



1、機械原理英文詞匯黃清世周傳喜編長江大學機械學院Chapter 1 Introduction第一章緒論1.mecha nism機構2.kin ematical eleme nt運動學兀件3.link構件4.cam凸輪5.gear齒輪6.belt帶7.cha in鏈8.intern al-combusti on engine內燃機9.slider-crank mechanism曲柄滑塊機構10.pisto n活塞11.connecting rod連桿12.cran kshaft曲軸13.frame機架14.pin io n小齒輪15.cam mecha nism凸輪機構16.lin kage連桿機

2、構17.syn thesis綜合Chapter 2 Structure analysis of mechanisms第二章機構的結構分析1. structural an alysis結構分析2. pla nar mecha ni sms平面機構3. pla nar kin ematical pairs平面運動副4. mobile conn ecti on可動連接5. tran smit傳輸6. tran sform轉換7. pair eleme nt運動副元素8. higher pair咼副9. revolute pair轉動副10. slid ing pair ,prismatic pair

3、移動副11. gear pair齒輪副12. cam pair凸輪副13. screw pair螺旋副14. spherical pair球面副15. surface con tact面接觸16. kin ematical cha in運動鏈17. closed cha in閉式鏈18. ope n cha in開式鏈19. drivi ng links驅動件20. driven links從動件21. pla nar mecha ni sm.平面機構22. spatial mecha nism空間機構23. The kin ematical diagram of amecha nism機構運

4、動簡圖24. schematic diagram草圖25. kin ematical dime nsions運動學尺寸26. fixed pivot固定鉸鏈27. pathway導路28. guide bar導桿29. profiles輪廓30. the actual cam con tour凸輪實際廓線5/3/201212移動副螺旋副庫侖定律摩擦系數(shù)靜摩擦動摩擦型槽當量摩擦系數(shù)摩擦角 當量摩擦角 導程角 力偶矩間隙摩擦圓 推力軸承 驅動功 有效功 損耗功31. polygon多邊形32. route of tran smissi on傳遞路線33. structural block diag

5、ram結構框圖34. Degree of Freedom (DOF)自由度35. con strai nts約束36. com mon normal公法線37. compo und hinge復合鉸鏈38. gear-li nkage mecha nism齒輪連桿機構40. passive DOF局部自由度41. red undant con stra int虛約束42. The compositi on prin ciple and structural an alysis組成原理與結構分析43. the basic mecha nism基本機構44. Assur groups阿蘇爾桿組45

6、. inner pair內畐寸46. outer pairs外副.47. compositi on prin ciple of mecha nism機構組成原理48. kin ematical determ in ati on運動確定性Chapter 3 kinematic analysis of mechanicsms第三章機構的運動分析1.velocity速度2.accelerati on加速度3.parameter參數(shù)3. graphical method圖解法4.an alytical method解析法5.experime ntal method實驗法6.in sta nt cen

7、ter瞬心7.classificati on of in sta nt cen ters瞬心的分類8.absolute in sta ntan eous cen ter絕對瞬心9. relative in sta ntan eous cen ter相對瞬心10. the method of in sta ntan eous cen ter瞬心法11. the Aron hold-Ke nn edy theorem阿朗浩爾特-肯尼迪定理(即三心定理)12. the four-bar lin kage四桿機構13. i nv ersio n of the slider-cra nk導桿機構(曲柄滑

8、塊機構的倒置機構)14. complex mecha nism復雜機構,多桿機構Chapter 5 Efficiency and Self-lock ofMachines第五章機械效率和自鎖1. pure-slide pair2. helical pair3. Coulomb s law4. coefficie nt of fricti on5. rest fricti on6. kin etic frictio n7. vee-slotV8. equivale nt coefficie nt of fricti on9. fricti onal an gle10. equivale nt f

9、ricti onal an gle11. lead angle12. moment of couple13. clearanee14. frictional circle15. thrust bearing16. drive work17. effective work18. lost work19.ideal machi ne理想機械20.serial structure串聯(lián)結構21.parallel structure并聯(lián)結構22.parallel-serial structure混聯(lián)結構23.jack千斤頂24.self-lock自鎖Chapter 7 Motion of Mechani

10、cal Systemsand Its Regulation第七章機械系統(tǒng)的運轉及其調節(jié)第六章機械的平衡1. Vibratio n振動2. Freque ncy頻率3. Resonant共振4. Amplitudes振幅5. Bala ncing of rotors轉子6. Rigid rotors剛性轉子7. Flexible rotors柔性轉子8. Bala ncing of mecha ni sms機構的平衡9. Disk-like rotor盤狀轉子10.N on-disk rigid rotor非盤狀轉子11.the shak ing force振動力12.the shak ing

11、mome nt振動力矩13.Balancing of Disk-like Rotors盤狀轉子的平衡14.static imbala nee靜不平衡15.static bala ncing machi ne靜平衡機16.the mass-radius product質徑積17.d yn amically un bala need動不平衡18.bala nee pla nes平衡基面19.D yn amic bala ncing mach ine動平衡機20.U nbala ncing Allowa nee許用不平衡量四桿機構 曲柄搖桿機構 雙曲柄機構4. double-rocker mecha

12、nism雙搖桿機構Chapter 6 Balancing of Machinery1. Periodic speed fluctuatio n周期性波動2. punching mach ine沖床3. Moti on Equati on of a Mecha ni cal System機械系統(tǒng)的運動方程4. Gen eral Expressi on of the Equati on of Motio n運動方程的一般表達式5. the kin etic en ergy動能6. the mome nt of in ertia轉動慣量7. Dyn amically Equivale nt Mode

13、l of a Mecha ni cal System等效動力學模型8. the equivale nt mome nt of in ertia等效轉動慣量9. the equivale nt mome nt of force等效力矩10. the equivale nt link等效構件11. Pump泵12. Blower鼓風機13. Flywheel飛輪Chapter 8 Planar Linkage Mechanicsms第八章平面連桿機構1. four-bar linkage2. crank-rocker mechanism3. double-crank mechanism5. Cra

14、shof s criterion格拉索夫判據(jù)6. Condition for having a crank有曲柄的條件7. slider-crank mechanism曲柄滑塊機構8. offset distanee偏距9. offset slider-crank mechanism偏置曲柄滑塊機構10. in-line slider-crank mechanism對心曲柄滑塊機構11. rotating guide-bar mechanism.轉動導桿機構12.oscillat ing guide-bar mecha nism擺動導桿機構13.double rotati ng block m

15、echa nism雙轉塊機構14.cra nk and oscillati ng block mecha nism曲柄搖塊機構15.variatio ns變異16.i nv ersi ons倒置17.tra nsmissi on an gle傳動角18.dead point死點19.imbala nee an gle極位夾角2O.time ratio行程速比系數(shù)21.quick-return mecha nism急回機構22.pressure an gle壓力角23.toggle positi ons肘節(jié)位置24.oldham coupli ng聯(lián)軸器25.flywheel飛輪26.clamp

16、 ing device夾具27.dime nsional syn thesis尺度綜合28.fu nction gen erati on函數(shù)發(fā)生器29.body guida nee剛體導引3O.path gen erati on軌跡發(fā)生器Chapter 9 Cam Mechanisms第九章凸輪機構1. con tour輪廓27.soft impulse柔性沖擊29.Cos ine Accelerati on Moti on Curve (Simple Harm onic Moti onCurve)余弦加速度運動規(guī)律(簡諧運動規(guī)律)3O.Si ne Acceleratio n Motion C

17、urve (Cycloid Motion Curve)正弦加速度運動規(guī)律(擺線運動規(guī)律)31.3-4-5 Poly nomial Motion Curve 3-4-5多項式運動規(guī)律32. Combi ned Motio n Curves組合運動規(guī)律2. Follower從動件3. Plate cam(or disc cam)盤形凸輪4. Tran slati ng cam移動凸輪5. Three-dime nsio nal cam空間凸輪6. cyli ndrical cam圓柱凸輪7. Tran slati ng follower直動從動件8. Oscillati ng follower擺動

18、從動件9. Camshaft凸輪軸10.in-line translating follower對心直動從動件11.offset tran slati ng follower偏置直動從動件12.K nife-edge follower尖底從動件13.Roller follower滾子從動件14.Flat-faced follower平底從動件15.Force-closed cam mecha nism力圭寸閉凸輪機構16.Form-closed cam mecha nism形圭寸閉凸輪機構17.Lift行程18.cam an gle for rise推程角19.cam an gle for o

19、uter dwell遠休止角2O.cam an gle for retur n回程角21.cam an gle for inner dwell近休止角22.the quasi-velocity類速度23.the quasi-accelerati on類加速度24.Co nsta nt Velocity Motion Curve等速運動規(guī)律25.rigid impulse剛性沖擊26.C on sta nt Accelerati on and Decelerati on Motio n Curve等加速等減速運動規(guī)律33. the cam con tour實際廓線34. the pitch cu

20、rve理論廓線35. prime circle基圓36. the com mon no rmal公法線37. positive offset正偏置38. n egative offset負偏置39.outer en velope外包絡線40.1 nn er e nvelope內包絡線41. The locus of the centre of the milling cutter銑刀中心軌跡42. Pressure An gle壓力角43. acute an gle銳角44. the no rmal法線45. The allowable pressure an gle許用壓力角46. Radi

21、us of Curvature曲率半徑47. Cusp尖點48. U ndercutti ng根切49. The an gular lift角行程50.1 nterfere nee干涉Chapter 10 Gear Mechanisms第十章齒輪機構1. con sta nt tran smissi on ratio2. pla nar gear mecha ni sms定傳動比 平面齒輪機構3. spatial gear mecha ni sms空間齒輪機構4. exter nal gear pair外齒輪副5. internal gear pair內齒輪副6. rack and pinio

22、n齒條和齒輪7. spur gear直齒輪8. helical gear斜齒輪9. double helical gear人字齒輪10.spur rack直齒條ll.helical rack斜齒條12.bevel gear mecha nism圓錐齒輪機構13.crossed helical gears mecha nism螺旋齒輪機構14.worm and worm wheel mecha nism蝸桿蝸輪機構15.F un dame ntals of En gageme nt of Tooth Profiles齒廓嚙合基本定律16.the pitch poi nt節(jié)點17.the pitc

23、h circle節(jié)圓18.conjugate profiles共軛齒廓19.transmission ratio傳動比20.i nvo lute gear漸開線齒輪21.the radius of base circle基圓半徑22.ge nerat ing line發(fā)生線23. un foldi ng an gle展角24.table of involute function漸開線函數(shù)表25.geari ng嚙合26.sta ndard invo lute spur gears標準漸開線直齒輪27.the facewidth齒寬28.adde ndum circle (or tip circ

24、le)齒頂圓29.dede ndum circle (or root circle)齒根圓30.arbitrary circle任意圓31.the tooth space齒槽32.the spacewidth齒槽寬33.the pitch齒距,周節(jié)34.the reference circle分度圓35.module模數(shù)36.adde ndum齒頂高37.dede ndum齒根高38.tooth depth齒全高39.the coefficie nt of adde ndum齒頂咼系數(shù)40.the coefficie nt of bottom cleara nee頂隙系數(shù)41.bottom c

25、leara nee頂隙42.the no rmal tooth正常齒43.the shorter tooth短齒44.base pitch基圓齒距,基節(jié)45.no rmal pitch法向齒距,法節(jié)46.conjugated point共軛點47.proper mesh ing con diti ons正確嚙合條件48.work ing pressure an gle嚙合角49.the backlash齒側間隙5O.the bottom cleara nee頂隙51.the refere nee centre dista nee標準中心距52.c on tact ratio重合度53.the

26、actual working profile實際工作齒廓54.the actual li ne of acti on實際嚙合線55.ma nu facturi ng methods of invo lute profiles漸開線齒廓的加工方法56.form cutt ing仿形法57.ge nerati ng cutt ing展成法或范成法58.disk milli ng cutter盤形銑刀59.e nd milli ng cutter指狀銑刀6O.broach拉刀61.milli ng mach in es.銑床62.rack-shaped shaper cutter齒條插刀63.sha

27、p ing插齒64.hobb ing滾齒65.rack-shaped cutter齒條型刀具66.lathe車床67.cutter In terfere nee根切68.corrected gears變位齒輪69.the modificati on coefficie nt變位系數(shù)7O.positively modified正變位71. negatively modified負變位72.the geari ng equatio n without backlash無側隙嚙合方程73.1 nvo lute helicoids74. the tran sverse pla ne75. the no

28、 rmal pla ne78. the tran sverse con tact ratio79. the overlap ratio80. the virtual gear81. the virtual nu mber of teeth82. axial thrust83. worm geari ng84. rightha nded85.leftha nded86.ZA-worm87.1 nvo lute helicoid worms -ZI-worm88. arc-c on tact worms ZC-worm89. e nv elop ing worm90. The nu mber of

29、 threads91. bevel gears92. back cone93. virtual gear94. the refere nee cone95. sector gear96. the outer cone dista nee97. the refere nee cone an gle98. The apexes99. The dede ndum an gle100. dede ndum cone an gle漸開線螺旋面 端面 法面 端面重合度 軸向重合度 當量齒輪 當量齒數(shù) 軸向推力 蝸桿傳動 右旋 左旋 阿基米德蝸桿漸開線蝸桿 圓弧齒蝸桿 包絡蝸桿 頭數(shù) 圓錐齒輪 背錐 當量齒

30、輪 分度圓錐 扇形齒輪 外錐距 分度圓錐角 錐頂 齒根角 齒根圓錐角Chapter 11 Gear Trains第十一章輪系1. gear train with fixed axes定軸輪系2. epicyclical gear train周轉輪系3. eleme ntary epicyclical gear trai ns基本周轉輪系4. comb ined gear trains復合輪系5. pla net gear行星輪6. pla net carrier行星架,系桿,轉臂7. sun gears太陽輪,中心輪8. differe ntial gear train差動輪糸9. the t

31、rain ratio of a gear train輪系傳動比10.idle wheels惰輪11.c on verted gear train轉化輪系12.the efficie ncy of the gear train輪系效率13.bra nchi ng tran smissi on分路傳動14.the brake剎車片15.the clutch離合器16.n egative mecha nism負號機構17.positive mecha nism正號機構18.train ratio condition傳動比條件19.c oncen tric con diti on同心條件20.asse

32、mbly con diti on裝配條件21.pla netary reducer with small tooth differe nee少齒差行星減速器22. cycloidal-p in wheel pla netary geari ng擺線針輪行星傳動23. harm onic drive geari ng諧波傳動4. gen eva mecha nism槽輪機構5. exter nal gen eva mecha nism外槽輪機構6. internal gen eva mecha nism內槽輪機構7. gen eva rack mecha nism齒條槽輪機構8. spherical gen eva mecha ni sms球面槽輪機構9. the ratiok betwee n moti on time and dwell time運動與停歇時間比k1O.Cam-Type In


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