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1、案件基本情況:立案時間:2013年7月8日涉案產(chǎn)品:未上釉瓷磚、陶瓷馬賽克及類似產(chǎn)品參考稅則號:6907.90.00終裁公布時間:2014年12月19日1.對非價格承諾參加企業(yè)的終裁稅率:對表格中的企業(yè)自2014年12月19日起開始執(zhí)行終裁稅率生產(chǎn)商/出口商終裁稅率(美元/平方米)3.34498(原初裁平均 稅率名單中的 企業(yè)中,排除掉 參加價格承諾 的企業(yè)后,剩余 的企業(yè))Fosha n Chan che ng Qian gshi Buildi ng Materials Company Limited Aquadis Asia Intern ati onal Corp; Asia Ceram

2、ics Holdi ng Plc; Asic Ceramic And Mosaic Group; Barana Intern ati onal Ltd; Brightla nd In dustry And Trade Co Ltd; Cbm In dustrial (Chi na) Co Ltd; Chi na Abrasives Import & Export Corpo rati on; China Coop erative Ind Ltd; Cnbm Intern ati onal Corpo rati on; Den gmao Shen zhe n Co; Eiffel Bui

3、ldi ng Corpo rati on Limited; Enping City Huachang Ceramic Company Limited; Enping Huiying Ceramics In dustry Co Ltd; Everst one (Qin gdao) Co Ltd; Everst one Ceramics (Shenzhen) Co Ltd; Favour World International Limited; Florina In dustry Co Ltd; Fosham Dosun Tiles Co Ltd; Fosha n An Tai Tradi ng

4、Company Ltd; Foshan Aokelan Building Ceramics Co Ltd; Foshan Aoqiang Ceramic Co Ltd; Fosha n B & W Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Bazara Buildi ng Materials co Ltd; Foshan Bocheng Ceramic Co Ltd; Foshan Botin Building Materials Co Ltd; Fosha n Cen ter Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Ceragold Trad ing Co Ltd;

5、 Fosha n CeravivaCeramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Chan che ng Sbolo Buildi ng Material Co Ltd; Fosha n Chanfeng Company Limited;Fosha n City Henglong CeramicsCo Ltd; Fosha n City Sunny Ceramics Cc Ltd; Fosha n Ctc Group Co Ltd; Fosha n Dihai Trad ing Development Co Ltd; Foshan Dongpeng Polishing Porcelain T

6、iles Factory; Foshan Dosun Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Dosun tiles Co Ltd; Fosha n Double Win Buildi ng Material Co Ltd; Foshan Eiffel Ceramic Co Ltd; Foshan Eminent Industry Development Co Ltd; Fosha n Fen gshu nshun Pao Jing Huan; Fosha n Florina Ceramic Co Ltd; Foshan Fiorina Industry Co Ltd; Foshan

7、 Fujiaju Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Fyd Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Gede; Fosha n Golden Dolphin Ceramics Co Ltd; Foshan Griffiths Building Material Ltd; Fosha n Guohui Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Haowei Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Hcc Buildi ng Material Co Ltd; Fosha n Hon gbo Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Hongshu

8、ang Decoration Materials Co Ltd; Foshan Huashen Import And Export Trade Co Ltd; Fosha n Huitao Econo mic & Trad ing Co Ltd; Fosha n In terry Ceramic Co Ltd; Fosha n Jialia n Ceramic Co Ltd;Fosha n Jin bali Ceramic Company; Fosha n Jin duo Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Jin duo Entrep rise (Gro up) Co

9、Ltd; Fosha n Kama Ceramics CoLtd; Fosha n Kiva Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Lon gways Buildi ng Materials Co Ltd; Fosha n Lxc Ceramics Co Ltd; Foshan Mainland Import And Export Co Ltd; Foshan Manjade Ceramiscs Co Ltd; Fosha n Nan hai District Trave n Devel Dec Tiles Co Ltd; Fosha n Nan hai Shen ghuaCera

10、mics Co Ltd; Fosha n Nan hai Yayi Buildi ng Materials Co Ltd; Fosha n Nan hai Yonghong P olished Tile Factory; Fosha n New East Drago n Ceramic Co Ltd; Fosha n Ocea niand Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Oumike Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n P&D In dustries Co Ltd; Fosha n Pen gdi Import And Export Co Ltd; Fo

11、sha n P erfecto Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Qian ggua n Build ing Materials Co Ltd; Fosha n Sanfi Ceramics Co Ltd; Foshan Sany Ceramics Co Ltd; Foshan Sbolo Building Materials Co Ltd; Fosha n Sdila n Import & Export Co Ltd; Fosha n Sincere Buildi ng Materials Co Ltd; Fosha n Sincere Ceramics Co Ltd

12、; Fosha n Stanny Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Summit Ceramics Company; Fosha n Sun rise Trad ing Company Limited; Fosha n Syn ergy Ltl Enterp rise Co Ltd; Fosha n Textiles Import & Export Co Ltd; Fosha n Tianjia Import & Export Tradi ng Co Ltd; Fosha n Tilee'S Ceramics Ltd; Fosha n Tong On T

13、radi ng Co Ltd; Fosha n V & V Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Vast Ceramics CcLtd; Fosha n Weicha n Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Weiche n Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Winning Enterprise Co Ltd; Foshan Xiangyu Ceramic Tiles Co Ltd; Foshan Xia nte Ceramic Co Ltd; Fosha n Xin huatao Ceramic Co Ltd; Fosha n Xi nru

14、n Factory; Foshan Xinruncheng Polishing Porcelain Tiles Factory; Foshan Yeshe ng Yuan Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Yiming Imp & Exp Co Ltd; Fosha n Yin ghui In dustrial Co Ltd; Fosha n Yon ghe ng Ceramic Co Ltd; Fosha n Youyue Ceramics Co Ltd; Fosha n Zhon gzhe nghui Tradi ng Co Ltd; Fosha n Zhuo Sh

15、e ng Ceramic Co Ltd;Fujia n Smart ness Imp & Exp Co Ltd; Fulong Ceramics; Gaoyao City Marshal Ceramic Co Ltd; Gaoyao Yusha n Ceramics Industry Co Ltd; Gergo Construction Materials (Hk) Limited; Gongdong Bohua Ceramics Company Limited; Guang Dong Golde n Sun Ceramics Co Ltd;Guan gdo ng Agribus in

16、 ess Group Imp And Exp Co Ltd; Guangdong Dongpeng Ceramic Co Ltd; Guan gdo ng Fosha n Jinbanii Ceramic Factory; Guan gdo ng Jiamei Ceramics Co Ltd; Guangdong Junjing In dustrial Co Ltd; Guangdong Kito Ceramic Co Ltd; Guangdong Monalisa Ceramics Co Ltd; Guan gdo ng Nan hai Light In dustrial Prod I an

17、d E Co Ltd; Guan gdo ng Newpearl Ceramics Group Co Ltd; Guangdong Xinruncheng Porcelain Tile Co Ltd; Guan gzhou Cowin Ceramics Co Ltd; Guan gzhou Inns Intern ati onal Trad ing Co Ltd; Guanyu Ceramics Co Ltd;Ha ngzhou Nabel Group Co Ltd; Haowei Enterp rises Co Ltd; Hesha n Super Ceramics Co Ltd; Heyu

18、a n Luoma ndike In dustrial Corpo ratio n Limited; Heyua n Roma ntic Ceramics Co Ltd; Heyua n Wanfeng Ceramic Co Ltd; Hong Guan Trad ing Co Ltd; Hongkong Hercules Co Ltd; In full In dustry Co Ltd; Jin Ying Economy Trad ing Imp And Exp Ltd; Jms un way Ceramics Co Ltd; Jyn Jyng Economy Trading Imp And

19、 Exp Ltd; Kaiping Lihang Building Materials Co Ltd; Limec Company Limited; Longpu Buildi ng Materials Co Ltd; Lon gways Ceramics; Louis Valentino Investment And Development Co Ltd; Marazzi TileMan ufacturers; Max Glory In ternatio nal Limited; Milstart More Ltd; Min sum In dustry Co Ltd; Nanhai Arts

20、 & Crafts l/E Co Ltd; Na nogress Porcella nato Co Ltd; New Regal Ceramics; Newtiles Corpo ratio n Limited; Oak International Limited; Porcelux Ceramix Co Ltd; Porcelux Co Ltd; Po well Ceramics Co Ltd; Qin gyua n Guanxin gwa ng Ceramic Co Ltd; R AK (Gao Yao) Ceramics Co Ltd; Ris un Group Holdi ng

21、 Limited; Sanfi Ceramics Co Ltd; Sense Ceramics Co Limited; Shandong Jia ngqua nin dustry Stock Co Ltd; Sha nghai CIMIC Tile Co Ltd; Sha nghai Gaoyuan In vesti ng & Development Co Ltd; Shanghai Sumiec Importacao E Exportacao Corp; Shen ghua Ceramics Co Ltd; Sinan Intern ati onal Co Ltd; Sino til

22、e Buildi ng Materials Co Ltd; Skiway Enterprise Group Limited; Southern Building Materials And San itary Co Ltd; Sun tile Internacional Co Limited; Tan gsha n Hon gyou Ceramics Co Ltd; Tan gsha nH uida Ceramic Group Co Ltd;Tan gsha n Imex In dustrial Co Ltd; Tile Po rcela in Ltd; Tile nd In dustrial

23、 Co Limited; Weichen Ceramics Company; Winning International Trading Co; Won drous Intern ati onal Limited; Xhh Imp & Exp Trad ing (Xiame n) Co Ltd; Xiamen Jianxing Imp And Exp Co Ltd; Xingjingcheng Ceramic Company Limited; Xinrun che ng Ceramic Company Limited; Xintang In dustry;Yekalon Industr

24、y Inc; Yoto Import & Export Co Ltd; Yunfu Jin Li Jing Stone Co Ltd; Zhao qin Yon gshe n Ceramic Co Ltd; Zibo Raymond Import And Export Co Ltd; Zon gse ng Ceramics Co Ltd.6.42其他2.抽樣企業(yè)及接受自愿應(yīng)訴企業(yè)的終裁傾銷幅度如下:由于除 Foshan Chancheng Qiangshi Building Materials Company Limited 之外的抽樣企業(yè)及 接受自愿應(yīng)訴的企業(yè)均已參加價格承諾,而是按

25、價格承諾對參加價格承諾的企業(yè)不按下面表格中的終裁傾銷幅度執(zhí)行終裁稅率,執(zhí)行最低限價和數(shù)量限制傾銷幅度(美元/ 平方米)傾銷幅度(%)Fosha n Chan che ng Qian gshi Buildi ng Materials Company3.3446.00%LimitedGuan gdo ng Mon alisa New Materials Group Co., Ltd.4.1965.40%Fosha n Xia ngyu Ceramics Co., Ltd.6.42153.60%Guan gdo ng Xinrun che ng Ceramics Co., Ltd.5.55109.9

26、0%Heyua n Nano gress Porcella nato Co., Ltd.4.3970.70%Guan gdo ng Kin gdom Ceramics Co., Ltd.4.6678.50%3.價格承諾企業(yè):1) 對價格承諾參加企業(yè),自2015年1月8日起,按價格承諾中最低限價和數(shù)量限制執(zhí)行。對出口提單顯示的日期在 2014年12月19日至2015年1月7日 之間的出口,不適用價格承諾諾,按初裁稅率執(zhí)行2) 2015年1月8日起至2015年12月31日期間的 最低限價為 CIF 10.5美元/平 方米和 CIF 477.27美元/噸,數(shù)量限制為 22,000,000平方米和 4

27、84,000噸3) 價格承諾企業(yè)名單如下:1Abm P roduction Buildi ng Materials Co., Ltd2Blackst one In dustrial (Fosha n) Limited3China Communi catio ns Import and Export Corp4China Mach inery In dustry Intern ati onal Coop eratio n Co., Ltd5China Nati onal Abrasives In dustry Corpo rati on6Country Strong Development Co

28、., Ltd7Don ggua n City Won derful Ceramics In dustrial Park Co., Ltd8Eagle Brand Ceramics In dustrial (Heyua n) Co Limited9Elega nee Intern ati onal Inc10Enping Jingpeng Ceramic Co., Ltd11Foga ng Tongqing Ceramics Co., Ltd12Fosha n Aijia Ceramics Co., Ltd13Fosha n Amaz on Ceramics Co., Ltd14Fosha n

29、Aoli n Jin ggo ng Ceramics Co., Ltd15Foshan B&W Ceramics Co., Ltd16Fosha n Bailife ng Build ing Materials Co., Ltd17Fosha n Besthouse Ceramics Co., Ltd18Fosha n Castel Import & Export Co., Ltd19Fosha n Cha n Cheng Xua n Xia n P olishi ng Tile Factory20Fosha n Chen gdayi Economy & Tradi n

30、g Co., Ltd21Foshan City Roytile Tradi ng Co., Ltd22Fosha n Dongpeng Ceramic Co., Ltd23Fosha n Dun hua ng Buildi ng Materials Co., Ltd24Fosha n Everlasti ng Enterp rise Co., Ltd25Fosha n Fashi on Un ite Cearmic Co., Ltd26Fosha n Fushit ong Ceramics Co., Ltd27Fosha n Gani Ceramics Co., Ltd28Fosha n Ga

31、omi ng Xiny uefe ng Buildi ng Materials Company Ltd29Fosha n Gaomi ng Yaju Ceramics Co., Ltd30Fosha n Guci In dustry Co., Ltd31Fosha n Henry Tradi ng Co., Ltd32Fosha n Hexin Chua ngzha n Ceramics Co., Ltd33Fosha n Hon gshu n Import & Export Tradi ng Co., Ltd34Fosha n Huashe ngcha ng Ceramic Co.,

32、 Ltd35Fosha n Huds on Economics And Trade Co., Ltd36Fosha n Huiyua n Buildi ng Materials Co., Ltd37Fosha n Jbn In dustrial Co., Ltd38Fosha n Jiajin Imp & Exp Co., Ltd39Fosha n Jin shidai Ceramics Co., Ltd40Fosha n Jinyi Ceramics Co., Ltd41Fosha n Jinyin gli Buildi ng Materials Co., Ltd42Fosha n

33、Junj ing In dustrial Co., Ltd43Fosha n Kent Ceramics Co., Ltd44Fosha n Kivento Ceramics Co., Ltd45Fosha n Lihua Ceramics Co., Ltd46Fosha n Lungo Ceramics Co., Ltd47Foshan Mai nia nd Imp And Exp Co., Ltd48Fosha n Mon alisa In dustry Co., Ltd49Fosha n Nan hai Fan gxia ng Ceramics Co., Ltd50Fosha n Nan

34、 hai Guan gmei Ceramic Co., Ltd51Foshan Nanhai Oumike Buildi ng Materials Co., Ltd52Fosha n Nano gress Po rcella nato Co., Ltd53Fosha n Native Produce Import And Export Company Limited of Guangdong54Foshan Neo's Buildi ng Material Co., Ltd55Fosha n Newp earl Trade Co., Ltd56Fosha n Nirose Cerami

35、cs Co., Ltd57Fosha n Ocea no Ceramics Co., Ltd58Fosha n Qualicer In dustrial Co., Ltd59Fosha n R And C Enterp rises Limited60Fosha n Real Import&Export Co., Ltd61Fosha n San debo Ceramics Co., Ltd62Fosha n Sanden Enterp rise Co., Ltd63Fosha n Sanfi Imp&Exp Co., Ltd64Fosha n San shui Excelle

36、Tradi ng Co., Ltd65Fosha n Shangyun Ceramic Co., Ltd66Fosha n Shiwa n Eagle Brand Ceramic Ltd67Foshan Sky Pla net Import & Export Co., Ltd68Fosha n Sunbow Tradi ng Co., Ltd69Fosha n Super Macro Tradi ng Co., Ltd70Fosha n Tbs Trad ing Co., Ltd71Fosha n Un i-De pot Po rcela nico Co., Ltd72Foshan U

37、ni ted Co., Ltd73Fosha n Veni zea Ceramics Co., Ltd74Foshan Victory Tile Co., Ltd75Fosha n Wan tage Company Limited76Fosha n Wings Import & Export Co., Ltd77Fosha n Xia ngyu Ceramics Co., Ltd78Fosha n Xin Hua Tao Ceramics Co., Ltd79Fosha n Xinnanyue Buildi ng Ceramics Co., Ltd80Fosha n Xinyue Ce

38、ramics Co., Ltd81Fosha n Xin zho ngwei Econo mic & Trade Co., Ltd82Fosha n Yon gha ng Ceramics Co., Ltd83Fosha n Yusha n Ceramics In dustry Co., Ltd84Fosha n San shui Hon gyua n Ceramics Enterp rise Co., Ltd85Foshan Top Black Buildi ng Material Co., Ltd86Gaoyao Marshal Ceramics Co., Ltd87Gran dh

39、ouse Ceramics Co., Ltd88Guan gdo ng Bode Fine Buildi ng Material Co., Ltd89Guan gdo ng Bohua Ceramics Company Limited90Guan gdo ng Chunmei Ceramics Co., Ltd91Guan gdo ng Fotao Group Import & Export Tradi ng Co., Ltd92Guan gdo ng Gelaisi Ceramics Co., Ltd93Guan gdo ng Grifine Ceramics Co., Ltd94G

40、uan gdo ng Hengfu Ceramics Co., Ltd95Guan gdo ng Homeway Ceramics In dustry Co.,Ltd96Guan gdo ng Hon gyu Ceramics Co., Ltd97Guan gdo ng Jiajun Ceramics Co., Ltd98Guan gdo ng Jin ligao Ceramic Co., Ltd99Guan gdo ng Jinying Import & Export Co., Ltd100Guan gdo ng Kin gdom Ceramics Co., Ltd101Guan gdo ng Luxury Micro-Crystal Stone Tech no logy Co., Ltd102Guan gdo ng Mati Ceramics Co., Ltd103Guan gdo ng Mon alisa New Con s


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