關(guān)于五年級下冊英語小詩 五年級英語小詩_第1頁
關(guān)于五年級下冊英語小詩 五年級英語小詩_第2頁
關(guān)于五年級下冊英語小詩 五年級英語小詩_第3頁
關(guān)于五年級下冊英語小詩 五年級英語小詩_第4頁




1、本文格式為word版,下載可任意編輯關(guān)于五年級下冊英語小詩 五年級英語小詩 英語詩歌的特點是短小精悍,語言簡練,注意押韻,具有豐富的想象力,是英語文學(xué)中的珍寶。我整理了關(guān)于五班級下冊英語小詩,歡迎! 關(guān)于五班級下冊英語小詩篇一 fire and ice 火與冰 some say the world will end in fire, 有人說世界將結(jié)束于熊熊烈焰, some say in ice. 有人則說結(jié)束于凜凜寒冰。 from what ive tasted of desire, 欲望如火,體會其烈, i hold with those who favor fire. 則知世之歸于火為我所

2、愿。 but if it had to perish twice, 但若其必兩度遭逢毀滅, i think i know enough of hate 我知恨之極至, to know that for destruction ice 必定明白,毀滅之冰, is also great 同樣魁偉, and would suffice 同樣順人心愿。 關(guān)于五班級下冊英語小詩篇二 the more loving one w.h.auden looking up at the stars, i know quite well, 仰視群星的時分,我一清二楚, that, for all they care

3、, i can go to hell, 盡管它們關(guān)懷備至,我亦有可能赴地府, but on earth indifference is the least, 可是塵世間我們絲毫不必畏懼, we have to dread from man or beast . 人類或禽獸的那份冷漠。 how should we like it were stars to burn , 如果群星燃燒著關(guān)懷我們的., with a passion for us we could not return ? 我們卻無法回報,我們作何感想? if equal affection cannot be , 如果無法產(chǎn)生同樣

4、的感情, let the more loving one be me. 讓我成為更有愛心的人。 admirer as i think i am, 盡管我自視為群星的崇拜者, of stars that do not give a damn, 它們滿不在乎, i cannot, now i see them, say 現(xiàn)在我看群星,我卻難以啟齒, i missed one terribly all day . 說我成天思念一顆星星。 were all stars to disappear or die, 如果全部的星星消逝或者消亡, i should learn to look at an em

5、pty sky, 我應(yīng)當(dāng)學(xué)會仰視空蕩的天空, and feel its total dark sublime, 同時感受天空一片漆黑的崇高, though this might take me a little time. 雖然這樣可能要花費一點時間。 關(guān)于五班級下冊英語小詩篇三 the rose in the wind james stephens dip and swing, 顫顫巍巍, lift and sway; 顫顫巍巍, dream a life, 頡之頏之; in a dream, away. 睡夢生涯, like a dream 抑之揚之。 in a sleep, 睡中之夢,

6、is the rose, 風(fēng)中之花, in the wind; 薔薇顛倒, and a fish. 睡夢生涯。 in the deep, 水中有魚, and a man; 心中有君; in the mind; 魚難離水,君是我心。 dreaming to lack, 夢有所喪, all that is his; 喪其全部; dreaming to gain 夢有所得, all that he is. 得其自由。 dreaming a life, 睡夢生涯, in a dream, away 抑之揚之 dip and swing, 顫顫巍巍 lift and sway. 頡之頏之。 看了"關(guān)于五班級下冊英語小詩'的人還看了: 1


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