



1、國際市場營銷專業(yè)個人英文簡歷范文qualificati onsmaster of merce & master of intern ati onal bus in essthe universityof sydney ! major: marketing and internationalbus in essgpa: average disti nctionkey subjects:strategic marketi ng / intern ati onal and global marketi ng / brand man ageme nt / con sumer behavior

2、/ newp roduct devel opment / risk man ageme nt / intern atio nal money and finance / cross cultural man ageme nt /strategic allia neeacademic achieveme nts:? 1st p lace in cap sim bus in ess man agement simulatio n? 2nd p lace in bus in ess strategy simulati on? top ten teams in coun tryma nager p e

3、titi on acquired kno wledge and skills:? research and p erform market, con sumer, p etitor, swot and brand an alysisn marketi ng activities to achieve? write bus in ess plan and desigbus in ess goals? familiar with in dustries of personal care, footwear, con sumer electr oni cs, con sumer foodservic

4、e, healthand well ness, soft drin ks, and tourism in australia.? desig n and give p rese ntati ons to stakeholdersbachelor of cli ni cal medic inefuda n uni versity, sha nghai, chinagpa: /!key subjects:p hysiology / an atomy / p athology / p ath op hysiology / p harmacology/ diag no stics / medical

5、imag ing /medici ne / surgery / p ediatrics/ obstetrics & gyn ecology /p sychiatry / n eurology / chin ese medici ne /p reve ntive medici ne / ep idemiology / i nfectious disease / huma n p arasitology / otorhi no lary ngology /op hthamology / ven ereology / medical statistics / p sychologyacade

6、mic achieveme nts:? achieved top 15% amon gst 310 stude nts? five -time receiver of distinctive students scholarship? elective stude nt to chin ese uni versity of hong kong employment historybreast can cer tissue bank, syd ney, australia sep XX to dec XXtissue bank officer - one of the 4 branch offi

7、cers of breast cancer tissue bank n sw. res pon sible forresearch p artici pant recruitme nt and sample collecti on in royal prince alfred hos pital. coop erated withsurge ons, gps, nu rses and other medical staffs in p re-admissi on cli nic and ot.wanii mobile retail, gua ngzhou, chi na jul XX to j

8、ul XX, p art-timemarket ing / sales man ager - principal marketi ng con sulta nt for a mobile phone retail bus in ess in sha nghai.in itiated campus brand ambassadors p rogram in five uni versities toin crease exp osure amon gst targetcustomers. in troducedpany to concept of on li nebus in ess withr

9、egi onal and poten tially n ati onal focus.laun ched and pro moted pany website to pro vide up dated and in tegrated marketi ng and salesin formatio n.huasha n hos pital, sha nghai, china jul XX to jul XXin tern - rotated in various dep artme nts in cludi ng in ternalmedici ne,gen eral surgery, n eu

10、rology, p ediatrics,p sychiatric, obstetrics, gyn ecology and er. worked as a doctor inboth cli nics and wards in the abovedepartments under supervision.assisted in night and major surgeries.volun teer work? eve nt admi ni strati on assista nt-can cer council n sw, australia? english translatorand l

11、ocal guide - XX shanghai special olympicsworld summer gameshuashan hospitalcentennial? group leader, hotel divisioncelebrati onextra-curricula activitiesp ositi ons of res pon sibility held:-stude nt union? head of dep artme nt of recreati on and sp orts? p reside nt andpiano acpanist - fen gli n ca

12、mpus choir? p reside nt- fen gli n campus table tennis club? p reside nt- fen gli n campus canton ese club !? foun der and p reside nt- main campus canton ese clubpersonal achieveme nts:? four times cha mpion of camp uswomens in gles,table-te nn iscon test? p leted the global bus in ess ethics cours

13、e, intern ati onal youth achieveme nt orga ni zati onit & Ian guage skills? p ete nt with both pc and mac op erat ing systempss? p ete nt in microsoft office suite, p hotosh op, s? familiar with various website desig n p rogrammes? flue nt in both writte n and oral en glish, man dari n and canto

14、n ese笆二;二三先汪案,高三機(jī)師結(jié)卩以師的教案n改:一 考業(yè)關(guān)首 -霊-的切價環(huán)輕學(xué)"積注教泛玄上遠(yuǎn)冒課課沃周疔::二我S續(xù):二致:勤主溝”二5A'"-,+_«”. .出色地-各項任"校Rib組織全組教師進(jìn)一步;習(xí)熟* 材的體系和特"索新教材教學(xué)模*.組好新教材的研究*"全0師師提供“ 學(xué)習(xí)的平臺和“。m:住指*.認(rèn);習(xí)貫徹”改”神,以貫徹*基礎(chǔ)教程改革*核心,以研 9學(xué)重*促進(jìn)教* G根本,以»教*二三團(tuán)inyyim"Fi"三“”及時工作及析二."項學(xué)指標(biāo):主主活動.冬G師的示” “ B合,«慧”."組I圍繞探索效”課”高照文史綜合72加史對,科真學(xué)學(xué)科體知和思三習(xí)合感析態(tài)度=m:x = sS=i = 5SN N2S5問於.學(xué)習(xí) 比較積極主動.后


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