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1、真誠為您提供優(yōu)質(zhì)參考資料,若有不當(dāng)之處,請指正。七年級(下)期末復(fù)習(xí)要點Unit8 Topic 1 Whats the weather like in spring?一、重點短語1. make snowmen 堆雪人2. learn to do sth. 學(xué)做某事3. write a letter to sb. 給某人寫信4. take a walk/have a walk 散步5. climb hills 爬山6. the low / high temperature 低溫/高溫7. go on a trip 去旅行8. summer holidays 暑假9. had better do

2、sth. 最好做某事10. had better not do sth. 最好不要做某事11. need to do sth. 需要做某事12. go out 出去;熄滅13. remember to do sth. 記得做某事14. in most parts of China 在中國大部分地區(qū)15. later on 后來,以后,隨后16. get fine /warm (天氣)變好/暖和17. change a lot 變化多端18. Beijing Opera 京劇19. right away 立刻,馬上20. turn green 變綠21. begin to do sth. 開始做

3、某事22. come back to life 蘇醒,復(fù)活23. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事24. be busy with sth. 忙于做某事25. fall from 從上掉下來26. last from . to 從持續(xù)到27. weather report 天氣預(yù)報28. find out 查明,發(fā)現(xiàn),了解29. come out 出來,出版,發(fā)行,(花)開放30. come after 在.之后來臨31. the harvest season 收獲的季節(jié)32. see sb.doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事33. see sb. do sth (經(jīng)常)

4、看到某人做某事34. wear sunglasses/a hat 戴墨鏡/帽子35. blow strongly 刮得猛烈36. rain heavily 雨下得大二、重點句型1. 春天的天氣怎么樣? Whats the weather like in spring? 2. 秋天的天氣怎么樣? How is the weather in fall? 3. 天氣很暖和,是放風(fēng)箏的好季節(jié).Its warm. Its a good season for flying kites / to fly kites. 4. 天氣很涼爽,是爬山的好時節(jié).Its cool. Its a good time to

5、 climb hills. 5. 你最喜歡哪個季節(jié),春季,夏季,秋季還是冬季?Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? 6. 以前我喜歡冬天,但現(xiàn)在我最喜歡夏天。I liked winter before, but now I like summer best.7. 這很難說. Its hard to say. 8. 近來怎么樣?很好. How is it going?Very well.9. 溫度是多少,你知道嗎?Whats the temperature, do you know? 10. 最低溫度是-8,

6、最高溫度是2。The low temperature is -8 and the high temperature is 2. = Its between -8 and 2. = Its from -8 to 211. 暑假就要來了。 The summer holidays are coming. 12. 如果你打算去度假,你最好了解一下八月份不同地區(qū)的天氣。If you plan to go for your holidays, youd better find out the weather in different places in August. 13. 八月是去那兒的最佳時間. I

7、ts the best time to go there in August.14. 請記住穿暖和的衣服。Please remember to wear warm clothes. 15. 但是有時在下午,會突然下雨。但是過后,天氣可能又會陽光燦爛。 But sometimes in the afternoon, it rains suddenly, but later on, it may get fine again.16. 英國的天氣不同于澳大利亞的天氣嗎?Is the weather in England different from that in Australia?17. 我們早

8、早地到達(dá)那兒.We arrived there early. = We got there early.18. 我希望你健康. I hope you are well.19. 萬物復(fù)蘇. Everything comes back to life. 20. 冬天從十二月持續(xù)到第二年的二月。Winter lasts from December to February. 21. 農(nóng)民們忙于收割. The farmers are busy harvesting.22. 早晨太陽明亮地照耀著. The sun shines brightly in the morning. Unit8 Topic2 T

9、he summer holidays are coming.一、重點短語1. 暑假;寒假2. 談?wù)?. 假期計劃4. 周游全國5. 照相6. 回古巴7. 想做某事8. 希望去做某事1. the summer / winter holiday2. talk about 3. holiday plans 4. travel around the country5. take some pictures= take photos6. go back to Cuba7. want to do sth. = would like to do sth.8. hope/wish to do sth.9. 計

10、劃做某事10. 與團(tuán)聚11. 和某人一起慶祝某事12. 名勝13. 有一個美好的假期計劃14. 去旅游15. 去度假16. 在度假17. 玩得很高興18. 告訴某人關(guān)于某事19. 當(dāng)然20. 去那里的最佳時間21. 春城22. 一年到頭,全年23. 聽起來24. 一副,一對25. 在其他國家旅行26. 進(jìn)入某人的家27. 脫下/ 穿上鞋子28. 從不濕著頭發(fā)外出29. 指向30. 用左手吃東西31. 觸摸某人的某個部位32. 摸小孩的頭33. 用你的手指做“OK”的手勢34. 按時/準(zhǔn)時35. 遲一點兒36. 壓歲錢37. 用包裹38. 傳遞某物給某人39. 在五一期間40. 來自紐約的問候!

11、41. 前天42. 為買43. 賺錢44. 每個月9. plan to do sth.10. get together with sb.11. celebrate sth. with sb.12. places of interest13. a good plan for the holidays14. go on a trip15. go for a holiday 16. be on holiday = go on holiday 17. have a good/ great/ wonderful/ nice time = enjoy oneself /have fun18. tell s

12、b about sth 19. sure = of course = certainly20. the best time to go there21. the Spring City22. all (the) year round23. sound + adj.24. a pair of25. travel in other countries26. enter someones home27. take off / put on your shoes 28. never go out with their hair wet29. point to30. eat with your left

13、 hand 31. touch sb. on someplace 32. touch a child on the head33. make the OK sign with your fingers34. on time35. a little late36. lucky money37. wrap in38. pass sth. to sb. / pass sb. sth.39. during the May Day holiday40. Greetings from New York! 41. the day before yesterday42. buy for43. make mon

14、ey44. per month二、重點句型暑假要來了。你的計劃是什么?我希望和他們團(tuán)聚在一起。我希望你們都玩得開心。我希望周游全國。我們每個人都有一個很好的假期計劃。1. The summer holidays are coming. 2. What are your plans?3. I hope to get together with them.4. I hope you all have a wonderful time.5. I wish to travel around the country.6. Each of us has a good plan for the holida

15、ys. 你能告訴我一些關(guān)于云南的事嗎?去那旅行的最好時間是什么時候?我想你任何時間都可以去。聽起來很有趣。去那旅行貴嗎?在云南我應(yīng)該參觀什么地方?不同的國家有不同的風(fēng)俗。當(dāng)你進(jìn)入某人的房間時,你應(yīng)該脫鞋。你的旅行怎么樣?很棒。你好嗎?請代我向你的父母問好。7. Can you tell me something about Yunnan?8. Whats the best time to go there?9. I think you can go anytime.10. It sounds really interesting.11. Is it expensive to travel th

16、ere?12. What places should I visit in Yunnan? 13. Different countries have different customs. 14. When you enter someones home, you should take off your shoes.15. How was your trip? It was wonderful.16. How are you doing?= How are you?17. Please give my love to your parents.Unit 8 Topic3 Lets celebr

17、ate!一、重點短語 1. 春節(jié)2. 圣誕節(jié)3. 感恩節(jié)4. 元宵節(jié)5. 愚人節(jié)6. 中秋節(jié)7. 復(fù)活節(jié)8. 國慶節(jié)9. 端午節(jié)10. 新年前夕11. 五一節(jié)12. 教師節(jié)13. 母親節(jié)14. 聚會15. 包餃子16. 表演舞獅子和舞龍17. 互贈禮物18. 求好運19. 觀燈展20. 猜謎21. 直到才22. 捉弄某人23. 欣賞明亮的滿月24. 最重要的25. 忙于做某事26. 為做準(zhǔn)備27. 火爐旁28. 用某物裝飾某物29. 彩燈;彩燭1. Spring Festival2. Christmas3. Thanksgiving Day4. Lantern Festival5. April

18、 Fools Day6. Mid-autumn Festival7. Easter8. National Day9. Dragon Boat Festival10. New Years Eve11. International Labor DayMay Day12. Teachers Day13. Mothers Day14. get together15. make dumplings16. perform lion and dragon dances.17. give each other presents18. for good luck.19. watch lantern shows2

19、0. guess riddles21. notuntil22. play tricks on sb23. enjoy the bright full moon24. the most important25. be busy doing sth26. prepare for 27. by the fireplaces28. decorate sth with sth.29. colorful lights / candles30. 掛起/張貼31. 在圣誕前夜32. 去教堂/作禱告33. 在他們的床尾34. 舉行大團(tuán)聚35. 圣誕快樂36. 開始作某事37. 全家人38. 在午夜39. 熬夜4

20、0. 收壓歲錢41. 把我們的臉涂成白色 42. 敲打43. 是惡作劇還是請客44. 給某人招待45. 享受一天的假期46. 觀看升國旗47. 舉行龍舟賽48. 吃粽子49. 紀(jì)念屈原50. 天安門廣場51. 中國的首都52. 把某物寄給/送給某人30. put up31. on Christmas Eve32. go to church33. at the end of their beds34. have a big get-together35. Merry Christmas36. start doing sth / to do sth37. the whole family38. a

21、t midnight39. stay up40. get lucky money41. color our faces white42. knock on/ at43. trick or treat44. give sb treats45. enjoy a one-day holiday46. watch the national flag go up47. hold dragon boat races,48. eat rice dumplings49. remember Qu Yuan50. Tiananmen Square51. the capital of China 52. sendt

22、o二、重點句型:1. 它意味著春節(jié)的結(jié)束.It means the end of Spring Festival.2. 人們?yōu)榱擞有履?直到深夜以后才去睡覺.People do not go to bed until after midnight to welcome the new year. 3. 人們通過給卡片或其他禮物表達(dá)對媽媽的愛.People show their love to their mothers by giving cards and other presents.4. 圣誕節(jié)在許多國家都是最重要的節(jié)日。Christmas is the most important

23、festival in many countries.5. 圣誕節(jié)前,人們?yōu)榇嗣τ谧鰷?zhǔn)備.Before Christmas Day, people are busy preparing for it.6. 孩子們在睡覺前把圣誕襪掛在火爐邊或放在床尾。Children put up stockings by the fireplaces or at the end of their beds before they go to bed.7. 他們一定來自圣誕老人。They must be from Santa Claus! 8. 在中國,慶祝春節(jié)是一件大事.In China, celebrati

24、ng Spring Festival is a big event.9. 在除夕, 全家人歡聚一堂, 共享大餐.On the eve of the festival, the whole family gets together for a big dinner. 10. 請把我最美好的祝福帶給你的父母! Please give my best wishes to your parents! 書面表達(dá)范文:1.以I had an interesting birthday party為題;2.使用一般過去時進(jìn)行描述;3.詞數(shù)7585;4.開頭已給出。I had an interesting bi

25、rthday partyIt was October the twelfth yesterday. My friends had a birthday party for me. In the morning, they came to my home early, and they sent many presents to me. Everyone gave me a beautiful birthday card with the words,“Happy birthday to you !”. I liked them very much. We sang songs, danced

26、the disco and played games at the party. There was a big birthday cake on the table. There were fifteen candles on the cake. I made a silent wish, and then I blew the candles out in one breath. I had an interesting birthday party.假設(shè)你叫王偉,住在安徽,你的英國筆友Lily給你寫信,告訴她你她想了解你家鄉(xiāng)的天氣,請你給她寫一封回信,簡單的介紹一下你們的天氣情況。70個

27、字左右。Dear Lily,Thank you for your letter. You asked me about the weather in Anhui. Let me tell you something about it. In Anhui, spring is very short and warm. In summer, its very hot, but it often rains. We often go swimming in the river. In fall, the weather is very dry and cool. It is the harvest

28、season. We often go to the farm to help the farmers with their work. In winter, its very cold. The wind blows strongly, and sometimes it snows.假設(shè)你和家人在上周去了桂林旅游,請根據(jù)下面表格的內(nèi)容寫一篇短文,介紹一下你的旅游經(jīng)歷,字?jǐn)?shù)7080。How was your trip?Wonderful.How did you go to Guilin?By train.How long were you there?Five days.What did you see?Green hills, clear water, strange caves (巖洞).What did you do?Go boating in Lijiang River.What did you eat?Guilin rice noodle.范文:I had a wonderful trip to Guilin. I went to Guilin with my family las


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