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1、叮叮小文庫11常見同義詞替換AA band of= a herd of=a flock of一群一系列A range of=a n array of= a list of= a collecti on of=a series of= a set ofAccelerate=speed up力廿速Accomplishme nt=achieveme nt成就,完成Accomplish=achieve(V 完成,達(dá)成,成就Atte nd=participate in參力廿Achieve=obta in=gain=access to sth得到、獲得Adapt to=in tegrate into使適應(yīng)

2、、融為一體Aim.n=o bjective=goal目的Aim at=focus on=concen trate on=emphasize on集中、強(qiáng)調(diào)An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of一系歹列Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do嘗試作,想要作Approximately=roughly=about=some=arou nd 大約Appreciati on=in terest 欣賞As a result=c on seque ntly=as a con seque nce=he nee因此、從而As wel

3、l as=a nd禾口As well=too 也Associate with=c onn ect with=li nk with=relate to=in volve in與相關(guān)聯(lián)Attach to=c onnect to=li nk to=serve與相連接、附著在上At will=at random = by cha nce=by accide nt=accide ntally隨意地Automatically en sure=guara ntee確保BBe similar to=closely resembled =have someth ing in com mon相似Be used t

4、o=be devoted to 專門用于Be equivale nt to=be equal to等同于Be take n aback=be surprised 吃驚Briskly =rapidly=swiftly快速地CCalculate=measure 衡量Catch up with=keep pace with 跟上步伐Chief=major=domi nan t=pri nciple主要的Chro nic=lo ng term慢性病的Compla in=ill ness病癥Concern n. =focus 關(guān)心的問題Concern v. =about與有關(guān)Con cept =con

5、cepti on=no ti on=idea=u ndersta nding概念、理解Con diti on=regulate調(diào)節(jié)Confron t=e ncou nter=in the face of面臨Concern = care 關(guān)心Con sist of=comprise 由什么組成Con cur with sb=agree with sb同意某人Con tam in ate=pollute=pois on污染Conten d=assert=cliam 斷言Con tribute to=result in=lead to=li nk to=resp on sible for導(dǎo)致Coop

6、erate with=work with與協(xié)作Con vert to=tur n into轉(zhuǎn)為、轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)镃rop up=crop out=come up岀現(xiàn)DDege nerated=u nderdeveloped 退化Distract from= can not concen trate使精力分散Deadly=fateful 致命的Dimini sh=decrease=shri nk減少Distort reality=far from reality=dish on est不真實(shí)的Disti nctio n=differe nce=nuance不同之處Disti nct=dist in gui

7、sh=differe nt=u ni que不同的Disti net variety of =differe nt ki nd of=separate ki nd of不同的Dist in guish=tell辨別Due to=because of 由于Drawback=defect=ill 缺點(diǎn)EEat=feed 喂食,進(jìn)食Endan ger=threate n威脅參與查明發(fā)展、發(fā)育啟蒙、給予知識(shí)En gage in=participate in =joi n in Establish=set up 建立Establish=find out=figure out=work out Evolv

8、eme nt=developme nt=progress Emphasize=stress 強(qiáng)調(diào) (v) Embark upon=start=lau nch開始Enl ighte n=illumi nate=i nstruct=educate En tire=whole 全部Excepti on al=extremely特另V (特另V好)FFail to do=failure to do=ca n not do沒有能夠做Far from=not at all 根本不Fault=flaw=defect 錯(cuò)誤Form=shape=mould 形成Fou ndati on=basis基礎(chǔ)Fi na

9、n ce=spo nsor=fu nd提供贊助(金錢)Free=release=set free 釋放Freque ntly=ofte n經(jīng)常GGreat milesto ne=impact=effect=i nflue nee對(duì)具有很重要的影響力Gran t=give 授予Gas=petrol 石油HHold=harbor=embrace 擁有Halt=stop=hamper(v.) 阻止、使停滯Hurdle=barrier( n.) 阻礙IIden tical=the same一模一樣Imitate=impers on ate模仿In cli ne to do=te nd to do傾向于

10、做某事In dicate=show=suggest=sig ni fy=ide ntify表明Iden tify=recog nize鑒另 VIn reacti on to=resp ond to對(duì)起反應(yīng)In terpret=illustrate解軍釋In troduce to=import to 弓 I入Kpart/roleKey (a.)=importa nt=sig nifica nt=crucia匸esse ntial=playa vital/ an importa ntin重要的,關(guān)鍵的Key (n .)=approach=mea ns=method=tech ni que方法LLi

11、kelihood=possibility可能性Lin k-up=c onn ecti on聯(lián)系MMaster=grasp 掌握Match sth to=assign sth to把和搭配起來Misc on cepti on=misu ndersta ndin g=mistake n view錯(cuò)誤的理解Modify=cha nge=alter 修改、改變Man ifestatio n=dem on strati on顯示、表明N無毒的、安全的 新潮的、創(chuàng)新的Nature=character=characteristics本質(zhì)、特點(diǎn)Non-toxic= less pois on ous=safe

12、Novel a.=fresh=new=up to date Numerous= a n umber of 許多OOwi ng to=tha nks to =con tribute to多虧,有賴于PPatter n=format形式,模式Patter n=desig n圖案研究有毒的描寫塑造(v.)Pore over=studyPois on ous=toxicPortray=describePortrait=description描寫塑造(n.)Preserve=store 儲(chǔ)存Prevaili ng=popular=prevale nt盛行的Prese nt day=moder n soc

13、iety現(xiàn)代社會(huì)、現(xiàn)在時(shí)代Prodigious effort=e no rmous effort重大的努力激發(fā)、產(chǎn)生Produce=trigger=ge nerate=spaw n=bri ng about=result=breed=spaw nProvide=offer 提供Protect A from B =shelter A from B使 A 不受 B 的侵害QQuesti onn aire=survey問卷調(diào)查RReadily=easily=accessible 容易地Reflect=c on sider考慮Relate to=u ndersta nd=appreciate理解Rel

14、y on=depe nd on依靠Remarkable=extraordi nary特別突岀的(好的事物)Replace=take the place of 取代Residue=remai ns=relics=relicts=rui ns剩余物、廢墟Resemble=like=as 像SShow=reflect 表現(xiàn)Sign ifica nce=importa nee重要性State=Situation=circumstanee狀況,狀態(tài),情形Strik in g=noticeable值得注意地Struggle for=strive for努力地爭取Substa ntial=co nsider

15、able想當(dāng)可觀的Success=achieveme nt=great outcome=great progress=huge developme nt成功、成就Surpris in g=u nexpectedly un com mon令人吃驚的TTake to=be used to=get used to對(duì)習(xí)慣Tale=story=fairytale 故事Tale nt=gift天賦Tuiti on=formal teach ing正式的學(xué)校教育Turn to=co nsult尋求幫助、求助于Toxic=pois on ous有毒的UUn biased=without prejudice無立

16、場(chǎng)、不帶任何偏見的Up to=depe nd on/up on=rely on由決定Uni versal=popular普遍VVirtue=adva ntage=stre ngth優(yōu)點(diǎn)好處WWork out=figure out=reck on計(jì)算岀、作岀11. Con cer n with = relate to 與有關(guān)2. grow= in crease= riseconcen trate on = focus on3. Un der the title=n ameachieveme nt =success4. tend to do sth = pla ne to do sth/ want

17、 to do sth....9.be associated with = be conn ected with = be lin ked to與有關(guān)聯(lián)approach = method = way = keyinten sely= extremely = veryestablish= found = set upestablishme nt = orga ni zati onoffer sb sth =supply sb with sth =provide sb

18、 with sth= grant argume nt= disagreeme ntwork = materpiece 著作con tract = agreeme nt合同,合約no= without = have no 沒有chaos = mess混舌 Lmon ume nt= lan dmark 里程碑help sb with = assist sb in doing sth=reach a hand to sb幫助某人作某事draw from = take fromcompetitor= rival dislike=distasteeffect= impact=in flue nee ig

19、nore = n eglect un fold= carry onbefore = prior topredict = estimate =an ticipateleadi ng = outsta ndingrecog nize as = look/assume as2test = exam inefrom to = range from to as per=accord ing tobe relucta nt to do=reject=refuseobey= abide by = comply withaccou nt for= expla in= elucidate=illustratei

20、n esse nee = in fact=in deeddiscrepa ncy=differe nce=shadeforgo=give upcon text =en viro nmen t=sircumsta nce=situati onput ano ther way=in other words plausible = reas on able pollute = con tam in ate overstate = exaggerate actually=in deed seem to do =assume to do accelerate = speed up resp onse t

21、o = react to reas on = factor 原因、因素radical differe nt=extremely differe ntsort out= find out= figure out fear=worrypredict= an ticipate=forecastin great n umber of = inn umber ofdisappear= ext inct 滅絕solve = cope with=deal with 解決 impact = effect =in flue neeen title= n ameopinion poll= surveyoverwh

22、elmi ng=domi nant20.field =doma in學(xué)科領(lǐng)域oppose=aga inst21.for example=such as=for in sta nce=sayaltruistic=non-selfish22.lead to=result in 導(dǎo)致extremely=seriously嚴(yán)重地23.percepti on = view觀點(diǎn)、看法associati on=society協(xié)會(huì)24.en cou nter with = face=c onfront面對(duì)postp one to=delay25.press in g=urge nt 緊急、急迫measure=

23、soluti on=method解決方法26.key=crucial =sig nifica nt=importma nt關(guān)鍵、重要27.but=yeteno rmous importa nce=great/sig nifica nt28.lau nch=startderive from = get from29.revert to= get back todist in cti on=ide ntity30.imme nse =greatin the domain of=in the field of31.couple with = along withamass dollar=accumu

24、late dollar32.essential feature = principleseize=grasp33.inno vative=freshdrab=dull/s in gle34.en tirely=totallybe restricted to=be limited to35.n eeds=dema nd36.dub=call=n amereflex=reacti on/resp onse37.result from=orig in ate frombe critical for = be important to38.dema ndin g=difficultretu ne=ad

25、just39.seek for =search foroutlook=view40.figure out = find outtrack=follow41.in resp onse to=resp ond to = react minen ce=importa neerevoluti on=inven ti on43.in relation to= in association withsociety = associati on44.treatise=workfeature=mercial exploitati on =commer

26、cializedo with=due to=because of46.objective = impers on al=impartialfoster=develop47.accou nt=expla natio n=illustrati onsubsta ntial=c on sider=e nough48.be ack no wledged=be realizedpilot program=trial program49.con figurati on=structurephe nomen al=surpris ing50.make stride=make progressregardless of=despite of51.perpetuate=keep=ma intainaccess to sth=get sth52.vital importa nce=extremely importa nt53.rest=depositartificial=ma nm a


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