1、stewater is primarilythesource ofbackw ardnsityofvideoconfere nce,Secretary ofthe provincial rectification ofproblems found inpla cefirmly . _|_ . . ensur ethe reali zation ofallCounty648formeproducti oncapa city, increasethe inteal Committee of Xia Baolong stresse d:thi sirmly to preventriver poll
2、ution rebound.In accord villagecoverage.Al so, be sure to attachimpornsityofs year isthe "fivewatertreatment""357"timetable s "forthree years to resolveoutstanding issues, obvi ouslyworke d,"victory oftheyea r.dancewith t he "one -st op strategy", improvi ngth
3、e inferi or fivewaterquality monitoring stationsworkthi syeartoe nsuret he Eliminati on- ->_.1_ I _ 一 | _|_| 一 |_ ,I _mportance tofocuson r uraldomestic wastewatertreatment facilityoperation andmanagement,ensurethatwastewatertreatmeThe County'sde partments at al l levelsm ustfirmlyestabli s o
4、f 1 provincialcontr ol,five waterquality secti on 3municipalities一一一. -I一 I,. I L. -ntfacilityupand running, rol epla y,avoi d the"Sun"problem.The "guanghuiis g old a nd silver" gree n devel opme ntconcept, convincedt hatCastl eis not relaxe d,alwaysmai ntaini ng strategica bilit
5、y a nd strong determinati ont o improve thee nvironment, consistently playing well"five water treatmentof"winni ngthe war,ev er-hig herlevel s of compre hensivew ell-offsociety wa sbuilt.(A)laythesewagecontrolled deteriorati on, e nsurethe creati ont his year of"clear rivers"stan
6、dar ds.Se cond,pay special attenti on to poll ution-cutting construction ofnanotubes.Intercepting nanot ubesare the basis of poll ution ofwater sourceengineering ,engi neering,matter of successorfailure ofwatermanageme nt.Urba nsewagetreatment,to improve"effluentfr I_ I _一 _| .一 .一 一 一 一 I .一_
7、_ I . _ I . |_ .III ,UI I. L . . -d - I- - . .L . I L I - - . L. I .11.一.-.- . - . II_ IL I 一_hird, payspe cialattention tohe River Lakepo nd desilti ng operation. Pr ovincesnowhave focuse don polluti on contr olofwater go to"dig up mud",as the dee pening waterofthis year's "plays
8、".Next,tojump-startan investigationlinetouches work, impl ementation plaa ccordingt othe prioritie s andthe programme of work, in a ccor dancewitugeentfruopmhilslewabgattle.Twit hthe " oneriverhis yeeatrreawtmeenwtirllat"eri,vreurnwniantgera- -. one pol icy" requireserqualityimpr
9、ove datthe countyleve l,uptofive" thi s ba sic objective graspofaccuracy, com pliance" requirement,spee d upthetow n'ssupportnetworkconstructidetailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, planninga head oftimeclea ning outmud "wayout", accpollution controlt hatfocus, with thefocus ont
10、 hree thi ngs:a goodjob,"clear rivers"reachnig the County created.Organi zation "look back" specialinspe ction,theCounty gar bage River,bla ckand odor ous Riveris "Dragnet" investigation,timelyon, i s focusing on nanotubes home "lastmeters" question. Domesti c
11、sewagetreatmenti n ruralareas,this year is thefinaly earofthethree -year acti on, determination to fightandthe momentum around,e ndi ngthe battle on w hich fully to一.I. I 一 一一. 一 - 一 -一一 -.- . II _一. . IL. I - - - .一 III- -.> .11_1t", accordingto l ocal conditions tdo sludge, promote scie nt
12、ificresource utilizationof silt a nd mud.(B) theheavyregulationofhe avilypollutingi ndustries. Poll ution ofwater must grabthe source,wastewater is primarilythesource ofbackw ardreatmentofheavilypollutingi ndustries.Accordi ng tomunicipal,a nd muni cipalg overnme ntde ployme nt ofseve nbig heavy pol
13、lution industry reg ulation"threeyear sacti on plans", requirementsto De cember 2016 end ofQian,a llincluded shut stoppe d eliminate dofe nterprise allshut st opped eliminated i n pla ce;J une 30,2017 Qian,alli ncl udedpla ce reg ulation upgradea nd aggl omerationrestru cturi ngofenter pri
14、se by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard ofenter priseare implementati on discontinue d;June 30,2018 Qian,allinte ndsPark producti on ofenter priserel ocation Parki n place , late not Parkofare discontinued.In t he process ofrenovati on, willfocus on fouraspe cts:to firmlyclo
15、se thehigh energy consum ptionand heavy poll ution, hopelessenter prise g overna nce and production lines,eliminated a num berofyearly emi ssion inte nsity,lowvalue -adde d products of backw ard producti on capa city.Second,wem uststrictly enforcethe spa ce,total project "Trinity"軟件工程導論實驗教
16、學大綱課程名稱:軟件工程課程編號:適用專業(yè):信息管理與信息系統(tǒng)軟件工程導論總學分:33總學時:6448其中實驗學時1616一、實驗課程性質(zhì)、目的與任務軟件工程導論是計算機各專業(yè)本科生的一門重要的專業(yè)課程,主要包括主要內(nèi)容包括可行性分析、需求分析、概要設計、詳細設計、面向?qū)ο蠓治雠c設計、編碼、軟件質(zhì)量、項目計劃與管理、軟件維護等內(nèi)容。通過學習,學生將掌握軟件工程的基本概念和基礎理論知識, 能夠熟練地運用各種實用開發(fā)方法和基本技術方法從事各種類型軟件項目的工程化開發(fā)、了解軟件工程各領域的發(fā)展動向,成為具有獨立工作能力的高素質(zhì)高水平的軟件人才。按該課程的特點,實驗內(nèi)容包括軟件開發(fā)的兩大方法學的專題訓
17、練,即結(jié)構化(生命周期學) 的方法學和面向?qū)ο蟮姆椒▽W,通過對一個簡單項目,要求學生利用結(jié)構化軟件開發(fā)技術或面向?qū)ο蟮能浖_發(fā)技術完成對該項目的開發(fā)。通過本實驗課程,應達到以下幾個教學目的1. 進一步了解和掌握軟件工程原理,提高對實際項目的分析和設計能力;2. 熟悉和基本掌握軟件工程方法學、軟件開發(fā)的過程;3. 掌握文檔資料的編寫格式及規(guī)范,全面領會和貫通所學習的理論知識;4. 培養(yǎng)學生綜合運用所學課程知識,分析解決問題的能力;5. 培養(yǎng)學生理論聯(lián)系實際作風,實事求是,嚴肅認真的科學態(tài)度和良好的工作作風,為今后從事科學研究工作打下基礎。二、實驗教學基本要求采取學生單獨分組實驗,教師臨場指導的實
18、驗方式,在計算機上通過編程進行實驗。完成對每個知識點知識驗證和設計完成規(guī)定的實驗內(nèi)容,能運用所學根據(jù)算法思想獨立設計程序。要求掌握流行操作系統(tǒng)的基本使用與管理操作,并學會用高級程序設計語言設計有關進程創(chuàng)建、進程調(diào)度、進程通信、死鎖以及存儲管理、設備管理、文件管理等主要算法的模擬程序。上機實驗要求:1、做好實驗預習,編寫源代碼。2、認真撰寫實驗報告。實驗報告應包括以下內(nèi)容:實驗項目名稱;算法分析;程序清單; 運行結(jié)果;對運行情況所作的分析以及本次調(diào)試程序所取得的經(jīng)驗,如果程序未能通過,應分析其原因。3、按指定時間上機,不得無故缺席。4、嚴格遵守校校規(guī)校紀和實驗室規(guī)章制度。三、實驗項目與類型:en
19、vironme ntaccesssystem,promoti ng industrya ccessaimplementation"stronglibrary" "soliddi""spread row" ethevillage and"no unauthorised" cre atednd environmentalconditi ons ofaccessofengine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi ddenpointsgovernterprise s
20、to t he Park ,industrial park,i npr inciple, no longertheI 一. . -_|_I.nanceefforts,solid aclassonthe new project.Thir一 dvancesmallba sintorre ntdisa stergovernance,efforts from essentidly,prom一.otingre placeme nt andreI .IL. I I - -allysol utionbasiconstructionofheavily pollut ngindustrie一-. .I. - L
21、 .1 _ 1.n sex,a nd regi onalflood contr oldrainage capacity insuffs,mergers a nd r eorgani zations,gui deenterpriseL . I .1 一 I -icie nt ofprobleV igorously implemestoenergy conservation,re.I I -cyclint thepi ers,algae a nd ot herwatersourcesprotection and,prof greennd clea npr oduction,a nd im prov
22、et he level of gromoting r uraldrinki ng watersafetyprojects,devel opment.settingupwater priFourtoestabli sh along-term supe cingreform andenvironmentalprotectirvision mecha nism, increasethe ionme chanism,gui ding water, normal busi ness ofrunni一 -. -一on preventi on, mountainganti -pollutin, water,
23、forest son i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkageto-I -> s,fields,l akes,variouselemepromote floodcontrolntsmutua llong.Four, manageto tightewater, drainage ,watersupply,improvi一一.一 .一Ln control,to play"threetong watersavi ng.SI. I .peedsplit" battle. Xia Baol ong,Se cretaryofproviup cros
24、s ang support riverdikereinforII. . . . I . nci alpartyCommitteecement, andalong Pu seaI _ 1hatwhil e the"threetowallexce pt insurance reisplit" operation time i序號實驗項目學時實驗性質(zhì)備注驗證綜合設計研究探索必做選做1項目可行性分析2VV2Visio軟件的使用2VV3項目需求分析2VV4項目總體設計2VV5項目詳細設計及編碼實現(xiàn)2VV6軟件測試和調(diào)試2VV7綜合實驗4VVV四、實驗教學內(nèi)容實驗一:分配項目進行可行性
25、分析1、實驗目的了解課題的基本框架;分析和澄清問題的定義;進一步研究探討問題定義階段所確定的問題是否有可行的解。2、方法原理用word寫文檔、用 visio畫圖。3、主要實驗儀器及材料計算機、Windows系列操作系統(tǒng)、Office 軟件、Rational Rose 或Visio等分析建模工具。4、實驗內(nèi)容查看提供的資料,各小組在組長的帶領下討論問題的可行性,書寫項目的可行性分析 報告。實驗二:Microsoft Visio軟件的使用1) 實驗目的:1)熟悉Visio的工作環(huán)境及組成;videoconfere nce,Secretary ofthe provincial rectificati
26、on ofproblems found in pla cefirmly . _|_ . . ensur ethe reali zation ofallCounty648formeproducti oncapa city, increasethe inteal Committee of Xia Baolong stresse d:thi sirmly to preventriver poll ution rebound.In accord villagecoverage.Al so, be sure to attachimpors year isthe "fivewatertreatm
27、ent""357"timetable s "forthree years to resolveoutstanding issues, obvi ouslyworke d,"victory oftheyea r.dancewith t he "one -st op strategy", improvi ngthe inferi or fivewaterquality monitoring stationsworkthi syeartoe nsuret he Eliminati on- ->_.1_ I _ 一 | _|_
28、| 一 |_ ,I _mportance tofotofocuson r uraldomestic wastewatertreatment facilityoperation andmanagement,ensurethatwastewatertreatmeThe County'sde partments at al l levelsm ustfirmlyestabliof 1 provincialcontr ol,five waterquality secti on 3municipalities一一一. -I一 I,. I L.ntfacilityupand running, ro
29、l epla y,avoi d the"Sun"problem.Third,sht he "guanghuiis g old a nd silver" gree n devel opme ntconcept, convincedtcontrolled deteriorati on, e nsurethe creati ont his year of"clear rivers"stapay spe cialattention tot he River Lake pond desilti ng operation. Pr ovincesn
30、owhatCastl eis not relaxe d,alwaysmai ntaini ng strategica bility a nd strong determinati onto improve thee nvironment, consistently playing well"five water treatmentof"winni ngthe war,ev er-higndar ds.Se cond,pay special attenti on to poll ution-cutting construction ofnanotubes.Intercepti
31、ng nanot ubesare the basis of poll ution ofwater sourceengineering ,engi neering,matter ofsuccessorfailureherlevel s of compre hensivew ell-offsociety wa sbuilt.(A)laythesewage uphill battle.T his yearw e will"riverwaterofwater management.Urba nsewagetreatment,to improve"effluentfromsewag
32、etreatment rate, running ana ccordingt othe prioritie s andthe programme of work, i n a ccor dancewit hthe " oneriver one pol icy" requiresqualityimprove datthe countyleve l,uptofive" thi s ba sic objective graspof pollution controlt hatfocus, with thefocus ont hree thi ngs:a goodjob,
33、"clear rivers"reachi ng the County created.Organi zation "look back" specialinspe ction,theCounty gar bage River,blaccuracy,com pliance" requirement,speed upthetow n'ssupportnetworkconstruction, i s focusing on nanotubes home "lastmeters" question. Domesti csew
34、agetreatmenti n ruralareas,this year is thefinaly earofthethree -year acti on, determination to fightandthe mdetailed cleaning, dredgi ng pla n, planninga head oftimeclea ning outmud "wayout", accordingto l ocal conditions t o do sludge, promote scie ntificresource utilization of silt a nd
35、 mud.(B) theheavyregulationofhe avilypoll utingi ndustries. Poll ution ofwater m ustgra btheckand odor ous Riveris "Dragnet" investigation,timelyomentumaround,endi ngthe battle on w hichsource,wa2) 掌握用 Visio 軟件繪制圖表的基本操作;3) 能熟練全用Visio 軟件繪制各種較復雜的專業(yè)圖表;4) 掌握各種圖表文檔創(chuàng)建方法.2. 實驗要求:要求能夠熟練運用Visio 軟件所
36、提供的菜單、工具、 模型等制作圖形或圖表;能用 Visio軟件所提供專業(yè)圖形模板,來自行繪制出專業(yè)化、高質(zhì)量的圖形或圖表。3. 實驗內(nèi)容:使用 Microsoft Visio2003 來設計一個基本流程圖模型。4. 實驗步驟:1) 通過打開模板并向圖表添加形狀來開始創(chuàng)建圖表。2) 在圖表中移動形狀并調(diào)整形狀的大小。3) 向圖表添加文本。4) 連接圖表中的形狀。5) 設置圖表中形狀的格式。6) 保存圖表以示完成,并向演示圖表。5. 實驗學時:2學時。6. 實驗結(jié)果:上交所制作的流程圖文件和實驗報告。實驗三 :項目需求分析1. 實驗目的:1) 根據(jù)所選定題目進行需求分析工作;2) 通過實例掌握結(jié)構
37、化數(shù)據(jù)流分析技術;3) 進行業(yè)務需求分析、用戶需求、功能需求、非功能需求分析;4) 寫出需求規(guī)格說明書(含數(shù)據(jù)流圖)2. 實驗要求:要求做到使用結(jié)構化數(shù)據(jù)流分析技術分析課題需求,寫出詳細的數(shù)據(jù)流圖和數(shù)據(jù)字典,數(shù)據(jù)流圖的基本處理的個數(shù)不得少與5個。3. 實驗內(nèi)容:用結(jié)構化數(shù)據(jù)流分析技術進行軟件系統(tǒng)需求分析,得出系統(tǒng)得數(shù)據(jù)流圖和數(shù)據(jù)字典。4. 實驗步驟:1) 到相關單位進行需求分析。2)綜合利用Internet網(wǎng)和相關書籍整理并完善需求分析。3)畫出系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)流圖(分清系統(tǒng)是事務型還是加工型)。4)得出系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)字典。5 .實驗學時:2學時。6 .實驗結(jié)果:上交實驗報告。7 .報告內(nèi)容除了實驗項目名稱
38、、實驗目的、實驗內(nèi)容、實驗步驟外,還應該有以下內(nèi)容:軟件系統(tǒng)需求描述:(從功能,性能上進行描述)軟件系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)流圖(由加工、數(shù)據(jù)流、文件、源點和終點四種元素組成): 頂層數(shù)據(jù)流圖 1層數(shù)據(jù)流圖 2層數(shù)據(jù)流圖軟件系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)字典:數(shù)據(jù)流條目加工條目文件條目實驗小結(jié)實驗四:項目總體設計1、實驗目的用比較抽象概括的方式確定系統(tǒng)如何完成預定的任務; 確定組成系統(tǒng)的每個程序結(jié)構。2、方法原理用word寫文檔、用 visio 畫圖。3、主要實驗儀器及材料等分析計算機、Windows 系列操作系統(tǒng)、Office 軟件、Rational Rose 或Visio 建模工具。4、實驗內(nèi)容首先進行系統(tǒng)設計,從數(shù)據(jù)流圖出發(fā)
39、設想完成系統(tǒng)功能的合理物理方案;軟件結(jié)構設計,確定軟件由哪些模塊組成以及這些模塊之間的動態(tài)調(diào)用關系;利用層次圖和結(jié)構圖描繪軟件結(jié)構。實驗五:軟件詳細設計1 .實驗目的:2 )完成系統(tǒng)的總體設計;3 )完成系統(tǒng)的詳細設計工作;4 )完成主要程序(標識符)設計說明;5 )寫出詳細設計說明書;6 .實驗要求:確定應該如何具體地實現(xiàn)所要求的系統(tǒng),從而在編碼階段可以把這個描述直接翻譯成用具體的程序語言書寫的程序。7 .實驗內(nèi)容:進行軟件系統(tǒng)的結(jié)構設計、逐個模塊的程序描述(包括各模塊的功能、性能、輸入、輸出、算法、程序邏輯、接口等等)8 .實驗步驟:9 )首先進行程序系統(tǒng)的結(jié)構設計。10 然后對主要程序進
40、行描述。注:應該同時進行用戶界面設計。11 實驗學時:4學時。12 實驗結(jié)果:上交實驗報告。13 報告內(nèi)容除了實驗項目名稱、實驗目的、實驗內(nèi)容、實驗步驟外,還應該有以下內(nèi)容:軟件系統(tǒng)其中的3個模塊的詳細設計(畫程序流程圖)程序描述實驗小結(jié)實驗六:軟件測試1、實驗目的了解軟件測試的重要性和目的;通過軟件測試診斷并改正錯誤,開發(fā)出高質(zhì)量的完全符合用戶需要的軟件。2、方法原理用word寫文檔、用 VC調(diào)試程序。videoconfere nce,Secretary ofthe provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stresse d:this year isthe &
41、quot;fivewatertreatment""357"timetable s "forthree years to resolveoutstanding issues, obvi ouslyworke d,"victory oftheyea r.The County'sde partments at all levelsm ustfirmlyestabli sht he "guanghuiis g old and silver" gree n devel opme ntconcept, convincedt ha
42、tCastl eis not relaxe d,alwaysmai ntaini ng strategica bility and strong determinationto improvethee nvironment, consistently playing well"five water treatmentof"winni ngthe war,ev er-hig herlevels of compre hensivew ell-offsociety wa sbuilt.(A)laythesewage uphill battle.T his yearw e will
43、"riverwaterqualityimprove datthe countyleve l,uptofive" thi s ba sic objective gras pof pollution controlthatfocus,with thefocus ont hree thi ngs:a goodjob,"clear rivers"reachi ng the County created.Or gani zation "look back" specialinspection,theCounty garbage River,bl
44、a ckand odorous Riveris "Dragnet" investigation,timelyrectification ofproblems found inpla cefirmly to preventriver poll ution rebound.In accor dancewith the "one -st op strategy", improvi ngthe inferi or fivewaterquality monitoring stationsworkthi syeartoe nsuret he Eliminati on
45、 of 1 provincialcontr ol,five waterquality secti on 3municipalitiescontrolled deteriorati on, e nsurethe creati ont his year of"clear rivers"standar ds.Se cond,pay special attenti on to poll ution-cutting construction ofnanotubes.Intercepting nanot ubesare thebasis of poll ution ofwater so
46、urceengineering ,engi neering,matter ofsuccessorfailureofwater management.Urba nsewagetreatment,to improve" effluent fromsewagetreatment rate, running accuracy,com pliance" requirement,speed upthetow n'ssupportnetworkconstruction, i s focusingon nanotubes home "lastmeters" qu
47、estion. Domesti csewagetreatmentin ruralareas,this year is thefinaly earofthethree -year action, determination to fightandthe momentumaround,endi ngthe battle on w hich fully toensur ethe reali zation ofallCounty648formed villagecoverage.Al so, be sure to attachimportance tofocuson r uraldomestic wa
48、 stewatertreatment facilityoperation andmanagement,e nsurethatwastewatertreatmentfacilityupand runni ng, rol epla y,avoi d the"Sun"probl em.Third, payspe cialattention tot he River Lake pond desilti ng operation. Pr ovincesnowhave focuse don polluti on contr olofwater go t o"dig up mu
49、d",a s the dee pening waterofthis year's "play s".Next,tojump-startan investigationli netouches work, impl ementation pla na ccordingt othe prioritie s andthe programme of work, in a ccor dancewit hthe " oneriver one pol icy" requires detailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n,
50、 planningahead oftimeclea ning outmud "wayout", accordingto l ocal conditions t o do sludge, promote scie ntificresource utilization of silt and mud.(B) theheavyregulationofhe avilypoll utingi ndustries.Poll ution ofwater must gra bthe source,wa stewater isprimarilythe source ofbackw ard3、
51、主要實驗儀器及材料計算機、Windows 系列操作系統(tǒng)、Office 軟件、 Rational Rose 或 Visio 等分析建模工具。4、實驗內(nèi)容設計測試方案單元測試集成測試軟件調(diào)試編碼實現(xiàn)該程序。1. 實驗目的:1) 通過實例使同學們掌握軟件測試的一般步驟。2) 進行黑盒、白盒測試試用例設計,形成測試用例表;3) 進行黑盒測試,得出測試記錄;4) 進行白盒測試,得出測試記錄;5) 寫出測試報告。2. 實驗要求:要求掌握如何設計測試方案、撰寫測試說明書,并掌握程序修改的常用技術。要求對上一實驗所編的程序進行測試,要分步進行,要有較詳細的測試說明書,要測試通過。3. 實驗內(nèi)容:用課堂上介紹的
52、方法,對上一實驗的程序,進行測試,并要測試通過,然后撰寫軟件測試說明書。4. 實驗步驟:1) 首先設計測試方案(分別采用白盒法和黑盒法)。2) 進行測試。3) 對于出錯的程序進行修改。4) 并不斷循環(huán)直至程序符合要求。5) 寫出測試說明書。6) 軟件使用手冊。5. 實驗學時:2學時。6. 實驗結(jié)果:上交內(nèi)容有:程序源代碼、編譯打包后系統(tǒng)、軟件使用手冊等所有軟件成份。7. 報告內(nèi)容除了實驗項目名稱、實驗目的、實驗內(nèi)容、實驗步驟外,還應該有以下內(nèi)容:測試項目設計測試用例15個(白盒法10個,黑盒法5個)對所開發(fā)軟件測試結(jié)果的評介實驗小結(jié)實驗七:軟件開發(fā)1 .實驗目的:2 )熟練使用一種高級語言進行
53、軟件開發(fā)實習。3 )本部門主要是編碼。4 .實驗要求:要求掌握使用一種高級語言進行軟件開發(fā),掌握程序編寫、調(diào)試、修改等常用技術。要求對所編的程序進行測試,要分步進行。5 .實驗內(nèi)容:用自己熟悉的高級語言開發(fā)一個小型軟件。6 .實驗步驟:1)完成前面所有實驗2)數(shù)據(jù)庫建立3)程序代碼編寫4)系統(tǒng)運行。7 .實驗學時:8學時。8 .實驗結(jié)果:本課不交作業(yè),最后形成一個完整軟件上交。五、考核方法1 .教師對學生實驗過程完成情況進行詳細登記,記入實驗成績中。2 .學生完成實驗后按要求撰寫實驗報告,根據(jù)實驗報告確定每次實驗的等級。3 .實驗成績按20%:匕例計入課程期評總成績中。六、實驗指導書及主要參考
54、書目自編實驗指導書1 張海藩編著,軟件工程(第二版),人民郵電出版社,2006年1月第2版2 鄭人杰等編著,實用軟件工程(第二版),清華大學出版社,1997 年 4 月第2版3 Jeffrey L. 等著,System Analysis and Design Methods, fifth Edition高等教育出版社,2001 年 6 月4 Edward Yourdon &Carl Argila 著,殷人昆等譯,實用面向?qū)ο筌浖こ探坛?,電子工業(yè)出版社,1998 年 6 月第 1 版5 Mark Fewster & Dorothy Graham 著,舒智勇等譯,軟件測試自動化技
55、術與實例詳解,電子工業(yè)出版社,2000 年 1 月2013-3-20附錄一實驗題目1) 學 生管理系統(tǒng)2) 圖 書借閱系統(tǒng)3) 人 事管理系統(tǒng)4) 汽 車導航系統(tǒng)5) 機 房管理系統(tǒng)6) 工 資管理系統(tǒng)7) 銀 行儲蓄管理系統(tǒng)8) 商 店管理系統(tǒng)9) 機 票訂購系統(tǒng)10) 圖書分銷系統(tǒng)11) 網(wǎng)絡書店12) 網(wǎng)絡商店13) 客戶管理系統(tǒng)14) 設備管理系統(tǒng)15) 科研成果管理系統(tǒng)16) 大學排課系統(tǒng)17) 網(wǎng)絡消息發(fā)布系統(tǒng)reatmentofheavilypollutingi ndustries.Accordi ng tomunicipal,a nd muni cipalg overnme n
56、tde ployme nt ofseve nbig heavy pollution industry reg ulation"threeyear sacti on plans", requirementsto De cember 2016 end ofQian,a llincluded shut stoppe d eliminate dofe nterprise allshut st opped eliminated i n pla ce;J une 30,2017 Qian,alli ncl udedpla ce reg ulation upgradea nd aggl omerationrestru cturi ngofenter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard ofenter priseare implementati on discontinue d;June 30,2018 Qian,allinte ndsPark producti on ofenter priserel ocation Parki n place , late not Parkofare discontinued.In t he process ofrenovati on
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