



1、背上行囊現(xiàn)在出發(fā):環(huán)游世界的9大理由Twenty years from now you will be more disappo in ted by the thi ngs you did n 'do tha n by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines , sail away from the safe harbor . Catch the trade wi nds in your sails. Explore. Dream.Discover . ” Mark Twain馬克吐溫:從現(xiàn)在開始的二十多年中,比起那些已經(jīng)做過的,你

2、會 越來越后悔那些你沒有做過的事情。請解開系緊的船纜,駛離安全的 港灣,揚帆遠航吧。去探索,去夢想,去發(fā)現(xiàn)!1. You will grow as a pers on你將成長為一個獨立的人Whe n you travel the world, you have the opport unity to experie nee differe nt cultures and meet new people. It is in evitable that through these experie nces you will lear n a lot about yourself. Who you

3、are as a pers on and what you want out of life might very well cha nge.當你周游世界時,你就有機會體驗不同的文化并結(jié)識新朋友。 通過這 些經(jīng)歷,你自然而然就會更加深刻地了解自己。 你就會更清楚自己是 個什么樣的人,你對生活的期望也很可能會改變。2. Freedom自由You will enjoy a much greater sense of freedom whe n no one is able to tell you what to do. You are the boss. You decide where you

4、want to go, what you want to do and how long you want to stay.當沒有人能告訴你該怎么做的時候,你將更多地感受自由。你就是生活的主宰。你決定自己要去的地方,決定要做什么,決定要待多久。3. Simplicity返璞歸真You will discover how much better life can be whe n you live it simply. No phone, email, TV , job, schedule, bills to pay;just you, your surro undings and your m

5、ind. Perfecti on.你會發(fā)現(xiàn)簡樸生活才是更好的生活。沒有電話、電子郵件、電視,沒 有工作、行程、賬單;只有你自己,你周圍的環(huán)境和你的心靈。多么 兀夫。4. Food, Glorious Food豐盛美食You will have the cha nee to taste food from all corners of the globe. Do you like eati ng Chin ese, Thai or In dia n food? You will enjoy the food eve n more whe n you eat it from the place i

6、t origi nated.你將有機會品嘗到世界上每個角落的食物。你喜歡吃中國菜,泰國菜還是印度菜?當你在這些美食的家鄉(xiāng)就餐時,那肯定是另一番享受。5. Meet New People結(jié)識新朋友You will have the cha nee to meet new people whe n you travel; some in terest ing, some bori ng, and somedow nrightcrazy. Every one has a story to tell, cha nces are that it will be worth liste ning to.旅

7、行中一定有機會結(jié)識新朋友;有些有趣,有些很悶,有些簡直不可 理喻。每個人都有自己的故事,很可能有些故事還真值得一聽。6. Nature大自然In stead of look ing out your office win dow to see a hun dred skyscrapers stari ng back at you, you will get the cha nee to see the world in all its n atural beauty. See the deserts of Africa or the jun gles of the Amaz on with y

8、our own eyes in stead of look ing at a still image in a book.你將有機會看到世界是多么自然美麗,而不只是透過辦公室窗口看到 上百座摩天大樓林立。親眼看一看非洲的沙漠或亞馬遜叢林,那不是書本上的呆板圖片可以媲美的精彩7. Become Street Smart學(xué)會見機行事You might already be book smart but add street smart to your persona then there' no stopping you; it ' a killercomb in ati on.

9、Travelli ng teaches you many of life' less onsand you will gai n pearls of wisdom along your jour ney; from being able to barter , to knowing when you are trying to be conn ed, there are many things new places can teach you.你可能很會讀書,但要是再能有一些生存智慧,那就是完美的組合讓 你無往不勝。旅行會教給你生活中的許多經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn),你一邊旅行一邊采集智慧之珠;從討價還

10、價到不受人蒙騙,每到一個新地方,你必然 會有新斬獲。8. You only live once人生只有一次We all get a limited amount of time on this Earth, and no one knows whe n it will come to an end. Do you really want to stay in the same tow n or city your whole life, without meeti ng new people, tasti ng new foods and see ing and experie ncing l

11、ife as others do?我們在這個地球上都只待有限的時間,沒有人知道什么時候會結(jié)束。 你真的想一生都待在同一城市或城鎮(zhèn),而不是像別人那樣去結(jié)識新朋 友、品嘗新食物,去領(lǐng)悟和體驗生活嗎?9. Comi ng Home回家真好After travelli ng round the world, there is no thi ng quite likethe feeli ng of walki ng through your front door, dropp ingyour bags on the floor , and going upstairs to sleep in your warm, comfortable bed for a d


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