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1、Chin ese Food Kitche n Man ageme nt Service Agreeme nt簽約日期: 年月曰Date ofSig nature:TABLE OF CONTENTS第一條、協(xié)議期限Article 1 Term of agreeme nt第二條、乙方人員崗位及人數(shù)Article 2 Posts and nu mber of dispatched employees第三條、乙方員工工作時(shí)間和休息休假Article 3 Work time and off time of employee第四條、管理費(fèi)結(jié)算Article 4 The man ageme nt fee第五

2、條、乙方相關(guān)管理規(guī)定Article 5 Man ageme nt provisi ons releva nt to Party B第六條、結(jié)算標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、支付時(shí)間及違約責(zé)任Article 6 Settleme nt criteria, payme nt time and liability for breach of con tract第7條、甲方的權(quán)利和義務(wù)Article 7 Rights and obligations of Party A第8條、協(xié)議的變更和解除Modification and Termination第9條、爭議的解決Dispute Resolution第10條、其他Misce

3、llaneous甲方(酒店):Party A(hotel)乙方:餐飲管理有限公司Party B: Food Kitche n Man ageme nt Service Co., Ltd.甲、乙雙方經(jīng)友好協(xié)商,根據(jù)中華人民共和國勞動(dòng)合同法及相關(guān)法律法規(guī)規(guī)定, 簽訂本協(xié)議,并承諾共同遵守。Through frie ndly n egotiati ons and accord ing to the Employme nt Con tract Law of the Peoples Republic of Chi na as well as releva nt laws and regulati ons

4、. Party A and Party B (here inafter referred to as both parties) reach the follow ing agreeme nt and agree to abide by its termsand conditions.第一條、協(xié)議期限Article 1 Term of agreeme nt合同期為年。期限從起至止。合同期滿,合作雙方應(yīng)提前一個(gè)月以書面形 式提出終止合同,否則,該合同自動(dòng)續(xù)延一年。The term of the agreeme nt shall be year(s), specifically from to .

5、 Either party shall give a one-m onth writte n term in ati on no tice to the other party prior to expiry of the agreeme nt,otherwise the agreeme nt will be automatically ren ewed for a year.第二條、乙方人員崗位及人數(shù)Article 2 Posts and nu mber of dispatched employees甲、乙雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商確認(rèn),乙方于本協(xié)議有效期內(nèi)向甲方提供中廚管理服務(wù)并派遣中廚房 工作人員。乙方

6、負(fù)責(zé)派往甲方人員明細(xì),請(qǐng)見“中廚房崗位編制表”,見附件1Both parties negotiate and confirm that Party B shall provide Party A with theChin ese food kitche n man ageme nt services and dispatch its Chin ese food kitche nemployees within the term of the agreeme nt. See Annex 1 Arran geme nt of Posts for Chin eseFood Kitche n Empl

7、oyees for the details about such employees.第三條、乙方員工工作時(shí)間和休息休假Article 3 Work time and off-duty of employee1.工作時(shí)間:乙方員工在甲方工作期間執(zhí)行不定時(shí)工時(shí)工作制。實(shí)行綜合計(jì)算工時(shí)工 作制或不定時(shí)工時(shí)工作制的,由乙方負(fù)責(zé)報(bào)經(jīng)勞動(dòng)行政部門批準(zhǔn),并告知派遣員工。On-duty arran geme nt: The employees dispatched to Party A shall follow the flexible workinghour system within the contr

8、acted working period. No matter either the combined or the flexibleworking hour system is followed, Party B shall be responsible for reporting it to the LaborAdministrative Department for approval and such employees shall be in formed.2.休息休假:派遣員工每周休息一天,將依法享受國家規(guī)定的法定節(jié)假日和用工單位 規(guī)定的休假待遇。工作滿半年之后,派遣員工每年可享有一

9、次七天帶薪年假。Off-duty arran geme nt: The dispatched employees are en titled to enjoy one day off on aweekly basis, and all official holidays and the off-duty schedule developed by Party A. Afterworking for half a year, the employees are entitled to enjoy a 7-day paid leave on a yearly basis.第四條、管理費(fèi)結(jié)算標(biāo)準(zhǔn)方案

10、Article 4 The man ageme nt fee shall be settled accord ing to the followi ng scheme甲、乙雙方約定合同期,乙方共派遣 人,甲方每月支付乙方管理費(fèi)為人民幣 _元;Both parties agree that Party B shall dispatch a total of employees and Party A shall pay PartyB RMB _as management fee on a monthly basis during the agreed period .甲方每月日前將本協(xié)議約定的管

11、理費(fèi)用交付乙方,乙方開具正式管理費(fèi)發(fā)票。Party A shall pay the agreed man ageme nt fee to Party B prior to the th dayof each month andParty B shall issue a formal in voice for it.如有甲方延期 _個(gè)工作日后未支付本合同約定的款項(xiàng),甲方需向乙方支付滯納金。滯 納金計(jì)算標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為:每延遲一日,需支付乙方應(yīng)付金額的千分之一。如延期天未支付本合同約定的款項(xiàng)則被視為違約,乙方并有權(quán)終止本合同,甲方除結(jié)清所有欠款之外 另需向乙方償付一個(gè)月的管理費(fèi)為違約賠償金。If Party

12、 A fails to pay the agreed fees in working days after the agreed payme nt date, Party Ashall pay overdue fine to Party B. Such overdue fine shall be 0.1% of the amount payable byParty A for each postponed day. Party As failure to pay the agreed fees in _days after theagreed payme nt date shall be de

13、emed breach of agreement, which shall entitle Party B toterminate the agreement. Party A shall pay on e-m onth man ageme nt fee to Party B as breachcompe nsati on in additi on to all rema ining arrears.如甲、乙雙方任何一方提前終止本協(xié)議,終止方另需向?qū)Ψ絻敻懂?dāng)月_個(gè)月的管理費(fèi)作為違約賠償金。If either party termi nates the agreeme nt early, the

14、 term in at ing party shall pay the otherparty _month man ageme nt fee as breach compe nsati on.第五條、乙方相關(guān)管理規(guī)定Article5 Management provisions releva nt to Party B1.乙方參照“餐飲管理有限公司對(duì)酒店中廚房考核方案書”對(duì)中廚房部實(shí)施管理,見 附件2。Party B shall man age the Chin ese Food Kitche n Departme nt by follow ing ServiceManagement Co.,

15、Ltd.s Chinese Food Kitchen Assessment Program for Hotel (See Annex2).2乙方員工在工作期間內(nèi)必須嚴(yán)格遵守甲方管理制度,如有違反,甲方可以按照酒店 相關(guān)制度對(duì)員工進(jìn)行教育、扣罰,嚴(yán)重者甲方可以將員工退至乙方另行處理。The employees dispatched by Party B shall strictly follow Party As management rules withi nthe dispatch period. If any of the employees violates any of such ru

16、les, Party A shall be en titledto educate an d/or pen alize him/her accord ing to releva nt rules of the hotel. Any seriousviolator(s) may be sent back to Party B for further puni shme nt.3.甲乙雙方共同負(fù)責(zé)教育員工,依法制定對(duì)乙方員工的管理制度和勞動(dòng)紀(jì)律,按照本協(xié)議和勞動(dòng)合同的約定,三方面履行各自的義務(wù)。Both parties shall be jointly responsible for educat

17、ing the dispatched employees and draw ingup releva nt man ageme nt and labor rules for them as per laws. The three sides shall performtheir own obligati ons accord ing to the agreeme nt and the labor con tract.4.乙方員工在協(xié)議期限內(nèi)提前終止合同的,按照中華人民共和國勞動(dòng)合同法的相 關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行,乙方應(yīng)提前通知甲方。If any dispatched employee term in at

18、es the labor con tract in adva nce withi n the term of theagreeme nt, the n releva nt regulati ons of the Employme nt Con tract Law of the PeoplesRepublic of Chi na shall be followed and Party B shall in form Party A in advance.5.乙方派遣的廚師長為中餐廳、中廚房消防安全及食品安全管理的第一責(zé)任人,應(yīng)建 立健全內(nèi)部各項(xiàng)安全制度,包括;防火、滅火制度、夜間消防值班制度、食

19、品安全、 安全操作規(guī)程及重點(diǎn)要害部位消防管理辦法、突發(fā)火災(zāi)事件處理預(yù)案等。發(fā)現(xiàn)消防安 全隱患應(yīng)及時(shí)整改或報(bào)告。The head chef dispatched by Party B shall be the pers on primarily resp on sible for fire con trolsafety and food safety man ageme nt, who shall establish and improve various in ter nal safetysystems in cludi ng but not limited to fire preve nti

20、 on and ext in guishme nt systems, ni ght firecon trol atte ndance system, food safety, safe operation regulations, measures for fire control ofkey spots, and sudden fire response plan, and also timely rectify or report any identifiedpotential fire control safety hazard.第六條、結(jié)算標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、支付時(shí)間及違約責(zé)任Article 6 S

21、ettleme nt criteria, payme nt time and liability for breach of con tract甲方每月支付給乙方管理費(fèi)包含以下所有費(fèi)用:I. Party A shall pay Party B a man ageme nt fee on a mon thly basis that shall in elude:1、乙方派遣員工工資報(bào)酬、獎(jiǎng)金和其他相應(yīng)福利;The wage, bonus and other welfare for the employees dispatched by Party B;2、乙方按國家和地區(qū)有關(guān)政策要求為員工繳納的

22、社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)用以及法定福利、其它政 府強(qiáng)制繳納的費(fèi)用;The social in sura nee premium, legal welfare and other gover nmen t-ma ndated expe nsespaid by Party B for such dispatched employees accord ing to n ati onal and regi onal releva ntpolicies;3、乙方實(shí)施中廚房管理的服務(wù)費(fèi)、差旅費(fèi)以及稅金等。The service fees, travel expe nses and taxes required for

23、impleme ntati on of Chin ese foodkitche n man ageme nt by Party B.第7條、甲方的權(quán)利和義務(wù)Article 7 Rights and obligations of Party A1.提供乙方工作所需的設(shè)備和良好的工作環(huán)境的義務(wù)。Party A shall be obliged to provide Party B with any equipme nt required for work and a goodwork ing en vir onment;2.甲方如對(duì)乙方員工技術(shù)能力不滿,有要求乙方更換的權(quán)力,乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)予以更換。If

24、 Party A is n ot satisfied with the tech ni cal ability of any of the employees dispatched by PartyB, Party A shall have the right to request Party B to replace him/her and Party B shall do so;3.乙方須接受甲方領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和監(jiān)督,如乙方違反相關(guān)店規(guī),甲方有權(quán)利對(duì)乙方做出正當(dāng)處罰。(但處罰需由乙方項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人認(rèn)可后方可執(zhí)行)Party B shall accept the leadership and superv

25、isi on by Party A. If Party B violates any hotelrules, Party A shall have the right to pen alize Party B reas on ably (However, such penalty shallnot be implemented without prior approval by Party Bs projectleader);4.甲方在履行協(xié)議期間需對(duì)房東所有資料予以保密。Party A shall keep all materials about the Ian dlord con fide

26、 ntial duri ng the performa nee of theagreeme nt;5.甲方有按照本協(xié)議定及時(shí)支付乙方報(bào)酬的義務(wù)。Party A shall be obliged to timely pay remun erati on to Party B as agreed;6.甲方支持乙方參加各類有利于酒店聲譽(yù)的社會(huì)活動(dòng)。Party A shall support Party Bs participation in any social events good for the reputati on of thehotel;7.乙方委派人員如發(fā)生違法活動(dòng),甲方有權(quán)予以開除。

27、If any employee dispatched by Party B acts in a way aga inst any law. Party A shall have theright to dismiss him/her.第8條、協(xié)議的變更和解除Modification and Term in ati on本協(xié)議生效后,除法律、法規(guī)和其他規(guī)范性文件另有規(guī)定或本協(xié)議另有約定外,未經(jīng) 甲、乙雙方書面協(xié)商一致,任何一方不得自行變更、終止或解除本協(xié)議。After the effective of this Con tract, uni ess otherwise required by l

28、aws, regulati ons and other normative docume nts or agreed in writ ing by the n egotiat ing parties, n either party can modifyor termi nate this Con tract.任何一方要變更、終止或解除本協(xié)議的,應(yīng)先向?qū)Ψ桨l(fā)出書面通知,然后進(jìn)行協(xié)商。Any party requires to modify or termi nate this Con tract shall n egotiate with the other party bysending a

29、writte n no tice in adva nee.第9條、爭議的解決Dispute Resolution本協(xié)議適用中華人民共和國法律。所有涉及本協(xié)議的爭議,應(yīng)首先通過友好協(xié)商加以 解決。如協(xié)商不成,應(yīng)將該爭議提交至北京國際經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(huì)。該會(huì)依據(jù)其現(xiàn) 行有效的仲裁規(guī)則進(jìn)行仲裁。該仲裁裁決是終局的,對(duì)雙方具有約束力,并可在任何 有管轄權(quán)的法院或其他有權(quán)機(jī)構(gòu)強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行。This Con tract shall be gover ned by the laws of Peoples Republic of Chi na. All the disputesaris ing out of or

30、 relati ng to this Con tract shall be resolved throughn egotiati on first. The dispute shall be referred to and fin ally determ ined by China Intern ational Econo mic and Trade Arbitrati on Commissio n once n egotiati on fails, i n accorda neewith curre ntly valid arbitrati on rules. Such arbitrati on award


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