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1、CONTRACTCon tractNo.:CG-BJ-2016117The Buyer:*有限公司Tel No.:Fax NoThe Seller:*Inc.Tel No.:Fax No.:本合同由買賣雙方共同締結,雙方均同意按下述條款由買方購進賣方售出下列商品:This con tract is made by and betwee n the buyer and the seller; whereby the buyeragrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity accordingto

2、the terms and con diti ons stipulated below:1.貨物名稱、規(guī)格、數(shù)量、單價、總價:Name of Commodity, Specification, Quantity, Unit Price, Total Amount:項目Item貨物名稱及規(guī)格Name of Commodity &Specificati on數(shù)量Qua ntity單價(美元)Unit price (USD)總價(美元)Total Amount (USD)123CIPBeiJi ngAirportUSD說明:本表格中的價格僅適用于本次采購Note: prices in the

3、 table are only applicable to this purchase.2.原產(chǎn)地和制造商:瑞典*Inc.Country of Origin and Manufacturer:Sweden, *Inc.3. 包裝: Packing: 采用能適應長途空運和氣候變化,并能很好地防止野蠻裝卸、防潮、防雨水侵蝕、防腐蝕、 防震、防凍裂和防銹的堅固的紙箱進行包裝。賣方應對包裝不良以及未采取適當、正確的 包裝而造成的貨物損壞和產(chǎn)生的費用承擔全部責任。To be packed in new strong carton(s), suitable for long distance air tr

4、ansportation and for the change of climate, well protected against rough handling, moisture, rain, corrosion, shocks, rust, and freezing. The seller shall be liable for any damageand loss of the commodity, expenses incurred on account of improper packing, and any damage attributable to inadequate or

5、 improper protective measures taken by the seller in regard to the packing.4. 嘜頭: Shipping Mark: 每個包裝上的相連四面應采用不褪色的油墨標刷(1)合同編號;(2)目的港口;( 3)包裝箱件號;(4)毛重、凈重和尺寸; (5)必要的警語如“保持干燥” 、“小心輕放” 、“此 端向上”等字樣以及以下嘜頭:The four adjacent sides of each package shall be marked by fadeless paint with (1) contract No.;(2) p

6、ort of destination; (3) serial number of the package; (4) gross weight, net weight and measurement; (5) necessary warnings such as “Keep dry ”, “Handle with care ”, “This side up ” etc. The shipping mark is as below:Hong Kong5. 裝運時間: 賣方在合同簽訂后 4 周內(nèi)啟運。Time of Departure : Within 4weeks after the signat

7、ure date.6. 裝運港: 瑞典Port of Shipment:Sweden7. 目的港: 北京Port of Destination: BeiJing8. 保險: 由賣方承擔Insurance: To be covered by the seller 。9. 付款方式: 合同簽訂后,買方收到貨物、并收到賣方提供的形式發(fā)票后,買方向賣方 支付貨款。Terms of Payment: When the contract is signed, the Buyer will pay the Seller after the Buyer receives the shipment and th

8、e proforma invoice provided by the Seller.10. 單據(jù)Document:賣方應提供下列單據(jù):1) 手簽的商業(yè)發(fā)票正本一式叁份 , 注明合同號、產(chǎn)品序列號、嘜頭。2) 注明裝運箱數(shù)、尺寸、 重量和相應貨物的發(fā)票號碼、 日期及包裝箱子包裝材質(zhì)的裝箱單 正本一式貳份;3) 賣方出具非木質(zhì)包裝聲明一份4) 制造商出具的出廠質(zhì)量合格證書正本一式貳份;The seller shall present the following documents:1) Signed Commercial Invoice in three (3) originals indicat

9、ing contract Number,product serial No., shipping mark;2) Packing List in two (2) originals issued by the seller indicating total package number; dimension, quantity, gross and net weight of each package; the number of corresponding invoice and the materials of the packages.3) Declaration of no wood

10、packing material in one copy issued by the Seller.4) Quality Certificate in two originals issued by the Manufacturer;賣方應在裝運后 48 小時內(nèi),傳真給買方一份全套單據(jù)。單據(jù)的內(nèi)容及數(shù)量應完全正確,如 賣方不能及時提供上述文件而導致買方不能及時報關提貨,一切損失由賣方承擔。The Seller shall, within 48 hours after shipment, fax one set of the aforesaid documents (except item 5)

11、. The number of the documents and their contents shall be complete and correct. If the Buyer failed to clear goods for import and take over the goods in time due to theSeller 's not having provided the documentsspecified as above, all the losses shall be borne by the Seller. 買方銀行發(fā)生的費用由買方承擔,買方銀行以

12、外的費用由賣方承擔。The banking charges incurred in the Buyer's Bank shall be borne by the buyer while those incurred outside the Buyer's Bank shall be borne by the Seller.11. 裝運: Shipment:1) 賣方應在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)發(fā)貨。不允許轉運和分批發(fā)運。The Seller shall ship the goods within the time of shipment from the port of shipment

13、to the port of destination. Transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed. 2)裝運單據(jù):賣方裝運時,應隨貨附第10 條中規(guī)定的第 1 , 2 和 3 項正本單據(jù)各 1 份。Shipping Documents: the Seller has ship one original set of documents including item 1 , 2 and 3 stipulated in Clause 9.1 with the goods.12. 質(zhì)量保證: Guarantee of Quality: 賣方

14、應保證所供貨系由新的最上等材料,頭等工藝制成、全新未曾用過,以及符合本合同 規(guī)定的質(zhì)量、性能、規(guī)格和技術要求。保修期是發(fā)貨日起36 個月。詳見合同技術附件。賣方應在保修期內(nèi)對貨物進行免費維修。The seller guarantees that the commodity hereof is madeof the best materials with the first class workmanship, brand new and unused, and complies in all respectscon forms to the tech ni cal manu als of th

15、e commodities con tracted. The guara ntee period shall be_36 mon ths coun ti ng from the date of shipme nt. Details asper con tract tech ni cal attachme nt. The Seller shall be resp on sible for the repair duri ng the guara ntee period free of charge.13. 檢驗及索賠:In spection and Claim:(1)在交貨前,制造商應出具關于質(zhì)

16、量、規(guī)格、性能、數(shù)量或重量證明書,證明貨物符合合 同規(guī)定。此證明書為向付款行議付的完整文件的一部分,但不作為質(zhì)量、規(guī)格、性能以 及數(shù)量或重量的最終結果。制造商幵出的檢測結果應成為質(zhì)量證明書的一部分。Before the delivery, the manufacturer shall make a precise and comprehensive in specti on of the goods as regards the quality, specificati on, performa nee and qua ntity/weight; issue certificates, cer

17、tify ing that the goods are in con formity with the stipulati ons of this con tract. The certificates shall form an in tegral part of the docume ntatio n to be prese nted to the pay ing bank for n egotiatio n but shall not be considered as final results in respect of quality, specification, performa

18、 nee and qua ntity/weight. Particulars and results of the test carried out by the manu facturer must be show n in a stateme nt which has to be attached to theQuality Certificate.貨物到達目的港,買、賣雙方應就貨物的規(guī)格、數(shù)量或重量方面進行初檢。貨物的規(guī)格數(shù)量應完全同本合同規(guī)定一致。如有不符,所造成的損失(包括被海關扣貨、罰款等,)由賣方承擔。買方保留追究賣方法律責任的權利。After arrival of the go

19、ods at the port of dest in atio n, the prelim in ary in specti on shall be carried out in respect of the specifications and quantity/weight of the goods with the presence of the buyer and seller. The quantity and specificationof goods shall be in conformity with the stipulations of this contract. If

20、 not, losses including the detainment of the goods in the Customs, penalty etc, shall be borne by the Seller. The Buyer has the right to prosecute the Seller.(3) 貨物到達目的口岸之后 90 天內(nèi),如果貨物的質(zhì)量、規(guī)格、數(shù)量與合同中規(guī)定的不相符, 除應由保險公司或運輸公司負責外,買方有權憑中國進出境檢驗檢疫局開具的商檢證書 拒收貨物或向賣方提出更換新貨,且費用(如商檢費、返回貨物更換過程的運費、保險 費、倉儲及裝卸費、出口代理費等)均由

21、賣方承擔。Within 90 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, should the quality, specifications, or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract besides those claims for which the insurance company or the shipping company are liable, the buyer shall, on

22、 the strength of the Inspection Certificate issued by State Administration of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People 's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as CIQSA), have the right to claim for refusing to accept or for replacing with new goods, or and the expenses(such as ,

23、inspection charges, freight for returning the goods and for sending the replacement, insurance premium, storage and loading and unloading charges, agent 's fee of export, etc.) shall be borne by the seller.(4) 買方在第 12 條規(guī)定的保質(zhì)期內(nèi),如操作過程中發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物工藝低劣或使用不良材料或不 是由于操作不當而達不到合同有關質(zhì)量技術要求,應立即以書面形式通知賣方并根據(jù)中國 進出境檢驗

24、檢疫局開具的商檢證書提出索賠。賣方在向買方理賠的同時,應負責立即設法 排除故障,更換整件或零部件。如有必要,買方可自行排除故障,費用由賣方承擔。As regards quality, the seller guarantees that if, within guarantee period as specified in clause 12 hereof, in the event of damages occurring in the course of operation by reason of inferior quality of bad workmanship and not b

25、y improperoperation , the buyer shall notify the seller immediately in writtenand put forwarda claim supported by the In specti on Certificate issued by CIQSA. The seller in accordanee with the buyer' s claim shall be responsible for the immediate elim in ati on of the defect(s), complete or par

26、tial replaceme nt of the commodityaccording to the state of defect(s).Whennecessary, the buyer shall be at libertyto elim in ate the defect(s) himself at the seller' s expe nses.(5) 賣方收到買方索賠通知后,如在三十天內(nèi)不答復,應視為賣方同意買方提出的一切索 賠。Any and all claims shall be regarded as accepted if the Sellers fail to re

27、ply with in 30 days after receipt of the Buyer' s claims.14. 軟硬件產(chǎn)品的調(diào)試、修復、升級及售后服務(1) 賣方承諾,本合同產(chǎn)品的軟件部分終身免費升級。(2) 鑒于買方購買本合同產(chǎn)品是用于項目研究、及項目幵發(fā),故針對買方在項目研究、及項目幵發(fā)過程中發(fā)現(xiàn)的賣方產(chǎn)品BUG兼容問題、宣稱的功能未能實現(xiàn)等各項產(chǎn)品問題,賣方應及時解決、修復。解決期限最長不得超過一個月。如賣方不能及時解 決相關問題,造成買方幵發(fā)項目不能按期完成,買方有權退貨。Debugging, maintenance, upgrade, and after-sales

28、 services of software and hardware products.(1) The Seller promises to provide life-long upgrade services for the software ofproducts, free of charge.Con sideri ng that the Buyer buys products here in for the purpose of project research and developme nt, the Seller shall solve and fix any faults rel

29、ated to products,includingbugs, compatibility problems, and unfulfilled functions that are promised,with in a mon th. If the developme nt project of the Buyer cannot be fini shedon time due to the failure in solving related problems by the Seller, the Buyer has the right to return the product.15. 不可

30、抗力: Force Majeure: 在履行合同的過程中,由于不可抗力如戰(zhàn)爭、火災、洪水、臺風及地震等因素或其它雙方 認可的因素造成賣方(或買方)不能履行合同,賣方(或買方)對此不負責任。賣方(或 買方)應在此后的 14 天之內(nèi)立即將上述情況通知對方, 并將事故發(fā)生地政府主管機關出具 的事故證明書用空郵寄交買方 (或賣方)為證, 并取得對方認可。 在上述情況下,賣方 (或 買方)仍有采取一切必要措施從速交貨的責任。如事故超過 10 周,買方有權取消本合同。The seller/the buyer shall not be held responsible for being unable to

31、 carry out this contract due to Force Majeure such as war, serious fire, flood, typhoon and earthquakes or other events agreed upon by both parties, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The seller/the buyer shall advise the buyer/seller immedi

32、ately of the occurrence mentioned above within fourteen days thereafter, the seller/the buyer shall send by airmail to the buyer/the seller for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the Competent Government Authorities where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.Under such circu

33、mstances, the seller/the buyer, however, is still under obligation to take all necessary measures to expedite/take the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 10 weeks, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract.如因原產(chǎn)國政府出口限制等因素造成賣方不能履行合同,所有損失由賣方承擔。The seller shallbe

34、ar all the cost for being unable to carry out this contract dueto the government factors such as exporting limitation etc., in origin country.16. 延遲交貨及罰款: Late Delivery And Penalty:如賣方未按合同規(guī)定準時交貨,除本合同第 15 條款規(guī)定的不可抗力之外, 在賣方同意支付罰款的情況下,買方應同意賣方延期交貨。罰款可由支付銀行在議付貨款時扣除。在延遲 交貨的情況下,罰款金額最大不能超過遲發(fā)貨物總值的5%。罰款率為每 7 天

35、 0.5%,少于 7天按 7天計算。如果賣方交貨期比合同規(guī)定時間延遲了10 周,買方有權撤銷合同,盡管如此,賣方仍需付罰款金,不能拖延。 Should the seller fail to make delivery on time stipulated in the Contract , with exception of Force Majeure causes specified in clause 15 of this contract, the buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the selle

36、r agrees to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment. The penalty, however, shall not exceed 5%of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days, odd days less than seven days should be counted

37、as seven days. In case the seller fails to make delivery 10 weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the contract, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract and the seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the buyer without delay.17. 仲裁: A

38、rbitration: 凡與本合同或執(zhí)行本合同而發(fā)生的一切爭議,應通過友好協(xié)商解決。如果不能解決,則應 在中華人民共和國申請仲裁 . 仲裁費用由敗訴方承擔。 仲裁過程中, 雙方應繼續(xù)執(zhí)行合同的 其他部分。All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for18. 關稅及其他稅收: Taxes and Duties:a. 在中國境內(nèi)與本合同履行有關且應由買方承擔的稅收,均由中國政府按稅收法向買方征 All taxes, which arise inside of China in connection with the execution of this contract levied by the Chinese Government on the buyer in accordance with the tax laws, shall be borne by the buyer.b.


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