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1、襄陽(yáng)一中高二年級(jí)期末綜合檢測(cè)題3使用時(shí)間:姓名:卄 i=r.考號(hào):6第五單元)B. Coi nsC. Train tickets.C. By being on a dietC. A uni versity stude ntA. At a shop B. At a bankC. At a restaura ntC. Soldier reunionA. 4B. 5 C. 9C. She dislike her jobC. At hos pitalC. He misses his motherD. add to34 from beh ind and to my left. I had no idea

2、 what he said, the36building. After a moment I realized he wasn' 37).They the n 39 in front of my car. And I heard the man tell _ my flat! As I timidly (膽怯地)walked back, I could hear himevery46roadour youth to be hono rable, maki ng the world a safer p lace for wome n, for every one.31. A. lostB

3、.changedC. boughtD. clea ned32. A. certainB. disa ppoin tedC. curiousD. worried33. A. sto pp edB. pulledC. hitD. ig nored34. A. voiceB. cryC. shoutD. laughter35. A. ifB. becauseC. althoughD. uni ess36. A. nearestB. oldestC. sameD. last37. A. askingB. up sett ingC. follow ingD. hurting38. A. Con fide

4、 ntlyB. CalmlyC. GladlyD. Surprisin gly39. A. restedB. gatheredC. p layedD. ate40. A. fixB. chooseC. makeD. reach41. A. p olicema nB. ladiesC. boysD. passengers42. A. measureB. behaviorC. reasonD. health43. A. injuredB. chargedC. blamedD. attacked44. A. singingB. runningC. ju mpingD. tryi ng45. A. r

5、espon sibleB. gratefulC. an xiousD. famous襄陽(yáng)一中高二英語(yǔ)綜合訓(xùn)練題(選修第一部分:聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)聽下面五段對(duì)話,回答15題1. What does the woma n like collect ing best?A. Sta mps2. Which country found lovely music is good for people 'heart?A. AmericaB. AustraliaC. Russia3. How does the man lose weight?A. By swim mingB. By runni

6、ng4. What is the man 'son now?A. Pupil B. A middle school stude nt5. Where does the con versati on take p lace?聽第六段材料,回答68題6. What are the two sp eakers talk ing about?A. Family reunion B. Classmates reunion7. How many childre n were at the get-together?8. What is the woman 'attitude to the

7、reunionA. Disa ppoin tedB. SatisfiedC. Just so-so聽第七段材料,回答911題9. What is the relati onship betwee n the two sp eakers?A. Doctor and p atie ntB. Teacher and stude ntC. Husba nd and wife10. Where does the man find the environmen tal Discovery courses?A. In the news paperB. On the In ternetC. On TV11.

8、How old is Victory? A. 4B. 7 C. 8聽第八段材料,回答1214題12. Where does the con versatio n take p lace?A. In an office B. At hos pitalC. At home13. What is the woma n taki ng?A. LunchB. Medici neC. Her temp erature14. Why does the woman 'sister ask a month off?A. She has cancer B. Her husba nd has cancer聽

9、第九段材料,回答1517題15. What is the woma n in the con versati on?A. A doctor B. A stude nt C. A teacher16. Where is the man 'wife now?A. In LondonB. At home17. Why isn 'Carl happy today?A. He has a high fever B. He does n'tiove his father 聽第十段材料,回答1820題18. What is the good points of traveli ng

10、accord ing to the p assage?A. You can see beautiful sce neriesB. You can enjoy a lot of thingsC. You can kee p your body healthy.19. What is the main reas on why people like traveli ng?A. Killi ng timeB. Studyi ngC. Pleasure20. What should you do if you want to know more about a foreig n coun try?A.

11、 TravelB. Read magaz ines C. Surf on the Intern et.第二部分:詞匯知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié):多項(xiàng)選擇(共 10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)21. Foreig n trade, theof goods betwee n n ati ons, takes p lace for many reasons.A. excha ngeB. barga inC. p roduct ionD. bus in ess22. If not con trolled, some terrible diseases will sp read in the

12、 stricke n areas after the terrible earthquake.So people there are inn eed of medical teams.A. an xiousB. p erma nentC. sp ecificD. des perate23. Mark said that he was unfit for the job, so he decided tofrom the company.A. sufferB. resig nC. retireD. esca pe24. I decide toa more p ositive attitude a

13、fter heari ng the movi ng story of the disabled sin ger.A. ada ptB. ado ptC. acce ptD. arrange25. The gover nment work report covers a variety of issues, and social justice.A. in com monB. in gen eralC. in p articularD. in p ractice26. To p ull through, the Press is trying to get more readers toits

14、n ews papers in stead of cutti ng dow n expen ses.A. con tribute toB. tend toC. submit toD. subscribe to27. David is the curre nt holder of the 5,000-meter world record, but there is nothat he will win in the Oly mp ic Games.A. i nsura neeB. pro miseC. guara nteeD. outcome28. You should kee p it in

15、mind: Don timp orta nt things too quickly; in stead, you should think twice before you go.A. decide onB. depend onC concen trate onD. focus on29. If you are invited to any special occasion such as a wedding or a celebration, you 'have to bedressed.A. attractivelyB. approp riatelyC. conven ti on

16、allyD. flexibly30. Any car that wouldthese young customers has to have three main features, great style, strong p erforma nee and alow p rice.A. atte nd toB. con tribute toC. app eal to第二節(jié):完形填空(共 20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)I was on the shoulder of a busy highway in Chicago, looking at my tool-box andspare tir

17、e (備用輪胎 ).I had _31tires before that was not a big deal but I was 32 about being app roached by ano ther person while stuck on the side of the road, or being 33 by a p ass ing car.As I bent into the trunk (后備箱),I heard a ma n ' .35 when I heard his voice I screamed and ran towardme, so I turned

18、to see what he was doing.38, I saw a mi nibus full of boy scouts (童子軍隊(duì)員the boys to remove the spare tire from my trunk to 40 sp eak ing to the 41 .See, boys," he said to them, fhis young lady is terrified, and for good 42. Thousands of young women are 43year. She did the right thing 44 like tha

19、t." He then told the boys how they, as men, are 45 not only for and p rotect ing them. After he made that 47, he gave ste p-to-ste p in struct ions on cha nging a flat on the side of the48.The boys learned a lot that day, and so did I. I ' so grateful there are 49 men in the world. I saw on

20、e,5046. A. app eali ng toB. aimi ng atC. bringing upD. watch ing over47. A. decisi onB. poi ntC. mistakeD. pro mise48. A. naturallyB. freque ntlyC. safelyD. easily49. A. stro ngB.happyC. braveD. hono rable50. A. allowi ngB. warni ngC. orderi ngD. teach ing第三部分:閱讀理解(共 20小題;每小題分 2分,滿分40分)AI studied en

21、gin eeri ng after enjoying top marks, as high school came relatively easy. Then uni versity life came!I thought that I must have some lear ning disorder, as it seemed that every one else was absorb ing the material and making p rogress while to me it was an in surm oun table (不能克服的 )struggle. There

22、were n ever eno ugh hours in the day and weeke nd to atte nd the lectures, study the less ons and the n do the assig nment.During my darkest hour I called home to speak to my father:Dad, I don t think can handle this. ” My father then saidsometh ing, which cut through me like a knife: There is no re

23、turning home. If you quit, the n you are on your own. ”I hung up thinking what a terrible heartless thing to say. Then, I determined to somehow gut it out (堅(jiān)持至U底 ).There seemed to be no other choices available! Soon afterwards, I no ticed a sigh p osted in a campus com mon area stati ng: Studying Sk

24、ills ” with a place & time to meet. It said that there is help available”. I attended that meeting! I soon discovered there were several others in a similar situatio n and that every one wan ted to hel p each other get through this challe nging first term. I soon found a study partner, who helpe

25、d me a lot, and I was grateful to him for his kind help.Yes, it was still a very challe nging first year, but I found the n eeded stre ngth and support to get through it. In fact my father has bee n helping me since the n, but he has done it in ano ther way. I know now in my heart that he did the ve

26、ry best help he could to help me fly. Thanks Dad for the pu sh!51. The story happened when the author.A. just came to the new high schoolB. was in his first term in uni versityC. was in the last year of high schoolD. had bee n in the uni versity for one year52. What was the author' p roblem?A. H

27、is father refused his request of retur ning home. B. His father said some terrible words to him.C. He found the course difficult to un dersta nd. D. He could not un dersta nd his teachers.53. How did the author get through his challe nge successfully?A. He got help from his father in ano ther way.B.

28、 He cha nged the p lace and time for study.C. He joined those who helped each other. D. He p aid more atte nti on to study.54. Which of the followi ng is the most suitable title for the text?A. Differe nces betwee n high school and uni versityB. My time in uni versityC. The imp orta nee of being str

29、ict with childre nD. P ush from my fatherBFlowers only bloom (開花)whe n they are plan ted in the right soil. That is also true for me.I first moved to Foxboro, Massachusetts, as a single mother with my baby daughter, Darcy. I was drawn to its New England beauty, friendly people and rich history. It h

30、appened that there were a lot of forsythia (連翹)bushes around the house in which I lived just like my childhood home. I jo ined St. Mark ' Episcopal Church where I taught the Sun day school. At church, I met my sec ond husba nd, Dean. For more tha n 25 years, I bloomed in Foxboro, and I had ano t

31、her two childre n.Then, whe n Darcy was a few years out of college, she moved to Alameda, Califor nia, to be n ear frien ds. I missed her badly. A year later my beloved husba nd Dean had deadly cancer. He only made it eight mon ths. My heart was broke n. Later I moved to Alameda with my childre n. I

32、t was a beautiful Victoria n isla nd, and I was grateful to spend more time with Darcy. I even atte nded a church and made a few friends there. Still, I could n 'the Ip but miss Foxboro. It had everyth ing and every one I loved.One spring day, whe n I was walk ing by a school, someth ing yellow

33、caught my eyes. Forsythia bushes! They made me homesick and I kept back my tears. “Imiss you, Foxboro,” I whispered. Then I went into a shop and looked at some ceramic(陶瓷的)pots lined up on a shelf. A large white one seemed to catch my attention.That'l be perfect in my livingroom," I thought

34、.“ NewEngland Pottery, Foxboro, Massachusetts. ” AI turned it over to look at the p rice. In stead I found these words:piece of artwork, from my sec ond hometow n, was right here. It was able to sp read across the country and so were forsythia bushes. I took it as a sig n that I can bloom, right whe

35、re I am.55. From the text we lear n that the author.A. gave birth to three childre n in Foxboro B. plan ted forsythia bushes around her houseC. got to know her sec ond husba nd at church D. worked as a middle school teacher in Foxboro56. The author moved to Alameda so that she could.A. have more tim

36、e together with DarcyC. visit her childre n at Alameda College freque ntly57. When the author saw forsythia bushes at a schoolA. wan ted to buy a ceramic pot to put them inC. felt they would look great in her livi ng room58. Why does the author compare herself to flowers?A. Because she wan ted to sh

37、ow she likes flowers.B. forget the sorrow at her husband ' deathD. enjoy the beautiful scenery on the Victoria n isla nd she.B. thought of her life in FoxboroD. believed they were real art workC. Because she moved across the country just like flowers.B. Because she can live in any p lace that is

38、 right like flowers. D. Because girls are like flowers that are bloomi ng.CDuring my review for the medical boards, I gained 101 pounds in four mon ths and pro mised to exercise whe n all of this was over. I successfully p assed the medical boards and now I have to face the music.One mornin g, I wok

39、e up and decided to go to a park to start work ing out. I got out of bed, washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on my sports shoes. Then I headed for the p ark. While going there, I decided to set a goal for myself, that, I had to finish 10 rounds before I went home.Upon reach ing the p ark, I jo

40、 ined the people in walk ing around the p ark. I was enjoying every ste p, breathi ng in fresh air, app reciat ing the gree n grass and look ing at the dried leaves falli ng from the trees while liste ning to my iPod.On my 5th roun d, I felt tired, hungry and thirsty. I thought of giv ing it up, goi

41、ng home and slee ping aga in. As the idea battled in my min d, I was remin ded about the goal I had set just a while ago. I kept on walk ing and as I looked aroun d, I saw myself in the midst of men and wome n much older tha n me who continued to move on. Some eve n suffered from a stroke(中 風(fēng))that h

42、ad difficulty walk ing, some took on small ste ps with a cane on hand and some took on p auses before they con ti nued their walk but still they kept on walk ing.Sudde niy I realized that each of us has set our own goals in our lives, such as reach ing a dream, buildi ng up a career, correct ing a p

43、 ast mistake or start ing a bus in ess. The pro cess won 'be easy. We may encoun ter(遇至 U) a lot of difficulties and obstacles that may push us to just give up.Amazed by the men and wome n whom I walked with that mornin g, I fini shed my goal in the end.Let us be inspired with the people around

44、us who exp erie nee the same or even a greater amount of difficulty but still don t give up and con ti nue un til they reach their goals and no ware savori ng (享受)their success.59. What does the un derl ined sentence in Paragra ph 1 mean?A. Now I don t feel like listening to my iPod. B. Now I have t

45、o care more about my health.C. Now I have to take p hysical exercise. D. Now it is time for me to liste n to music.60. What did the author do on his way to the park?A. He worked out a plan for his future. B. He reflected on the causes of his overweight.C. He decided to finish 10 rounds that morning.

46、 D. He planned to take exercises every day.61. When the author was walk ing the 5th round.A. he didn t want to continue walkingB.he foundit easy to keep his promiseC. he was enjoying walk ing in the parkD.he wastoo tired to kee p up with others62. What inspired the author to finish 10 rounds that mo

47、rning?A. The goal he kept in mind.B. His stro ng will to kee p fit.C. The good figure he wan ted.D. The people exercis ing in the p ark.DMore tha n half of the parents in the Un ited States are helping, or have help ed, support their adult childre n who have been hit by high unemployment and poor wa

48、ges(工資),according to a new survey. It showed that present economic con diti ons are discouragi ng young adults from leavi ng home and forci ng those who have already gone, so-called boomera ng kids, to return.Parents are con ti nuing their finan cial in volveme nt Ion ger tha n we exp ected,” said T

49、ed Beck, p reside nt of Nati onal En dowme nt for Finan cial Educati on (NEFE).About 60 percent of parents questio ned in the survey said they 'e helping their adult childre n who are no Ion ger in school finan cially. Half are p rovid ing hous ing and n early half are helping with livi ng expen

50、 ses.For an in creas ing nu mber of adult childre n, the situatio n is bad. Two-thirds of adult childre n, aged 18 to 39, who are not in school said they faced tougher finan cial p ressures tha n p revious gen erati ons, accord ing to the survey. And n early on e-third of parents agreed that it was

51、easier for them to find their finan cial feet tha n for their childre n.Parents are helping their childre n out of genuine concern because they do not want to see them struggle. But Beck said that parents who make sacrifices (犧牲)to help their adult childre n should be careful about their own finan c

52、es.“f you are tak ing on extra debt or delay ing(推遲)retireme nt to help your adult child, you could be making a mistake and pu tt ing your own finan cial future in dan ger, ” Beck warn ed.Boomera ng childre n can also cause other p roblems for their paren ts. Thirty p erce nt of parents said they ha

53、d give n up p rivacy since their adult childre n moved back home, while more tha n a quarter have take n on added debt, and seve n p erce nt have delayed retireme nt. But the survey also showed 42 percent of adult childre n livi ng at home are helping with the cook ing and clea ning.63. Accord ing t

54、o the text, boomera ng kids refer to.A. married adult childre nB. grow n-ups livi ng with parentsC. adult childre n independent and successful in lifeD. young adults depending on parents for finan cial support64. Accord ing to the survey, we can infer that.A. about 30% of parents offer their adult c

55、hildre n hous ingB. on e-third of adult childre n earn money more easily tha n their parentsC. two-thirds of adult childre n are faced with finan cial p roblems in schoolD. about 50% of parents give money to their adult childre n to cover the daily cost65. What is Ted Beck 'suggestion to the par

56、ents?A. Ask ing their childre n to help with the housework.C. Leav ing their childre n to struggle to live.66. What would be the best title for the text?A. Adult childre n are less independentB. Being careful whe n helping their childre n finan cially. D. Pu tt ing off their time of retireme nt.B. P

57、arents help support adult childre n D. Adult childre n like livi ng with parentsEThe rapid growth of cities worldwide over the n ext two decades will cause sig ni fica nt risks to people and the global en viro nment, accord ing to an alysis.Researches from Yale and Stanford p redict that by 2030 urb

58、a n areas will expand by 590,000 square miles n early the size of Mon golia to meet the n eeds of 1.47 billi on more people livi ng in urba n areas.It is likely that these cities are going to be developed in places that are the most biologically diverse, ” said Karen Seto, a famous scientist at Yale University. “ Theyare going to be growing and expanding in


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