



1、委托付款協(xié)議Entrusted Payment Agreement甲方(賣方):Party A (Seller):乙方(買方):Party B (Buyer):丙方(受托方):Party C (Entrustor):鑒于:Whereas,1 .甲方作為賣方與乙方作為買方已達(dá)成買賣合同;1. Party A as the Seller and Party B as the Buyer have already concluded a sales contract;2.乙方因所在國(guó)外匯管制等客觀原因,擬委托丙方代為支付乙方因買賣合 同項(xiàng)下的全部或部分貨款。2. Due to the foreign

2、 exchange control in the country of Party B and other objective reasons, Party B intends to entrust Party C to, for and on behalf of Party B, make a full or part of the payment under the sales contract.三方經(jīng)友好協(xié)商,就待付款事宜協(xié)議如下:Through friendly negotiation, both parties agree upon the following terms with

3、respect to the payment.1.甲、乙、丙三方一致同意:乙方作為買方向甲方購(gòu)買毛毯等產(chǎn)品,并委托丙方作為付款方向甲方支付相應(yīng)的貨款。1. The three parties unanimously agree that Party B as the Buyer shall purchase blanket products from Party A and entrust Party C as the payer to make the corresponding payment to Party A.2. 委托付款期限自20XX年XX月XX日至新協(xié)議簽訂之日止。委托期限 屆

4、滿,若乙方仍委托丙方繼續(xù)向甲方付款的,須另行簽訂書面協(xié)議。3. The period of entrusted payment shall be from 11/18/20201 to the new agreement signed. When the entrustment period expires, if Party B still entrusts Party C to continuously make the payment to Party A, the parties shall separately sign a written agreement.3.丙方僅作為貨款的受

5、托支付方,不享有買賣合同項(xiàng)下的權(quán)利,即丙方無 權(quán)就其代為支付貨款向甲方主張交貨義務(wù)或貨款的返還義務(wù)。4. Party C shall act only as the entrusted payer and not be entitled to the rights under the sales contract. That is, Party C has no right to request Party A to perform the delivery or refundment obligations by virtue of the payment it has made for a

6、nd on behalf.5. 丙方在代為支付貨款后,乙方應(yīng)及時(shí)以電郵、短信、QQ等方式通知甲方 相關(guān)經(jīng)辦人員,以便甲方及時(shí)申報(bào)結(jié)匯核銷、賬務(wù)對(duì)賬;丙方承諾對(duì)甲、乙方 的財(cái)務(wù)對(duì)賬(包括但不限于詢證函)給予配合并作書面確認(rèn)。6. After Party C makes the payment, Party B shall timely notify Party A' s relevant operators by means of E-mail, SMS and QQ so that PartyA may promptly declare the foreign exchange set

7、tlement and verification and check the accounts; Party C covenants to cooperate and confirm in writing the reconciliation (including but not limited to the Confirmation Requests).5.本協(xié)議適用中華人民共和國(guó)法律,因本協(xié)議產(chǎn)生糾紛由甲方所在地人民 法院管轄。7. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People' s Republic of C

8、hina. Disputes arising from this Agreement shall be submitted to the peoples court having jurisdiction over the place of Party A.8. 本協(xié)議一式三份,三方各執(zhí)一份,具有同等效力。6. This Agreement shall be made into three with each party holding one copy. These copies shall have the same legal effects.7.鑒于本協(xié)議為雙語版本,如有歧義,以中文版為準(zhǔn)。7. This Agreement shall be written in both Chi


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