超級傷感的分手信 誰看了都流淚的分手信_第1頁
超級傷感的分手信 誰看了都流淚的分手信_第2頁
超級傷感的分手信 誰看了都流淚的分手信_第3頁
超級傷感的分手信 誰看了都流淚的分手信_第4頁




1、本文格式為word版,下載可任意編輯超級傷感的分手信 誰看了都流淚的分手信 超級感人的分手信男孩女孩看了都會感動到流淚。我收集了超級傷感的分手信,大家一起來看看吧! 超級傷感的分手信篇1 xxx: time to say goodbye serving as an ambulance driver in italy during world war i, an eighteen-year-old ernest hemingway was taken to a milan hospital after an explosion badly injured his leg. in that hos

2、pital he met one of the great loves of his lifeagnes hannah von kurowsky, a twenty-six-year-old american nurse who cared for hemingway as he recuperated. hemingway was infatuated(熱戀) with von kurowsky from the start, and for a time she seemed to have feelings for him as well, though von kurowsky lat

3、er said she merely "liked' him and that their relationship was nothing more than a "flirtation.' hemingway wanted them to get married, but von kurowskybecause of the age difference, her belief that hemingway was immature and aimless, and her interest in other menrejected the idea.

4、in january 1919 hemingway left the hospital but continued to write her. von kurowsky decided she finally had to convince him it was over, and on march 7, 1919, she wrote hemingway the following letter. ernie, dear boy, i am writing this late at night after a long think by myself, and i am afraid it

5、is going to hurt you, but, im sure it wont harm you permanently. for quite awhile before you left, i was trying to convince myself it was a real love-affair, because, we always seemed to disagree, and then arguments always wore me out so that i finally gave in to keep you from doing something desper

6、ate. now, after a couple of months away from you, i know that i am still very fond of you, but, it is more as a mother than as a sweetheart. its alright to say im a kid, but, im not, and im getting less and less so every day. so, kid (still kid to me, and always will be) can you forgive me some day

7、for unwittingly deceiving you? you know im not really bad, and dont mean to do wrong, and now i realize it was my fault in the beginning that you cared for me, and regret it from the bottom of my heart. but, i am now and always will be too old, and that s the truth, and i cant get away from the fact

8、 that youre just a boya kid. i somehow feel that some day ill have reason to be proud of you, but, dear boy, i cant wait for that day, and it was wrong to hurry a career. i tried hard to make you understand a bit of what i was thinking on that trip from padua to milan, but, you acted like a spoiled

9、child, and i couldnt keep on hurting you. now, i only have the courage because im far away. thenand believe me when i say this, it is sudden for me, too, i expect to be married soon. and i hope and pray that after you thought things out, youll be able to forgive me and start a wonderful career and s

10、how what a man you really are. ever admiringly and fondly, your friend, aggie 超級傷感的分手信篇2 xxx: 你好!很愧疚又寫信了。打攪了,別介意啊!以后我會盡量做到不消失在你的生活里。我的名字也會漸漸的從你腦子里擦掉。我再也不會擾亂你的生活! 愛了你這么久,我以為你再也舍不得我難過,我以為你再也不會離開我,可是我太高估自己了,我憑什么呢?丑小丫怎么會變成白天鵝呢?你又怎么會成為我的唯一呢?一切是我幻想吧! 或許留下來真的是一種錯誤,為了你留下來也是我一廂情愿吧!張柳,今日我不是由于東西生氣,是你的態(tài)度,假如你愛我,

11、你忍心讓我在外邊等嗎?我不想追究什么。 或許你是無心的!可我在意!錢?只要涉及到你,我花錢從來不皺眉頭!你以為我會在乎那些嗎?錯了!我只是在乎你對我的感情! 我的病你不用擔憂了。死活與你無關!放長假我就得全面檢查了!由于那天檢查結果竟然有三個"+'號,醫(yī)生說很嚴峻!真盼望是絕癥!反正我也多余!倒是你,常常感冒,要留意身體!感冒藥要隨時備好!看我,聽得瑟吧!我也有同感! 平常上上網(wǎng),看看電視,打打球之類都很好。當然怎么做是你的事!與我無關!我更無權干涉!你興奮就好!任憑吧! 天冷了,穿厚點!ok?說不定什么時候下雪呢!以前還說要下第 一場雪的時候一起玩呢!或許不行能了吧!那你玩

12、好吧!不知哪個女生有那個福氣了! 對于我們的感情我盡力了,我不懊悔!我不怨誰!像我說過的,我想我們是注定的!我沒有權利把責任推給別人!怪只怪我沒有讓你愛上我的力量! xxx xxxxx 超級傷感的分手信篇3 xxx: 我等待、我期盼、我懷念、但是在我的內(nèi)心深處、隱隱的有一一個念頭?;蛟S這段感情就這樣結束了、我不在乎多花時間、也不吝嗇金錢、當然我也沒有太多的錢、對于一個男人來說、都有幾個面的、對你的依戀只是我的一個面、更多的是、我也需要尊嚴、需要理解、可能、對于感情我不是很成熟、或許我沒有遵守一個月不打攪你的諾言是錯的、但是我關懷你、我愛你有錯嗎?我想約你見面、出來玩有錯嗎?我愛惜你、敬重你有錯

13、嗎?可能、對于你來說、是錯的、但是我對我的付出和選擇不會懊悔 呵呵、現(xiàn)在都結束了、我心里有一塊已經(jīng)死了、或許時間可以忘卻與恢復、或許這就存在于我深深的記憶里、我早說過、我會敬重你的選擇的、我自身也有許多毛病、不是每個人都能接受的、或許、我們真的不合適。 就象我說過、關懷則亂、投入的越多、或許損害就越大、一個 伴侶說過、失戀讓人成長、或許正像他說的那樣、我會成熟的、可能過個幾年。換個角度來看、一切都是可以品位和接受的、其實九月以來、我是始終試著挽回、或許成見已經(jīng)太深、愛情的魔箭已經(jīng)折斷、多想說一句:神啊。再多給我點時間。 相識不是很久、只有半年不到、但是我還是感謝你、與我相知相戀的這半年、要知道、這半年里


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