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1、Exercise 61. Up till 1905 no railway in China.A. there has beenB. there had beenC. had itD. there was2. Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is with acold.A. laid outB. laid downC. laid byD. laid up3. His changes were by what had happened to him.A. brought outB. brought upC. br

2、ought aboutD. broughtto4. Ten o clock is for a child of his age to stay up.A. a too late hourB. very much late an hourC. too late an hourD. a so late hour5. The size of the class,we had expected, was normal.A. thatB. whomC. whoD. as.6. she to see you, he d be surprised.A. WasB. WereC. BeD. Is7. The

3、weather during our holiday was bad ; otherwise we a trip to the countryside.A. tookB. would takeC. had takenD. would have taken8. Mother asked me to cut the water melon .A. into halfB. in halvesC. to halfD. intohalves9. He wonders why people who promotion at work while he doesn t.A. are less intelli

4、gent than he is getB. are more intelligent than he getC. are intelligent but getD. are less intelligent than him get10. “ What you want ” John said to me.A. it isB. is thatC. is itD. is it that11. Teachers are advised not to assign pupils more homework thanA. being necessaryB. is necessaryC. it is n

5、ecessaryD.whatnecessary12. Do you think the thief entered through the back door No, if he had, I dont believebroken the living- rooms window.A. would have heB. he hadC. he would haveD. he has13. They arrived, chatting merrily.A. in threes and twosB. in three and twoC. in twos and threesD. in two and

6、 three14. The scientist was forced to give up the research project becausehe had no timeA. as wellfund to carry it out.B. andC. and in additionD. or15. The nation s economy is lookingand it will be further improved.A. toB. on IC. upD. in16. That organization has promised toan offer of financialsuppo

7、rt to theproject.A. haveB. doC. makeD. give17. What do you advise me I advisepatiently for another chance.A. to do . waitingB. doing . to waitC. do. to waitD. doing . waiting18. Most animals have little connection withanimals ofdifferentkind unless they kill them for food.A. the . aB. / aC. the theD

8、. / the19. It s important that the parents of their sons disappearance.A. be informedB. are informedC. will be informedD. must be informed20. The paper bamboo is made is especially fine.A. whichB. from whichC. into whichD. of which21. If you won t do as I tell you to, you go to the party.A. won tB.

9、shan tC. shouldn tD. can t22. You will succeed in the end you give up halfway.A. even ifB. as thoughC. as long asD. unless23. students or teachers went to the cinema that evening.A. NoB. NotC. NoneD. Both24. I am going to invite a few friends of mine a farewell dinner next Wednesday.A. NoB. NotC. No

10、neD. Both25. I d rather you the task we have assigned you today, if you can.A. finishB. will finishC. finishedD. wouldfinish26. While still a young boy, he knew the piano well and as he grew older,he wrot operas.A. to playB. how to playC. playingD. to haveplayed27. There is a new restaurant nearby a

11、nd I have reserved a table for two the comer.A. inB. atC. onD. by28. in a correct way, he might have been able to make this experiment.A. Worked heB. If he workedC. Had he workedD. If he were to work29. The survivors of the plane crash were able to hold till help came.A. backB. up toC. outD. to30. W

12、e caught the enemy officer in the battle.A. livelyB. livingC. aliveD. live31. To our disappointment, he didn t live up to had been expected of him.C. thatD. howB. room numberD. room numbersB. How soonD. How much timeA. whatB. which32. He said that he forgot both of the .A. rooms numbersC. rooms numb

13、er33. does the doctor visit your father Every other week.A. How longC. How often34. The war broke out in the year he and his twin brother were born in.A. whenB. whichC. during whichD. at which35. I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape.A. AsB. WhenC. WhileD. Because36. The villagers wis

14、h the flood them heavy losses.A. will not costB. calls upC. hadn t costD. hasn tcost37. To fly big passenger airliners long training and experience.A. calls forB. calls upC. calls onD. calls out38. Don t make any noise; there is baby here.A. an asleepB. a sleepingC. a sleepyD. a slept39. has helped

15、to save the drowning girl is worth praising.A. WhoB. The oneC. AnyoneD. Whoever40. This must be the material they have promised to provide us with, A. isn t itB. mustn t itC. needn t itD. is it41. He reminded me of the day we had appointed.A. whichB. on whichC. by whichD. when42. Weintend to with th

16、e old system as soon as we have developed a betterone.A. do upB. do awayC. do inD.43. Don t all the books on your table. The class is not over yet.A. put upB. put awayC. put downD.44. The ice cream served at dinner was the most delicious one I .A. would haveB. had never hadC. haveD.hat45. It is your

17、 advantage to go.A. atB. toC. forD.46. The young trees require after carefully.A. lookB. to lookC. lookedD.47. That guest has just been here.A. foreign tall youngB. tall young foreignC. young tall foreignD. foreign young tall48. Was announced at the meeting that there would be some changes in thepro

18、grammeA. thatB. whatC. itD.49. Would you please come here A. some other timeB.other some timeC. other timeD.some time else50. The dictionary be in your desk. It be anywhere else.A. must can' tB.may isn ' t able toC. can mustn ' tD.must mustn 't51. I learned of his success the radio.A

19、. inB. atC. onD.52. What a pleasant surprise! I you in this city.do output offhad everinlookingwhichfromA. don ' t know wereB. didnt know wereC. haven ' t known areD. don ' t know areA. how to chooseB. which to choosethe bad habit.53. He cannot break himselfA. awayB. fromC. ofD. with54.

20、Do you feel liketo the beach when summer comesA. goB. to goC. goingD. to begoingenough for an evening dress like55. She has £20, but that will not be that.A. nearlyB. hardlyC. almostD. mostly56. It doesn t matter muchnew techniques are introduced in the production.A. how whatB. whatC. whyD. bot

21、h A and57. Put the cup atend of the desk, please.A. bothB. everyC. eitherD. other58. Whenthings areat their worst, you must be preparedanything to happen.A. aboutB. againstC. forD. to59. It s absolutelyessential that youyour paper beforetheend of June.A. must completeB. should completeC. will comple

22、teD. have completed60. Beingthe times, my parents are not interested in modem music.A. beforeB. afterC. behindD. back61. The benefit of goats milk lies in the fact that it is more easilyby infants than is cows milk.A. to digestB. digestingC. being digestedD. to bedigested62. Annwriting the essay wit

23、hout an overall plan, but she did.D. should have startedC. shouldn t have stated63. Robert took going for a walk after supper every evening.A. atB. inC. toD. with64. Where you the picture A. have had tookB. hadhad taken C. did have takenD. have took /65. Bob looked so surprised I could not keep laug

24、hing.A. fromB. onC. aboutD. at66. Would you be to show me the way to the Shanghai MuseumA. enough kindB. so kindC. so kind asD. kindlyenough 67. Would you be do it for me, pleaseA. kind enough toB. kind as toC. as kind so toD. sis kindas to 68. Either the Browns or the Smiths to take on the manageme

25、nt of the factory.A. isB. are goingC. is goingD. was69. I have listened to the opinions of both sides, but I don t believe .A. eitherB. bothC. allD. neither70. so many people been out of work as today.A. More than ever beforeB. Never before haveC. In the past, there never haveD. Formerly, there neve

26、r were71. How long is it the class A. when beginsB. when beganC. since had begunD. since began72. There isn t any difference between the two. I really don t know C. what to chooseD. to choose which73. Why not light a lamp there There s a lamp already.A. lightingB. litC. lightedD. lit up74. The car a

27、t the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountainat about ten o clock tonight.A. goesB. will have goneC. would goD. will begoing75. There are, mentioned in the previous passage, several ways of sendingmessages over long distances.A. whichB. whatC. asD. how76. There a lot of rain these da

28、ys which the crops need.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. were77. Eggs are sold the dozen.A. withB. forC. atD. by78. There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn't make himselfA. being heardB. hearingC. heard 、 be79. The teacher often works into the night that all of us are moved.A.deep de

29、epB. deep deeplyC. deeply deeplyD. deeply deep80. Dr. Smith has ten more years before retirement. By then he a cure forthe disease.A. has discoveredB. must have discoveredC. had discoveredD. will have discovered81. , I must do another experiment in the laboratory.A. Be it ever so lateB. It is ever s

30、o lateC. It be ever so lateD. So late it be eversold out.82. He went to the supermarket to find that these kinds of foodA. areB. wereC. wasD. is83. They sat there quietly,the game to start.A. longing forB. looking forC. expecting forD.hopingfor84. The last time Peterto me was three days before he re

31、turned.A. has writtenB. was writingC. had writtenD. wrote85. Mary was madewith the housework when she was young.A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. helped86. The man was soat the voice that he ran away as fast asA. fearful he canB. dreadful possibleC. terrible mightD. scared he could87. We have eaten some

32、 of the butter and the restkept for supper.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are88. We like to have somewhere to go after the movie finishes, maybe a restaurantwhere we can discuss itdinner.A. overB. onC. inD. with7 89. Muchwe admire Shakespeare s comedies, we cannot agree that theyare superior to the tragedies.A. althoughB. asC. /D.90. Your plans are not carved in stone, and can be changed asA. need beB. need beingC. it needsD. need to be91. The new material, being water, wont absorb water.A. resistedB. resistantC. r


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