1、精品文檔,值得擁有1 / 6Discussi on:?The Arthur An derse n strategy to en gageme nts of this size and type en tails the use of a five phased approach which is as follows:Phase I:Project Orga ni zati on & Pla nningPhase II:Phase III:Phase IV:In formati on Collecti on & An alysisProcess Optimizati on &a
2、mp; Re-e ngin eering Impleme ntati onPhase V:Evaluati onA description of each phase and its major activities is presented below:Phase I: Project Orga ni zati ons & PlanningObjectivesMajor ActivitiesDeliverablesCritical Compete nciesKey Tools / Tech niq ues*Develop relati on ship based onmutual t
3、rust, commitme nt and knowledge tra nsfer.*Develop a sharedun dersta nding of real bus in essissues by challe nging projectassumpti ons.*Clarify and confirm project successand specific goals.*Ide ntify critical bus in ess processesand key internal stakeholders.*Obtain commitme nt and supportfrom exe
4、cutives and internalstakeholders.*Establish project goals andtarget performa nee in cost,quality and cycle time.*Develop and fin alize overallprojectorga ni zati on, roles and reporting resp on sibilities.*Con duct project team orie ntation and tra ining workshops.*Project Steeri ng group structurea
5、nd membership.*Stateme nt of scope, goals, andobjectives.*Project Team structure andmembership.*Project team trainin g/teambuilding program.*Grou nd rules, protocols andconven ti ons.*Stakeholder map and*Project man ageme nt skills:Pla nning, budgeti ng,resource man ageme nt,impleme nti ng, delegati
6、 ng.*Kno wledge and experie neeof critical success factorsrequired for large scale change.*Experie nee in creati ngeffective in ter nal commu nicati ons*In terviews and focus groups.*Project man ageme nt software.*Change read in ess survey.*Facilitati on tech ni ques.*AA In terAct.精品文檔,值得擁有2 / 6-Pri
7、oritize and selectCon duct visi oningcommitme nt pla grams to supportprocesses.sessi ons to gain consen sus*Workpla ns with key datesorga ni zati onal goals.*Con ceptualize high levelon future performa nee.and deliverables. Effective leadershipvisio n/future state and* Define stakeholder values
8、* Commu ni cati on strategy.skills and style alig nedcompare to curre ntand goals. Pote ntial barriers towith the future state.performa nee.* Con duct team workpla ncha nge.* Establish project orga ni zati ondevelopme nt sessi ons andand build requiredachieve consen sus oncapabilitiesmilest on es.*
9、Develop commu ni cati on* Define, assess, andstrategy.prioritize key processes.* Ready orga ni zati on for Ide ntify commu ni cati onchange.n eeds, key messages, andvehicles.* Con duct cha nge readi nesssurvey.精品文檔,值得擁有3 / 6Phase II: Information Collection & AnalysisObjectivesMajor ActivitiesDel
10、iverablesCritical Compete nciesKey Tools / Tech niq ues*Docume nt curre ntprocesses/operati ons and determine existi ng process deficie nciesand the systemic impact of rootcauses.*Un dersta nd in ter nal and exter nalcustomer expectati ons and thecompany s performanee.*Develop a prioritized list of
11、strategicand operati onalen ablers required to achievecustomer satisfacti on.*Build and commu ni cate fact based,customer focused case for cha nge.*Con ti nue to create con ceptual andpictorial descriptions of the futurestate processes.*Con duct focus group meeti ngswith customers to ide ntify n eed
12、sand values.*In terview process employees toun dersta nd their percepti on ofcustomer n eeds.*Ben chmark processes using theGlobal Best Practices Financeand Accou nting Diag no sticTool.*An alyze root causes of errors,deficie ncies, or service issues.*Profile curre nt operati ons anddevelop detailed
13、 As- Is processmodels where appropriate.*Prioritize opportu nities identifiedduring the process an alysis.*Impleme ntcommu ni cati on strategy.*Perform quality assura neereview.*Docume ntati on of customer needs and degree of satisfacti on.*Prelimi nary list of reengin eering opportunities and quick
14、 hits.*List of best practices and potential ben chmarks for futureoperati ons.*Prioritized list of gaps betwee nprocess performa neecapabilities and customerrequireme nts.*Docume ntati on of curre ntprocesses (process maps, benchmark data, performa neeattributes, root cause an alysis).*Ide ntificati
15、 on of key issues andconcerns of stakeholders regarding the exist ing processes.Telecommu ni cati ons industry expertise.In-depthun dersta nding of Financeprocesses.Busin ess processan alysis and diag no sticskills.Customer satisfacti on andmarket an alysis skills.In terviewi ng and facilitationskil
16、lsCon flict man ageme nt.Group andin terpers onal dyn amics.Database modeli ng.*Computerized process mapp ing and an alysis tools.*In terviews and focus groups (video tape as n ecessary).*Qualitative and qua ntitative performa nee diag no stics or surveys.*System archetypes and casual loop diagrams.
17、*Ben chmark in g/competitor an alyses.*AA In terAct.*Global Best Practices Kno wledge Base.*Customer satisfacti on surveys.*Root cause an alysis.*Gap an alysis.精品文檔,值得擁有4 / 6Phase III: Process Optimizati on & Re-e ngin eeri ngObjectivesMajor ActivitiesDeliverablesCriticalKey Tools / Tech niq ues
18、Compete nciesAddress the systemic impact Con duct best practices visits and* Fi nal clie nt Telecommu nicatio n Customer n eedsof root causes of major errors,research.requireme nts an alysiss in dustry expertise.prioritizati ondysfu ncti ons, etc. in curre nt* Con duct work ing sessi ons toreport.*
19、Icess.create visi ons of future processes.* Visi on of redesig nedun dersta nding ofDiverge nt and creativeIden tify and qua ntify Create textual and pictorialprocesses.Finance processes.thinking exercises.opportu nities for bus in essdescripti ons of the future state* Final draft
20、 of process re-Busin ess process re- Facilitatedprocess reengin eeri ng andprocesses.engin eeri ng strategyengin eeri ngbrain storm ing sessions.improveme nt.*Ide ntify target outcomes andwith bus in ess case forexpertise. Global Best PracticesUn dersta nd and con siderperforma nces measures for new
21、change. Facilitatio n skills.Kno wledge Base.man ageme nt issues, con cer nsprocesses.*Migratio n strategy. Creative thi nking AA In terAct.of stakeholders and future*Con duct a brain storm ing sessi ons* In dividual processskills. Shared visi oncustomer n eeds.with an“expert”pan el.performa nee mea
22、sures.Negotiat ing skills.workshops.Create alter native sce narios* Review and in tegrate process*Cost/be nefit an alysis.*Kno wledge of* Best Practice site visits.for future en viro nments andmaps to develop optimized* Impleme ntati on pla n forinno vative Pcess flows.CC!”quick w
23、i nstech no logies.modeli ng/simulatio nDevelop reengin eeri ng* Evaluate in formatio n tech no logysoftware.strategy based on operati ngen ablers (e.g., applicati ons, tools)visi on and project goals.that support the new process.Create the“Blueprint”theit *Define process tra nsiti on strategy.guide
24、s the impleme ntati on of* Perform assessme nt of how otherthe reengin eered system.curre nt in itiatives will be(in clud ing process activitiesin tegrated with the reengin eer ingand content, tech no logy,a ni zati on, measures, and* Refine the bus in ess case (in cludespeople)econo mic
25、 an alysis and bus in essrati on ale for cha nge).* Update the commu ni cati on pla n.* Perform quality assura neereview.精品文檔,值得擁有5 / 6Phase IV: Impleme ntati onObjectivesMajor ActivitiesDeliverablesCritical Competencies Key Tools / Techniques* Migrate to the ree ngin eered Develop detailed*Reengin
26、eeri ngBusin ess process re-*Employee trai ning anden vir onment in accorda neeimpleme ntati on pla ns.“roadshow”.engin eeri ng.developme ntwith a tra nsiti on strategy.* Develop tra ining* Trai ning strategy.* Impleme ntati onmethodology.* Operate the reengin eeredprograms.* Performa nee measureme
27、ntpla nning and* Expandedprocesses and measure*In stall performa neeframework.coord in ati mu ni cati ons pla n.results.measureme nt framework.* In tegrated impleme ntati on Theory and practice of* Performa nee* Define the specific activities Desig n & impleme ntpla a ni zati onmeasureme n
28、t model.required to en able thepilots; test the soluti on* Successful impleme ntati ondevelopme nt and* Project man ageme ntorga ni zati on to cha nge.and deliver ben efits.of reengin eered processes.lear ning.software.* Ready pers onnel for new* Mon itor performa nee of* Positive short-term results
29、*Kno wledge shari ng* Pilot site selecti onresp on sibilities throughpilots and recalibratedue to impleme ntati on ofskills.criteria.training, coachi ng, andprocesses.CC!”quick wins Project man ageme mu ni cati ons.* Impleme nt and operate* Employees that are skilled Systems developme nt.the ree ngin eeredin ide ntify ing, develop ingprocesses.and impleme nti ng re-* Con duct debriefi ng andengineering opportunitieskno wledge shar ingsessi ons.精品文檔,值得擁有6 / 6Phase V: Evaluati onObjectivesMajor ActivitiesDeliverablesCritical Compete ncies Key Tools / Tech niq uesMeasure the results of Es
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