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1、專題檢測卷(六) 非謂語動詞(建議用時:20分鐘)1. how to hold the party for several days, the children finally reached an agreement. A. DiscussedB. DiscussingC. To discussD. Having discussed2. Leaning against the sofa in the living room, up at me, is a little brown girl, pretty in pink. A. looksB. lookingC. to lookD. loo

2、ked3. Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine. A. like directedB. to be directedC. as directedD. so that directed4. (2013·溫州模擬)about their choice of major, most first-year college students feel much stressed. A. Having worriedB. WorriedC. WorryD. To worry5. In colle

3、ge, Spring Break is usually associated with the beach, parties and sleepless nights, about relaxation and free time. A. bringB. broughtC. bringingD. to bring6. (2013·安徽省示范高中名校聯(lián)考)Why did you spend so much time going online? some information needed. A. Look forB. To look forC. Looking forD. Looke

4、d for7. University of Cambridge, in 1209, is home to a great number of outstanding figures. A. foundB. foundingC. foundedD. to be founded8. (原創(chuàng))Chinese writer Mo Yan, the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature, is making headline news in China. A. wonB. winningC. to winD. being won9. A special danceGangnam

5、 Stylehas raised a worldwide storm nowadays. A. callingB. being calledC. calledD. to be called10. (2013·福州模擬)Every year, nearly 270 million pounds of grapes arrive in California, most of themfrom Chile to the Port of Los Angeles. A. are shippedB. is shippedC. shippingD. shipped11. (2013·威海

6、模擬)Im calling to enquire about the positionin todaysChina Daily. A. advertisedB. to be advertisedC. having advertisedD. advertising12. (2013·安徽省名校聯(lián)盟模擬)Richard Griffiths, the British actorthe cold Uncle Vernon in theHarry Pottermovies, has died. A. having playedB. playingC. playedD. to play13. W

7、hen a person is absent-minded, he is likely to miss key informationon to him. A. passingB. passedC. having passedD. been passed14. The American soldiersIraq kissed their family goodbye and left in a hurry. A. to be sent toB. went toC. sent toD. are sent to15. During the opening ceremony, “Miss smile

8、”has won the hearts of Chinese Internet users after being caughtup the same smile for nearly 20 minutes. A. keptB. keepingC. to be keptD. to keep16. The guests left most of the dishes, because they did not taste delicious. A. untouchedB. to be untouchedC. being untouchedD. untouching17. The young wo

9、man had her carin the mud for two hours before the rescue workers arrived. A. trapB. trappingC. trappedD. to be trapped18. (2013·蘭州模擬)Hearing the 2012 London Olympic Games, all the people in the world burst into cheers. A. declared to be openedB. declaring to be openedC. declared openD. declari

10、ng open19. (2013·西安模擬)the room, the nurse found the tape recorder. A. Entering; stealingB. Entering; goneC. To have entered; being stolenD. Having entered; to be stolen20. (2013·寧波模擬)The former director of the local housing administration bureau in Zhengzhou city has been arrested afterowi

11、ng 29 properties. A. findingB. foundC. he had been foundD. being found21. I think we cant repair the damaged car in the small town. We are consideringto Beijing to have it repaired. A. to goB. goingC. to have goneD. having gone22. (2013·包頭模擬)Whats it that cost him the job? experience. He was al

12、ways very nervous. A. LackedB. Being lackedC. LackingD. To be lacked23. With lots of trees and flowershere and there, our campus looks very beautiful. A. plantedB. are plantedC. to be plantedD. planting24. (2013·安溪模擬)I wont drive my car at this time tomorrow. in a heavy traffic jam is really to

13、o bad. A. StuckB. Having stuckC. Being stuckD. To stick25. Bobby, the alarm clock for 6 oclock, or you will oversleep and be late for the train. A. settingB. setsC. setD. to set答案解析1. 【解析】選D??疾楝F(xiàn)在分詞的完成式作時間狀語。句意: 幾天來討論了如何舉辦聚會, 孩子們最后達成了協(xié)議。孩子們是“討論”動作的發(fā)出者并且在達成協(xié)議前完成。2. 【解析】選B??疾楝F(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀語。句意: 斜靠著起居室的沙發(fā), 抬頭

14、盯著我看的是一個棕色皮膚的小女孩, 穿著粉紅色的衣服。此處looking up at. . . 為leaning的伴隨狀語, 整個句子為表語提前的倒裝句式。3. 【解析】選C。考查省略句中的過去分詞。句意: 醫(yī)生已經(jīng)說過多達50%的病人不按照醫(yī)囑服藥。as directed=as they are directed by doctors, 意思是“按照醫(yī)生的指導(dǎo)”。4.【解析】選B??疾檫^去分詞作原因狀語。句意: 由于擔(dān)心專業(yè)選擇, 大多數(shù)大一新生都感到壓力很大。worry意思為“令人擔(dān)心”與主語為動賓關(guān)系, 故用過去分詞。5.【解析】選C??疾楝F(xiàn)在分詞作結(jié)果狀語。句意: 在大學(xué), 春假通常與

15、海灘、舞會、不眠之夜聯(lián)系在一起, 結(jié)果帶來了休閑和空余時間。根據(jù)前后句子意思可知后面句子“休閑、空余時間”為結(jié)果, 故用現(xiàn)在分詞作結(jié)果狀語。6. 【解析】選B??疾椴欢ㄊ阶髂康臓钫Z。句意: 你為什么花費這么長時間上網(wǎng)? 為了尋找需要的信息。尋找信息是上網(wǎng)的目的, 故使用不定式。7. 【解析】選C??疾檫^去分詞作定語。句意: 成立于1209年的劍橋大學(xué)是許多杰出人物的搖籃。劍橋大學(xué)與“成立”為動賓關(guān)系, 根據(jù)語境“已經(jīng)成立”為被動、完成, 故答案為C。8. 【解析】選B??疾楝F(xiàn)在分詞作定語。句意: 獲得2012年諾貝爾文學(xué)獎的中國作家莫言在中國成了頭條新聞。根據(jù)句意以及中心詞Mo Yan與動詞w

16、in的主謂關(guān)系推知用現(xiàn)在分詞作定語修飾Mo Yan, 故答案為B。9. 【解析】選C??疾檫^去分詞作定語。句意: 被稱為江南Style的一種特殊舞蹈現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)在全世界刮起了一陣風(fēng)暴?!拔璧浮迸c“稱作”為被動關(guān)系, 故答案用過去分詞。10. 【解析】選D??疾榉侵^語動詞。句意: 每年大約有2億7千萬磅的葡萄運到加利福尼亞, 其中大部分是從智利運到洛杉磯港口的。此句為獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)作狀語, most of them與ship之間是被動關(guān)系, 故用過去分詞。此題易誤選A, 若選A, 兩個句子之間缺少連詞。11. 【解析】選A??疾檫^去分詞作定語。句意: 我正在打電話詢問在今天的中國日報上刊登的職位。此處

17、“被刊登”修飾position, 作定語, 兩者關(guān)系為動賓, 故用過去分詞, 答案為A。to be advertised為不定式的被動形式, 表示未來。12.【解析】選B??疾榉侵^語動詞作定語。句意: 在電影哈利·波特中扮演冷漠的叔叔Vernon的英國演員Richard Griffiths去世了。由于本題中has died作謂語, 所以所缺成分在句中作定語; 邏輯主語the British actor與play之間為主動關(guān)系, 而分詞的完成時不能作限制性定語, 所以選B項。13.【解析】選B??疾檫^去分詞作定語。句意: 當(dāng)一個人心不在焉的時候, 他可能會錯過傳遞給他的關(guān)鍵信息。此處“

18、信息”與“傳遞”為動賓關(guān)系, 故用過去分詞作定語修飾。14. 【解析】選A。考查不定式作定語。句意: 要被派去伊拉克的美國士兵吻別他們的家人匆匆忙忙地離開了。根據(jù)語境“吻別”顯然這些士兵還沒有出發(fā), 由“被派去”可推知用不定式的被動形式作定語。表示將來發(fā)生的被動動作。15. 【解析】選B。考查現(xiàn)在分詞作補語。句意: 在開幕式上, 被發(fā)現(xiàn)一直保持相同的微笑近20分鐘的“微笑姐”已經(jīng)贏得了中國網(wǎng)民的心。此處為be caught doing=catch sb. doing句式, 故用現(xiàn)在分詞作補語。16. 【解析】選A??疾檫^去分詞作補語。句意: 大多數(shù)的菜肴客人都沒有動, 因為它們嘗起來不可口。此

19、處為leave sth. +賓語補足語句式, 由于dishes與untouch之間為被動關(guān)系, 故用過去分詞作補語。17. 【解析】選C??疾檫^去分詞作補語。句意: 在營救工人到來前這位年輕女士的車子陷入泥巴已有兩個小時了。此處為have sth. done句式, 故用過去分詞作補語, 表示遭遇某種情況。18.【解析】選C??疾椴欢ㄊ阶餮a語。句意: 聽到2012年倫敦奧運會被宣布開幕時, 全世界的人們都突然歡呼起來。Games與declare之間為動賓關(guān)系, 故用過去分詞作賓語補足語。19.【解析】選B??疾檫^去分詞作補語。句意: 進入屋里, 護士發(fā)現(xiàn)錄音機不見了?!斑M入”與“發(fā)現(xiàn)”幾乎同時發(fā)

20、生, 并且均為nurse發(fā)出, 故前空用現(xiàn)在分詞作時間狀語; 后空為find sth. done句式, 用gone作補語。20. 【解析】選D。考查動詞-ing作賓語。句意: 鄭州市前房產(chǎn)局局長被發(fā)現(xiàn)擁有29套房產(chǎn)后已經(jīng)被逮捕。此處after為介詞, 后面用動詞-ing作賓語。21.【解析】選B。句意: 我認(rèn)為在這個小城鎮(zhèn)我們不能修好損壞的車。我們正在考慮去北京讓人修一修。根據(jù)語境“去北京修”為想法, 故推知consider此處意思為“考慮”, 后面跟動詞-ing作賓語?!局R拓展】(1)動詞consider表示“把看作; 認(rèn)為”的意思, 其句式常用: 跟帶名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)consider sb. sth. ; 跟帶形容詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)consider sb. /sth. +adj. ; 跟帶不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)consider sb. (to be)sth. (2)consider表示“考慮”的意思, 其句式常用: consider sth. ; consider doing sth. ; consider+疑問詞+不定式; consider+從句。22. 【解


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