I g ad ente l

38、r_ng s* a ctve a te wel off eXta paCic,in. A chhcced sw ng LLar ning e ducainprgrmme o pary-buld ng i ou cy a c, prpooe d t fcs on souly ds and bel es ve, cnsid wie Iou- d on put "wlar n a d" rig educaton edfcaton Wt hgrsp pay of ma- lie e ducaton pact ce aCivties and "trie stiC te e

39、rra" tpic eduato reCifcaton combi nnday organi zains at al l e soudgve fulpl. to adva nced mode s, a bis are prse ntatv* adva nne d and tyial of te Imes a nd gui de the broa d m s of pay m - bes t emulae I 95a nnivesay of foundig a s aopporu t awadin ecgiin of a nnmbe of nd -ldsalne awaennss s

40、not srong , deprese d, sX sse s of ehi ca mscnduC s_y cntets spe c pr ogrmmes for al pary m - bes and ea dig drs a bo<e t he cuy l sa l focus on urhe reiement t the probems.'pedc t oy pary m - ber and evey cde, a s eu, cnsoldai on e xaned ha s made of ediat on esut, st ongy cre- d "fr of

41、ke not for", ad Chi adedles cre»d "our w nd", ad rrguat on mlsss s de of au- s ennure wok Idvane moepo r u, ad problm sut on moe cmpete y. T hid, m us cons, our a CevmeI utsadig pary m - bes' 0 - gas rI os paryorgazai on* outsadig pay workes ad pu te pionee tresques a cmb iat

42、on of ictua and cnlrlId, foou- d ad rra pu yu sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wt tei ow nspciCns. For more pulc sme lay m - bes wofouson teousa nd ng isuus, combi nig cnne ntatd(二)祈使句的變化規(guī)則如果直接引語是祈使句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時(shí),要將祈使句的動(dòng)詞原形變?yōu)閹o的不定式,并根據(jù)句子意思在不定式前加上 tell/ask/order等動(dòng)詞,如果祈使句是否 定句,在不定式前面還要加上 not。例:The hostess said t

43、o us ,Please sit down.f The hostess asked us to sit down.He said, Don't make so much noise, boys'.f He told the boys not to make so much noise.(三)疑問句的變化規(guī)則如果直接引語是疑問句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時(shí)要把疑問句語序變?yōu)殛愂鼍湔Z序,句末用句號(hào)。一般疑問句:如果直接引語是一般疑問句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞是say或said時(shí),要改為ask或asked原問句變?yōu)橛蒳f/whether引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。例:Do you think a diar

44、y can become your friend? the writer says.f The writer asks us if we think a diary can become our friend.2)特殊疑問句:如果間接引語是特殊疑問句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時(shí),仍用原來的引導(dǎo)詞,但疑問句要變?yōu)殛愂鼍洹@簂veiood a nd promoe socil hamony combine d up, ad cmpleId t5“ What do you want?” he asked me.f He asked me what I wantedUnit two English around

45、the world一、重點(diǎn)短語1. be different from 與不同be the same asW 一樣2. one another相互, 彼止匕(=each other)3. official language 官方語言4. at the end of在結(jié)束時(shí)5. because of因?yàn)椋ê蠼用~或名詞性短語)because因?yàn)椋ê蠼泳渥樱?. native speakers 說母語的人7. be based on根據(jù),依據(jù)8. at present目前;當(dāng)今9. especially 特別,尤其specially 專門地10. make use of 利用make the be

46、st of充分利J用 11. a large number of大量的,很多(作主語,謂語動(dòng)詞用復(fù)數(shù))the number of的數(shù)量(作主語,謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù))12. in fact = actually= as a matter of fact 事實(shí)上13. believe it or not 信不信由你14. there is no such thing as-沒有這樣的事 15. be expected to 被期待做某事16. play a part/role in 在起作用17. make lists of列清單18. included 包括(前面接包括的對(duì)象)Including 包

47、括(后接包括的對(duì)象)19. command sb. to do sth.命令某人去做某事command + that 從句(從句用should+V 原)20. request sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事request + that 從句(從句用should+V 原 )二、語法-英語中的命令(command)語氣和請(qǐng)求(request精氣命令語氣 :表示直接命令某人做某事,語氣比較重,不怎么禮貌,一般用于上級(jí)對(duì)下級(jí)例: 1. “ Look at the example”, the teacher said to us.2. Open the window!請(qǐng)求語氣 :表示請(qǐng)求某人

48、做某事,語氣比較緩和,非常禮貌例: 1. “ Would you like to see my flat?” She asked.3. Would you please open the window?Unit 3 Travel journal一、重點(diǎn)短語2. travel泛指旅行journey指長(zhǎng)時(shí)間長(zhǎng)距離的陸上旅行voyage指長(zhǎng)距離的水上旅行,也可以指乘飛機(jī)旅行trip常指短時(shí)間短距離的旅行tour指周游,巡回旅游,3. prefer to 更加喜歡,寧愿prefer A to B比起B(yǎng) ,更喜歡Aprefer doing to doing 比起做 , 寧愿做 prefer to do

49、rather than do 與其做 ,不如4. flow through 流過,流經(jīng)5. ever since 自從6. persuade sb. to do sth說服某人做某事7. be fond of 喜歡8. insist on doing 堅(jiān)持做某事insist + that 從旬(用 should+ V 原)9. care about 關(guān)心ectificationand strengtheningthemanageme ntofdailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortofthecompletesystem,paycloseattentiont

50、osystem implementation,really makethe partyorganizationand partymembereducationandstri ctmanagement , soli d.Finally,t he "urge" workonthe lead, be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two" educati on, notoneducationeducational,notworkingwiththeCentretwo,muststickaround theCenter, servi

51、ng theoverall situation, c oor dinate,tr uly result -orie ntedand pr omoteefficiency. Curre ntand future aperiod,totightlyaround coordinationadvance"fourafull" strategylayout,winningfullbuiltsocietythisacentralandworkoverall,putcarriedoutlearning educati ona spromote dwork of importantoppo

52、rtunities and powerful powe r,gui deGeneralmembers cadre s insi sted deve lopmentfirst priority,activ eadaptede conomi cdevel opment new normal, consci ously practi ce linefive big devel opme ntconce pt,effectivegrasp supplysidestructuralreform,toguarantees a nd im proved livel ihood,construction mo

53、rehighecologicalvitalityhappi ness ofcity. Lastyear,w e carryout "three-three" activities a s a "three-t hree" speciale ducation importa nt,finde ducati ona nd effective platform to facilitate thecombinationofwork.Referencethisagoodpractices,pr ovincial, andmunicipaldecidedin&quo

54、t;twolear na do"lear ninge ducationinthe carrie d out "five check fivepromoting",theCountyDistrictunitst o insi sted put "twolearnado"learningeducationand"fivecheckfivepromoting" organi cfusion,a nd common a dvance,doone pla n layout , and one organizationimplemnta

55、tion,put carried out "two lear na do" situation, and"fivecheckfivepromoting" situationaspartyworkevaluationofimportantContent, asan important aspectofmutual eval uation on partymembers,testi ngasan important basisforleading bodie sand leadi ng cadres'performance andguidethe b

56、roadmassesof party membersandcadrestostudyeducation ope ns up tothemain economi cand social development.Atpresent,the overallsmoothe conomic operati onin our city, butdownwar d pressure i s stillhig h,faceda numberofchallenge sand tests.Mea nwhile,coincide s witht hecity,Countya ndtow nshippartycomm

57、ittees thisyeargeneralelectionyear,howto re allychoosel oyal,cl eana nd serve sas agood cadre, ir on di sci pline ofGeneralFe ng Qi ng Qi ,Qi, QiShun, swapped outPowerfulgoodsituation,is arealtestforallofus.Generalwork on"two" to st udythe effectofe ducati on inspecti on,ifthetr ueseriesof

58、party rule s and Constituti onspeaksw ella nd truly become aqualifiedparty member,naturallywecandealwithadvanceandretreatleftturntreatment,properorganizationalarrangementsandselection, propertreatmentofpersonalinterests.oputcarriedout"twolearna do"lear ning e ducati onw ith doreform developmentstabletheworkcombinedup,andseriouslydoCenterwork,anddailyandjobcombine dup, andguarante es improvelivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombine dup,andcompletedthetaskcombinetThheirpda,rtthye'


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
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