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1、2010學年第一學期二年級英語期末試卷班級 姓名 學號 成績I .聽力60%一、圈出你所聽到的字母組或單詞,用 A, B或C表示:10%()1.A. BDFB. DFBC. FDB()2.A. riaB. iarC. air()3.A. AHGB. AHCC. GHA()4.A. fiveB. fourC. nine()5.A. morningB. afternoonC. evening()6.A. grassB. gloveC. star()7.A. coldB. coolC. coat()8.A. slideB. snakeC. stick()9.A. skip a ropeB. has

2、a plateC. draw a rope()10.A. the mouse and the netB. the mouth and the noseC. the man with the net二、聽音圈出你聽到的句子,用A或B表示,將合榮炮仕刖回的播號內(nèi):5%()1.A. Look at the red sun.B.Look at the blue sky.()2.A. Put a big apple in a small bag. B.Put a small apple in a big bag.()3.A. Is the dog on the chair? Yes. B.Is the

3、dog under the chair? Yes.()4.A. Theres a plate on the table.B.There s a plate on the desk.()5.A. I'm a cute rabbit.B.You're a white rabbit.三、按要求聽寫字母組:10%1.大寫字母組:5%.、.2.小寫字母組:5%::. 遮二:*:團丁 "":二二四、按你所聽到的順序給下列圖片編號:10%( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )五、聽錄音圈出正確的應答句,用A, B或C表示:10%()1.A. Yes

4、, he is.B. No, he isn't.()2. A. Yes, please.B. Here you are.)3.A. Yes, I can.B. No, I can't.()4. A. That's all right.B. All right.C. No, she isn t.C. I'm coming.C. No, I ' rti noC. I'm sorry.C. It likes grass.bigsmallwhitebrownrunjumpmeatgrassA monkeyA horseA rabbitA fox()5.A

5、.I like meat.B.I like grass.六、聽短文,勾出正確的選項。15%n.筆試:40%一、寫出5個元音字母的大小寫:5%、認真抄寫下列單詞和詞組:5%naughtywindowin her hands10%三、看圖寫單詞:四、圈出不同類的詞:5%1onintheunder2runhopswingorange3.faceheadhairgiant4.finefourfivenine5.catmousedogmouth五、選擇正確答案前的序號填入句前括號內(nèi) 10%( ) 1. How many ? Two windows.AwindowBwindowsCdoors( ) 2.W

6、hat s this in the park? a big tree.AThis isBIt isCThere is( ) 3.What s in the zoo? a big lion.AThis isBIt isCThere is( ) 4. I can t see my cat Ginger. It is the bed.AinBonCunder( ) 5. At night. Can you see the sun? AYes,I can. BNo, I m not.CNo, I can t.( ) 6. Look at the elephant. It grass.AlikeBlik

7、esCcan like( ) 7. There three plates on the table.A isB areC am( ) 8.climb the tree. Im sorry.A NotB don t( ) 9.is the umbrella? Its white.A WhatB How many( ) 10.is this? Its a red apple.A WhatB How many六、認真閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷,正確的用“乂表示:5%C Don tC What colourC What colourv7表小,不正確的用Look at the kitchen. It&#

8、39;s big and clean. There are many bowls and plates on the table. The spoons are in the plates. Look, there's a cat under the table. It's Ginger. It likes to eat fish. It can jump and dance. But it's very naughty. Look, it's on the table now. Oh, the bowls are on the floor. Too bad!1

9、 .() The plates and spoons are on the table.2 .() Ginger can dance and sing.3 .() Ginger likes to eat fish.4 . () The bowls are on the floor now現(xiàn)在).5 .將最適合這篇文章題目選項前的括號內(nèi)打,()AThe kitchen()BNaughty Ginger()CThe cat2010 學年第一學期二年級英語期末試卷( 聽力文字) 全部讀兩遍I .聽力60%一、圈出你所聽到的字母組或單詞,用 A , B 或 C 表示: 10%1. DFB2. air3

10、. GHA4. five5. afternoon6. grass7. coat8. snake9. draw a rope10. the mouth and the nose二、聽音圈出你聽到的句子,用A或B表示,將答案填在前面的括號內(nèi):5% 1.Look at the red sun.2.Put a small apple in a big bag.3.Is the dog under the chair? Yes.4.There s a plate on the table.5.I m a cute rabbit.三、按要求聽寫字母組。 10%1. 大寫字母:(1) . GJ.UV.IR.

11、KL.FE2. 小寫字母:(1) . qp.wm.qt.iy.to四、按你所聽到的順序給下列圖片編號: 10%1. a naughty monkey, a big hippo, a fast zebra, a strong lion, a cute fox2. In the playground I like the slide, the swing, the seasaw. And I like to fly the kite and play with my Teddy Bear.五、聽錄音圈出正確的應答句,用 A , B 或 C 表示: 10%1. Is my grandfather y

12、oung?2. Chopsticks?3. The sun is shining. Can you see the moon?4. Don't clime the little tree.5. Hippo, hippo, what do you like?六、聽短文,勾出正確的選項。15% (一個一分,多勾倒扣。)Hello, I'm Mr Monkey. I 'm small and brown. I can jump. I like bananas. I don't like meat and grass.Hi, I'm a bjg horse. I'm brown, too. I can run very fast. I like grass.Look there. It s a small white rabbit. It can run an


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