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1、高中英語語法綜合練習(xí)1. What_wonderful time we had yesterday! A. a B. the C./ D. an2. The poet and _writer is going to give us a talk this afternoon. A. a B. the C. / D. an3. I love_history because it gives us_knowledge of past events. A. the, a B. /,a C. /, / D. a, the4. In 1865, Abraham Lincoin was elected_P

2、resident of the U.S. A. a B. the C. / D. one5. _Chinese people is_brave and hard-working people. A. The, the B. The, a C. A, the D. / , the6. October 1th is_ National Day of _ People's Republic of China. A. a, / B. the, the C. the, / D. /, the7. Though_came that he was completely defeated, he di

3、dn't lost_.A. the word, his heart B. word , heart C. the word, heart D. word, his heart8. You can have _ second try if you fail_first time. A. the, the B. a, the C. a, / D. a, a9. It is such_great fun travelling in _spaceship! A. a, / B. /, a C. /, / D. a, a10. _computer is the most important in

4、vention in _ twentieth century. A. The, / B. A, / C. The, the D. A, the11. In_front of _ building are two highways. A. the, a B. a, the C. / , the D. the , the12. I looked her in_ face. A. a B. / C. the D. her13. Beyond _stars, astrnauts saw nothing but_ space. A. the, / B. /, the C. / , / D. the, t

5、he14. He has given me_ I wanted. A. the information B. a information C. informations D. the informations15. _ British and _Americans share almost the same language. A. The , / B. The, the C. / , / D. / , the16. Which is _ country, Canada or Australia A large B. larger C. a larger D. the larger17. Mr

6、 and Mrs Green came to Shenzhen in_Autumn of 1973. A. a B. / C. an D. the18. Alexander Graham Bell invented_telephone in 1876. A. / B. a C. the D. one19. Five years ago her sister was _ university student of _ mathematics. A. an, / B. a, the C. an, the D. a, /20. I've never had _more interesting

7、 experience that that. A. the B. / C. a D. much21. I opened the letter and it contained _. A. a important information B. important information C. the important informations D. an important information22. Water _ very important to people. A. has B. are C. is D. was23. The_of the cottage were covered

8、with_.A. roofs, leafs B. roofs , leaves C. rooves, leafs D. rooves, leaves24. We are _. You two are_.A. Chineses, Germen B. Chinese, Germen C. Chinese, German D. Chinese, Germans25. The whole box of matches_wet; we can't light any one. A. is B. has C. was D. are26. After climbing for two hours w

9、e were glad to take_rest.A. a few minute's B. a few minutes' C. few minute's D. few minutes'27. The woman over there is_. A. Julia and Mary mother B. Julia and Mary's motherC. Julia's and Mary's mother D. Julia's and Mary mother28. The singer and dancer_ our evening.

10、A. is to attend B. are to attend C. were to attend D. is attended29. Both bread and butter_in that shop. A. was sold out B. were sold out C. has been sold out D. have sold out30. Either of the books_mine. A. is B. are C.were D. belongs to 31. A new model of bike is on sale. Would you like to get_ A.

11、 that B. it C. one D. them32. The machines made in our factory are as good as _made in Japan. A. that B. ones C. them D. those33. -How many parks did you visit during your stay in Pairs -_.A. None B. No one C. Not much D. No many34. -Shall I take this road or that one -You can take_unless you are in

12、 a hurry.A. both B. neither C. each D. either35. Never trust those who say one thing to your face but do_ behind your back. A. other B. others C. the other D. another36. Once he has make up his mind, he won't care what _may say.A. other B. others C. the others D. any other37. -Is there _I can do

13、 for you -_I can think of for the moment. Thank you just thesame.A. something, Not anything B. anything, Nothing C. anything, None D. something, Not much38. Don't be discouraged. Your speech is just as good as_. A. everyone B. anyone's C. anyone else D. anyone else's39. Won't you let

14、 _help you A. I and my friend B. my friend and I C. my friend and me D. my friend and I to40. Have the people got the money yet Yes, the police gave_.A. them to them B. it to it C. it to them D. them to it41. _have been invited. A. I, you and heB. He , you and I C. You, he and I D. You, he and me42.

15、 He could write with _hand. A. every B. either C. any D. both43. She returns_third month. A. every B. each C. the D. a44. Every passenger has to carry _luggage. A. her own B. his own C. their own's D. one's45. Is _necessary to complete the design before National Day A. this B. that C. it D.

16、be46. I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but_ of them came. A. neither B. both C. either D. none47. Who will come to teach_English A. our B. us C. ourselves D. we48. It was_who had done wrong. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself49. _was the story he told me. A. Such B. Those C. The same D. The one50. My

17、shoes are similar to_you had on yesterday. A. ones B. the ones C. pair D. pairs51. I can only stay here for_while, but I'll come again in _days.A. a little , a few B. little, a few C. a little, few D. a few , a little52. I've taken_hat by mistakes. A. somebody else B. else someone C. somebod

18、y else's D. else somebody's53. Every year_foreign friends come to visit China. A. tens of thousands of B. thousand thousands of C. thousands upon thousand D. over ten thousands54. September is_month of a year. A. nineth B. the nineth C. ninth D. the ninth55. _ of people have never been there

19、. A. Three fourth B. Three-quarters C. Three-fourth D. Third-four56. She is a girl of _. A. eighteen-years-old B. eighteen-year-oldC. eighteen D. eighteen-year old57. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for_.A. half a hour B. an hour and a half C. one and a half hour D. an hour and a half hour58.

20、 The price was reduced by_. A. percent 20 B. per cent 20 C. 20 per cent D. 20 of percent59. Twenty-one divided by seven equals_. A. seven B. three C. fourteen D. twenty-eight60. John Keats, a great British poet, died_.A. in his twentieth B. in his twenty C. on the twenties D. in his twenties61. The

21、sky was cloudless_the sun was shining. A. but B. and C. or D. for62. Some are reading newspapers,_others are playing chess A. or B. for C. so D. while63. _ does he write well, _speaks well. A. Not only.but B. Not .but C. Either . or D. Both.and64. I must be off now, _my sister is expecting me. A. or

22、 B. so C. for D. and65. It was raining,_we had to stay at home. A. or B. so C. for D. and66. This test is rather difficult;_it is not beyond the reach of the students. A. but B. so C. or D. for67. You can_stay in school_go with me to my hometown.A. not only.but B. either . or C. both . and D. only .

23、and68. Let's go at once,_we'll be late. A. and B. or C. so D. yet69. He could not remember_shelf he had kept it on. A. what B. which C. that D. how70. I'm sorry_your mother is ill. A. whom B. if C. that D. how71. Mr. Fisher wondered_his daughter had ever been fond of music. A. if B. what

24、 C. who D. that72. She forgot_ she had put the key. A. when B. what C. where D. how73. I'll put off my visit to the exhibition_you can come with me. A. what B. because C. until D. unless74. Knock at the door_ you come into the room. A. though B. as C. before D. than75. Fewer people came_I expect

25、ed. A. as if B. so that C. since D. than76. A year has passed_my elder sister finished school. A. after B. since C. as D. as if77. _he did it remains a secret. A. What B. Whom C. Which D. How78. It is quite clear_he won't see us. A. what B. that C. why D. how79. _ you are not well, you needn'

26、;t go with me. A. For B. Since C. As D. If80. Go back_you came from. A. until B. where C. wherever D. when81.You will find friendly people_you go in China. A. where B. and C. wherever D. so82. We'll go and see the patient_we are busy. A. even if B. for C. if D. while 83. _he has finished writing

27、 the novel is unknown A. If B. Whether C. When D. While84. Have you any money _you A. of B. above C. about D. without85. He said his father would come back_three days. A. after B. till C. since D. in86. He used to walk_ the river after supper. A. through B. over C. across D. along87. My class teache

28、r is strict not only_his work but also_us. A. with, with B. in, in C. with, in D. in, with88. Divide these_ you three, please. A. between B. among C. along D. upon89. Sports and games should not be treated only_amusements A. for B. as C. on D. around90. A few minutes_the accident he called _me. A. b

29、efore, on B. before, at C. later, on D. ahead, out91. Have you learned any other foreign languages_French. A. but B. exceptC. besideD. besides92. We work_day and sleep_night. A. in, by B. in, at C. by, by D. on, at93. It is well- known_all of us that Taiwan belongs_China. A. by, to B. to, to C. for

30、, to D. to, of94. The sun gives light_the day. A. on B. in C. during D. off95. His composition is excellent_some spelling mistakes. A. but B. besides C. excepting D. except for96. The meeting lasted_ two hours. A. in B. since C. from D. (不填)97. The year is divided_four seasons. A. in B. into C. for

31、D. from98. What will the computers of tomorrow be_ A. on B. like C. for D. off99. Their house is two miles_London. A. of B. off C. in D. on100. The children are making paper bags_old newspapers. A. from B. out of C. into D. up of101. They were listening to the news_the radio. A. over B. by C. throug

32、h D. in102. He's stayed there_1990. A. for B. in C. after D. since103. _their care, the child is growing well. A. With B. Under C. Without B. But for104. She is unfit_travelling just now. A. to B. for C. (不填) D. in105. I was young in those days, and proud _my business ability.A. for B. about C.

33、on D. of106. They laughed_the letter which they had just received from their little daughter. A. at B. over C. about D. off107. I am tired_teaching the same thing over and over again. A. by B. in C. of D. from108. Don't be rude_your teacher. A. on B. to C. at D. against109. We stopped_London_the

34、 way_New York.A. in,on, to B. at, on, of C. at, on, to D. at, to, of110. The country is poor _minerals. A. for B.with C. in D. of111. The work is_than you think.A. much difficult B. less difficult C. very difficult D. very more difficult112. The park is getting_. A. beautifuler and beautifuler B. mo

35、re beautiful and feautiful C. much and more beautiful D. more and more beautiful113. He is_today. A. far better B. much good C. much well D. more good114. He is _as his elder brother.A. such a taller fellow B. as a tall fellowC. so tall a fellow D. as tall a fellow115. Mount Jolmo Lungma is _as 8,88

36、2m. A. as tall B. so high C. as high D. as highly116. These oranges taste_. A. good B.well C. to be good D. to be well117. "Are you feeling_ " "Yes, I'm feeling fine now."A. any well B. any better C. quite good D. quite better118. The students are_young people between the six

37、teen and twenty. A. most B. much C. mostly D. at most119. No _discussion is necessary. A. farther B. further C. farthest D. furthest120. My_brother is one year_than I.A. elder, elder B. older, older C. older, elder D. elder, older121. She is_of the three sisters. A. the older B. the elder C. oldest

38、D. the eldest122. He is _a friend to me. A. more than B. over C. above D. closet123. Peter is the third_student in his class. A. elder B. older C. eldest D. oldest124. It was I that borrowed those chairs. Don't _.A. put ones away B. put away ones C. put them away D. put away them125. My brother

39、can't go fishing with you. I'll go_. A. too B. instead C. either D. also126. She was received_than she had expected.A. more warmly B. warmer C. warmlier D. more warm 127. I don't speak half_as you. A. so good B. so well C. as good D. as fluent128. Every morning Xiao Liu goes to school_in

40、 our class.A. the early B. the earlier C. earliest D. earlier129. This book is_for you to understand.A. too easy B. easily enough C. enough easy D. easy enough130. He is _ learning from. A. well worth B. very worth C. well worthy D. very worthy of131. Would you be_to step in this way, please A. too

41、kind B. such kindC. so kind D. as kind132. It was_that everybody was feeling happy and cheerful.A. so a lovely day B. such a lovely day C. such lovely a day D. so lovely day133. This is_chance to be missed. A. too good a B. too good C. too a good D. a too good134. Don't be_on your children. A. h

42、ard B. hardly C. strict D. careless.135. It looks as though it will snow_.A. long before B. before long C.long after D.after long136. You will have to practise_times before you can do it.A. many more B. more many C. more often D. more several137. Professor Wang was absent and we had the afternoon_.

43、A. off B. out C. on D. about138. Lost time never returns_. A. any longer B. no longer C. any more D. no more139. This _baby looks lovely.A. eight-months-old B. eight months oldC. eight months D. eight-month-old140. He is dying, that is to say, he is_.A. dangerous B. dangerously C. in danger D. the m

44、ost dangerous141. I'll tell you_. A. some days B. for some days C. after some days D. some day142. China has a _population than_country.A. large,any B. larger, all other C. larger, any other D. larger, other143. He now felt_without his friend, the dog.A. very more lonely B. even more lonely C. m

45、ore still lonely D. more far lonely144. "Are you going to the football game " "No, the tickets are_for me."A. terrible expensive B. so much expensive C. far to expensive D. highly expensive145. There is no reason to_such a thing.A. be anxious in B. be eager for C. be anxious abou

46、t D. be worry about146. There is plenty of time. You_be in a hurry. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. may not147. He must have finished his homework for a long time,_he A. mustn't B. didn't C. needn't D. hasn't 148. This pen looks like mine, yet it isn't. Whose_it be

47、A. must B. may C. would D. can149. He didn't do well in the exam. He_hard at his lessons.A. need to have worked B. ought to have worked C. must have worked D. would have worked150. She _ speak English in class. A. dare not to B. dares not C. dare not D. dare151. We shall_hurry if we are to catch

48、 the 12:00 train.A. must B. need C. be necessary to D. have to152. There _an inn at the foot of the hill.A. used to be B. used to have C. was used to be D. got used to be153. You_ make any noise while the teacher is teaching. A. mustn't B. can't C. mayn't D.won't154. Jenny_have kept

49、her word. I wonder why she changed her mind. A. must B. should C. need D. would155. He_have liked to go to Tom's party last night. A. ought B.need C. have better D. should156. There used to be a bus stop at that corner,_ there A. usedn't B. wouldn't C. wasn't D. weren't157. You _

50、 rather tired. A. must feel B. must be feeling C. can feel D. may feel158. _six years since I began studying English.A. They have been B. It is C. It was D. There are159. They_the Summer Palace three times.A. have gone to B. have been to C. have been in D. have gone into160. Don't get off the bu

51、s until it_. A. stop B. will stop C. stopped D. has stopped161. Don't come tonight, I would rather you_ tomorrow.A. come B. came C. will come D. coming162. When he _all the newspapers, he'll go home.A. sells B. has sold C. will have sold D. will be sold163. "Hurry up, you_on the phone.&

52、quot; "Oh, I'm coming. Thank you."A. are wanted B. are being wanted C. want D. are wanting164. The police found that the house_and a lot of things_A. has broken into,has been stolen B. had broken into, had been stolenC. has been broken into, stolen D. had been broken into, stolen165. O

53、ur teacher told us that the earth_from west to east. A. turns B. turn C. has turned D. had turned166. It is high time you_ in bed now.A. are B.were C will be D. would be167. "Have you_him to give up smoking " "No. I_, but he wouldn't listen." A. persuaded , tried B. tried, pe

54、rsuaded C. tried, tried D. persuaded, persuaded168. How much do you think that vase_ A. is cost B. used C. was paid for D. cost169. The young tree_be broken if you climb it. A. is going to B. will C. shall D. is to170. She_ a teacher for thirty years and _ in our school.A. has become, has taught B.

55、has been, has taughtC. has been , has teaching D. has become, has been teaching171. When I came back, I found my bicycle_.A. has gone B. had gone C. was gone D. is gone172. He will come to call on you the moment he_his work.A. will finish B. finishes C. had finished D. finish173. Mr Smith has just a

56、rrived, but I didn't know he_until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. comes174. It won't be long before we_again. A. meet B. will meet C. shall meet D. have met175. More than 60 percent of the task_ by now.A. has finished B. have finished C. has been finished D. have been finished176. My dictionary_. I have looked for it everywhere, but still _it. A. has lost, don't find B


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